New Bailey Leaking



  • Bentota
    Bentota Forum Participant Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #62

    We have a Bailey Unicorn Madrid (2016) and have experienced a leak in cupboards towards the rear of the van.  The dealer suspects a faulty roof strap but says that it may take some time for Bailey Caravans to approve the work under warranty.  In the meantime, they are going to try to apply a temporary 'fix' to prevent any further water coming in.  This is our third Bailey caravan and we haven't previously experienced any problems with rain leaking in.

  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2018 #63

    I see this is an old thread, probably found through the vagaries of the search box.

    Yes I had the same problem on a 2015 bailey earlier this year, the repair kit was sent rapidly once approval had been given, believe it or not they used the wrong glue that did not cope with the expansion coefficient of the polyester roof material vs the original aluminium. The glue delaminates and capillary effects leak water into the plastic channel on the roof interior, this acts as a gutter and deposits the water out of either end into cupboards or down the wall depending on van layout. The repair kit has exactly the same dimension parts for inner and outer covers but the correct glue/sealant.

    I effected a temporary repair covering the roofstrap with 3M all weather clear tape which is UV stabilised and lasts well. In fact I am considering covering all seams with it as I have have a sneaking suspicion that the same glue/sealant was used on the side seams as well as the roof seams. This problem is prevalent on all Baileys soon after their transition from ally to polyester body panels.

    So far so good, no more leaks at present.




  • Dave L S
    Dave L S Forum Participant Posts: 105
    edited August 2018 #64

    I had seven caravans from new, one Avondale, three Baileys, and three swifts. 

    Of the seven, two developed leaks, the Baileys !!.

    Having now moved to a motor home,  I avoided Bailey's. 


  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited August 2018 #65

    While the general public continue to buy Bailey products in large numbers, they have no incentive to improve their build quality.   Only market forces will make them improve. Giving Bailey vans a huge body swerve for a few years when buying new, will help to concentrate their minds and result in a much better product in the future. 


  • GarethLJ
    GarethLJ Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited August 2018 #66

    I sympathize with you as I have had 2 leaks so far in my 2016 Lunar and after having to wait many months for parts from Lunar,  the forward roof strap was replaced but the leak is still apparent! In addition the oven door exploded on first use, both taps have been replaced, the lounge carpet has fallen apart at the seams, the kitchen sink started to rust and replaced. I have had to tighten numerous screws, fitted screws where missing during manufacture and refitted shelves that collapsed when towing!I

    my local Lunar dealer are unable to carry out warranty work on my van as they are too busy with their own customers. I bought the van from another dealer in the north.

    In conclusion, the caravan industry can get away with a terrible product that was evident in the car industry of the 1970s and until we the public stop buying the saga will continue.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,772
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited August 2018 #67

    We did have damp in our last Lunar after three years, but the dealer was very good, got the claim in quickly and arranged the repair to suit us. They have had a problem with the seal over the joint between the front panel and the roof and the workshop foreman is very familiar with this.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2018 #68

    Our dealer Changed the roof strap and sealant when our was in for service this year as they had been advised by Bailey that some roof joints from an overseas supplyer were not to speckundecided

  • Unknown
    edited August 2018 #69
    This content has been removed.
  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2018 #70

    My new roof strap was exactly the same as the old one, I was told Bailey had used the wrong glue/sealant at the factory, apparently the glue/sealant used for ally panels doesn't work on polyester panels  due to different expansion rates. I surmise that they changed materials and did not test the resultant bond /seal.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2018 #71

    The glue/sealant as i understand it, is an integral part of the roof strap 

  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited August 2018 #72

    Yes, the new sealant was a double sided stick strip which was oversealed at the edges with sealant, the hardware strip and end plates were exactly the same.

    I just hope that they did not used the same incompatible sealant on the awning rails, bit I think I hope in vain.

  • Mikenbike
    Mikenbike Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited October 2018 #73

    This speaks volumes, Dave! 

    Our brand new (2014) Bailey caravan developed a series of leaks after just two years of very light use.  We were so disgusted that we gave up caravanning and did the same thing: moved to a motorhome... and made sure to avoid Bailey at all costs. 

    Such poor design, product testing and workmanship, Bailey won't ever see another penny of mine, that's for sure. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #74

    But then they see plenty of other people's money which more than compensates  for the odd one or two out of the ( As with any succesfull company world wide have had )out of the vast majority who are satified with the product

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited November 2018 #75

    It's not just on this forum that the many problems with Bailey caravan products are being reported. Other forums, caravanning press and more importantly,  owners during conversations on campsites are dissatisfied with Bailey Caravans.  Bailey will definitely not be on my shopping list,  when next changing my mobile accommodation.

    As an aside some owners are making excuses for Bailey by saying that some of the problems are due to fittings supplied by other manufacturers. While this may be the case, it is Bailey who selected those products over others and when they go wrong, it is still the responsibility of Bailey. 


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #76

    Very strange as usual type of post ,as you must be quite unusual as the conversations that Bailey owners seem to have on sites does not compute with as usual your comments ,trying to cause dissentundecided

    The few problems with all makes are "highlighted "it seems by the same posters on most forumssurprised

    Equipment as fitted to the majority of all Lvs built anywhere has the same equipment fitted with varying type of problems,on all anywhere built Lvscool

  • Mikenbike
    Mikenbike Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited November 2018 #77

    Odd one or two?  Get real sir!  You can continue acting as apologist for Bailey if you like, but that doesn't alter the fact that our new caravan leaked, in common with many other owners, and I'm sorry but that is a disgrace.  The very first requirement of any caravan is to keep out the rain.  Any manufacturer unable to achieve that basic fundamental, ON EVERY CARAVAN THEY PRODUCE, has no business building them.

    It is quite clear that Bailey have not properly tested their product before foisting it on an unsuspecting public. Had they manufactured cars, they would have gone out of business years ago.

    Perhaps you've been lucky in the Bailey lottery, but I remain appalled by them and reserve the right to say as much and alert others to what they could expect.

  • catherinef
    catherinef Forum Participant Posts: 647
    edited November 2018 #78

    Our 2018 Unicorn Seville is currently awaiting parts - 8 weeks and counting as I write....

  • JimC
    JimC Forum Participant Posts: 12
    edited November 2018 #79

    Our 2017 Vigo started leaking at the roof strap last week, my dealer has now put a warranty claim in but I'm puzzled as to why they didn't change the strap when it was in for service this year if Bailey had told all dealers to do so. Another dissatisfied customer here, call this good workmanship, I don't.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #80

    I think you need to look at where you bought your LV from rather than getting het up about the bought in from over there parts as most UK made LVs have to do ,at least the so called "problems"are not safety related as the thousands of other than UK made cars and the  roof strap leaks caused by faulty straps, was advised to us by our dealer and was rectified by them in two days of us informing them we would be dropping the van off on our way back from a trip,,3 days before service was due

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited November 2018 #81

    In the not too distant past Bailey introduced a revolutionary way of making Caravans and later motorhomes. Bolting them together with plates the system was meant to be watertight ? Obviously they are not.

    What has gone wrong ? Such a shame, as we could do with a quality manufacturer that we, the customer, can rely on. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #82

    We are on our second Alutec Bailey and both water tight, even more so (it seems on some) on our latest with the modified roof strap fitted at the last service,when it is serviced only the bottom lockers need emptying, as the service dept at our dealer advises that it is only the floor that might show "damp?"on their meter,as there is no other material that will absorb water in the build,

  • Mikenbike
    Mikenbike Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited November 2018 #83

    It strikes me Bailey left their product testing to their customers, and we've had to uncover their shortcomings the hard way... 

    As if the poor build quality wasn't bad enough, the constant water ingress and damp readings were the final straw, so here's one mug who won't be returning to Bailey.  Once bitten.... 


  • Unknown
    edited November 2018 #84
    This content has been removed.
  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #85

    The "picture" off the the as fitted to most LAs of the joint cover(roof strap)looks completely  different to the one on our Bailey (have just checked)

  • Harryt
    Harryt Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited November 2018 #86

    I am considering buying a new Bailey Phoenix but am concerned about all the leak storeys about Baileys including friends who have had problems. Does anyone know if the design fault has been sorted for new vans?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited November 2018 #87

    When you consider the thousands of Bailey products  (look arround most  touring sites)compaired to other makes  ,then things need to be put into perspective ,All makes from every manufacturer from al l countries have had some with damp or other problems, but if the numbers in use are much less then so will the "complaints?" be,if damp was the perceived "problem"that some say then the 10 year warranty against water ingress would have sent Bailey to the wallsurprised

  • Cawsey
    Cawsey Forum Participant Posts: 19
    edited July 2019 #88

    I was thinking of buying a Bailey . I asked the company if they were ISO 9001 regiustered ,they said no ,they were under the NCC . So I asked the NCC if they had an inspection routine like ISO 9001 ,or what was their inspection routine like . UUM I am still awating a reply . My mate bought a Swift and it had a strange flaw in the point job after several attempts to repaint it ,He asked Swift for copy of the ISO 9001 report ,and hey presto the faulty pannel was known about and recorded and fitted to the van . So they replaced the caravan ..While I wasin France spoke to another Bailey owner who had his axle changed ,with words of " OVERLOADING the Van "  Bailey making a Mtplm Van of 1450 Kgs ,on a !500 chassis .

  • Cawsey
    Cawsey Forum Participant Posts: 19
    edited July 2019 #89

    It Is a pity really that  ALL BRITISH Made things are DESIGNED BY ACCOUNTANTS.  

  • Mikenbike
    Mikenbike Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited July 2019 #90

    "I was thinking of buying a Bailey . I asked the company if they were ISO 9001 registered ,they said no"

    ISO 9001 would oblige them to produce a quality product, and one that doesn't leak. 

    It's easier for Bailey to make money fleecing customers like me with a shoddy product.  Why change a winning formula?


  • Bryn Whyte
    Bryn Whyte Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited August 2020 #91

    Bailey caravans....where do I start. I would have been better off buying a garden shed from B & Q then plonking it on a A frame! After 4 years of faults. I have just had to tow the Cartagena 111 top of the fleet caravan into UBC Gosforth for warranty work ...leaking roof where the two roof panels meet. Baileys and quality control are worlds apart!