What are you all up to
Moved on down to another new CL to us, Matindale Fm, near Pocklington. Good H/S pitches but they are sheltered from the south by tall trees so the vans don't catch a lot of the sun. There is a small dog walk on site, but only the road outside for a longer walk. Will have to see how busy it is in the morning as I like to take Flyte for at least a mile before breakfast.
Have now booked sites up to the third week in March, and have a couple more in mind before we really start to head home.
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Just cos your parked less than 2 miles from a large nuclear power station doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t have power problems. 🏭 Its been a strange day with stuff going really well then other stuff not working at all well. Only about 5 miles from CL and sign said road closed. Followed the diversion for best part of 12 miles to find out road was closed for about 20 feet about 3 miles East of where we wanted to be. Had to reverse for nearly 200 yards before turning in someone’s drive way. After driving through narrow streets of town we finally made it. Frustrated as sign posting could have been so much better. Anyway 14C temperature and a great walk around Minsmere soon got us in a relaxed mood
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Just about to go to bed, all this sitting about in hospital is exhausting!
Well another good day. OH now out of ITU and on high dependency part of ordinary cardiac ward! Much more with it today except when he was tired after activities including walking hand guided only with a chair behind, just in case, for about 10 metres! Speech and language therapist visit not too bad and she seeing him again tues, just checking out his swallow as intermittent. Son & I smiled all afternoon! Son's gone home ready for work tomorrow. Just had text to say he's indoors. Miss him and the dog already!
Night all night johnboy. Does that date me?
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Sorry to hear about the diversion, OP, but glad that you're now all set up ok. We too were diverted, but it was all along A roads. The A171 was closed around Scarborough so we had to use the A165 through the town, but traffic was light.
Good to hear that OH is out of ITU, B2, and that he's much more with it. Good that you has your son along during these unfortunate times. Sleep well.
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Another day at DD's house, doing bits and pieces.
She had ordered a Venetian blind for their bathroom, but somehow managed to order it about 25mm too wide, so it was either bin it or try to cut it down in size. She has procured a blind trimming tool from B&Q and I have spent all afternoon trimming both ends of the 56 slats!
It should fit now, so will hang it tomorrow with her help (supervision).
She tackled her 2 huge hall cupboards over the last few days, the removal men had stuffed them with the contents of the loft from the old house. Some stuff moved elsewhere, some disposed of on Gumtree, and the rest more sensibly arranged. Amazing how empty the cupboards look now. They are on "the list" for painting and organising with lots of shelving, so should be good once it is all done.
Working through her long list, it is mainly little things or stuff she will do herself so it looks like I am coming to the end of my tasks, meantime.
I will not know what to do with myself soon!!
She returns to work this coming Tuesday, but is using all her holiday days, almost a year of them, to only do half days until about June, so really grandparents will only be there as a back up meantime, should she be delayed getting home. At least it will give her time for cleaning, tidying and organising.
There are still some big jobs to do.......new utility room, with flooring and tiling.....garden landscaping........but they are not even on the list yet. Will maybe start on the utility room after our Easter break ......if she has the money for the materials.
Alde in van still not working, will need to read the manual and get out my tools, only about 3 years since we had to have a similar problem fixed.
Van goes for service next week, so hope we can get it working before then, or it will be an expensive service!
Heating we can replace with a fan heater, but hot water is the big problem, without the Alde working, we cannot go away.
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Bakers2, so glad to hear that your OH had a good day yesterday. I expect you will see even more of an improvement in him today
. You will have to get to know a different lot of visitors now that he has been moved. You must be so glad of your son's support throughout the last few weeks.
Both brue and WN sound as though they had a lovely day yesterday with lunch out with friends or family.
We are off to Houghton Mill today with the family. Just for a walk as the site is not open yet (however the tea room is
). The N. Ireland family have heard so much about the area from us so they want to see it for themselves. The grandchildren are hoping to see the Alpacas. It is another beautiful day here.
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Heating we can replace with a fan heater, but hot water is the big problem, without the Alde working, we cannot go away.
Boil a kettle.
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How did we cope when our vans had neither heating nor hot water?🤣
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We spent months without a water heater one year in van. Showers? Boil a few kettles, put this into aquaroll, cool to a perfect temp, hey presto, no fiddling with taps to get a perfect shower! Otherwise use a site with showers.
Just catching up after a few very busy days, hope things are going well with those under medical care. Pleased to say all went well for Mum with her eye problem. Common issue after cataract surgery, last bit that they leave had thickened on one eye, a short blast with laser sorted this in under 10 minutes, and her eyesight is now back to really good. 90 next week, her new bedroom is looking lovely, last finishing touches to go, then furniture back in and she can move in. Sis and I are knackered, but it will be worth it to see her face.
Weather here is absolutely fabulous, 17/18c in day, lovely and sunny. Lots of Spring flowers out early. We have fingers crossed it last a while yet, hoping to get week away early March.
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All these memories of How To Survive without ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, has got me dreaming ** of those long ago camping trips in an ex-army ridge tent with flock s/bag from the same source !!
Small kettle on a Bluet single burner gas stove ( careful or it'll topple over
). Wake up, get up, two fast laps of the field, strip off, wash off, dry off, dress then two more laps then cook breakfast.
Now it takes me that long to roll out of bed & start on the Daily Pill-take
** had to say dreaming 'cos I don't think the word 'Nightmaring' exists Those Good Old Days Brian really does NOT long for
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The weather has been lovely here today, thought we'd have a coffee out at one of our local NT houses, big queue, the reception desks taken up with signing up new members...one family had eight grandchildren with them! Nearly gave up on the coffee.
Have been gardening, cutting things back so not too messy.
Good to hear some progress from the B2 household.
Hope Millie and family enjoy Houghton, I'm sure they will have been impressed with the mill and the scones Millie.
TDA I hope your Mum likes her room. We could never budge my father in law or my mother out of their ancient armchairs which we would have loved to replace for them with something more comfortable. Luckily we didn't have to ask either of them if they'd like a room painted until unfortunately, my father in law left a frying pan on the stove one day. (The whole flat had to be re-done! )
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Similar here brue. But we needed to do something. Her excuse is that she wouldn’t get the longevity out of any new furniture! I may resort to falling over with a pot of paint on the old sofa. No one ever sits on it because it’s so low and uncomfortable. The furniture that is going into her bedroom, chest of drawers and dressing table probably dates from 1930s. It belonged to Mum’s parents, but very nice, well made and suits the house and room. Much better than some of the more modern stuff she has. We bought Dad a new electric chair when he was first taken ill, he needed to have his legs elevated. No one uses it. But I daren’t sell it on. So much junk amongst the treasures.
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Had an easy, peasy drive up ths M6 to our CL in the Southern Lakes for the next 5 nights. Weather weird. Walked up to Gummers How near CL and looked out over Lake Windermere from the southern tip. Could see "The Stickles". Some people have never seen anything from here in Winter! Brill.
Question for Bakers. Pay attention now. What on earth are "pre-wedding photos"? Are they almost the same as "pre-divorce" ones or "shall we have another date"ones? What do they take photos of? Is it like a dress rehearseal without the actual wedding garb? (Obviously not nudist.
). I've lived in ignorance for a long time as I've never ever heard of them. Please explain.
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Lovely day here too, went for a bike ride this morning first one of the year
only did 5 miles but enough to get the legs working.
This afternoon I was back in the garden for a few hours, all looking good. OH finally got round to making a new bit of a fence, only asked him 5 years ago.
Have a good weekend folks.
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Not very practical for showering however!
We are booked on 5 sites over 4 weeks, 1 CAMC, 2 CCC, and 2 no facility CLs, so we would minimum have to cancel the last 10 days of the trip.
Going away in March, with only a small fan heater for warmth does not appeal either.
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Question for Bakers. Pay attention now. What on earth are "pre-wedding photos"? Are they almost the same as "pre-divorce" ones or "shall we have another date"ones? What do they take photos of? Is it like a dress rehearseal without the actual wedding garb? (Obviously not nudist.). I've lived in ignorance for a long time as I've never ever heard of them. Please explain.
your guess is as good as mine! Probably easy way to add at least another £100 to the bill 😉. They had to choose a location, opted for family farm hope theres some decent backdrops to detract from sons eye bags 😂😂. Tonight even he said I might have to raid DIL2B makeup to cover up dark circles. I said ask photographer to use a filter.
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Maybe move to the high dependency part of cardiac ward was a but ambitious. He'd managed to remove his nasal feed tube again, despite promise of his own HCA (healthcare assistant). A senior sister from ITU came to check on him, told her what I'd found and that no nurse in there when he was trying to leave his chair, despite my using a loud voice, another visitor had to get assistance. Saw the matron from ITU ward having a chat and noticed care improved afterwards! ITU were assured that there was cover before they moved him. Not sure when he was last feed and watered before dinnertime tonight.
Apparently I understand he walked about twice as far as yesterday, but he was very tired. Stroke team however didnt appear. Sadly he may have to go back to ITU if bloods don't improve - for kidney filtration, hopefully the fluids that he was finally given about 6.30pm will do the trick before 10pm bloods. Lovely doctors who were very reassuring, but I couldn't get nurse in charge of 4 bed ward to give straight answers! In a way I'd be happier if he were in ITU 😉
On the positive side he recognised everyone in photos except himself, he thought he was his dad! Eventually realised who I was! His sense of humour still there if deeply hidden.
Horrible drive home, fog at ground level making it difficult to see road line, just feels like I know the road well until it came to the test! But plops of rain hitting windscreen intermittently, some huge.
Once again thanks for your thoughts much appreciated.
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Can't you swap to sites with showers, Kjnell, other CC/C&CC/Comm sites or CLs with a shower? It's nice and warm at the moment so perhaps it will last for another month or so, fingers crossed.
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Not the best of days for you both, B2, hope that tomorrow's a lot better.
Glad that you've completed the work on your mother's room, tda, and that she's pleased with it. After OH has completed the work on the roof light you should be ready for the off. Have you chosen a destination yet?
Sounds like a good walk, WN. Did you go up through the forest?
Good to hear that you were able to get out on your bike, TG. Not long now before you set off again, is it?
We went to "Bargain City" this morning. Came away with a pair of trainers and a blouse for her and a PK shirt for me for the huge sum of £25, all told!! Then we had a pleasant walk through Allerthorpe Common Wood.
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Sorry to hear that the care OH is falling short of what should be expected since his move, when MIL was in with a shoulder fracture,it was noted on her notes that she was eating well? but another patient advised us that as she could not feed herself ,the food was being taken away by the "staff"without helping her,I went the the nurses station and asked some "pertinent" questions that could not be answered, so went to see ward "manager?" and when given the true facts, including telling him i was taking it further if nothing improved, she was moved to a ward with more staff?
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There is a decided lack of full facility CLs in Scotland Nellie, certainly where we want to be, and not so many CAMC or CCC sites either. OH did find a few commercial sites, but the only one that looked like somewhere we would be happy has a length restriction and could not take us.
However, it looks like, fingers crossed, I may have found the problem.....a loose fuse on the Alde boiler.......it is now working, just hope it stays like that!
Van goes for service next week, so will be checking everything else over at the weekend.
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Yes I was amazed at the reaction of HCA being constant once ITU senior sister had been advised by me and reported back! Far better than when i chatted to the nurse in charge of the ward 😉 who never came back to me, but by then i got answers from drs and others . A bit late as I was with him unless I had to step outside whilst they did procedures so still 'watched' at all times.
Had a phone call as I came to bed 9.30pm, he was being moved back to ITU because of potassium levels. Just spoken, 0630, to his nurse he had dialysis, is stable and slept well. He hasn't been sleeping well.
I'll see what today brings. I dislike fairground ride, except the gallopers, but it seems someone thinks I need a go on a roller coaster! 😂
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Oh dear Bakers2, one step forward and two back. At least they are now on the case and he is being well monitored. Hopefully today will be a better day. Best wishes to you both. I had to laugh about the pre wedding photos. That is a new one to me. Photoshop is wonderful for hiding baggy eyes 😂.
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Sounds like he is much better off back in ITU meantime.
I vaguely remember there being some concern over my potassium levels too at one point, and OH tells me they gave me a couple of doses of some special solution via a drip to sort me out. All the machines and various tubes can be very alarming, they did explain what they were all for, but I don't think I was taking it all in.
Fingers crossed for better news today.