What are you all up to
Managed to get a booking at a CL in Breckland so going on Thursday but will be traveling solo as we both Mrs One and I have to attend different funerals on Friday. I will then spend the weekend trying to contact some relatives and also have some down time.
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Brue you're right kind words are very welcome. Glad your mum seems a bit better. Whoops a timetable for evening chores before the power goes - good luck. Are you pleased with the results of the builders work? It's a shame that having one job done has so many knock on effects. Without your added family and electric problems. Still were here and can laugh about it 😉.
Oneputt I saw Norjam on the news tonight, I take it from your comments that Mrs One will be camping out? 2 funerals, 1 each, that's tough. I hope they go well and that a catch up with relatives will be something to take away some of the sadness.
KjellNN sounds like you're days are going to be busy for the foreseeable future 😲 but I do hope you can manage a caravan trip before the winter, even if it's only to recharge your batteries!
Tammygirl you're making me tired again!! If your OH is been out of the army for 7 years is that how long you've lived in your house? Be good to get the jobs done before your new caravan arrives - you can holiday with a clear conscience 😂😂.
Our new car should be returned from the body shop tomorrow - that's a whole week 😲. We're having to pay for car-parking as we have a parking permit and will sometimes park closer to town within our zone if we've got lots/heavy shopping. It's the little things that catch you out, including time limits with prepay parking. I'll be polishing my eyes to ensure I can spot anything they've missed. OH will have a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.
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Arrived home at lunchtime after a few days away on a fab CL near Wisbech. 4G was very patchy so haven't been able to keep up with all the goings on 😢
OH returned a couple of parts not required and then bought a few more bits that are needed on the MG 😉 the reason we were there.
I was at work this afternoon, but the poor dog has a tummy upset so he had a trip to the vet, 😢 hoping he will start to improve soon.
If I dont get interupted I Will try and catch up a bit on here, 😕☺
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Managed to get into a CL for 8 nights, up near Fountains Abbey in Yorkshire. Shopping tomorrow, finish off packing the van.
ABM - I just assumed you were talking about yourself when you mentioned "all happy gurgles and smiles" . Still might be if you've had that curry tonight.
Enjoy Dorset.
Have to start planning for our autumn trip away. Probably heading to the South West somewhere. Maybe even reach Dorset ourselves.
Had to laugh when you mentioned Reflexology, Bakers. Mrs WN treated herself to one on her recent river cruise. The Portuguese masseuse told her the pain she was feeling in her foot was because her Gallbladder was complaining. "I'm not surprised it's complaining' replied Mrs WN. "It was taken out 30 years ago!". Oh, how she suffered for her insolence.
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Had to laugh when you mentioned Reflexology, Bakers. Mrs WN treated herself to one on her recent river cruise. The Portuguese masseuse told her the pain she was feeling in her foot was because her Gallbladder was complaining. "I'm not surprised it's complaining' replied Mrs WN. "It was taken out 30 years ago!". Oh, how she suffered for her insolence.
I've used reflexology, medical rather than relaxation, for almost 15 years. I find it very beneficial. I really like this practitioner my 2nd the 1 st retired and suggested this lady as a replacement, she does other therapies and is a very relaxed and calm person. I can often tell which part of my anatomy she's working on. Today I could feel my hip popping, was my siactica nerve but on the opposite hip to my leg with slight siactica - because that was overnight due to other one having a slight problem.
Did Mrs Wherenext feel any benefit at all?
Gosh pulled the curtains already - the nights are pulling in. 😲
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Bakers - the only beneficial side she felt this time was her Chuckle muscles had a good outing.
However she has had a decent session or two when she used to spend 4 nights at a spa with her mother . They went more for MIL to get some respite whilst I looked after her husband (FIL) who had Dementia and needed home care 24 hours a day. These went on for a few years even when he was eventually taken into a care home and both Mrs WN and MIL did feel some benefit from them, maybe because they were so tense to begin with. They've stopped going now as the spa has changed and is not to their liking. I'm pleased you derive some benefit from them. I do believe in the right hands they can be of help.
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Tammygirl you're making me tired again!! If your OH is been out of the army for 7 years is that how long you've lived in your house? Be good to get the jobs done before your new caravan arrives - you can holiday with a clear conscience 😂😂.
No, we have lived here almost 28 years now, only house we have ever owned. The last 20 years 6 months of his service was here in Scotland while the other 25 years were mainly in Germany.
Sorry for making you feel tired
I've always been like this, can't sit down when I'm at home, always finding things to do. I don't then feel guilty then when we go away for a couple of months
Hope the car is ok when you get it back, very annoying when these things happen.
We've been trying to find some rear mudguards for out car, OH has tried 2 lots so far and neither sets fit the profile even though they are sold for a Kuga 2, turns out ours has the Sport pack on it, so the rear bumper has a different profile
garage says they don't think there is a set in the Ford system that will fit but they are going to try and find out for us (bet they cost a fortune if they do have them) guess the caravan is going to get a bit mucky until we get something that fits.
Sun came out at teatime for an hour or so, lets hope summer is back tomorrow, I'm getting cabin fever
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It's a day off today. OH in work so I've already done loads of jobs. (Tammygirl - nowhere near your level! 😊)
Washing done and blowing around on the line. One cottage pie cooked and portioned up ready for the freezer. One chilli cooked and cooling down. Insurance sorted for the new car. All this before breakfast 🙂.
Tammygirl, thank you for mentioning the mud flaps. We are also looking to fit, but ours is a titanium x so hopefully will be easier to source.
Next job is sorting through both freezers.....this could take a while.....
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Back in circulation after almost three weeks round Iceland and Greenland - comms is a bit patchy up there. Temperatures got down to 2C so a bit different to home. Dread to think what winters are like up there. Incredible scenery, particularly the passage through the Prinz Christiansund that is only ice-free for three months a year. Still lots of growlers about though. Had a couple of ORCA wildlife people on board doing a survey. Over 850 whales, dolphins, and seals tallied including fin whales and one blue. Not your average CAMC site wildlife fare.
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Sounds fantastic, CY. Was it a cruise or land based with day trips? We've got it on our list of things to do. If not there, then maybe from Canada.
Caravan packed, apart from last minute things. Freezer filled with goodies for MIL in case she suddenly gets snowed in.
I picked up a spanner from the garage that I wanted to take with us but I can't remember where I put it down!
Searched everywhere, well nearly as obviously not searched wherever it is. Most frustrating.
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Finally managed to get on this site. 4G very intermittant here. Weather a bit mixed but very warm when the sun is out. Back home briefly tomorrow for a hospital appointment for OH.
So sorry to hear the sad news of a family member. Bakers2. What a shock for you all.
I hope all those away and about to go away have a good time. I will catch up with all your travels when we get home.
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It was a cruise, Wherenext. Greenland is really only accessible by ship unless you are into serious expedition type travel.
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Tammygirl, thank you for mentioning the mud flaps. We are also looking to fit, but ours is a titanium x so hopefully will be easier to source.
If you are interested we have a set that we bought that don't fit our car, it is a Titanium but it also has the sport pack on it too.
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Not been quite so busy today as we both had dentist appointments this morning, I have to go back to the Hygienist tomorrow, usually have them both together but yesterday got a call to say there was a problem and would I mind changing the appointment.
Bit of food shopping after dentist, then drop off items from yesterdays clear out to charity shop, home for a late lunch followed by a couple of hours in the garden, was nice and warm when the sun was out.
OH spent a while applying for his CritAir sticker and the Umweltplakette, as he finally got the V5 in the post today. Now all we need is the caravan and we can get away. Not long now to wait 6 days and we collect it
CY, the cruise sounds fantastic something really different.
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If you are interested we have a set that we bought that don't fit our car, it is a Titanium but it also has the sport pack on it too.
Tammygirl - I wish we'd seen your post three hours ago. Thank you for the offer but we've struck a deal with the service manager where we're buying the car from and for a reduced price they're fitting rear mud flaps before we pick the car up on Saturday. The deal also involves chocolate M&S biscuits! 😊
We're up in Northumberland in September so we'll need them.
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Last night away this tour for us. We are on a lovely CL in Richmond, having travelled as far up as Scottish Borders, lots of Northumberland, Hadrian's Wall across to Brampton, then home across North Pennines AONB, Teesdale and finally back into Yorkshire! Had some lovely weather, bit of rain last couple of days, but seen some great places, lots of history and some friendly folks!
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Sorry to hear your bad news, B2 & WN, and about the your dog too, H&T. Hope that he soon recovers.
Glad that both you, OP and WN have found spaces on CLs in the areas you want to visit.
Good to hear that your builders have completed their work, brue. Wish I could say the same about those that have been working next door to us . By the time we get home they will have been building an extension and other goundwork for the last 5 months, and I very much doubt that they'll be anywhere near complete then.
This is our last night on a CL near Nottingham before we head up to one of our favourite sites at Old Brampton.
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Another job completed today at the new house.....waste disposal unit successfully installed, just the tidying up to do now.
DD and OH have been busy writing lists of what has to be done and in what order. The all important bath has now been chosen and will be ordered next week, along with taps. It will go in the main en suite so there will be major surgery required as a door has to be moved and reversed. Some surgery too in the main bedroom and Callum's bedroom, a plasterer will be needed, then the painting can start. Wallpaper on one wall has also been mentioned.
DD is getting a bit carried away and is now considering replacing some of the white painted skirtings etc with oak ones. The hall and living rooms are all finished in oak, but the bedrooms are white painted softwood. She is investigating the costs, that may put her off!
Outside, she needs a TV aerial put up, so I will need to dust off my long ladders.
I cannot see any prospect of getting away anytime soon, then we have my sister coming for 2 weeks in October, so I doubt now that we will be able to fit in any more trips this year. It will be Christmas before we know it! The year has really flown by.
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No problem , OH can still send them back to supplier. Couldn't manage the choc biscuits though as OH would eat those
hope everything goes ok on Saturday.
NTH might be asking for your help Re a CL near Loughborough in a couple of weeks (or anyone else) We are taking the bikes to 50 cycles for a service and need to find a site for a night or two. I've ear marked a few so will post later once we have a firm date. If you don't mind of course.
TDA sounds like you had a good trip.
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Just had a booking confirmed for the first week in Sept' at "Waverley " on the I.o W .Got a relaxing ,chilling out ,winding down up front !!
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We enjoyed our stay there a couple of months ago. We followed up on your recommendation in a previous post
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We have just come back from 5 nights at lady Margaret’s Park near chirk .
We were surprised to meet friends that had been on a rally in the Netherlands at April .
I had told them about this site .
I am now trying to decide where to go in September for our next trip . But. ... We have to wait for visitors to go first .
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Catching up on what you've all been doing, it's dull and wet in Somerset. We saw son and grandson off at 6am this morning for a week in the north, holiday and house hunting, meeting up with DIL when they get there. I shall miss them such a lot when they go but oh boy am I tired!!
The M5 was virtually closed yesterday (accident) when we visited my Mum so had to make another long detour on return.
What am I doing today, nothing much, just clearing up and cleaning.
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Good to hear that your builders have completed their work, brue. Wish I could say the same about those that have been working next door to us . By the time we get home they will have been building an extension and other goundwork for the last 5 months, and I very much doubt that they'll be anywhere near complete then.
Nelliethehooker how big an extension are they having? Thank goodness you spend lots of time out in the caravan.
Oneputt hope all goes well.
Brue once you've done the necessary clearing up and cleaning enjoy the peace 😂 so you're ready for their return. How did you find you mum?
Kjnelln sounds like you're enjoying being needed, it's great to be able to help when it's appreciated. Shame you don't think you'll get away in the caravan but it will be nice to see your sister when she visits.
Milliethehull hope OH hospital appointment goes well, are you travelling from site for it and back again?
HelenandTrevor hope the dog is getting better. Are you doing a review of the Wisbech CL? It's area is like to revisit and the less travelling on the fen roads in the motorhome the better, several times I had to request a slower speed as I felt so sick with the rolling. Response I'm only doing 38mph 😤. Mind you it was partly my fault as we followed the HGV route so the ruts were large and road subsidence on the nearside great in places, and those dykes looked full and cold despite the heat 😲
Heavy grey cloud again today, humid to. I'm hoping to do a bit of tidying in the garden and she'd before the forecast rain arrives.
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Daughter announce yesterday that they will be starting their extension today. Its a large single story extension, about 15 x 3 metre running the just about the full length at the rear of the property. Daughter and SIL lifted and stored 40 concrete paving slabs on Tuesday in preparation for the footings to be dug.Twins are excited to have a digger in the garden.
Apart from looking after them when all the services to the house are switched off they say they don't want us to do anything for them. It's good see that despite having the young twins they like to stand on their own 2 feet.
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Just catching up with a few posts. Many thanks for the good wishes for the dog, he had a trip to the vet who didn't seem overly concerned as he hadn't been sick as well. He has some medicine that we have to squeeze into his mouth, it must taste good as he seems to like it
Diet has been chicken and boiled rice, lucky him!
Bakers2 I will write a review, nice CL called Windrush, only a couple of miles out of Wisbech but it was near to the MGB Hive where OH needed to go. I now what you mean about the Fen roads, certainly very bumpy
Good to know all building works going well, we have a huge housing estate being built just up the road, the noise and dust is truely awful.
KjellNN sorry to hear you won't get another trip away, there's always next year.
Tammygirl re a CL near Loughborough , we used Meadow View Farm at Silebyto visit our youngest son when he was at university in Loughborough a few years ago. Nice CL, owners friendly, if I remember rightly there was even a small area of hard standing. It was popular as it was full even in the winter months.
Hope all trips away are going well, it's raining here at the moment, but we're promised some sunshine this afternoon.
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Oneputt hope your daughters extension work goes well, it's good to know they are happy to get on with things on their own. We have always encouraged our boys to be the same. Although we are always happy to offer advice
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To all students receiving their A level results today - good luck and I hope your dreams come true.
I'm well out of it nowadays (apart from re-marks will start today) but remember that results day feeling and it's almost as stressful to teachers as students so good luck to any teachers out there.
Also to parents, well done for bringing your children so far.
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+1 OP, we raise them to accept responsibility for their own lives, we won’t be there forever👍🏻