What are you all up to
All Hard Work in Winter, Trellis mate -- I'm ploughing thro' all my photographs. Got as far as Slide 7120 now, only 64,000+ then its the digital jobbies. Reckon it'll only take me three ( 3 ) years, always assuming I dont go over-board in the mean time !! But I'm playing loads of C.D.'s and hoping my new neighbour has similar tastes or she is very deaf !
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Plenty of fresh air, Brue 'cos I always have a window open and right now ( (17:20 ) its clear but deepening beautifully.
Don't want too much fresh air tomorrow 'cos Tuesday afternoon I'll be in the very coldest place imaginable since I've, sadly, got a visit to Hanley for a funeral. I have never been anything other than cold at those times.
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Enjoyed my extra hour in bed, OH on the other hand had to get up to take the dog out, his body clock didn't allow for the extra hour!
Caravan now back in storage for a few weeks, certainly very chilly up on the airfield where we store the van, beautiful blue sky though.
Daffy the MG made an appearance out of the garage this afternoon, bodywork is almost complete, OH will then have to start on the mechanical bits!
Cooking a Sunday roast, Pork with all the trimmings, not long to wait now, just time to open the wine.🍷 cheers
Nice pictures Millie, and nice to see a dog friendly cafe opening at Clumber Park.
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Didn't get to enjoy the extra hour in bed this morning as next door's young children haven't got the hang of it yet
Went to see eldest granddaughter at her school parade today, Battle of Trafalgar. We normally take her out for lunch after a parade but today she didn't want to go out, quiet happy spending time in school with her friends. Nice to see her happy and settled. Had to take a drive through to Stirling though as she had run out of black tights (forgot to take some back after half term) tights bought and delivered back to school on our way home to Perth.
The drive through to/from Dunblane was lovely with the snow glinting on the mountain tops and the trees putting on a good colourful show. Sun shining not a cloud in the sky, what a beautiful day.
We had a hard frost this morning and looks like we will have another tomorrow, don't mind if its a lovely bright day. Jobs to do outside and still some stuff to bring in from the caravan so another busy day.
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Hope you have a great time away HD, are you off to the New Forest?
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We left Hurn Lane this morning after making full use of every facility available, got to get max usage considering prices charged!
Short drive over Avonmouth on M5, then off onto A38 and a pleasanter drive to Berkeley Castle. Very interesting place, enjoyed it more than Alnwick or Warwick, not as commercialised. We couldn’t get in at a rather nice CL we fancied, so have opted for an old standby, Notgrove Club Site. Last night open this, but suits us fine. Decent price, and not far from Sudeley Castle which is tomorrow’s must see. We drove our old route through Painswick and really enjoyed all the Autumn woodland colours. We are one of only three on site here tonight. Just looking for a CL for tomorrow night now.......
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Go for it HD, hope you have a lovely time!
I am sorry, but I need to have a quick rant tonight. Trying to search for sites, both CLs and Club Sites on CAMC website, and I must have silently muttered every swear word I know tonight. The whole thing is just so shockingly slow and clunky to use. Nothing wrong with my WiFi or connections as other websites are coming up like lightening. It’s not a good shop window for the Club at all. What should take seconds in terms of looking, checking and booking turns into a sort of endurance test!
Apologies, but I had to open a pressure valve
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Please be aware TTDA, that some of us are quite willing to accept a bloomin' good mutter, chunter, grouse or similar with the good grace we would hope to receive when it's our turn
!! No need to fret, worry or apologise at all
just stand back, take a deep breath and then LET RIP !
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Guess that Pardon Hill was full then. Enjoy Sudeley tomorrow. How far do you want to go, but if Stratford is on your list of spots to visit I can recommend Monks Barn Fm. They're likely to have a H/S pitch available.
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Not quite as cold last night as we had no frost on the car this morning, but there was still a chill wind blowing. There had been hail and sleet showers on Dartmoor the previous day. Packed up and away before 9:45 and got to Marsh Farm, Trowbridge just after noon. It was fine and sunny but still with a chilly breeze here, but we were sheltered from the wind on our walk along the Kennet & Avon Canal after lunch, and were fortunate to spot a Kingfisher with a fish in it's beak.
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We stayed there last year. Recommended.
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That was a hard frost this morning. Lovely sunny day though.
Decided to tackle the front bedroom today while OH swapped the car tyres around.
Found out that the tv in the front bedroom wasn't working, no signal. So took it into the dinning room to check it out, nothing wrong with the tv so must be the coax. Checked the cable in the house nothing wrong there so over to OH to check outside. Out with the roof ladder and ladder to get onto the roof (we live in a bungalow) up he goes to the aerial all ok at the connection box, so must be the coax that runs down the roof. Yep! that had gone brittle and split. All now replaced and working fine, isn't it nice to have someone who can do that,
Tomorrow I have to wait in all day for the boiler man to come and service it, it should have been done before we went to France but he broke down. OH off to Dundee with Mum's hearing aid its not working, couldn't get and appointment in Perth for another 2 weeks.
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Yep - it is getting to that time of year when Jack Frost is prowling around, followed by the Ice Queen and all sorts of unsavoury cold characters, Time to light the log fire,open your favourite tipple and hunker down.
Enjoy your winter folks see you after my hibernation period.
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Thanks one and all! We were the last arrivals for the year at Notgrove (Bourton) last night, having decided to drive up from Berkeley. We had a steady easy drive, and enjoyed this great little site for a tad over £14, so, a bargain. Colours on drive up through Cotswolds were lovely, and we were up early and off to Sudeley Castle this morning. Very interesting place. We have decided to finish off this tour at Warwick Racecourse, again a bargain at only £15.20 per night. We are parked up against rails tonight, looking forward to either a bike ride or a stroll into Warwick tomorrow.
We have had a superb little tour, despite a few hiccups (snapped exhaust, torrential rain and hold ups on M1, all on first day!), have had 16 nights out, using four Club Sites (Exeter
Hurn Lane
and Warwick
) two new to us CLs, both superb examples (thank you Nellie!) and an old favourite CL in the process of being revamped. The weather has been brilliant for the time of year, especially Cornwall, and although it’s now much colder, the sun is still shining each day. We managed to meet up with some friends and share some great food and a lot of laughs, and have seen some interesting places that have long been on our must visit list.
I have just tried working out our average nightly fee, and it’s come out somewhere around the £14.50 mark. All but one of the Club Sites and one of the CLs had full facilities and one even had a swimming pool and spa pool for a small extra charge! So we call that a darn good time away, for next to nothing. We have only put fuel into MH once as well. Not bad as we have done close to 800 miles, and still have half a tank of fuel left!
So, Warwick will be our last night out tomorrow, home from there, and our next trip out is booked for early December, OH has an interesting birthday to celebrate!
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Brilliant walk up to scar crags via the old mine road then over causy pike. Now at the fish in Buttermere. Anyone fancy a drink ?
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We don’t usually stay for long at Notgrove, but there are some interesting places close by, such as Chedworth Villa, and of course Sudeley. We were one of only a trio of outfits, so lots of room. The dog walk is a rather nice little stroll as well.
Nice day here at Warwick, after dog walking, we took a stroll into town and had lunch in a nice little pizza restaurant. Then up to St Mary’s Church. Fabulous memorial display for the WW1 centenary. The church was full of poppy displays, including a very poignant one of purple poppies commemorating all the animals and birds that were involved in the conflict. Very moving, lots of personal stories.
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Thanks for that, we shall investigate next time we are there. Where are you heading to this time out?
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Back to what seems our third home ( FM our second)now Seacroft we have tickets for the charity night with the Sherringham Shanty men in Cromer pier theatre ,then on to Sunny Honey next week for a w/ed meet up with a big group of friends,some in Holiday homes at a commercial site, we and some others are on what they call a "gold serviced pitch?"
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Have a wonderful time JVB. I am quite envious as we are grounded at the moment by some rather worrying hospital appointments for OH so I don't think we will be going anywhere for a few weeks.
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Lovely bright cold day again to start with, then turned late afternoon to drizzle
Boiler man came this morning service all done for another year
OH went to Dundee to get Mum her hearing aid fixed all sorted
So the morning was good with no problems, the afternoon went down hill in every respect.
OH has been sat pulling his hair out trying to sort out the visa's we have now found out we need for our cruise in January, most of them are straight forward but the one for India (a whole 8 hours) is a nightmare.
So much conflicting information and that's from the Official Indian Visa site. The cost is also unbelievable, depending on which visa you get, which they can't decide you need. One part says you can get an eVisa, another part says you have to have a tourist visa, while even another part says if you are not getting off the ship you don't need one. The last bit is totally wrong as the cruise company says they will not even allow you to board the ship if you don't have a visa. Trying to fill out the forms is not straight forward, some of the information they ask for we don't have, flipping nightmare.
If it wasn't all paid for I would just forget it why is nothing straight forward.
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Best wishes over the coming weeks Millie. We are on a count down for our sons and grandson's move north, it will seem very strange when they have gone but I'll be pleased to think the family are together again and I won't have piles of washing to do.
We're hoping to take the van away soon, somewhere cold no doubt but somewhere we like.
Good luck with your plans TG, our posts crossed.
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That’s bad news at the moment Millie, I hope things go ok for you. Sounds an interesting cruise TG, and very complicated.
Our last night out tonight, I am looking forward to renewing my love affair with our dishwasher. I loathe washing pots.
Pack some Winter woollies brue, it’s blinking cold outside now!
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Hope you manage to get all your visas sort. TG
Sounds like a good trip, JVB , have a great time.
Best wishes for your OH's visits to the hospital, millie.
Brue, I think I'd wait for a week or so before heading out in your van again, and hopefully by then the rain and winds will have passed through.
Tda, St. Mary's Church WWI memorial certainly sounds well worth a visit, but it'll be a bit far for us to get there from Cheltenham. Have a safe trip home.
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Thanks Millie we are not sure if we will be coming home after Hunstanton or have a few days at Sandringham,but its the time of year when autumn dog disease is around and parts of the estate are hotspots ,but we have to be back by the 19th Nov as i have three Hospital appointments over that week,and have yet to get our flu jabs as they have run out of over 65s flu vacine in Hertfordshire until mid to end of Nov
Hope your OH gets sorted ,we are back at FM 15th Dec for a week (i think)