Coronavirus Worries
Vinegar, doesn’t smell too good, won’t do your hands a great deal of good, but great for wiping down surfaces. Effective apparently against flu, so I’d give it a go. Disposable gloves for certain tasks as well.
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Working on this theory by this time tomorrow we will have 90 (or there about's) confirmed cases?
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We all know about the transmission from other humans although there is some doubt how long people are infectious before symptoms start to show with one view that it could be as long as four weeks! You can sort of avoid other humans to a degree or at least pre plan your approach. What worries me a bit is how long the virus survives on surfaces. If often occurs to me that whilst I am busy washing my hands having used a public toilet I then have open the door, no doubt undoing all the good work of washing my hands. We were in IKEA yesterday and I noticed they had an antibacterial gel dispenser by the out door which I thought was a good idea. I just wish the the News wouldn't bang on about elderly people, supposedly 65 plus, being most at risk, especially those with underlying health issues, really cheers us up.
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Public loos worry me as well. I always use a tissue/hand wipe to open doors to get out after hand washing , then bin it after exiting.
I have found selective news reading helps DK. There’s a lot of conjecture and misinformation out there.
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It’s not Coronavirus I worry about on public loo door handles🤢
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why all the worries, summer is coming folk are off to warmer /sunnier climates, this is just a brief extract from what the boffins are saying
‘Sunlight will cut the virus’ ability to grow in half, so the half-life will be two-and-a-half minutes and in the dark it’s about 13–20 minutes. Sunlight is really good at killing viruses,’ he said.
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the eternal pessimist, yes there are some cases of coronavirus in warmer climates but places like Australia have not seen a new case in 2 weeks, which they think may be a combination of higher temperatures and good control. Why do you think flu is in the main a winter problem in the UK, and Covid-19 is a strain of flu
In regards to temperature, the virus can remain intact at 4⁰C or 10⁰C for a longer period of time. But at 30⁰C degrees then you get inactivation. And high humidity, the virus doesn’t like it either
Basically, this is a severe form of the cold,’ he said.
you must be reading the red tops
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you must be reading the red tops
Thailand Medical News.
News from yesterday. Australian coronavirus cases rise to 42, including doctor and › world › mar › australian-coronavirus-cases-ri...
6 hours ago - There are now 42 confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia, including one death, prompting the federal government to tighten its travelLast count UK had 51 or so confirmed cases and Australia 42. Not surprising given connections with China. I am not particularly pessimistic
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Our keyboards are reputed to have more bugs than a toilet seat, so wash your hands after reading this post.
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This should cheer you all up!
It is not unreasonable to assume that about 25,000 people a day will be using Club sites very shortly, once they are all open. Most of these will be sharing the one and only toilet block, which will typically comprise of half a dozen toilet cubicles, and probably 4/5 shower cubicles. Those that bother to wash their hands will be sharing a couple of wash basins. All of this in a nice warm, humid atmosphere.
Every day dozens of chemical toilets will be emptied in the same couple of outlets, some of which are indoors. Meanwhile, hundreds of hands will be clasping the waste water and drinking water taps. And, as already mentioned, barrier cards, washroom keys, site office door handles etc. will all be handled.
Self isolating will be virtually impossible, even if your pitch is available for the required period, and if you are unfortunate enough to contract Coronavirus, would you be physically capable of towing your outfit home?
When you consider all of the above, multiply it by many thousands more, including the "other club", plus all the thousands of commercial sites in the UK, and you potentially have what is possibly the worst case scenario for spreading the virus.
Taking all the above into consideration, would anyone want to be in the business of buying and selling caravans and motorhomes right now?
Happy camping!
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Love it, but dont forget there are many on here that will claim they can use their own onboard facilities, but just how long does a toilet cassette last before you need to empty it, please dont answer this until i have had breakfast
but look on the brightside 51 reported cases in the UK of which 11 have now fully recovered, and if you look at the current cases, a large number are from people returning from Italy or Japan. Lets hope it stays this way
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Just been discussing Coronavirus risks with Elaine. Apart from all the 'usual suspects' sources mentioned in earlier posts, there is a risk of infection from handling banknotes in shops, supermarkets etc.
Sales of hand sanitiser will be going through the roof.Might postpone travel plans and invest the cash in Proctor & Gamble or Lever Bros etc. ['Other sanitiser manufacturers are available but I cannot recall any names.]
I'm a little sceptical about the warnings, but this dates back to my late father's demise. He saw the Government Safety Campaign to 'wear Something White at Night' [does this date me?] and went out wearing a White Anorak, white jeans, white trainers and a white woolly hat. He was run over by a snowplough....
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We are both in what is classed the high risk category. However, unless you are going to shut yourself away until August, ( just reading that if it continues escalating, it will peak in 6 / 8 weeks then decline by August) it will be impossible to avoid all risk. I think the best we can do is to practice good hygiene, and keep your distance from folk as much as possible. So visiting museums etc and cramming onto public transport are best avoided. Hopefully the border to Scotland is still open when we head that way in May.😀