What are you all up to
Far prefer sitting in an aircon room!
It is nice this weather, as long as you are not in the direct line of the vents. Went to the optician yesterday and it was a very pleasant 20C in the shop. However, sat in the waiting room the ceiling vent louvre was point directly at the chairs and it was a bit too cold.☃️
Of for a walk under the trees in the forest later. Pleasant there even on the hottest of days. 😀
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The one at Capel-le-Ferne just outside of Folkestone.
There's still no mention of a charge or of being closed on Mondays. Puzzling
I thought about you but you weren't having the best of times in May
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Apologies TW, when I see BBM I all ways think of the Battle of Britain museum, which is at Hawkinge (Folkstone,CT18 7AG) and not the Battle of Britain Memorial which is at Caple-le Ferne (CT18 7JJ)
sorry to ET for the confusion as well , the Memorial is free and open all week , the Museum is still worth a visit
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Gosh you sound as though you had a hot and tiring day at Holkham. Bakers2. Even though we took the car when we went we found it very tiring as there is such a lot of walking. We are members of HHA and entry was free but that was about 3 years ago.
I hope you get your garden sorted soon tammygirl.
Glad to hear that Harry is a bit better. Hopefully the weather will.cool down a bit soon. Poor old lad.
We had a lovely day yesterday. Son and family took us for lunch at the Ulster Museum and to the Botanic Garden in Belfast for the the afternoon. It was OH's birthday treat from them. It was cooler and very pleasant yesterday but is developing into a hot one today. OH's 2nd blood test much better. He has to have another one in a month to make sure. Have a good day folks.
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Ah, mystery solved. 😀
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We’re letting the side down here at New England Bay - no long walks, no historic houses, no gardens- just one very. short walk round Portpatrick harbour. But hours of sitting in the sun and sometimes shade. We’re in a very quiet bit of the site with bushes and trees around us. Lots of reading, sleeping, eating and drinking
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Think TW is taking about the one on the cliffs at Capel.It would be nice if one day they open up all the underground installation that is there .( Only know about it as I was born and bred in the village ,and got into the workings as a child ) 😁.
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M, re Metacam. Seriously expensive if you buy from Vets. at our vets it cost nearly £50 for 100ml. Ask if they do prescriptions, and how much. We get a prescription for £18, that gives us 3x 100 ml bottles. With postage we pay around £15 per bottle......huge saving! PM me via you know where if you want more details. It's good stuff by the way, bit like doggy ibruprofen for joints.
We joined HHA a few years ago, been well worth it for us. Seem to be more properties joining scheme each year, although some now allow only one visit per year (Castle Howard) and opening dates can be more restricted than EH or NT.
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I think given all you do rest of year, you deserve to just sit, mooch relax. Hope you are getting this lovely weather!
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That is a beautifully taken photo of my favourite tropical plant, the Hibiscus Mills👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊
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Thanks for reminding me TtDA. When we used Metacam for George we did the same thing then so we probably will again. The vets obviously charge for the prescription but one of them is an ex student of mine so they'll realise they're dealing with a hard up ex teacher looking to save a few bob!
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Pleased Harry seems better Moulesy
That sounds like the beers, I think I had one called Lord Marples that was very good .
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Have caught up with most of the "goings on" it sounds like all holidsys and trips are going well, and gettinv out and about enjoying the sunshine🌞
Been pottering round trying to get some jobs done, which I have been putting off all week 😮
Have to get some shopping, may go out about 3 pm 😉
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Our garden is parched! Just deadheaded roses, few other bits. Going to have to hit the water barrels later tonight! On the bright side, a thug of a rather invasive plant is currently getting its comeuppance! Dying in the heat.
Quick tip for wildlife lovers......put anything that will hold a bit of water out for birds, insects, animal visitors, they are desperate. We are refilling our four bird baths and drinkers up at least three times a day!
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Funnily enough, tad, I've just come in from the garden after refilling the 3 bird baths we have. We also have a few terracotta lids (you know, the ones that pots sit on) and fill those as well for the hedgehogs and the resident rabbit. I got quite cross with a Woodpigeon the other day for having a bath and then doing its business in what was left in the bath. Grrr.
Had a walk to town this morning and back before the heat of the day had become too much.
Can anyone remember the name of the fencing company that advertises in the magazine, the one where the fence is metal and needs no maintenance? Was it Colour Fence? Any help gratefully received. I'm fed up with some of the wooden fencing areas in one part and as neighbours moving soon would like to change before new ones move in.
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We are lucky enough to have some old type dustbin lids, buried into ground, few rocks etc.. to disguise them. Make great bird baths and froggy pools. We use big pot holders as well. The birds at York were gasping at times, I was tempted to fill one of dustbin lids there for them but didn't want a telling off! We used three big dog bowls on our pitch, one well away from us, had a few brave visitors!
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I'm surprised the wardens didnt put out some water for the birds!
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They well may have Millie. We were up in a quiet little area furthest from reception.
I have just sat a watched a great England game, long time since I could say that. Bring on the next one.......
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Not a problem at all. Wouldn't have wanted to be down behind where they are building though, very dusty. We found Site a bit a of a surprise all round to be honest. Great for walking into York, and up to little shopping area. Good for dogs. Facility block was spotless, we thought it was new! Wasted on us really as we tend to use our own. The only thing we hated was the awful grey gravel. Looked awful, very dusty, uncomfortable underfoot, very hard on dog paws. The Warden team were very nice, it's a really well run site. I must do a review really......
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Thanks R2B. Only taken on my phone. It was a beautiful speciman.
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Our daughter has strict instructions to go and refill our 3 birdbaths each evening while we are away.
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Steve, the last time we were at Holkham although we are members of HHA they still wanted to charge us for parking, so just used the free on at the top of the drive and walked in.
We make full use of our HHA membership, as it applies throughout the British Isles. Some great gardens in their list that one would not normally see.
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Glad to hear that Harry is a good bit better, M. Flyte has cut deep inside a front paw but he still wants go out onto the green and run around. Not taking him for a longer walk around the roads at the moment.
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A catch-up day...doing jobs that can't be done when it's wet or raining. Cleaned out the back guttering, washed down the barge boards, painted the front fencing. Lazy afternoon cheering on England!!