Deposits yes / no
Given the almost universal aversion to deposits, it would seem that the other alternative is to restrict "weekend only" bookings to not more than three/four months in advance. Mind you this seems, for some reason, equally unpalatable.
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Rolling availability
Deposits for very advanced bookings only
Pitch type selection at all sites where there’s grass and h/s
Job done. CMC... just do it
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I don't agree about equally unpalatabe. But not popular with some. I don't think that it would greatly help unless single weekend bookings were restricted to one month ahead, I suspect that the only difference might be a few more bookings including the weekend and into the weekdays. If it were restricted to 3 or 4 months I doubt that there would be a noticeable change. There would still be complaints if a 1 month restriction was in place but from a different set of users.
Due to the pressure at weekends one groups gain is another's loss
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If it works for the Club, i.e. financial income, then nothing will change. If the Club see a potential financial benefit, it will change.
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it will be four (CC) in total this year, but even four weeks is possibly more than a great many manage.....
so.....know you know.....whats your point?.
I was wondering if introducing deposits for CC sites would have much affect on you BB. I know you spend a lot of time outside the UK and suspected that CC bookings were mainly not made far in advance.
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What about putting a limit on the number of bookings you can have outstanding, say 6 at a time ? when you use one then you can then book another.
It would certainly reduce the number of people booking sites on frenzy day just in case they may want to use them
and possibly free up space for those who weren't able to commit to a booking early on because of their domestic situation with employers, schools holidays, etc
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Myth or not having to pay up front for a stay of 3 days or less will focus the minds of speculators and more than likely help those who want longer stays. I find the average of 6.7 nights per year very low. To me it indicates members are having trouble obtaining pitches for longer stays.
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Not a bad punt that, liked
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Would love to know what the same statistic is with the C&CC, use of CL’s may not tell the whole story but if not a factor, barely worth the annual membership fee for those staying less than 6.7 on club sites
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We often use far in excess of 6 sites for a touring holiday so I’d only be able to book part of my tour. Think touring rather than staying in one place and you’ll see the issue.
That idea gets a big thumbs down from me, Milo.
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It’s a terrible punt. See my previous and think it through.
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Just an idea I thought I'd throw out there TW, as they say "you can't please all the people all the time"
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Thought about it and its still a big thumbs up
you’d just have to book site number 7 of your tour after you’ve arrived at site number 1, you’ll get used to it
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Do you want to disenfranchise all the members of this touring club who actually tour rather than sit on one site for a week?
You may have thought but not very deeply. Try looking at the broader picture for something that works for all members on an equal basis.
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We will so far have used the cc sites network for 147 nights away this year when we next go home, and only one was booked last December none have been two night w/ends ,but the majority have encompassed at least one w/end,and have not had a problem booking any for the dates we wanted , including a "honeypot"site
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Smileys... loosen up. Your point is very valid and you’re absolutely right. I realise the argument you raise. Just didn’t want to admit it straight away. But you bit the hook anyway
Like I’ve said a couple of times above, the Club have admitted they are looking at it (Facebook) Ultimately they want to get more members on sites and they’ll do what they think is required to achieve this. As Helen from HO stated on FB... “watch this space”
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now, if i sat down in November with a map and then booked all my tours on frenzy day, i might think differently.....wouldnt you?
As you know BB that's what I do.For me it would possibly make a difference in as much as CC might not necessarily be a no-brainer. Yes I like what they offer however.
With the average bookings amounting to 6.7 nights seemingly according to the CC mag it would seem a tad unfair to 'punish' those that probably have 100 CC nights!
What I do dislike though are the commercial sites that want balance paying a month ahead. OK, often a £10 a night deposit but paying a month ahead of the visit is a pita on those bookings, Not the money - just the faff
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If I remember correctly the average number of bookings made by a member on frenzy day was of the order of 3, so I really don't see what restricting bookings would achieve. It wouldn't be a problem to me anyway because I would book the seventh with someone else.
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Is that surprising? A wink can mean many things.
I think you’ll find it’s so much better to say straight out "I hadn’t thought of that" rather than bluffing your way around and deliberately winding people up. Happy to help.
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I think this is the issue the Club are looking at PeeDee, you, like as I do, book elsewhere because the option and availability isn’t there when we need it. That’s lost revenue for this Club on the grounds of their system.
Not because we choose to book elsewhere for long stays or in advance of frenzy day, but because there is no choice.
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Not sure PD. I would have guessed an average of 14 nights. However I know that when I first joined CC it was, in part, to access the CLs.
My neighbour is a member and uses no CC sites because he has a favourite site that he generally uses.