Coronavirus Worries
Good post David. It certainly ‘feels’ like things are moving at pace now. I could be wrong, but I really can’t see us making it to France this year. I’ll be making the final decision much closer to the time though. There does at times seem to be an element of hysteria over this, and it’s very easy to become paranoid. Most of the time, I try not to take it too seriously, but out today, I found myself trying to keep my distance from other shoppers. Mad...☹️
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Best to be a little cautious Freddy.
DD was asking whether we still intended to go away at the end of the month.....not abroad, just up north......she is worried about us. Even though we pointed out that we will really not be mixing with a lot of people, and being in our own van is better than hotels.
She is a worrier.
More likely to catch something off little Callum, who brings all sorts home from nursery, or off SIL who teaches in a large secondary school
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Here in Bristol, we’ve only had two reported cases, so in reality the risk is very low, but it does heighten the senses somewhat. We have several grandchildren, and I’ve already told them they’ll have to wash their hands every time they visit.
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My daughter keeps texting us ,"adviseing "us to stay at home,, as we are both in the more vunerable group, at this time we are inclined to take notice, but we still need to go shopping, and tomorow is a must, as we need to,get some food,
So it will be a quick as possible trip to Aldi
The area we live is right on the town boundary,, and wherever Rosa and I walk it is only other dog walkers, horse riders that we tend to see,
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Careful there JVB
I think covid 19 was supposed to have crossed over from the animal kingdom !!
So if you catch anything from one of those horses, well, you just might be in the first three at Cheltenham Festival this week
Just heard on 10 pm news that ALL ITALY IS NOW IN LOCKDOWN !! Schools, universities closed & sports meetings will not take place. No holidays for medics etc, until this battle is over.
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Press Reports about an altercation after someone accused a fellow passenger of 'coughing at me'. Understandable concern, but something that is only covered by implication ['wash your hands' message] is whether, for example, fruit & veg in the supermarket has been handled by anyone who has been less than scrupulous with personal hygiene. Or someone who hasn't bothered to use tongs to select rolls or pastries etc ... And so the list grows.
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We cancelled York and booked Hawes for our up and comming trip.Thinking that walking in the Dales and a smallish market town would be better than a city, where we were planning lots of inside. Although with yesterday's announcement re likely self isolation if you get a cold, I am beginning to wonder. Currently have decided we will go ahead and if one of us should get a cold while away, will head immediately home. Don't fancy self isolating in the MH, too many logistical problems. There is also the issue of the site itself, CC sites aren't exactly overmanned and there are only so many reserves, if those currently running it get a cold.
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I think this virus supersedes boundaries Steve, what ever is applicable over there is equally so here.
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I've had a more or less continual cough for well over 12 months but, during an unrelated hospital admission, the Consultant organised a Scan to establish if there were any associated symptoms in my chest. No abnormalities found and put down to 'one of those oddities', perhaps caused or exacerbated by a retired group of retired friends who walk together, perhaps each shaking off the cough and then passing on to someone else in the group.
In addition to the above, Elaine and I have been prescribed Blood Pressure tablets that also cause a cough, so we're hacking away, being given a wide berth by all and sundry, but nothing related to coronavirus!
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Whole of Italy on Lock down, maybe time to give staycation ago, could cause us problems with more of us touring uk,we only tour in the uk, so many places still not visited and l guess will never see everywhere in the uk before l depart this world, hope they have motor homes on the other side eh!eh!eh!
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Still have plans for 9 weeks 'overthere' starting the end of April, but have delayed any travel bookings, insurance etc. Will give it a few more weeks to see if travel is curtailed in the 5/6 countries we plan to visit, if so then nothing lost in monetary terms and will perhaps try off peak at the end of this summer instead.
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As mentioned earlier in this thread, we are now just 2 weeks away (on Saturday) to embark on the overnight ferry to Rotterdam from Hull. The advice from Red pennant is the same, no cancellation reimbursement unless declared restricted travel by Government or a Doctors certificate.
So, do we take a hit on fees already paid and stay at home....and this may also apply to the fees paid for our June trip to a considerable financial 'hit'.... Speaking to friends who we meet up with 'over there', the concencus appears to be 'keep vigilant with hygiene and carry on' as usual. I was also pointed to this mornings BBC News web page and the comments by the deputy Chief medical officer.
So unless told otherwise, we are indeed carrying on as usual...
POST EDIT: I think this may be a wake up call for members who book early on ferries etc...
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I suppose it all depends where we are in the cycle of infection? Some are saying we are about two weeks behind Italy and if the situation in that country were to be duplicated here we would be in deep trouble. Hopefully we have the benefit of prior knowledge so precautions we have taken earlier may help to mitigate the consequences here to some extent, but we don't know. It is a difficult one for the Club regarding self cancellation as they will lose money which means we all lose money. Perhaps they could strike a deal with the ferry companies to delay crossing to a later time with minimal cost the the traveller. Anyone who has booked direct with Eurotunnel has the option to delay their crossing for up to a year but I don't know if that is the case with ferry companies. On a personal note I think we will make a judgement on the situation this weekend and if it looks bad we will just lock ourselves in the house for a couple of weeks!!!
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Have just been speaking to relatives in Florence and while they are all OK they are a bit puzzled, annoyed, and even embarrassed by the new lockdown rules. They are all in favour of anything in stopping the spread but these have seemed to have made matters worse?
In particular the mass exodus of people leaving the north before Sunday and spreading the virus further south. And now the queues of people in close proximity at supermarkets stocking up.
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Italy appears to have a very big problem when you look at the statistics, compared with other countries. Definitely a place we would avoid.
I think so long as you avoid the big cities and towns anywhere, keep shopping in big places to a minimum, and limit your adventures to quiet, fresh air activities, it’s no riskier than being at home, providing hand washing, sanitising routines are followed. Most of the big tourist spots probably won’t be open in some places anyway. The main issue might be if you do actually catch it, then it could be a long haul in unknown health services, isolated from loved ones.
We currently have father of a nephew in law in intensive care in Spain, not C19 related, but his son is flying out to support his Mum, and to try and see his Dad, very worrying for everyone. He can’t fly home to be nursed in UK, too risky for him. All the extra restrictions, checks are necessary, but add to the stress.
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Every cloud ...
Steve [Honorary Member of the '40 a day Capstan Full Strength' Club
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Yeah, we were highly amused at a couple we saw yesterday, smoking fags with rubber gloves on.......🤔
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Yes I believe very good, as are many overseas if you have good insurance. Stroke, followed by heart attack, he isn’t good at the moment, but getting good care. We are lucky at home, our local hospitals are very good, although A&E like anywhere else in UK is just overwhelmed. Far too many folks ending up there for the wrong reasons.
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Guardian has just published European figures for reported infections by country. A couple of items earlier, the column also details the first 'racial hatred' attacks connected to coronavirus 'blame'. Makes you want to weep ...