Coronavirus Worries
I must admit to being a bit confused. It seems fairly widely acknowledged, by health proffesionals, that we aren't going to miss the bullet on this one and that we are now in a contain or delay phase. Yet we seem to be doing very little in this respect. Mass gatherings are still permitted and our primary response seems to revolve around hand washing and social distancing. The social distancing kind of conflicts with the mass gatherings.🤔 It is said these sort of restrictions may be brought in when things get worse, however surely by then the proverbial horse will have already bolted.
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2nd death reported😕. I wonder if there’s a cut off point at which the Govt brings in more draconian measures?🤷🏻♂️
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With the latest media report that the FA is looking to ban anyone over 70yrs from attending a football match.....and that Professor June Andrews saying that the virus will be a 'good thing to kill off Bed Blockers'....I wonder how long it will be before we over 70's are told to wave a red flag and ring a bell whenever we leave our homes..!!!
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2 deaths (both with already health problems) out of a population in England of just over 66 million
20+thousand tested with less than150 positive and majority from "overthere"just stay over here
Ps plenty of toilet rolls in our co-op when i got morning paper
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We have been having similar thoughts, not in regard to travelling abroad, as we have no plans, but in connection with the annual Coffee Morning due in 2 weeks time at our local Guide Hall, with which OH is very much involved.
200+ people gathering in a smallish area, lots of children, parents, and grandparents too......not exactly social distancing!
There is a lot of work in running the event, it would be wasted if people stay away.
But is it right to expect people to turn up, and possibly put themselves at risk by buying home baked products and second hand books and toys, eating and drinking beside dozens of others in a restricted area, all in the name of fund raising? Especially when the funds are not actually essential at the moment.
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Err was that to me?🤔. You quoted me but it had no reply to my question🤷🏻♂️
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I just don't get this mass toilet roll buying thing. Have people misunderstood the symptoms?
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Seems they're mass buying pasta as well. It must be the Italian connection.🤷🏻♂️
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The way it was explained about being in crowded events was that if someone had the virus the could infect the people immediately around them but not the whole stadium. The same with any other social gathering. The responsibility really rests on individuals who may be feeling unwell not to go to such events.
For more information from the World Health Authority this is an informative webpage
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It seems the thing to buy. Same at Christmas. Belt full of Turkey etc. And two multi packs of Toilet rolls.😂 The shops only close for a day.
Our ancient freezer is on the blink and we've a new one arriving today, so moved the old one into the garage out of the way. This of course involved emptying it and repacking. I think we will be OK for at least two weeks on the food front, and that's without buying anything extra recently.😀
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If hand sanitisers area alcohol based could there be a shortage in wine and beer - be back soon just going out to get a few bottles.
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No Corners. Being able to wipe your bum the way Westerners do it is one of life’s luxuries if you are a Westerner. That’s why holiday luggage to more exotic climes often includes toilet rolls.
It’s not my priority should the distribution chains get interrupted, I am more interested in flour, dried yeast, pasta, rice, dried fruit, tinned and frozen goods, half a dozen live chickens (eggs) and seed potatoes, veg seeds and some plug plants.......but hey ho, whatever floats your individual boat.🤷♂️
I have no evidence Yorkshire has entered the lock down, panic phase yet, although somewhat strangely Quorn Mince seems unavailable.....🤔
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I noticed empty shelves and freezers when we toiled to Asda on Wednesday. Perhaps the Cornish are ahead of the game or crazier than most🤪
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I have no evidence Yorkshire has entered the lock down, panic phase yet, although somewhat strangely Quorn Mince seems unavailable.....🤔
If things get bad in Yorkshire it'll be the Yorkshire Tea in short supply as everyone says 'by 'eck, this is serious, put kettle on'
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When I first started in schools it was izal 'medicated' paper, even in the staff facilities. The head lost a lot of respect when someone found out he had proper paper in his private toilet.
The only good thing about izal was that if you ran out of tracing paper.
For our younger readers please see attached pic.
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Bit far for TW to go though?
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Agree, over use of anti bac wipes etc.... has possibly not helped youngsters today fight off routine infections, hence lots of allergies to this and that. However, this is like an isolated community coming up against a common cold. They have no immunity, so it gets very bad. This is new, so no one has any immunity, in ten years time it probably won’t be as deadly.
If a vital part of your body doesn’t function well, be it an internal organ, or your antibody mechanism, then it will be serious.
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"..wonder what (really) puts folk in the 'at risk' groups...."
Diabetes, heart disease, weakened immune system, asthma, cancer, the list goes on.....
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this is a very good point, and if you should have to self isolate in an LV if on a site in the remote regions of Spain then life could be very difficult no matter how self sufficient you are, admittedly probably less chance of becoming infected, but you could leave the UK already a carrier and not be aware.
At home we could probably live out of the freezer/cupboards for many weeks, this is normal for us, but stocking up an LV could be difficult , i guess you would have to rely on those around to do the shopping and leave at a suitable distance for you to pick up.
You only need to look at what is happening on cruise ships to see how quickly people become infected and the effects of being shut up for a couple of weeks has on people.
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I think there is a difference between self isolating in your own caravan/other LV and doing so on a cruise. For a start, your pitch size will be a lot bigger than a normal ship cabin and you won't be using so many common areas such as staircases/lifts [witness the constant wiping down of handrails by cruise cleaning crews].
You would need to be a bit like the ancient leper colony dweller, leaving your shopping bag at a 'safe' distance from the caravan for others to deposit the shopping [and passing banknotes to reimburse the Good Samaritan who did the shopping increase the risk of passing infection on].
I'm not volunteering to try self isolation in a caravan. having my heart attack in Spain [and with extremely limited language skills] in late January and being banned from driving for 28 days was bad enough on the 'stir crazy' setting. The primary care was excellent, though, and the free helicopter ride to the nearest major hospital was also brilliant. 2 hours or so after landing and I had 3 new stents [inserted in 2 hits when a second blockage site was found ...]. Only complication was an inability to stop the wrist bleeding at the second wound site, so my left arm was several shades of black, blue, green and yellow for almost 4 weeks afterwards!
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Just a thought when I had stents "installed",I was advised not lift anything ,for two weeks then nothing above 15kg or above shoulder high, was that the info you got,?so had to be car full when useing caravan , and have just come off the medication to reduce clotting and on aspirin for life