Coronavirus Worries
I hope this lightens the mood a little. Elaine has just spotted a BTL Comment in 'The National' newspaper:
Classified Adverts: 'I have an unopened pack of Lidl Toilet Rolls. Willing to swap for a 4 bed bungalow in Ayrshire ...'
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Interesting looking at the content of this thread. In the early days comment was quite flippant but not so much now. We've just cancelled a trip to Bolton Abbey to see family and friends which means lots of mingling. My wife has "underlying health problems" and we are mid 70's just seems daft to take the risk. Stay safe.
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I popped into FarmFoods and lidl this morning. Neither had any toilet rolls but shelves full of food. I didnt need any bought some last week before panic set in.
Personally if I was stocking itll be on what's going in and not worrying about what's coming out! So long as we have running water and soap 😉.
FarmFoods guy on the till said people came in and bout 6 x18 rolls, then coming back in and repeating 😱😱.
Certainly raised a smile.
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Lots of toilet rolls in Booths yesterday. Plenty of folks still out and about up here, Malham village was packed as we drove through yesterday. Skipton seemed normal today, car parks full.
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The information so far is "Keep Calm " there are no shortages , and be sensible if going to crowded places ,Wash Hands If Been In Contact with Surfaces In Public Areas ! Or Wear Gloves
Ps , when paying for anything in shops , use contactless if possible, instead of cash
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FarmFoods guy on the till said people came in and bout 6 x18 rolls, then coming back in and repeating 😱😱.
Vindaloo can do that to you.
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As is stated on QI quite often ,as yet, "no body knows"and we are still in "containment mode" as of today
Ps go early
it might be cheaper then you could stay longer
just get a bio hazard suit and all other parphinalier before departure as could be in short supply down there
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We are the same David, we don't go until mid April so might get a better idea by then
if still bad might change ferry booking and do something else.
Spain seems to be a bit of a jinx for us been trying to get back there since 2016 when OH took ill and we had to cut it short, everytime we plan to go back something always prevents it.
There is always the back end of the year
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Ps, just been a press conference and chief medical officer admits , in 10 to 14 days they will not be able to control spread , and even those with minor flue like symptoms will be asked to self isolate,
Watch out for the next scrum for supplies in shops
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Plenty of toilet rolls in Aldi & Tesco in Huntingdon today, no panic buying here, and probably good supply chain to the stores.
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We went to Costco on Saturday for a normal shop that includes toilet rolls as stock as at home are at replenish level. None at all, nor paper towel, tissues or anything else paper.
a note saying a delivery due later that day.
later on going out to a family event that had another Costco on the route. Called in to see if loo rolls available. Same as other store.
Sunday went online and ordered the minimum quantity, which is also the maximum allowed per customer. Later this week we will receive 2 packs of 40 loo rolls instead of the one we went for. How bizarre.
Wasnt the footage on social media from Australia, where loo rolls come exclusively from China?
People at work cancelled a hen night in Cardiff due to fears of large crowds.
The world has gone mad.
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No. We are due to head east towards L'Estartit but I see from the news and Pf's post that Haro is in lockdown. We were due to drive through and stop at Logroño which is just beyond Haro. I also see that the Spanish govt. are having an meeting tomorrow about taking emergency measures. This could easily mean no movement in or through that area. If they do impose measures it depends where they will impose them. Will it be just a containment area from Haro and surrounding towns such as Logrono or will it be the region of La Rioja?
If the former then we may be able to head via France and go the other side but I'll have to make some urgent plans. We may yet be thwarted but if so then so be it. We may even be too close to rearrange for later in the year but again it's beyond my control so no point worrying about it. Will have to check our T&Cs.
Who ruddy cares about toilet rolls?😢
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For those in Consett, no toilet paper in Morrison's but plenty in Tesco Extra, obviously that extra 500m out of town makes all the difference.
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Another take on the Stock piling of certain items by some, was noted tonight on our local tv channel, the reason for stocking up is not because of shortages , but to be ready in case it gets really bad and have to stay in doors specially if one is in the very high risk groups
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Wasnt the footage on social media from Australia, where loo rolls come exclusively from China?
Industry expert Tim Woods, the managing director of Industry Edge which has been analysing the pulp and tissue industry for 25 years for business customers, said Australia was about 80 per cent self-sufficient in toilet paper manufacturing. He also said that the industry could increase production
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Thanks for the moral support Tammy.
I can't afford to be locked down in an area that has the highest total in Spain! Seeing as North Wales is still, but probably not for long, free of the virus we may well be a bit safer there until it all blows over.
When we set off on Saturday southwards Spain and the UKs total recorded cases were not far apart but they have certainly spiked. I did read that over 60 cases in Haro were suspected to have caught it from a single fellow funeral attendee, who had travelled abroad before the funeral.
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WN, I'm sorry to hear your plans might not go ahead. We've cancelled a break much closer to home as there are a significant amount of cases in that area. I've been looking at CLs that are a bit more isolated and I've found one that might suit us, it has walking access to local facilities if needed. We haven't been able to have a break since last October and I need to avoid any more respiratory bugs as much as I can but I'd love to get away! We'll leave it till nearer the time we hoped to go away. My personal feelings are it's not going to get better for any of us and we don't need to add to problems elsewhere. We had a pub lunch in Wiltshire today and a young lad in the bar said "so and so's self isolating" it wasn't what we wanted to hear and I hope he hadn't been near "so and so."
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Having suggested to "those who decide" that it might be a good idea to cancel our upcoming Guide Coffee Morning, not only on the grounds that so many people in close proximity is a bad idea, but also on the ground that people may stay away and the huge effort be wasted........the function is to go ahead.
Cannot say that as an at risk old codger I am happy. I will be taking the money at the door, hope the dosh is clean! OH and DD will be manning the kitchen, so reasonably isolated.
I was also supposed to be patrolling the car park before the event, but OH has told "those who decide" that she cannot allow me to do that in my current reduced state, so that is good. I was not looking forward to standing around outside for an hour in the cold, and probably, wet!
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It looks as if many plans could be upset in the coming months be it abroad or at home. We have not been away this year because of all the work in the house. Now we are faced with the situation do we actually want to go away given the situation is so fluid. It is difficult to imagine that we have been so clever in the UK that we will avoid a major outbreak and the evidence suggests we won't. I can't see us making plans for at least 6 weeks when we will have a better picture of how things are going. Well I do have one Christmas jigsaw still to do!!! Worrying times. Feel sorry for anyone having to cancel or having second thoughts, difficult choices ahead.
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I was just wondering, as I cannot remember, what it was I posted yesterday that had to be removed!
My memory is rubbish these days.
We still intend to go away towards the end of the month, where we are heading is not exactly well populated, so not particularly worried.