New Bailey Leaking

Lynton Forum Participant Posts: 50
edited February 2017 in Caravans #1

Afternoon all, just thought I let you know of the issues I have had with Bailey Brindisi and its repair issues.  Although the there is a 6 year ingress which can be extended to 10 years but all this does not make much of a difference when you have to wait nearly, currently 64 days (and counting) and still no sign of the part from Baileys suppliers.  Problem happened during a rally at Stonehaven, after a cold snap of weather, ( 5Dec 16) and we had the heating on and before we out for a function there was drip running down the wall inside the caravan from the coving mid way in the bedroom area.

Took Van to the dealership, who incidentally I have no issues with they are trying their best to get the van back to us, but the repair which happens to be at where the roof is joined with the front and back panels connected by strip and two end caps.  The dealership was promised that 17 Jan parts would be available from bailey then  hours to fix the van and a day for the new adhesive to take hold properly then van could be returned.  With another rally due in Feb 17th I asked for an update last week and the latest news is that part expected 20 Feb into Bailey then expressed mail up to my dealer who can effect a repair.  Bailey had commented that they are having issues with their supplier of the repair kit that they made for apparent on going issues with the join on Bailey caravans.  Absolutely fed up with Bailey, the van is 4 months old bought from new and it has been in the workshop almost as long as I have had it!! Not happy at all.   I live in hope that the part really does arrive on the 20th and fixed before the end of Feb 17.  Has anybody else had leaking issues with Bailey and shocking repair times, by the way I appreciate the 2 week shut down for xmas. 

Nightmare Lynton



  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited February 2017 #2


    I can understand the way you are feeling at the present moment, when you have spent a great deal of money and have this happen. It's bad enough that the van is leaking but to have service from Bailey like this is bad. Can you not ask the dealer to do a temporary repair with mastic all along the leaking rail so that you can use your van on Feb 17th then have the van back in when they have the parts. We had a new van leaking from the skylight when on holiday in Devon and Elddis sent out a local repair firm who did a temporary repair on site so that we could continue with our holiday, and then booked us in for a repair when we got home.

  • Lynton
    Lynton Forum Participant Posts: 50
    edited February 2017 #3

    Thanks crown green, Don't think they were to keen to do a temp repair as they thought there may be warranty issues if they let it out without the proper fix from Bailey, dreaded catch 22 so so annoying.  Appreciate your comment with Elddis maybe the difference was you were out on site, and it could be fixed maybe our issue it is now at dealer and the strip I assume has been removed totally in expectation of a quick delivery from Bailey!   



  • crown green bowler
    crown green bowler Forum Participant Posts: 407
    edited February 2017 #4

    Going off track a little,  but maybe just maybe if  Bailey and the rest of them had to supply us with a courtesy caravan for long delays on repairs like car insurance does then they might get the parts out to dealers a lot quicker.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #5

    I to have a Bailey so know the frustration you feel but by the sounds of it on this occasion its not their fault but the suppliers. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #7

    I have actually had a person to person conversation with a very helpful lady at Bailey,about a warranty problem,  and she has explained that they and other manufacturers have been having a supply problem with a couple of continental suppliers and one UK supplier who get their raw material from continental suppliers,so even some new builds may be delayed,  

  • xtrailman
    xtrailman Forum Participant Posts: 559
    edited February 2017 #9

    Bailey decided to add a roof joint to the U3, most of which leak.

    Apparently all the joints will be fitted with an updated roof joint. So that's all three versions of Unicorns now that has leak issues, perhaps not affecting all models, but enough to be noticed.

    Its a shame Hymer didn't buy them instead of bottom of the pile Eldiss.

    Last in the 2017 ccc satisfaction survey.

  • andytyneandwear
    andytyneandwear Club Member Posts: 115
    First Comment
    edited February 2017 #10

       I've  a Bailey U3 Valencia 2015 it sprung a leak on the front offside with water dripping in between the inner and outer skins of the caravan and running down the inside of the window, diagnosed as loose frame bolts (the caravan not the window) and tightening of them requires a new awning rail fitting, also at the vans second service 40% damp was found in the bathroom requiring a strip out. All this was diagnosed mid November, the van eventually went in 30th January when the parts turned up at the dealers 10 weeks after diagnosis. Its really very disappointing and I've very little faith left in my lovely new caravan.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #11

    Quite right CY they did build it and it should have been done right, we've had ours repaired twice now. However I meant that the delay in getting parts from the suppliers was not totally their fault, not that this makes it any easier to put up with shoddy workmanship.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #12

    Again I agree that part is Bailey's fault, bad design and bad workmanship, but the delay in parts is surely beyond their control. Until something is done to make caravan/motorhome manufactures more in line with the auto industry we will continue to have shoddy work. We don't put up with this with cars, why do we have to put up with it for something that in the case of motorhomes costs twice what the average car costs.

  • The Ovaltineys
    The Ovaltineys Forum Participant Posts: 196
    edited February 2017 #13

    For those who still think Baileys are any good please read the paragraph below. My wife saw this earlier this week on Facebook.


    Can I add to this in a roundabout way. I bought a dishwasher from John Lewis which was delivered last week. When I signed the invoice the delivery guy asked me what I thought of my Bailey Pegasus II Verona bought new in 2012, which was parked on my drive. Before I could tell him the issues I've had with it he said he would never buy a Bailey Caravan if his life depended on it. Now this peeked my interest and he said that he had worked on the Bailey Production line for a few months but finished due to the absolutely shocking standard of workmanship that was occurring there, with many faults evident to the final product and general poor workmanship throughout the process. He told me that he continually complained to his supervisor about these issues but was told to shut up and carry on or face the consequences. He said he tried to push his complaints up the line further but was told if he didn't like it he knew where the door was! So I asked him what he did and he replied resigned!!! His also said the pay was atrocious and he was better off doing what he was doing now and that he felt he had better job satisfaction at John Lewis but if he ever came across a delivery to a property with a Bailey Caravan at, he would always point out the low production standards at Bailey. Just a salutary tale folks.

    Doesn't give you any confidence does it?

  • volvoman9
    volvoman9 Forum Participant Posts: 1,053
    edited February 2017 #14

    Am i disgusted ? you bet i am.

    Am i surprised ? not one bit.

    I,ve read more Bailey horror stories on this forum than all the other makes put together.


    PITCHTOCLOSE Forum Participant Posts: 658
    edited February 2017 #15

    I keep saying this,if it is designed correctly there should not be a joint in the roof stupid idea for cheap manufacture.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2017 #16

    The delivery driver may well be speaking the truth or! he could just be a disgruntled ex employee or ex Bailey owner who knows anyone can say anything doesn't mean you have to believe. As been said before on here Bailey is the biggest maker of caravans in the UK so the amount of complaints with of course be more noticeable.

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2017 #17


    Looking to the future, with Trigano group buying up Marquis and Adria and Hymer group taking Explorer, we can expect and hope that workmanship and build quality improves drastically. That in theory should wake up Bailey to improve it's service.

    I was quite shocked last year by the amount of bailey owners that came to site bemoaning the quality of their outfits with water ingress being the most popular subject. Also, waiting forever for parts blaming supply issues is just rubbing salt into an unnecessary wound in my book. Get it right first time and hey no need for those pesky parts!


  • xtrailman
    xtrailman Forum Participant Posts: 559
    edited February 2017 #18

    Most caravans for years have had two roof joints.

    There only a problem if they leak, same with any joint.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #19

    What was a John Lewis driver doing deliveries in Shropshire when Bailey are in Bristol they do not deliver long distances and was he on his own?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2017 #20
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #21

    But then the age of the posters on this forum according to some, puts them in the Bailey buyers age range so there are sure to be more "moans" as you only have look round most sites and count the Baileys and the age of the ownerscool

  • Lynton
    Lynton Forum Participant Posts: 50
    edited February 2017 #22

    Appreciate the comments thank you, however, when i said i don't blame them I meant my dealer who are doing what they can I totally blame Bailey for having suppliers who cant meet the demand for the repair which is obviously needed on the Baileys with this type of joint. 



  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Forum Participant Posts: 210
    edited February 2017 #23

    The simple answer is that if you have a 'dry' van - keep it!!!

    We buy new when we haven't worn out the old and hence the shoddy supplier continues to profit!

    Caravan construction generally is not in the same class as a modern car, maybe why so many switch to motorhomes?

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,802
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    edited February 2017 #24

    I'm interested to know where you got the information from that most Bailey U3 roof joints leak? Mine doesn't and neither does my neighbour's and when I discussed this, recently, with the Service Manager at the very large Bailey dealership we bought ours from, he did say that they had seen  a couple when the U3s first came out - but nothing since. Since I didn't have an issue, he had no reason to be less than truthful, so I don't understand how you believe that most leak. Perhaps you can enlighten me?

  • xtrailman
    xtrailman Forum Participant Posts: 559
    edited February 2017 #25

    You mean its not leaking yet.

    All the roof joints are being replaced, Bailey don't do anything like that unless they have too.

    Frankly i'm happy to see the back of mine.

  • countax
    countax Forum Participant Posts: 112
    edited February 2017 #26

    Does the Pegasus range have a similar roof joint and hence does it suffer from the same problem?

    Thank you.

  • Freedom a whitebox
    Freedom a whitebox Club Member Posts: 297
    edited February 2017 #27

    Not wishing to tempt fate, but I've got a Unicorn Valencia 3 (early one with led lighting)  and it hasnt shown any signs of leakage. I'm not saying it's perfect, I've had 14 faults on delivery, which should've been pick up during its pdi by the dealer.

    The saga with the led lighting that doesn't register with my tow vehicle so had to have a resistor box fitted that the dealer charged me for, but had to reimburse after I let rip at bailey stating that they had sold a product that didn't comply with the requirement to show that a trailer was connected, they tried blaming it on the vehicle wiring, funny how it worked ok on my previous bailey and my trailer ( something that they rectified on later models by dropping the led rear lighting) The box fitted, that actually made all their rear lights flash/ dim if hazard and side lights are used at the same time ( a call the the box manufacturer confirmed that a modication was needed as one box doesn't fit all)

    but am I happy with my Unicorn? Yes, very!

    am I happy with their build quality and customer service, jury still out on that one, only time will tell 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #28

    We have a pegasus and as most caravans and m/vans there is a joint on the roof and I would think the majority of roofs seem to  be watertight,if you look at the pictures of the Bailey production lines(two) side by side the roofs are all the same,   but as we all know the few who complain are far outnumbered by the vast majority of owners of all makes who do not have a problem,

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2017 #29

    Actually the few  out of the thousands that have been  built( all models) that have been found to have a leak caused by a batch of faulty joining strips on the latest series 3 Unicorns (they are wider than other models)are having them replaced

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited February 2017 #30

    My Bailey has been dry. However, like all you lot, I get sick of reading blogs like this. When will the day come where we don't cross our fngers when we buy a new van??  If you can make one dry van you can make all your vans dry! 

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,733
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    edited February 2017 #31

    The problem is not that the various firms cannot make a dry van they just have staff who do not care and do not bother to make sure they do the job correctly. There is nothing difficult in sealing the vans if you have pride in your work.