What are you all up to
Ta David but it's impossible to get a proper grip on it. It's placed in the top right hand corner of the oven and right next to the side wall so you can't get around the back. You can only grip one side. The cross thread must have been done in the factory as it's the first time we've had to change this bulb in the 14 years we've had it. We've tried using one of those grips that OAPs use for opening bottle tops etc, molegrips, elastic bands, silicone spray, degreaser. Might have to smash it!!!
Will visit Youtube later, Brue. Thanks for the hint.
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Mrs WN can't wait for the clocks to change. The time change handle in the car we bought for her in March isn't working so she's been on winter time for the last 7 months.
Had the morning off as it was a lovely sunny day so we walked to town as we had quite a bit to buy from the market.
Will tackle the oven tomorrow. Always put off to tomorrow what you can't be bothered doing today. Didn't someone once say that?
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Wherenext is it really essential that you have an oven light? I didn't have one for 35ish years and I managed 🤣. I'd put the task in the too hard basket and forget it - you'll soon get used to it 😉. Why not put it off indefinitely? Or you could go the whole hog and replace the oven........
Weather's changed here, rather cloudy thermometer hasn't got passed 8c. Jeans finally shortened - I had to walk into town to buy cotton 😲, as my mother would say felt like the devil was on my back the whole time I was tackling them. Forgot to changed the needle in the sewing machine, so it jammed on the seam, so had to unpick................ why is it every time you find a supplier of something you like they have to tweak it?? That's why the jeans needing shortening 😤
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Lovely bright and sunny day here in N.Ireland but bitterly cold and windy. Son still went out for a row on the lough with his rowing club though.😲 I forgot to bring my slippers but got some lovely warm and cosy 'sheepskin' ones in b&m bargains in Downpatrick for £4.99😊.
Sorry to hear you have had such a such a stressful week Helen. I hope you feel a bit more relaxed after the weekend.
Safe journey home nth. Did you drive over Exmoor? We used to love to visit Parracombe church when we were in that area.
Are your jeans from M&S Bakers2? I am very annoyed with them as their trouser lengths seem to have changed and even the short length is too long for me and I am 5'3" so not particularly short.
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Sorted out the MH after our trip. Finished unloading the stuff that didn't get done yesterday as we were a bit late back and pushed to get to a performance of "Poppies red and cornflowers blue" by a folk group called Poachers Moon at our local parish church.
Drained down the water system as we don't anticipate any prolonged trips for a while now, just odd days out. Gave the bottom half of the van a quick slosh over as it looked as if I'd participated in the Dakar rally.
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Very chilly when we stepped out of the theatre, just an hour to listen to some whacky and interesting tales, slightly gruesome in parts but a bit different.
Histories of the Unexpected LINK
Oneputt, I'm afraid our visiting nine year old won't be fooled by sun and moon pictures...
Hope you're enjoying NI Millie.
CY, we are doing the opposite, just sorting our van out for some winter trips.
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Weather turned wet and horrible this afternoon, so caravan hasn't moved will take back tomorrow instead.
Hope you are having a lovely time in NI Millie. I'am starting to feel slightly less stressed now, a glass of wine later will help 😉
I have the same problem with jeans, I found some in Bon Marche which were a better fit than M&S .
Have spent some time this afternoon starting to plan next year's holidays, something to look forward too
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Milliehull gave up on M&S ones, but found Add a of all places! Fitted great. Grabbed a couple of pairs as old ones have had it! Usually short is just right, none in store or online 😢, very little stock online 😤, expect they're changing again!!! I'm 5ft4in standard needed turning up 1.5 inches so cut off existing hem, turn double and stitch. Much messing for very little really 😤. Still done now. They put so much elastic stretch in they don't wear as well........
Enjoy NI, glad your feet are warm 😂
HelenandTrevor I'd been missing the company and experience of work recently. Sad that you're feeling stressed but delighted you reminded me why I didn't like work 😉
EasyT when I grow up I'm going to be tall - but I ain't growing up yet! I said this for years, and used it again when my son was about 9 or so - his response after much thought, you are grown up - your my mum. Priceless! I have to stand in the stairs if I want to look him in the eye these days 😂🤣
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Safe journey home nth. Did you drive over Exmoor? We used to love to visit Parracombe church when we were in that area.
I think you've mixed me up with tda, millie. We've still a couple of weeks or so of our trip left, although we do move on up to a CL at Trowbridge tomorrow from the CC's Stover site. We have been for a walk on Dartmoor again this week, but not visited Exmoor this trip.
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It's been a lovely bright and sunny day today, flipping cold though. Snow gates shut just a bit north of us but no sign of snow here.
I've done nothing today as I've been feeling a bit poorly aaaah, came over all light headed late yesterday and dizzy, then this morning bad headache and queasy as well. So a day spent on the sofa, feeling a bit better now but really tired. Had flu jab on Thursday morning wonder if its connected
Bakers2, I'm the opposite of you when it comes to jeans/trousers, struggle to get them long enough 5' 7" but with a 31" inside leg. I have found Matalan good for jeans as they do 'long' legs, got 2 pairs last year at the Chester M&S outlet shop that are perfect, best jeans I've had in a long time.
Off to grand daughters school tomorrow as they have a parade on 'Battle of Trafalgar' 213 years ago OH tells me. Its going to be a chilly morning brrrr.
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Painting now sufficiently completed in the first 2 bedrooms of the "new house" for the flooring to be laid. OH picked up the laminate, underlay etc today, so we should be able to make a start on that on Monday.
Meantime I am rebuilding a duct in the bathroom which we found was very damp, apparently an old leak from upstairs which had never dried out properly. We have had a dehumidifier going for several days, so things are almost normal now.
Moving in day is provisionally Nov 6 and 7, with handover of the old house the following week, but with a lot still to do I think they will all be sleeping in the living room!
Quite a few items to be dismantled before the move, so that will eat into the time available for working on the new place.
Looking forward to an extra hour in bed tonight.
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Final beam for Daughters extension going over the roof on Friday. They hope to have the extension weatherproof in about 10 days. They are doing 90% of the work themselves. Not bad and looking after 4 year old twins. They turn down offer of physical help or cash so we are right proud of their achievements
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That’s a big project. Well done them! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Really cold day yesterday with wind and sleety rain went by bus,to next town (stevenage),the only "busy" shops were Primark (heaving)big queues at tills ,Matalan nearly as busy,and the mobile phone shops,,the market was about deserted as were most of the other big stores Tesco,Asda,,so it seems that people do not have money but have "priorities
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Retired last night with an extra Chapter of a 'real paper back book' in anticipation of that extra hours kip.
Sadly didn't get the desired luxuriating -- 'cos the bleep bleep bleep smoke alarm battery died circa 05:30 40 seconds between real BLEEPS !! They are designed to wake up sleepers when they go off -- and I can assure you they do even at single chirrup every 40 seconds !
At least I was awake & alert enough to enjoy the sunrise while extracting the steps from the workshop { shed
Hope you all are enjoying the day so far -- Cool if not downright cold in Cheshire but beautiful sunshine -- who wants Magaluf or Barbados
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Tha' musta bin Level 3 manager or abuv, then if tha's gotten enuff t' boast aboot then ma mite.
Me I was just an impoverished T.O. with 37 years in !!
( Dare not say " A poor T.O. " for fear of the obvious comments about 'poor' referring to my Technical Abilities
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We are just home after a lovely weekend away at craigie Gardens that will be our last visit there this year as it closes next week for the winter such a shame as I think it would be an ideal site for all year visits. That will probably be our last trip away until December as we have a lot on over the next few weeks. The caravan is also going in for its first service in a couple of weeks so we will have to take it down to Preston.
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Helped neighbours to bury their cat then pottered in the garden, brown bin now full to overflowing ready for emptying tomorrow. Got it all done in brilliant sunshine. Sun is still shining but its throwing it down so will be a couch potato this afternoon. May continue to plan next Easters trip.
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Lev 3? Them that dwelt on the top floor where the carpet was ankle deep.
You and me, Brian, we made do with the basement and a bit of Lino on the floor.
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A pleasant walk in Clumber Park this morning. A much nicer day than yesterday with very little wind. Noticed on our way back to the car that the building by the cricket pitch, that has variously been the Burrow under 3's soft play and Consevation centres, has been rebranded as the Central Bark, Clumbers dog friendly cafe.
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Had a lovely walk with the family today to Ballynoe Stone Circle. Cold but very sunny.
Sorry nth. I knew who I meant but got my initials in a muddle
. Hope your onward travels go well.