What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited February 2019 #25082

    Waved goodbye to Nellie and Mrs NTH this morning. It was grand seeing them again.

    Took ourselves off to Chevin CP, sitting above the town of Otley, for a stroll and to admire the views across towards Simons Seat above Bolton Abbey and Almscliffe Crag near to our CL. Wonderful weather. Dropped into Otley for an hour afterwards then home for coffee before setting out again up the lanes to aforementioned Crag to take some photos that Mrs WN wants for tonal drawings. Saw a Barn Owl working the road verges further on towards the village of Stainburn. Lovely sunset. Can understand DKs comment about Spring but we are wise to the weathers ways!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25083

    Bakers2, Good to hear that your OH has his operation planned for Wednesday. I hope his transfer went as planned today and that all goes well.  I am sure it will be an anxious week for you both but he is in good hands.  Hopefully you will soon have him back home with you and he can start his recovery.  Good to know also that you had company over the weekend.  It must have given you a lift to have your son and grand-dog with you for a few days and also that you felt well enough to get some household jobs done today. I will be thinking of you during this coming week, as I am sure will lots of others on here.  Keep us posted when  you can.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25084

    It was great to see you both again. Sounds as it you had a good day without us, shame!!wink

    Easy drive up to CC's White Water Park site today. Only about 30 vans at the moment, and the surprising thing, having read lots of post about how popular Serviced Pitches are, is that none were occupied when we arrived and only 1 has a caravan on tonight!! Found out that there's a rally on site this weekend but we managed to select a pitch at the other end of the site from the pitches allocated to them.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25085

    Glad that you've managed to sort out your insurance, CY, and that your new loo's in place.

    Best Wishes to B2 OH, JVB and not forgetting David DSB

    Just has a very nice phone call confirming another CL booking. Owners are at present up at Braemar on a short trip to take in some skiing. Wonderful things these diverted calls are!! 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2019 #25086

    For the avoidance of doubt, DD referred to No. 1 daughter not our resident Carthago champ. He, i imagine would prefer Artois to McCartney.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25087

    That's ok, it raised a smile. laughing Hope your daughter enjoys her birthday. smile

    Frosty start to the day here, OH left before 7am to go fishing, brrr.

    Visiting dog arriving later in the day for a couple of overnight stays, daughter coming here for a meal tonight. Trying to use my indoor time to clear some things out. Took some stuff to the charity shop yesterday but defeated the object by buying some old wine glasses from the same shop! 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited February 2019 #25088

    ‘Twas ever thus with charity shops brue! 

    I am off to do more wallpapering today, hopefully get it finished. We are doing it for Mum’s 90th birthday, brand new bedroom, but some of her lovely old furniture. All labelled up so she can find things. She’s chosen most of the things, was a fabulous painter and decorator in her more mobile years. Taught us all sorts of little tricks. Good to be sharing a little project with her. 

    MH has just rolled off drive for some new tyres, so will need a good wash and polish, inside given a polish and then all set to roll for our next trip. It’s been a lovely sunny day here so far, but cold at night. If it stays dry, I might cut our lawn tomorrow, then I can rake out a bit of moss and feed it.😁

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25089

    Be  careful  with  that  Mowing  &  Raking,  Puleeze,  ttda  surprised,  out  this  morning  to  take  Aged  Sister  to  ASDA  and  was  surprised  to  notice  how  many  Daisy's  are  peppering  the  verge  smile  not  enough  to  try  covering  six  with  my  size  11,  but  it's  a  start  !wink  Only  SEVEN ( 7 ) Sleeps  now  until  Club  Day  @  N.E.C.   so  I'll  have  to  strip  out  the  wallet  &  compile  a  list  of  "Things To  Look  at "  {  Stuff  removed  from  the  wallet  will  probably  be  replaced,  temporarily,  with  tissues  cry }

    It's  now  17:40  and  its  clouding  over  but  not  been  too  bad  a  day  for  mid - February  all  things  considered,  hope  you  are  all  perking  up  as  Spring  approaches  cool.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited February 2019 #25090

    A nice walk from Golden Acre car park in Bramhope through pleasant countryside.

    Half way around we came across some horses in a farmers field. One of them had his rear foot caught up in the wire fencing. I couldn't see how to get into the field but the farm was only about 400 yards behind us so went and found the farmer who came to the rescue. What got me annoyed were the 8 walkers who we had seen walk past the horse, going in the same direction as us, who hadn't done anything to help the poor creature, and it was obvious that help was needed. We passed them about 15 minutes later as they were eating their sandwiches and I'm afraid I might have upset them a little. None wanted to argue their case though. 

    The weather was kind. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25091

    Feeling a bit like a mole this evening.....spent much of the day crawling around under the floor at DD's house, but we did make progress with the various cables.

    So far we have found 4 access hatches to the foundations, one in full view in the utility room, one concealed under the kitchen island, one in the main bedroom when we lifted the carpet (which I have relocated to under the bed when putting down the new flooring), and one in Callum's room when the carpet was lifted.

    DD and I went down there and working together we have drawn a plan of the walls under there, where there is access to from each hatch, and where the drains and water pipes run.

    We also found various TV cables that have just been cut, so I plan to reinstate them, and several phone cables, some of which were damaged, so I have now managed to fix them up and get most of the phone sockets working.  Still plenty to be done though.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2019 #25092

    Well its been done have ended up with three stents two in one artery and one in another,absolutely fabulous team every one of themcool

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited February 2019 #25093

    Glad to hear that all's gone well, JVB. Take care of yourself over the next few weeks.

    Good to hear you had a pleasant day out, WN, and well done getting help for the poor horse. Some people always think that it's some-one else's responsibility, and not theirs', when they see such problems.

    Dull coolish day here after early frost last night. Drove over to Ormesby Hall, and the model railway layouts made the visit well worth going there. Can thoroughly recommend them to railway enthusiasts.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,214
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    edited February 2019 #25094

    You must be please it didn't require anything more invasive than stents? How long before you can get back out in the caravan?


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited February 2019 #25095

    So pleased for you. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Do as you're told to ensure a speedy recovery 😉. My best wishes to you and you family. Are you home now? I know they don't let you hang about!

    Left my OH he was off for another CT scan of his heart as I said goodbye. He's first on the list for the morning. Going to be a quadruple bypass, plus sorting dvt/blockage on right thigh. Fantastic staff.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25096

    So pleased all went well for you JVB. Brilliant news. Well done the NHS. How long is your recuperation period going to be?

    I will be thinking of you and your OH tomorrow Bakers2.  All the very best. Good to hear that the staff are brilliant. Hopefully you will be able to relax by this time tomorrow. 

    Well done for arranging for the horse to be rescued WN. Also well done for telling the walkers what you thought of them. Hopefully it gave them food for thought.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited February 2019 #25097

    Well done to you WN. All too easily done, sometimes the wire gets caught between hoof and shoe and then they panic as they can’t take the weight for long on three legs. Hope it wasn’t lamed, there’s not much protection for tendons at back of a foot. I would probably have said my piece as well!  Hope the car repair is imminent, you certainly haven’t let it spoil your stay.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited February 2019 #25098

    That’s great news JVB, take the recovery steady now. Glad things are sorted for you.

    All the best for tomorrow Bakers.

    Kjell, do you fancy a holiday in Yorkshire, could do with your expertise?!😃

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25099

    Great  to  hear  you  had  a  Successful  Day,  JVB  now  all  we  really  need  is  for  Bakers 2's  OH   to have  the  same  happy  result  tomorrow  smile

  • Olivegrower
    Olivegrower Forum Participant Posts: 38
    edited February 2019 #25100


    Got broken into on xmas morning whilst away in the van😡😡😡😡

    Decided to sell, popped into estate agents Tuesday morning, valuation Wednesday morning, OMG, two viewings Thursday, offer accepted Monday!!! They want to be in on first of March!!! This is frantic Febuary!! Found a new build we love, not finished till end of April, so look out caravan here we come😃😃😃😄

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited February 2019 #25101

    Wow Olivegrower what a start to 2019. Great to hear that you have something to look forward to! Hope emptying your existing home isn't too difficult. Despite your burglary it's good to hear exciting news 😀

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited February 2019 #25102

    Your about early B2, hope the day goes well for you and OH, thinking about you


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2019 #25103

    Sorry did not thank you all for your good wishes ,did not realise how tired i was when i got home ( was still a bit drugged)nodded off, then Oh woke me at 2240 to got to bed,

    must not drive or have sex for at least a weeksurprised its the driving OH will missfrown (she does not drive)

    I hope things are working  out for B2 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #25104

    Glad  to  hear  all  is  going  well  for  you,  JVB.  BUT  BUT  BUT,  take  care  on  CT  --  some  threads  really  do  cause  passions  to  flourish  &  blood  pressures  to  rise  !!  If  I  were  you  I'd  stick  to  calm  threads  like  "Early  Arrivals"  and  Children  &  Dog  themes  wink



    Hope  B2's  OH  is  proceeding  down  the  "Find,  Fix,  Cure "  route  nice  &  steadily  today  smile

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25105

    Same here JVB, keep off the BP threads! laughing Good to hear the procedures went ok.

    Do hope all is going well for B2's spouse today.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited February 2019 #25106

    And me, good wishes to all.

    Currently browsing looking for CLs in Dolgellau area of Wales, must be good for dogs (something for early/late walkies on site if possible). Nothing over £20 considered. Don’t mind if it is part of a larger site. Found two that sound ok so far, one has only grass pitches. None Club Sites considered. But no big commercial sites.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25107

    Yes I am thinking of bakers2 and her OH as well today.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited February 2019 #25108

    I went for my annual MOT at the GP surgery this morning.  Blood pressure high surprised so have to go back again after our holiday.  I have just sat down and had a cup of tea and taken it again at home - perfectly normal.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2019 #25109

    I'm afraid I am fully booked for the foreseeable future TTDA, a break in Yorkshire would have been nice!

    TV aerial put up this morning, so I have been back under the floor to make a start on reconnecting all the cables.

    Little Callum is on his second full morning at nursery, 07.30 till 13.00.  He was apparently sobbing when Mummy left him this morning, but must have settled down as there has been no phone call to come and retrieve him.  Mummy is probably more upset than he is!

    Plenty to distract her though, she has been under the floor too, and before we got here she was busy emptying boxes.  She still has about 25 to empty, some of them will be waiting a long time I think.

    Next job after this is to try and get her study in order before she starts back at work on the 26th, but the screws for attaching the desk legs have gone AWOL, despite being carefully bagged up and labelled before the move.  May have to get some new ones if they do not turn up soon.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2019 #25110

    A note to TDA, Have you looked around Tywyn? There are few round there that are on my "list"...even one with an indoor pool although I don't know if the pool is used all year. LINK (I like this bit of N Wales coastline.)

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited February 2019 #25111

    Hope all is going OK for your OH, Bakers - it'll surely be a big weight off your mind when the op's over and done with.

    TTDA - agree with Brue about the Tywyn area, nice old time seaside atmosphere around there. Visited a few times back when I was running for the Race The Train event - never did beat the bloomin' thing.

    Here, suitcases are packed (correctly, so I'm told!) and Lady's been delivered to the dog hotel. Just waiting for the taxi now to get us to Heathrow for our flight to Sri Lanka. Had feared until very recently that we might have to cancel but everything's fallen into place now so we're looking forward to a fortnight away with no worries about Dad or brother. smile