What are you all up to
Spent the afternoon emptying out the motorhome in readiness for the swap next week. No way is everything we took out will go in the new one!!!
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After the recent wet spell it was a very heavy going walking this morning over the fields,Rosa needed (to her disgust) a good rinse down ,then had friends come for a good chin wag and a lunch time meal out (cc staff
) the frogs are still very active and Rosa is getting more "confused" as to why the pond is making a funny croaking noise
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Has been dry here in Norfolk till this evening. We spent the day walking round Holkham estate. Guess we did about 8 miles in total. Not very many people about as the house is not yet open. Saw lots of Red Kites as well as a few Buzzards and a couple of Dabchicks on the lake. We have now had the odd shower of rain this evening and the wind is getting up.
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When we changed vans last year David it took us a full day to empty the old one. We agreed at the time that not everything would be going in the new van and we have managed to stick to it (surprisingly) we had stuff in the old van that we didn't even know was there lol.
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We kept putting stuff from old MH's and vans in our shed but decided to have a clear out a couple of years ago and put a lot of it on Freecycle. It was very gratefully received by some very nice folk. Most of them were new to caravanning and starting from scratch.
PS just thought I would mention that it is clear blue sky here in Tenerife this morning and about 21 degrees
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It's a bit wet and windy here Millie so hope you are enjoying warmer climes!
Decided last night to make a break for it, old dog included and head north soon, OH is convinced we'll get snow but maybe not.
We got rid of lots of "stuff" from our previous caravanning days and have made a big effort to travel light but the intention to swap over new "crockery" didn't work and I think I could cater for twenty....must take a look at the cupboards this Spring.
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Ominously quiet outside here at the moment. Not a breath of wind, Wall to wall grey. Cool as well.
Parted with something I was very attached to yesterday, but gained something else in the afternoon. It’s Mum’s 90th today, quite a milestone. Had a lovely meal out Friday, and it’s tea at our place today, a great swopping of presents, as another birthday tomorrow.
Still undecided where to head off to on Tuesday, if we do get off. Wales is forecasting daily rain, so that is on hold.
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Enjoy your trips away brue and tda. I hope the weather is kind to you. Glad your Mum's 90th celebrations are going well tda.
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We are just home from a nice weekend at Strathclyde Park C&MC got out a cycle and the weather eas ok. Very windy this morning so had to take it easy coming home. We are off down to Southport for a few days leaving here next weekend and on the way home we are going to stop in at Keswick for a few nights looking forward to that. Our van is going in to the dealers in Preston to get a warranty repair done on the fridge so we thought since we were going down that way we would make a holiday of it. Hopefully the weather is ok.
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The wind strength is just picking up quite fiercely now, a change from the earlier forecast, quite glad to be inside. Had to stick around as our fiddle playing daughter recorded some music for local radio which will be heard at an exhibition in Taunton. It's all about Bees! I was quite expecting to hear something "buzzy" but it was the background music to a lovely song.
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We arrived home this afternoon, after a last minute break away at a nice basic CL close to the RSPB reserve at Middleton Lakes. We spent most of the day on Saturday at the lakes, enjoying a bit of Bird watching, and a couple of circular walks linking in with the canal tow path. Its a beautiful spot. The Herons were busy nest building, and we saw a couple of Woodpeckers and an Egret too. Before we packed up to leave we went back for an early morning walk before the rain arrived.
Dropped a very filthy van back at the storage compound, its going to need a clean before we head off next time in a couple of weeks
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Glad folks have had nice time away, home or abroad. You all seem to be occupying your time!
TTDA happy birthday to your mum and to yourself when it arrives. I hope you've had/are plenty of celebrations!
Oneputt glad your op went well, fingers crossed for biopsy results.
Rather breezy here can hear it in the chimney, sounded quite high when I walked the grand dog about 6.30. Shes keeping me company until Tuesday. Son and her arrived Friday evening - DIL2B hen weekend, he went down to Sandwich about noon to play in ProAm golf tournament tomorrow and Tuesday. Plan was to play 9 holes this afternoon but rainy and windy and they weren't enjoying it so gave up at 7.
Son saw much improvement in his dad yesterday, it's been more than a week since he'd seen him. I suppose I don't see it as I see him daily. Yesterday he was off the heart monitor and has a walkabout catheter so can go to the toilet. Today his Hickman line, it has lots of hanging access points for various things including blood tests, removed which must make him more comfortable.it was the second one, inserted Friday a week ago for the dialysis, as they've removed the one which was on the other side of his neck following his operation. He was almost awake when I arrived, he slept through them washing, shaving and doing his teeth this morning! Stoke physio's arrived, he used the facilities and then walked about 150 yards and back. Was then given a cognitive test that he was too tired to finish. He did eat a half a sandwich without prompting after his walk and had a bit to drink. Still on a soft diet but swallow has improved, but he's not interested in food, he was on pureed food and thickened liquids, so another improvement. They are still feeding him via nasal gastro tube overnight to build him up he's lost a lot of weight, he has sharp cheekbones! ( I can remove my Jean's without undoing the button or zip 😯😯 might need a new hole in my belt 😂😂 so not all bad! Just need an opportunity to get to the shops!) He sleeps and sleeps which I consider to be good medience. He's had great nursing this time on this ward and it seems to be working. Day 37 of visiting so I've missed February hopefully got a lot more months to enjoy!
Once again thanks for your kind thoughts and wishes they are much appreciated 😀😃
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Let's hope next week brings more improvements B2, I can well imagine that food has lost it's taste for your OH but I'm sure it will come back soon. Hope your son and girlfriend have had a good time and their canine pal keeps you company till they return.
Helen your trip away sounded good, that was a nice photo of the Nuthatch. Our local birds have scoffed all the food we put out and have hunkered down in the todays stormy weather.
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Good to hear things are progressing Bakers. Sorry if I have missed some of your other posts, but I have been thinking about you.
Thanks for the good wishes, Mum and I have had some wonderful gifts, lucky me to have such a lovely sister. Mum’s new bedroom is going down a storm, and it seems to be making life a good bit easier. I have lots more to come tomorrow from OH, who has been doing all sorts of secretive things, and whispered conversations with Sis.
The weather is roaring here now, and due to get worse. Looking at the weather forecast for most places, I think Plan B might come into operation, namely throw stuff into Jeep and head off to a favourite cottage.
I hope your caravan pick up goes well AD, main thing is to keep safe. Same goes for all others out and about, take care.👍
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Wind has dropped in South Cheshire but the sky still looks threatening, so I'm hoping it drops loads of rain / snow on the high tops.
Well I've just paid my Water Rates and I do want to get my full share, just not on my head
Hoping that you all have survived "FREYA" ok with only a change of air and nothing more severe.
Obviously my Very Best Wishes go to all those 'Patients' out there -- just think of me on Friday 'cos I'm supposed to be collecting my new specs then
so Ill be able to see all those Club sites I've booked & check how many Weekends I'm blocking
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It's quiet enough to hear the rustle of birthday wrappings on TDA's presents, hope you have enjoyed your day!
Painful money wise here, new tyres for the M/H, I am nervous of anything new when the last ones have been problem free. But it's time for renewal.
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A painful day in store for us as well Brue as we dropped Mrs WNs car for MOT and Big Service this morning. Due to a mix up they forgot to tell us that we would have to wait all day. the garage is close to Cheshire Oaks and whilst I don't mind the odd hour there I was not best pleased to be told that we would be carless for 6 hours+. The young service chappie realised they hadn't told us (I would have driven my car there as well) and found a spare courtesy car. Phew.
Already spent over £100 on fuel and Shopping today so I expect to have another £300+ to pay later.
Just started raining. I'm off to get some Rhubarb and Apple with yoghurt from the fridge.
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Expensive day here as well - our Discovery is at the garage for a "big" service and MOT - and they have now rung us to discuss all the other "advisory" stuff. OH took the call and I thought he was agreeing to everything, but fortunately he wasn't. Some things will just have to wait.
I've horrified myself even further by looking at changing the car.
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British Gas came today to service our central heating boiler. Bad news is that it needs changing. It is 17 years old so we have been expecting this to happen but days away from paying the balance on our new motorhome I could have done without that news!!! Fortunately we can continue to use it in the short term. We have been thinking of doing some reconfiguration in the kitchen/utility so it might work out for the best. Unfortunately I think moving the boiler will be expensive. Man coming on next Monday to discuss!!!
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It is still very heavy going when out walking across the fields with Rosa not so bad in the woods. ,just got back at lunchtime when it poured down
I have also just received our first CCC members news letter
and it says they are, by this spring introducing a new website to make booking a much easier experience ,which will also assist members to ,it seems ,book a tour by useing club sites
also are going into selling holida homes on some sites
Happy Birthday TTDA
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If it is still safe and working OK, why does it need to be changed?
At 17 it will not be the most efficient, but the cost of changing is not small. We use a local man, it is "Gas Safe" these days JVB, not Corgi, for all our various family gas stuff and his advice on our 31 year old boiler was that, yes, it was inefficient, but as long as it kept going we should keep it as they do not make them like they used to!
The saving on the gas bills will take many years to pay for the cost of a new boiler, and the new boiler will most likely not last that long anyway.
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Had our boiler 40 years this year and our heating engineer told us to hang onto it for as long as we can, so he’s not looking to make money yet.
Happy birthday TDA.
B2 glad to hear of improvements to OH
Walked along the beach to the cliffs this morning where we spotted a Sand Martin, earliest that I can remember
Been a bright birthday t breezy day, the wind is dropping now
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Yes it does need to be changed because there is corrosion in the fire box and the parts are not available. We had a problem a few years ago with rain entering into the boiler via the external exhaust which was sorted at the time but from that point onwards we were on borrowed time as far as the boiler was concerned. The boiler wasn't installed by BG but been service by them and they have proved to be good. We do want to move the boiler anyway so we would only be delaying the inevitable.