What are you all up to
We are back home after a lovely 16 days away. Currently in culture shock being back where we live again after two weeks up North!
Enjoy Alkborough WN, one of our favourite CLs! Look out for Bitterns and Bearded Tits!
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Just catching up following yesterdays fiasco with this web site.
Sorry to hear that your op has been postponed David.
WN we move on down to near Camelford on Thursday. Yesterday we visited Castle Drogo, but today was a wash out!! Glad that you've managed to get out and about, and seen lots of wild life. We spotted 3 pure white deer today crossing one of the fairways on the golf course by us when we were out with Flyte.
Enjoy your stay at Stamford, H&T, one of our favourite CC sites.
Millie, I hope that your OH's op doesn't stop you getting away to Ireland.
Sounds as if your trip is going well, OP.
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brue, we have 2 grown up sons who are totally different to each other. Eldest one still lives in la la land and has no idea about switching lights off and not leaving the tap running whereas the younger one is totally savvy about such things and even educates us!! He wants to save the world 😕. Our daughter is an accountant. ... I shall say no more!
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Naughty person!
It's a wonderful place to see birds. We had never seen a Bittern before staying in this area, popped over to RSPB site close by, and saw three within 10 minutes of getting out binocs! You can hear them booming as well on the CL, wonderful noise, totally unreal. We saw a Spoonbill as well just on stroll out with dogs one day.
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I have opposite problem brue. We have over time brought Mum and Dads House into 21st century. New boiler, computerised, automatic timers, thermostats etc...... main controls housed in old airing cupboard. Mum would turn off the main controls half a dozen times a day, any little light on meant electricity wasted! Constant battle, on, off, reset, on , off, reset..... I solved, and won this battle by eventually putting a lock on the cupboard door, under the guise of H&S. Much grumbling, but bless her she now has a new toy to torture us with............a Smart meter. It was plugged in, and hidden on a shelf. But anything plugged in, uses electricity. So it was on, it's was off, and so on. She has sort of won this battle, with logic really. If it's on, it's using electricity, so it is costing something! You can't argue with logic like that! It's on but hidden well out her way now.
Came home to her boiler not working. Can't blame her this time, think storms at home have blown pilot light out, I need to fix today. Hurrah for a back up gas fire, and an electric one in her bedroom. Plus two hot water bottles, used all through Summer........
I hope you are feeling a bit better. Been thinking of you.
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TDA, I can well imagine the effort involved.
Let's just say we're not getting many visitors just now or invites out, the hacking coughs can be heard throughout the neighbourhood. We blame the village bus, it took just one neighbour to get on it, catch the bug and spread it around!
We're trying to get organised for going to Cornwall, we have a few days left to pull ourselves together and hope there is a cure in the fresh sea air. We can leave the paperwork and phone calls behind for a few days.
Hope you have restored your energy on your nice holiday. What I can't get used to is packing a suitcase instead of loading up the motorhome. Lists are my saviours!
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It's very new. I suspect pilot light, but need to check model before touching anything, as some you can sort out, others you need an engineer. Might be electronic ignition. It's not a combi by the way, it's a proper boiler, bought to last beyond a few years.
Our boiler at home is 27 years old by the way, serviced each year, still does it's job. Think new caravans JVB.........old ones built to last, keep rolling along. New ones thrown together, lucky if you get a year out of some! You get my drift.......
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We're back from three nights at Troutbeck Head. It was at the most half full, so plenty of choice of where to pitch. We were down by the beck with no near neighbours so it was very quiet - apart from the wind in the trees at night.
There's no WiFi but we had a good 4g signal from EE.
We only had two trips out - one to Rheged for a wander round the crafty shops and a very nice lunch (I was good and resisted buying an expensive tweed handbag, but succumbed to some beads).
Yesterday we drove down through Matterdale (where my Great Grandfather lived), alongside Ullswater and up KIrkstone Pass. Then down The Struggle" to Ambleside and onwards to Keswick. Another lunch out at The Theatre By The Lake.
Back home and back to the real world.
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Beautiful images Goldie. Autumn is certainly here now. We were crunching over thousands of acorns on our woodland walk today.
Resolved Mum's heating. Nothing to do with boiler, that is fine. It was the battery operated thermostatic control that just needed new batteries! It had enough power to transmit a reading, but not enough to send signal to boiler to kick in! Two double A's resolved the problem, cheaply! Hurrah
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Too k the Volvo for new front tyres today the old ones were close to the limit so had to get new ones before we head down to York at the end of the week. Going to get the Cvan all packed tomorrow. Lovely pics Goldie we were ar Troutbeck last week its one of our favourites with great views. We went up the Kirkstone pass to and had a lovely Sunday lunch at The Kirkstone Inn.
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Beautiful afternoon here, took elderly dog and self for a slow stroll round the field at the back, neither the dog or me have bothered much the last few days. I was watching the farmer put the winter wheat in, it took all day but it was nice seeing the birds follow him, gulls and buzzards, I picked up a few stray seeds, last years maize and the new wheat (treated, so a pink colour.) The tree colours are looking good too, no one around so very pleasant in the sun.
Loved the pics Goldie, we enjoyed meal at the theatre with friends earlier this year, can recommend it to anyone, even for a coffee, such a lovely spot.
So here for seed lovers are this years maize and next years wheat....
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Wind finally dropped this afternoon, sun has been out all the time but temps had dropped, locals back in puffa jackets and jeans, tourists still in shorts and Tshirts
. Got a bit warmer towards end of afternoon and tomorrow is forecast to be back to normal 26c.
Very frustratingly few hours trying to sort out an interesting route home, so many campsites already closed while others just don't answer there phone, found a nice site using Acsi app only to find out the app was wrong and it had already closed
think we have it sorted now
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Arrived home today after a great few days away. Van parked up and then headed into work to face chaos and I'd only been away a few days
Just catching up with everyone's news and pics as site wifi wasn't very good and website seemed to be acting up too !!!
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I remember returning to work to face a pile of outstanding stuff. After a day or so, you almost wonder if it was worth going away. Glad those days are behind me.
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I well understand your appointment issues Robsail !!
I had Dentist & hygienist yesterday, Retinopathy camera work in 30 mins**, flu jab on Saturday, Diabetes blood sampling in a fortnight followed by D/Nurse to explain how appalling my sugar control has been, then a week later the Doc himself will compound nurses strictures with a general over-view.
Think I'll then go into hibernation after that little lot
** And I'll have to walk into the village for this -- Driving's a definite NO - NO
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We went for our flu jabs yesterday brue. I will keep you posted. Instead of an appointment system as in the past they are just having 'open' flu clinics where you just turn up. It was chaos - we queued for 40 minutes. Luckily our age group are used to queuing so it was all very orderly and good natured.
I have been on school pick up duty this afternoon. Goodness you take your life in your hands. Children wizzing about on their bikes and scooters. And then there are the mums who use their prams and buggys as battering rams
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A much easier way of getting your flue nab is to use as we do your local pharmacy, nearly all of them will do, and also inform your doctors surgery they they have done it
I am not sure if it is for everybody, or as us have repeat prescriptions via them, ours is a Loyds branch
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Went to Blickling Hall today. We were there at opening so that we could get 2 and a half hours walking in before meeting up with friends at the Bucks Arms for a bite to eat. Very nice as well. They kicked us out at 4 so they could set the tables for tonight so we had a good catch up.
I have a flu jab every year and, touch wood, not had any problems. This year they have told me that there is one for over 65's and a different one for those under 65. Don't know how the flu recognises your age but who am I to argue with the NHS? Had to postpone mine to come away this week. Now due mid November.
Thanks Ttda. Will try to enjoy Alkborough.
Mrs WNs uncle still in high dependency and apparently must have someone with him or constantly checking up but his wife seemed a bit happier.
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Brue, I don't want to spook you but both my wife and eldest sprog have had the jab ,and felt dog rough the next day. Yvonne has since spoken to numerous friends who had the jab and they to felt bad for the next 24hrs. Can't wait to have mine,😀 but having had flu a few years ago I'll take my chances .