What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited December 2018 #23972

    Great job there, Moulesy. I just hope that you're not having the weather that we are at the moment, as it's been raining all day, and both Flyte and myself are sick of getting wet!!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23973

    Same here nellie. It hasnt stopped. We have had to have the lights on all day. Fed up with it now.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,208
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    edited December 2018 #23974


    Has the dishwasher stopped working completely or just not doing something it should.  Sometimes dishwashers have a series of floats which action parts of the program and if they get gunged up they can stop things happening so you might be lucky that its just a clean out. Obviously if its more electronic or electrical your second option might be the better option. Good luck with it.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #23975

    Yesterday and today we have been helping DD with the move to the new house, so are now exhausted.

    The movers came to pack yesterday, but I think they underestimated how much packing was needed as they did not start till 11.30am, having been to another job first, so did not get everything packed yesterday.

    The original plan was to pack and move the boxes yesterday, then the furniture today, but instead we ended up eating dinner yesterday surrounded by boxes and with no space to dismantle various bits of furniture.

    Movers returned at 8am today to finish packing and start bringing stuff down to the ground floor......it is a 3 storey townhouse........then the actual moving was all done in the afternoon.  OH was in charge of distributing the boxes and furniture in the new house, while DD and I were back at the old place dismantling various items.  There was less to dismantle than we expected, thankfully, as it was really surprising how they were able to manoeuvre some of the larger heavy things down the stairs.

    At the new place, with 2 rooms unable to be used meantime,  there are now boxes piled everywhere and furniture fitted between the boxes, pretty much a scene of total chaos, it will take ages for them to find anything again!!

    Callum has a reasonably clear room to sleep in, his stuff is in neatly stacked boxes, and he has cupboards to unpack into, his Mummy and Daddy do have a bed to sleep in, but are unlikely to find all their clothes for a few days!

    The kitchen stuff is all piled up in the hall, the contents of the loft have filled 2 huge cupboards, the bathroom stuff is somewhere in the utility room, and the study contents are lined up along the hall.

    Tomorrow and Friday we return to the old house to dismantle various cupboards that we will move in the car, and take down curtains, lampshades and odds and ends, then they will be spending the weekend cleaning before handing over to the new owners on Monday, while I get on with the woodwork at the new house.

    Looking forward to a day off on the 14th (OH's birthday) and the 25th!

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2018 #23976

    Kj, its been a hard slog to get to this stage, it is all uphill from here.

    Reading your post brought back memories of our 17 moves of house. Living out of boxes for weeks before the move, while I cleaned the quarter.

    Then weeks of unpacking the boxes and finding places for everything, while looking after 2 small children.

    Your daughter is lucky to have you around to help out with everything. I used to have to do that kind of thing about every 18mths. I always had a packing list and would pop one inside the box and keep another copy at hand for the unpacking, all boxes marked on the outside 1 of ..., 2 of... etc. very organised but just as hard work.wink

    OH didn't get time off work to help, so once the children were in bed, he would screw the lids down on the MFO boxes (big wooden chests) that I had packed during the day and then he would make up another couple of boxes for me to pack the next day.

    I once had to do all that on my own while he was on exercise in Canada. At that time the children were 4 years old and 18 mths old, we lived in a 3rd floor flat in north Germany. smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #23977

    That sounds like really hard work TG.  We have only moved 3 times and that was bad enough.  At least DD will not need to move again for a very long time, and if/when she does we will not be around to get roped in to help!

    The weather today was not great, but fortunately no heavy rain, and they were able to back the vans right up to the front door as they only use smallish vans, not the usual huge removal ones.  No stairs as it is the ground floor of a converted 1920s house, so unloading went quite quickly.

    It is surprising just how many boxes of stuff they have, did not look like anything as much when it was all neatly stashed in cupboards and furniture.

    The lounge where their big corner sofa is sitting is much larger than the old lounge, but now it is in place the sofa looks much bigger than before, which is really odd. It has unequal length sides, a 2 seater and a 3 seater, but it looks like I will need to reverse the sides so it fits better.  Fortunately, being from Ikea, it is an easy job to assemble it the other way round.

    No doubt once everything is in the right places and the boxes emptied, it will all look much more spacious.

     They are doing Christmas, so there will be a lot of work needed in the next 2-3 weeks just to get the main rooms in the house organised. I cannot see that their own bedroom will be ready this side of Christmas, and their bathroom will take a lot longer.

    The packers were very efficient, packing everything in sight, DD went to have a shower this morning, only to find that all the towels had been packed!

    Boxes are all marked with which room they came from, but as they had 3 bathrooms, it is not  clear which boxes came from where, so may be a while before she finds the towels.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23978

    Thanks David.  It is not washing the dishes properly and OH has cleaned everything he can find to clean with no luck.  It is a Bosch that we have had a very long time so it doesn't owe us anything but it would be nice to get it repaired rather than have to buy a new one.  We shall see.  No sign of the Bosch engineer yet though.

    Kj. Best of luck to you all with all the unpacking.  We moved into our present house 30 years ago and the memories are still vivid of waking up the day after we moved in and trying to make order out of chaos!! However, it is exciting that your daughter and SIL are now in their new home.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #23979

    Hope you can get the dishwasher sorted Millie, sometimes I think I could go back to sink washing but not if we've got visitors!

    Kj. Pleased to hear your daughter and family have made the big move. Some of our neighbours have just moved round the corner from their previous house but still said they never want to see a cardboard box again. I know that feeling too.wink

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2018 #23980

    Another dreary day ground is now very slippery in places (even with deep grips on my  new boots)  where leaves have turned to mush,frown

    Third hospital appointment today, to see cardiologist this afternoon,after all my records have been "lost" since my blue light "incident"to A&E and our GP has insisted i see the top bod this time,undecided

    Do not know if has gone nationwide But our local John Lewis has now gone dog friendly in all departments except the cafe,so another store has realised it makes good commercial senselaughing

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2018 #23981

    We had a day off today and went to Edinburgh/Livingstone. First port of call was Ikea, needed to get some inspiration for the new room upstairs.  Bought a few items but will need to go back for furniture once we have finished the decorating and carpeting.

    Then we went to the Livingstone retail outlet place, wasn't impressed with it this time, all the shops are very similar so only bought a new pair of skechers for my next holiday smile still no Christmas presents bought frown

    The day started off wet and misty but by lunchtime it had brightened up and was nice and dry, not cold either at 10c.


    JV not sure I share your feelings about dogs in shops, I personally don't like it. As much as I like dogs, shops are not the place for them. Its hard enough to shop with young children running wild and  pushchairs blocking the isles. frown


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #23982

    I didn't realise people were boycotting shops due to not being allowed to take their dogs in.undecided I agree with TG. Shops are no place for a dog.

    A reasonable day so walked into town to pick up my prescription which they seem to have lost. As I hand delivered it on Monday I know they have it somewhere. Fortunately I have about 10 days left so they are contacting hospital as this is where this prescription comes from!

    Anybody else have no connection today? Just glad Welsh Water have managed to find the burst pipe and I can shower before retiring tonight.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23983

    I hope all went well with your hospital appointment today JVB and that the top bod was happy with you. Have they found your records yet? I don't think our John Lewis has gone dog friendly yet as I didn't see any sign of any in there today. It might be because it is inside Queensgate shopping Centre and dogs, so far, are not allowed in there apart from assistance dogs.

    After much discussion we decided to cancel the dishwasher mechanic today.  We decided that it wasn't financially viable to pay a Ā£90 call out charge and then probably a fairly hefty repair bill for such an old dishwasher.  We went into JL and bought a new one instead.  It arrives on Tuesday. Brue, what I miss most about the dishwasher is that there always seems to be washing up in the sink.  With the dishwasher you can put it all in the machine and it is out of sight.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited December 2018 #23984

    A reasonable day so walked into town to pick up my prescription which they seem to have lost. As I hand delivered it on Monday I know they have it somewhere. Fortunately I have about 10 days left so they are contacting hospital as this is where this prescription comes from!

    Good to hear that you've still a few days supply left. The walk back to the collect your prescription when it's ready will do you good! wink

    Our doctor will now e-mail a prescription to any dispensary of our choise, so no need to call in and collect a repeat from the docs, so quite handy.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited December 2018 #23985

    I hope all went well with your hospital appointment today JVB and that the top bod was happy with you.

    Same from me too,JVB.

    Millie, getting a new dish washer sounds a good plan.How they can warrant a Ā£90 call-out charge is beyond belief. Hope that they deliver it as planned. We don't have a JL in our town hence us using Curry's. At least now a-days they seem to have a good number of knowledgeable assistants in store. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited December 2018 #23986

    Nellie - the problem with one of my prescriptions is that the local surgery will not prescribe it under instructions from the Board overseeing all of North Wales. However my consultant doesn't agree so has the hospital pharmacy send me a prescription for 6 months supply. Overseen from the same board! I could collect it from the hospital but the walk is a bit further.smile

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23987

    Nellie. We have received a phone call this evening to tell us that they will ring us on Tuesday morning to give us a 2 hour time slot which I thought was very efficient.  I hope all goes well with your washing machine delivery.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2018 #23988

    Hospital appointment was not what was expected ,there is still no sign of the records of my A&E "visit" but they have found,the with recent tests i have a "problem" that needs further investigation as the last two visits showing "something not right" so more tests to be done ho hum,

    As for dogs in shops those of us with dogs, tend to notice just how many more shops/cafes are becoming more aware of the positive attitude as "over there" is good for their cash flows,and yes, as numerous other owners are doing if not dog friendly when we have our dog with us then they miss out on our customsurprised

    Millie if there is a problem with the dishwasher,we are at FM for 10 days from sunday,so you can bring the washing up round and we can have a chat in the dishwashing area, and you can also have a refresher then i could issue the latest certificate of competence  laughing

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited December 2018 #23989

    We're to get the same sort of service. The only problem is that our phone reception is rubbish. Just have to hope that they'll send a text with the arrival slot, which I might pick up when I'm out walking Flyte.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited December 2018 #23990

    Back at the old house today to start dismantling/removing various things, OH was at the new house starting to unpack boxes.

    Wardrobe boxes have been unpacked and clothes hung in the walk in wardrobe, and SIL has been detailed to unpack boxes and temporarily stash things on the shelves in there.

    DD is having problems deciding where to put things in the kitchen as, despite being larger than her old one, the cupboards are not as good, so she needs to rethink where to keep things.

    OH unpacked a few boxes, 3 I think, while minding Callum, and put stuff out on the worktops for DD to put away, there is a lot of worktop space fortunately. Hopefully DD will find time and some cupboards to put it all into!

    Tomorrow we have an extra pair of hands to help with dismantling wardrobes etc that are to be moved to the new house, plus an extra child minder, so should get more done.

    Old house and new house are only about 400 metres apart, so resonably quick to move stuff over.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23991

    Sorry to hear that your hospital appointment didn't go as expected JVB.  OH it having similar at our hospital.  Once you are on their list it seems they are reluctant to let you go. undecided I hope all your tests go well. If you fancy a visit to a garden centre whilst in Peterborough The Barn garden centre is very dog friendly and even has an area in the cafĆ© that welcomes dogs I believe. Thanks for the offer of bringing the washing up over to FM.  The certificate of competence sounds very tempting laughing I hope the weather here cheers up before you come.  It is foul here today.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited December 2018 #23992

    OH it having similar at our hospital. Once you are on their list it seems they are reluctant to let you go.

    Ain't that the truth! After a couple of trips to hospital in an ambulance it was 18 months before they let me go from 'The Elderly Clinic' - who ever came up with that name for a clinic!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #23993

    Even our very elderly neighbour objected to that description ET, what a name! I hope JVB wont have to spend too much time being checked over, all the best for a good outcome.

    New experience at our GPs yesterday, the local group have appointed pharmacists to review the patients (not from the local pharmacy which is attached, these are new, independently paid pharmacists.) I spent twenty minutes whilst the pharmacist "reviewed" everything including the medication she changed "to save money" three months ago which didn't go down well with me (pardon the pun!) I'm now not sure whether we'll ever catch a glimpse of our sole GP unless we go in on a stretcher...undecided The pharmacist told me she has several thousand people on her list and she visits our surgery one morning a week.

    This is due to the shortage of GPs, so you have been warned!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited December 2018 #23994

    ET. Yes what a dreadful name for a clinic.  How old (or young undecided) do you have to be to be eligible for the elderly clinic?  I dread to think.

    Brue.  It is very difficult to see a GP at our syrgery.  There are all sorts of other people with different titles that we now have to see instead. OH wanted to specifically see our own GP last week and when he went to see the receptionist she said 'you are lucky Dr.ā€¦(our own GP) .in on duty at the GP Hub on Monday evening I will make you an appointment. OH duly went along thinking it would be heaving and he was the only patient there!! What is the sense in that? 


  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited December 2018 #23995

    undecided Hi you.all. Yes ,,I,m still around !! It's been a bit busy at the B/yd of late ,,lots of lift out's etc ,,maintenance ,,and repairs/ repainting the house 

    On the M/home front ,,had the roof light over the bed ripped open by Easterly gales,,so,,wet everything after a week !! New fitting purchased ,but still too windy & wet to change it.My 'Concorde' has a couple of issues on M.O.T to be sorted ,,steering ball joints ,,front brakes/pad's calipers etc 

    Off for MY m.o.t today ,,medical for new driving licence (C2) ,with "Doctors on Wheels" at Ashford  Kent.  Looking forward to my usual Xmas & New Year on the I.o.W for ten days wind down/chill/relax wink.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited December 2018 #23996

    Hope all gets sorted Trikey and you get away to the IOW

    We are fortunate here as our main surgery has 6 GPā€™s in addition the have recently brought 2 more surgeries so we can go to any where there are appointments available.

    Went to daughters yesterday.  The extension is progressing well.  Daughter and SIL have installed to sets of bi-fold doors, 4 skylights and got the roof on.  Done all the work themselves.  We will probably have the grandtwins whilst they breakthrough to the main house.  They will get an electrician and a heating engineer in for 1st and 2nd fies.  Not going to be ready for Christmas so everyone will come to us.šŸŽ…šŸ»šŸŽ…šŸ»

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #23997

    Very  Best  Wishes  for  both  your  M.O.T.'s  Peter,  I've  escaped  reasonably  well  from  my  personal  mot,  but  the  Ducato's  in  on  4th  Jan  so  in  a  months  time  I  should  be  booking  my  whole  years  trips  wink  but  in  no  sort  of  frenzy  !!  Just  get  that  roof  vent  fixed  chop chop  -  nothing  worse  than  trying  to  dry  soggy  bedding ( I  remember  THAT  from  my  tenting  days  !!  )


    Good  luck  to  all  you  'youngsters'  trying  to  get  appointments  with  your  favourite  G.P.  --  I  had  that  problem  getting  in  to  see  a  Practice  Nurse, they're  much  busier  than  the  G.P.s  here  !!

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited December 2018 #23998

    Pity I am at the shop .or you could have popped round for a cup of tealaughing, be careful round juc10surprised

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #23999

    Sorry  to  disagree  about  the  Call-Out  Charge NTH embarassed but  in  this  day  of  litigation  that  poor  engineer  has  to  be  fully  trained  at  great  expense,  his  certifications  have  to  be  kept  current ( no  pun  intended )  his  vehicle  will  hold  about  5  times  the  kit  that  was  needed  but  a  few  years  ago  due  to  'specialisation'  and  his  travelling  time  must  be  paid  for  too.money-mouth  not  to  mention  that dirty  word  profit  !.

    Way  Back  in  the  mid  1960's  I  saw  the  papers  saying  how  much  the  RAF  were  paying  B.T.  for  yours  truly's  time  and  it  embarrassed  ME  to  see  how  highly  I  was  valued  and (comparatively)  how  little  I  was  paid.

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited December 2018 #24000

    wink Thanks 'Husky ' & you'all .

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2018 #24001

    Very wet and windy day,ground over the fields and in the woods now quite "swampy" in places not good for walking (not that the four pawed one had any problems except getting very muddyfrown

    Had my flue jab this morning at our local Lloyds chemist ,glad i managed to get all my blood tests done yesterday(was going to leave them until later today) but flue jab gives false infosurprised

    Drain(council property) outside our garage was blocked by leaves? and with heavy rain it was overflowing and flooding our garage ,called council undecided and a man with a van was there in 15minssurprised

    Then out to lunch with friends, lots of flooded roads in town centre causing problems for someundecided



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