What are you all up to



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,173
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    edited November 2018 #23882

    Certainly are return ABM, can’t stay away from Norfolk for too long🏖🥳

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited November 2018 #23883

    Had a lovely lunch and catch up with ex work colleagues.  Lots of memories and laughs.  The day started off wet and very windy so we had an 'interesting' drive across the Fens to our venue - my turn to drive undecided.  However when we came out the sun had come out so I was glad that for some reason I had put my sunglasses in the car. Since then it has been really sunny one minute and dark and threatening the next but not too much rain and although windy it abated during the afternoon. I was glad about that as we were on the school pick up duty this afternoon and the wind can whip across that playground surprised

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited November 2018 #23884

    Thank you for the get well messages, managed to get to work to do the wages, but throat still sore and I ache all over frown

    Glad you had a lovely lunch Millie, and I'am keeping my fingers crossed for the little cat Tammygirl. 

    Think I'am off to bed, in the hope I feel a bit better tomorrow undecided

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited November 2018 #23885

    Hope you feel better soon Helen.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited November 2018 #23886

    Brighter morning here. Off to move motorhome to new space on storage site, at the request of storage owner as our current one will allow a longer vehicle/caravan to be stored. After that the days my lobster 😂. Hope your day is too!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited November 2018 #23887

    The sun is shining, decided to take box of books to a nearby NT where they have a large secondhand book barn. Not my books unfortunately which could do with a good sort out but our son left a box for us to take, I've only managed to add a couple of ours.

    So same from me, enjoy your day everyone. smile

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited November 2018 #23888

    Sunny day here as well. Doesn't it make you feel better and more energetic. I am going to do some washing and household tasks this morning and then hopefully go for a swim this afternoon.  I know what you mean about clearing books brue. I keep taking a few to the bookstall at our local college but I never seem to make much headway into really sorting out the loads of books we have on various book shelves.  Have a good day everyone. laughing

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #23889

     We are going to have to move our caravan for the same reason,there is a waiting list for storage but all wanting 7mtr or more pitches our c/van is 6.23mts on a 7.5mtr pitch so the site staff have asked if we would mind moving,problem is we are one of the few LVs that are used frequently so they are looking to see if they can find a "suitable" smaller pitch with not "difficult access, there are quite a few "green" LVs in there both motor and towed caravanssurprised

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited November 2018 #23890

    Bit brighter here too today, still windy though.

    Millie I agree when its brighter I feel much more energised smile good job as I'm required to help out in the attic room.

    Will have to pop out to the shops at some stage.

    Happy St Andrews day.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited November 2018 #23891

    Third day of miserable weather here, very wet and windy.

    Moving day is approaching, just hope they do not get weather like this!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited November 2018 #23892

    Weather  tolerable  at  the  very  least  in  Southern  Reaches  of  the  County  Palatine  at  present  smile  altho'  the  forecast  is  not  so  good  even  if  it's  on  the  warm  side  for  the  end  of  November.

    Back  from  a  Successful  visit  to  Diabetes  Clinic  this  morning,  all  seems  to  have  good  marks  from  The  Nurse  in  Charge  even  if  she  was  NOT  100%  in  favour  of  the  reading  on  the  scales  embarassed.  Still  I'm  booked  in  for  a  return  visit  in  May  2019,  so  I  must  be  expected  to  live  at  least  that  long  !!  On  the  strength  of  that  I  walked  150  yards  from  the  surgery  &  booked  the  Ducato  in  for  M O T  &  service  in  ( very )  early  January  !!  now  I  can  start  considering  next  years  rallies ( Steam  Variety )  and  the  Club  Sites  etc  to  cover  them smilewink.

    Brian  sincerely  hopes  you  Club  Members  &  Staff  are  looking  forward  as  chirpily  as  he  is  !!

    Keep  taking  the  tablets  my  friends  surprised

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited November 2018 #23893

    On  second  thoughts  I  think  I  should  include  a  few  NON  Members  in  my  good  wishes  as  well,  the  little  rascals  cool

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited November 2018 #23894

    Five weeks since the MH wheels turned, unless you count rolling it back a couple of metres so that a new door canopy could be fitted. Bright blue sky today so we took it for a run to the Queen Victoria Country Park at Netley to blow the cobwebs out of its entrails.

    A pleasant spot overlooking Southampton water and the site of the old military hospital which was established under Prince Albert's auspices back in 1856. Going to round the day off with a meal at the sailing club this evening. That coupled with the meander round Netley should get my steps up to a respectable level.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited November 2018 #23895

    CY,  are  you  using  one  of  those, almost  magical,  step  counting  devices  ??

    I'm  relying  on  the  old  technology  on  my  exercise  bike  innocent  and  if  somebody  wants  to  check  on  me,  I  just  take  the  AAA batteries  out  innocentwink

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,865
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    edited November 2018 #23896

    We have just been to the Christmas Craft Market at the Cathedral this evening.  It was a lovely festive evening with lots of really beautiful things on sale.  People are so clever.  I bought a beautifully decorated glass bottle with little fairy lights inside.  The fairy lights are recharged using a phone charger - how clever is that!

    Well done on a successful visit to the diabetes clinic ABM.  Enjoy your planning for next year's trips. cool

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited November 2018 #23897

    Thank  you  for  that  Millie,  I've already  damaged  my  shoulder from  patting  myself  on  the  back  surprised.


    I  did  notice  on  "Red  Button"  service  on  t' beeb  tonight  that  a  group  of  Ladies  has  won  a mini  victory  in  the  Pensions  discussion.  A  learned  Judge  has  allowed  a  petition  by  "Backto60"  a  group  of  ladies  born  in  1950's,  to  have  a  review  of  the  Government's  handling  etc  of  the  rise  in  Qualifying  Age  for  Ladies  Pension.

    I  wish  them  much  success money-mouth though  it  is  likely  to  incur  hefty  costs  all  round  should  they  finally  win surprised !!

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited December 2018 #23898

    I have an app on my phone which tells me how well I'm doing. As an aside from another thread I can confirm that "walking pace" is NOT 5mph. I walk briskly and you have to go some to reach 3mph. The CAMC designated speed limit is approximately twice the average walking pace.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2018 #23899

    The Countdown has begun! These coming days seem to go faster than any other weeks in the year. I've no Advent calendar - but I've loaded my Christmas Playlist onto our music system.

    If you've never heard this one from Chris Difford - click the link and listen to the words. Always apt.



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #23900

    We went out to see "Sleuth" last night, hadn't ever seen it and thought it was clever, especially the misleading programme that was handed out, all part of it. Might go and see daughter on her fiddle at Clarks factory Outlet today, new band for her, but don't know whether I can face the crowds.

    Yes Goldie, the countdown has begun. smile

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #23901

    Thank  you  for  the  info,  CY  --  that  sounds  even  more  magical  than  the  thingies  I  was  thinking  about  smile.

    And  thank  you  too,  Goldie  --  I  do  like  a  good  giggle  after  lunch  wink.

    Any  way,  no  more  time  to  play  here  --  I've  promised  myself  at  least  300  slides  to  check  before  evening,  then  a  few  laps  of  the  living  room  on  the  exercise  bike  frown  followed  by  'washing  up'  but  at  least  that  won't  involve  talkative  strangers  borrowing  my  Fairy  Liquid  !!

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #23902

    Woke this morning feeling a bit better, smile

    Sorted round the house, and put the washing in, hadn't felt like doing much so lots to do. surprised

    Went to a lovely little Christmas Craft Market at our local village church this afternoon and bought a couple of Christmas presents. Called in at the pub too, all the decorations were going up, it was looking very festive. 🎄🎄🎄

    Good luck with all those slides to check ABM.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2018 #23903

    Helen,  glad  to  hear  your  feeling    a  little  improved  and  a  little  shopping  therapy  really  can  work  wonders wink.

    As  for  my  slides  --  there's  only  another  60,000  or  so  to  go  before  I  start  on  the  digital  ones  --  calculations  reckon  I  will  take  about  4  years  in  total  surprisedembarassed

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2018 #23904

    Glad you are starting to feel better Helen. We've spent the afternoon at Clark's Outlet, got a few pressies, did some foot tapping and clapping for our daughter and fellow musicians. They were raising funds for the air ambulance. Full tilt tonight at Glastonbury with other bands, more funds for a local food bank. We have the visiting dog who was pleased to see us when we returned.

    Hope you make progress with your slides ABM. smile

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited December 2018 #23905

    Glad you're feeling better Helenandtrevor,  don't do too much too soon! These bugs have a habit of returning. How is the shingles patient?

    Sounds like a nice day brue. At least you had a reason to go and the added bonus of finding Christmas gifts. I hope it wasn't raining.

    Moved our motorhome storage pitch yesterday. New plot a bit tighter width wise but in a much sunnier spot, last one had bank and hedges on 2 sides at least the height of the motorhome, so hopefully the solar panel will get more exposure for longer and generally they'll be more air around. Be interesting to see what is stored on our old plot. Had a general air through the motorhome, it was dry and sunny but a keen breeze! Had a late lunch in a country pub, always busy despite having few nearby houses, very tasty and Ridley's ale. Weather turned as the light failed.

    Grey and wet today, don't think it's been light! Went to visit "cheerful" aunt. Not been for a bit as we've been germy and she's had nasty bug. Little changes, certainly didn't lift our spirits 😉.

    Spent the last couple of hours avoiding starting writing Christmas cards, I'll start tomorrow 😂. Must at least do NZ ones.

    ABM that's some task you've set yourself 😲. I hope you're labelling them with details of date, where and who? Lots of folks offered photos and plenty of searchers lived them in the archives but without a minimum of info they're not much use 😢


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2018 #23906

    Goldie - the countdown certainly has begun! Mrs M's community choir gave their first Christmas "performance" today (well they had the decency to wait till December 1st I suppose!). So I've been left in to do the cooking and wine tasting!

    Upside is that I get to play all the CDs which are otherwise verbotten! So a marathon Joni Mitchell session tonight and Van Morrison tomorrow. smile

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,939
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    edited December 2018 #23907

    We've been to Chatsworth Market today and have combined it with a visit to our daughter and son-in-law.  We picked them up and took them - Ifree parking with my disabled badge.  I don't know if we would have gone otherwise - £20 For parking (£10 after 3pm.)  It appears they want to encourage people to car share.


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #23908

    Just been sorting through the Christmas Lights, to check they still work laughing going to need some to decorate the caravan next weekend, battery operated ones of course! winkinnocent

    Wow ABM, 60,000 slides that's some task!

    Bakers2 the shingles patient is much better thank you.

    Moulesy enjoy the music and the wine. smile


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2018 #23909

    Brue hope your daughter and friends enjoy playing and raise lots of money for the good causes.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,887
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    edited December 2018 #23910

    Helen, I think (sometimes) that I might have missed Trevors shingles attack. I bet he wishes the same. Nasty thing, shingles. Had them and would gladly give them away. Hope he's recovering. (If I haven't missed it and already given my sympathies then please feel free to give them to a deserving cause).

    Sniffles are afoot in the Wherenext household. I'm walking around disinfecting door handles, teacups and burning anything MIL touches. Left her dinner on a tray outside her room and hightailed it back to the kitchen. Packing her off with Mrs WN on Monday. In the meantime this hygiene mask stays on.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited December 2018 #23911

    Not see or heard that one before, Goldie. Thanks for sharing.

    Glad to hear that feeling better Helen, and that Trevor is recovering from the Shingles...nasty stuff them.

    Don't you be giving any nasty bugs to OH or her mum before they go on their trip, WN.

    The only countdown we're doing is towards the day we head off in the van again...just 10 more days!