What are you all up to
Oo I missed that Millie when we went to Peterborough. I love the Arts & Crafts designers. Need to revisit, perhaps after Xmas.
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Quite agree with the Ladies w r t moggy -- Aged Sister has been driving us all scatty about her moggy aka Alfie Cat. She's only 88 and too perky for her own good but has got this world taped to her satisfaction as far as she can. The paperwork is all done complete with relevant 'phone numbers so that if / when anything happens to her the system will swing into full overdrive & the cat will be despatched to her youngest son in Sheffield, whether he wants him or not. After that is sorted we are free to make our own decisions etc, BUT ALFIE CAT MUST COME FIRST !!
Anyway I'm just back from surgery after dropping in my annual 'sample' for kidney checks. Damned nearly got ejected by Receptionist 'cos I walked to her desk, waved the sample packet and mis-quoted Chamberlain's lines " I believe it's pees in our time " Managed to get thro' the door before she found something throwable.
Have a good time you lot, grey days are no reason to stop having fun !!
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DId anybody have problems with this Silly Site last night ?? I tried about 5 different ways to log on but did not get far enough down the route to even type in any rude words
, so went to bed & started on another fantasy book on Kindle in order to stop them gathering dust
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WEt miserable start for the morning walk,now getting very muddy in places, did not realise just how bad the treads on old wellies were until wearing the new ones this morning the grip was so different(bit like having new tyres)Rosa got very wet, and then very muddy as did one of her toyboys (9 month border collie)when they had a "play in the mud"good job we have the outside dog wash
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We were back very late last night, had a peek at CT but don't know if it was working ok or not. Hope the little cat is better or has had some treatment. Upsetting when you see animals being neglected, we've had to take cats to the vets that didn't belong to us. But we did have a cat who walked in one very chilly night in Scotland and he got his paws permanently under the table for the next twelve years, he was ill at first and the vet found he had a nasty abscess, fighting off marauders in his street life existence no doubt, no known owners.
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Dull, grey and raining
I've really had enough now
could someone give the jet-stream a shove. Give me cold frosty crisp dry days any day to this miserable weather.
Moggie update! the male owner came in last night to see her
he was going to take her home but I persuaded him she is fine here until they take her to a vet (4pm today) they have 2 young very active and unruly children who sadly never leave the cat alone. Under normal circumstances she's fast enough to escape them but not just now. She has managed to go out to the toilet which I am a little happier about, however in doing so she almost went down on her right back leg. She is walking very gingerly on tiptoes, she allows you to pick her up (not usual) but you have to be careful, she is not happy about you stroking her hips, particularly her right one. So I'm thinking that is the source of her problems, maybe a bad jump/fall
hopefully not someone kicking her. Anyway he (owner) is taking her today to the vets, he is much easier to talk to and he agrees she isn't right. I've given him all the info of what she has been like over the past 5 days hopefully he will convey that to the vet. Then we will just have to wait and see I guess.
OH out now to the village lunch club where he helps out, after that he has 2 meetings to do with the village development trust (he's chairman) so I'm off out on my own shopping (browsing)
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Good news on the cat front Tammygirl, hopefully he'll be sensible enough to consider rehoming it!
I also agree with you about the jet stream. Dull and wet here not so cold double figures outside! Wind now getting up but I fear it won't blow the clouds away.
Rang friends up the road, 3rd day on the trot but they answered this morning, invited them down for cuppa this afternoon, bit of a chat. Opened the front door an hour or so later to walk to local Lidl, who's passing? We walked together, more chat. Hopefully they'll still be some topics to cover when they arrive later ๐๐๐๐๐
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Nice to hear an update TammyG, hope things improve for the cat.
Give the Gulf Stream a shove? I think it's on the move...the weather is terrible here just now, the south westerly winds are hitting with full force and I think we have worse to come overnight.
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Good to see the owner taking a bit of responsibility for the cat. Unlike a previous neighbour of ours. They moved to America and left the cat with the house but with no instructions. The neighbour the other side called the Cats Protection League which I am sure found the cat a new home.
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I'm feeling a little shaken up right now
B2 !!
Not complaining tho' -- I've just removed a load of junk mail from the letter box & in the middle was my NEW BUS PASS !!
Happy days are here again !!.
So it's back to the photo's for an hour or six !
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Great News Husky
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Got finished at work a bit early, not feeling great, sore throat too
Tammygirl sorry to hear about the cat, hope the vet can find out what's wrong.
Weather here pretty awful too, heavy rain and windy, even the dog is a bit fed up getting wet on every walk!
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Good news Husky, glad it worked out for you
Bus passes, I take it in England you get them at 65
but can you use them all over England or just within your local area?
Cat collected by male owner and taken (I hope) to vets, I told him if she has to rest for the next few days he is welcome to bring her back to us, he is now back from vets (car outside) just waiting to hear how things went.
H&T hope you feel better soon.
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Yes there are free guided tours at 11.30am and 2.00pm most days. The Rosetti window is in the south transept so unfortunately easily missed.
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There are a few places in England that hand out the passes at 60 but I think you cannof use them outside that area, such as Liverpool and London. We got ours at 60 here in Wales. Cannot use them in England except if boarding a bus in Wales going to England or coming back.
Like everyone else we've had gales gnd driving rain. Did some vittel shopping this morning. Mrs WN drove MIL into town for her usual Wednesday club this afternoon. Tree branch hit car roof, fortunately only scratching it but Mrs WN then got caught a glancing blow from a small branch whilst she was walking to opticians. Again fortunately she was only shaken up. I've given her extra helpings of Baked Rhubarb, Baked Apple and Greek Yoghurt to help her get over it.
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Wherenext were women able to receive their state pension when you got your bus pass? No need to give your age away
just curious. Wondering if Welsh rules are different? Hence same question earlier to Tammygirl.
Poor Mrs WN good to hear only scratches on the car and shake up for your good lady. Your medience sounds the perfect cure.
Damp/wet here all day, grey, grey, grey ๐ข but double figures. Breeze got up this afternoon but nothing like you describe. Can hear 'gust' every now and then in the chimney, but nothing of note.