What are you all up to
All the best moulesy. Most of us on here know exactly how you feel. Best wishes for Harry. Give him a get well hug from us.
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It's payday today and on checking my bank account today, I found that my pay has hit the highest level for any four week period since joining Pizza Hut. My Pizza Hut pay is now higher than my State Pension and all my other pensions put together! My income tax paid to HMRC through PAYE has also hit the highest level ever! I checked my tax account this afternoon and found that I had over £103 deducted in tax for the last 4 week period. So HMRC are doing better out of me too! So how about that? Everybody's winning aren't they?
We've just taken the awning down ready for tomorrows departure. In two hours time I will need to leave for work because I'm due in for 17:00 and due to finish 22:30 tonight.
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Moulesy hugs for Harry, not easy for you all at all.
Takethedogalong glad you enjoyed the Ouse cruise, we did it a few years back in similar weather - beautiful. I take it it was to the Bishops Palace? Rather your OH walked the Walls in this heat, how kind of him to take a photo for you and your mum and light a candle for your dad. If it's coming up to the anniversary it's never easy 😢, my dad's been good almost 17 years but he's always beside me 😉.
Milliehull are you in Northern Ireland? I do hope so and that your OH blood has sorted itself!
Not seen a post from Tammygirl for a bit, still working through her jungle garden after their break?
Went to Holkham Hall yesterday. Caught the bus good 15 minute walk to the Quay to get the bus, dropped off almost at the bottom of the drive. Nice shady walk up, long way to the arched gate and cattle grid. Free parking on the right as you walk up plenty of space no height issues but still a good distance to walk. Assumed once through the gate it would be but a short walk. WRONG 😲😲. Onwards we go, reach the paying car park. Loads of room same charge for cars and motorhomes! Reckon we'd walked for about 30 plus minutes from the bus stop. Purchase tickets, £16 each no age concessions, small - not sure how much, discount for HHA we're not members, but that was for walled garden, hall and field to fork exhibition.
Had taken a picnic but treated ourselves to a cuppa. A teabag in a mug £2 😲. If only we'd driven as OH suggested 😂😂. My bus fare £3 return so cuppas would more than have paid for the fuel 😃
Had a wander after a decent sit down. Discovered the walled garden a further 20 minute walk from the house, but they have a buggy express. Visited the Hall as it opened at noon. Both rather disappointed hard to put into words but we both thought it felt cold, unfriendly and unwelcoming odd as it is lived in family home, including the rooms viewed. We preferred the old kitchen but then maybe that says more about us about and our station in life!
Caught the buggy express, that created it's own very welcome and pleasant breeze to the walled garden and found a spot for our picnic. Even in its partially restored state we loved it. 6 acres of bliss, lots of work to do on the greenhouses and beds but they supply the house and Victoria Hotel with produce and flowers. I must say lovely flowers in the hall all fresh 😃. Knowing we had a long return walk we hopped on the buggy again and managed to do the field to fork exhibition and film and finish it before 5pm close 😃.
Needless to say our first really hot day with lots of hard surface walking we were quite tired when we finally got back to site for the late late dinner. (Not as late as Malcolm sometimes is 😉). Certainly didn't need any rocking come bedtime!
Thus today, very cloudy and humid this morning, has been a recovery one, chores and lunch then after lunch the clouds and humidity lifted we walked to the beach. Naturally we chose the wrong path at the woods and went a very long way round, but found a shorter one back.
Now having a catch up on here before making another late dinner 😉
Wherenext you asked about the facilities after upgrade, they are fabulous everything showers and toilets very roomy. 2 blocks both with laundry, dishwasher and elan waste 2 family toilets and 2 disabled showers but I realised today when a mum and young child were showering no family shower - which by the sound of the mum trying to use smaller area may have been a big oversight as there are now lots of families on site. We also spoke to folks at the beach and on site who've used both the old and revamped site and they say facilities brilliant but it's lost the small spaces and hedges. It's definiely large and no open on site and no sign of shrubs.
Gee about time I finished I'm bored you all must be 😂😂
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Not seen a post from Tammygirl for a bit, still working through her jungle garden after their break?
Bakers you are so right
, we haven't stopped since we got back and I still have one more bed to do. Don't know how many trips OH has made to the re-cycle centre. We decided to give the lawns a good scarify, its rare that we get a long period of dry weather as we have now so went for it. Just got to buy more grass seed to re-seed it.
I've been dropping in on here from time to time to catch up with everyone's news.
Had a lovely day last Friday at grand daughters school parade. Very proud of her, they did very well and in hot conditions.
Tomorrow I'm taking my car to get its aircon recharged and then it will beback home to sort the MH out for our trip starting Tuesday, for a week.
Going down to Sunderland to see the tall ships (thanks to ABM) staying on a CL near to Durham for 3 nights then on to Beadnell Bay for 3 nights over the weekend (OH's birthday) taking my car on its A frame so we should get out and about a bit too, bikes going as well of course.
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How lucky were moving on to Sandringham tomorrow, have to be off by 11am so will be difficult to be there and back, 16 miles, before hand 😉😂.
Tammygirl glad you're OK if tired 😉. Glad your granddaughter prarade went well. Good that you are getting your garden sorted, if the dry weather continues you may not be 'lost for days' after your next trip. Tall ships sounds good.
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Told you it was a long walk!
I know what you mean about being a "cold" place. It's very opulent, but not cosy anywhere.
We are home after a lovely last day spent visiting Beningborough Hall. Been a very nice break, totally different for us, and of course wonderful weather.
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Nice one WN! We visited farm shop close by and had lunch in our private picnic hut!
They didn't want our dogs, so we ate elsewhere! NT are currently conducting a survey around letting dogs into some places. At Beningborough survey showed a very positive slant towards letting them into more areas, which is good. We had to go round one at a time, couldn't leave ours, even in MH, far too hot.
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B2 I've just looked at Holkham on the HHA web site and it would appear that the discount is 100%...it's free to HHA Members.
You did very well walking all that way, to the House and then the Walled Garden. You're walking should be a lot shorter at Sandringham, Enjoy your stay there.
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You certainly weren't kidding. Thank goodness you'd already said about it otherwise we'd never arrived before closing! Girl on site said an hours walk to Holkham beach and getting on for another hour to the house.
Aiming to call at Burnham Thorpe tomorrow but will leave Blakeney and Cley for another time. Ordinarily we'd take our time and explore on our travels but we need to be on site with TV sorted for 3pm. Who organises these trips without taking account of football matches 😉.
Nelliethehooker that's cheeky certainly didn't get that response from ticket office! We're quite happy walkers usually but very hot yesterday, we had been spoilt at Yarmouth with sun and cool breeze 😉. Note to self must must check out HHA before we leave home for next trip. Certainly won't be so far to walk at Sandringham plus it's through the trees, always pleasant.
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Beautiful area is the forest as it drops over the dunes onto the beach, Scots, Corsican & the majestic Maritime Pines with their huge cones. I go at least once a year just to drink in the beauty👍🏻
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You're right about that, Bakers2. It can sometimes be 2 a.m. before I get to bed. My evening starts when I finish work, sometimes after midnight!
Last night was a bit earlier though. I finished by 22:45 after doing my last delivery in Shoreham.
Today is our moving day so time to get hitched up and move to Littlehampton CMC site for two nights! Sunday is a day off, conveniently because we'll be able to either visit places local to that area or if it's too hot, just relax and chill in our airconditioned caravan!
Today is going to be busy though with having to be at work by 16:00! I'm due to finish at 23:00 so 7 hours of deliveries and then the commute back to Littlehampton afterwards. So it's going to be a late night tonight but plenty of time to sleep tomorrow!
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Intend to visit The Battle of Britain Memorial today. 50% chance of a little rain pm.
Tommorow we are planning a quiet day in the shade around the caravan. We have not had a quiet day for two weeks so will give the walking stick a much deserved rest as well .
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Good decision, Easy. It’s a beautiful setting at the BBM and very poignant.
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Yes, that will be more comfortable for you, EasyT, than walking around in this heat.
We've just switched off our aircon and opened the windows to let in some fresh air but it's starting to get hot already!
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It's been a while since I have checked in to see what you are up too, been a busy few weeks, including a short trip away, but hope to catch up a bit this weekend. I'am home alone with just the dog for company, not that I'am complaining, it's rather nice a bit of peace and quiet.
OH and eldest son are at Silverstone for the Grand Prix, apparently it's very hot!!! The 6M rule certainty doesn't apply either, tents, and vans crammed in like sardines.
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I have been reading your posts about Holkham Hall and the site you are on with interest, as it is an area we would like to visit. I noted when looking at the Holkham Hall website that Historic Houses membership gets you free admission and parking, whilst English Heritage membership just gets you 20%. Perhaps the ticket office was getting mixed up between the two. I have also been looking at joining HHA. I think it would be worthwhile for us, particularly now they have included Chatsworth. Although that only seems to be the garden, it would still save £26.
Getting hot here again and for the first time hot last night. Off to do some local shopping on foot before it really heats up.
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Sorry to hear about Harry Moulesy, we had a similar problem with back legs going with our previous collie, it will be a difficult decision to make at some point. Fingers crossed for you.
Difficult decision re Timothy Taylors v Tribute, although the local beer at the Packhorse is one of my favourites, can't remember the name of it just now
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You’re welcome.
I only discovered it myself a few weeks back when we were in the area.
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Entry was free when we visited in May. The only charge being for the Scramble Experience.
Donations are welcome - by cash. 😁
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We joined HHA last year, SteveL and have used the free entry into many local properties and gardens. So it has been well worthwhile for us.
We have our airconditioning on all night, every night, so I slept like a log last night and woke up feeling comfortably cool. The hot weather is likely to continue for another month, so worthwhile considering getting aircon installed if you haven't already got it!
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You didn't tell us you did teas as well, Huskydog!
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That'd be one of the Thornbridge Brewery ales I guess, Jaipur and Wild Swan are both excellent examples.
Harry seems to have improved over the last couple of days - just taking him for very short walks in the shade and his legs can cope. Trouble is he's so stubborn, he wants to go further and faster to keep up with Lady! Taking him to the vets on Monday to see if she thinks Metacam might help. Fingers crossed.
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Good luck with that, Chris. Hopefully, it will help Harry! He does feel the heat though. I noticed that when we met you on the Cirencester CMC site and it wasn't as hot then as it is now! I must admit, I don't like walking when it's too hot either! Far prefer sitting in an aircon room!