Grass pitch prices



    PITCHTOCLOSE Forum Participant Posts: 658
    edited September 2017 #62

    If the above happened and you left the site,would it be classed as no show.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #63

    Agree. I think when you make a booking you look at the number of grass v HS and make an informed guess based on dates on the probability of getting a grass pitch. However as you know when you booked a HS is not guaranteed you can't really drive away without it being a no show

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,930
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    edited September 2017 #64

    Not quite.  I only book a CAMC site if I can absolutely guarantee a hardstanding, by either

    1. Only booking sites that are all hardstandings 

    2. Booking full serviced pitch (P.S. there are a few sites that have serviced pitches on grass, so I am careful to check)

    3. Book sites out of season when grass pitches are not used (having checked first to make sure).

    Other than that I use private sites where HS can be booked.

    This always works for me.


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited September 2017 #65

    If the Club weren't so parsimonious in their maintenance and development of sites, all the grass pitches would be "reinforced" and would then become more usable in adverse weather. This would then see less pressure on the demand for HS.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2017 #66
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  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2017 #67

    It might reduce pressure on HS but would not remove it for many

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #68

    To answer your first question no

    And I'm sorry you find it wearing and confrontational but you don't or rather can't control any replies to any of your posts however much you want. Providing the replies are within guidelines of CT which we are all bound including yourself. If you feel any of my posts are in breach then you know what to do I assume.

    If you post something that I feel is worthy of another viewpoint or requires further clarification from you or anyone then I'll postsmile 

    back to your post , Thank you for the clarification, 

    however, in the case of grass/HS the club said it was beyond 'us' as 'we' (the, i, DK, uncle tom cobley, etc) found it too 'confusing'..  

    I now see, you were talking from the club's viewpoint not your own. I do apologise, and perhaps you could be clearer next time and the as you well know trick doesn't work on me I'm a teacher/inspector and seen it used so many times by teachers to get themselves out of a jamwink 

    Hope your hols and further bookings go well.

    A quote for you - Do not despise the snake for having no horns, who is to say it will not become a dragon

  • Unknown
    edited September 2017 #69
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #70

    well certainly Rowena hasn't got in touch but thanks for you reply.

    btw I haven't marked a book in a long time, you said you weren't talking to me last timesmile

    I'll be in Italy from Thursday so if you're in Tuscany please pop by

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited September 2017 #71

    Brecon has a number of reinforced grass pitches but put in by the previous owner. They are excellent in wet weather

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited September 2017 #72


    I suspect that when the Club look at the relative costs I expect they come to the conclusion that gravel hardstandings are likely to provide more members with a pitch they prefer. If people don't like grass I expect they will not like reinforced grass pitches?  I have used reinforced grass pitches and they would not be my first choice although I suppose they would be better than just grass. Another reason for not liking reinforced grass pitches (I have mentioned this many times before) is that unless they are properly maintained they can become a trip hazard if the earth in the reinforcements comes out and leaves holes. Whilst they may work on completely level ground there can be a problem if there is a slope. I witnessed on one site with that sort of reinforcement wheels spinning on a motorhome trying to get up on levelling blocks. I am currently on the Brecon site so will have a look for these reinforced pitches as mentioned further up the thread.


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #73

    The thing about grass reinforced is that the grass is still there (I think there's a hint in the title), and yes as DK says I certainly wouldn't like it. Grass gets wet and it is surprising much better at transferring that wetness to your shoes often quite a way, which then gets into the caravan or car. Wet tarmac or gravel doesn't seem to transfer as much if all allonto every part of your shoes.

    If grass reinforced is so good why aren't more home drives done that way? Would anyone want such a thing? 

  • rayjsj
    rayjsj Forum Participant Posts: 930
    edited September 2017 #74

    Well, many National Trust carparks are reinforced grass, its easier on the eye than gravel or concrete, and allows natural drainage, also at quieter times, when often empty, doesnt look so quite so 'barren' as gravel.

    I think poorly draining sites, like St Davids, which is an all grass seasonal site would benefit greatly from reinforcing with plastic panels, they are relatively cheap, and very easy to install (or remove if necessary). And mean that Motorhomes or tow cars dont damage the surface by getting stuck in mud during a rainy period.

    As a motorhome owner i choose a hardstanding if possible, but if directed to a grass pitch i ask the Warden if it is well drained, as the pitch could get damaged as i drive on and off regularly. His choice. 



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #75

    Indeed they (NT) do and after a wet day shoes/boots get very wet and that gets into the car. Yes I agree it does look better, absolutely, but I'd rather have a dryer car/outfit. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2017 #76

    I would suppose that they may be excellent for those that once grass instead of hard standing. For those that want hard standing that is not the case

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited September 2017 #77

    I would not by choice choose grass. However, at least at present if it is all that is left, it is likely to be in the better weather, as they are taken out of service at the beginning and end of the year. So as long as we have not had a long wet spell, or they have been abused, they are generally in reasonable condition. 

    I assume if they were reinforced the CAMC would like to see them in use longer to recoup the investment. Before they replaced them with gravel, Chatsworth had reinforced mesh and grass filled blockwork along the edges of the service pitches. At the two ends of the year these got terribly messy with worms bringing soil to the surface. This was of course transferred to shoes, and although taken off in the caravan, often resulted in mud being taken into the toilet block.

    So although reinforcing would remove the risk of getting bogged down, it would not make a grass pitch any more desirable to myself.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #78


    yes and of course the grass would still grow and have to cut so ading to maintenance costs? 

    Perhaps if the club bought green gravel?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2017 #79

    Totally agree with Steve 

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited September 2017 #80

    To all those that praise gravel. The site I'm on at the moment has mud where the tarmac meets the gravel ..... water doesn't drain through the gravel so you end up with puddles  .... ending up with mud. Unfortunately no option of grass here. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2017 #81

    Not a case of praising MM. Simply preferring when on mixed pitch type sites.


  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited September 2017 #82

    Still on the same site and the grass is fine although there now plenty of vacant pitches it is interesting to note that about half of the new caravan arrivals are choosing the grass pitches. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited September 2017 #83

    Not really a surprise on that site. Ground good and grass generally not cut too short meaning mud does not generally come to the top underfoot. On many sites it does and hence why I avoid grass generally; I don't like walking on muddy grass!

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2017 #84

    it also depends on the area, at Troutbeck Head in the Lakes the remaining grass pitches are being converted in to HS. According to the wardens they have never been used in a number of years

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited September 2017 #85

    The lovely CMC site at Dunnet Bay has fully grass pitches. It's a great site  with direct access to a fantastic beach. I've yet to see anybody having any difficulties there.  

    It's a shame that those who detest grass pitches will never be able enjoy that site and what the surrounding area has to offer. 


  • NickyKnix
    NickyKnix Forum Participant Posts: 70
    edited September 2017 #86

    Hello everyone and thank you for all your diverse comments.

    SteveL is correct in that tourers choose their pitch when they arrive.

    Therefore, if you arrive at the earliest arrival time, you have more choice than someone who arrives much later.

    This has proved to be the fairest way the wardens can allocate pitches but if you do have a specific request, please feel free to call the sites.

    We have trialed Members being able to pre-book grass or hard standing pitches.

    Following this trial, we have gone back to the original way of booking, as it stands now, following Member's feedback.

    It is often the case of not being able to please everyone as you all have different preferences.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited September 2017 #87

    i agree, you are really limiting choice if you are not prepared to use grass. Add Godrevy to your post K. and isn't Tewkesbury all grass?


  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited September 2017 #89

    I'll use grass but not at club prices. Grass is worth £15 tops. 


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited September 2017 #90

    Grass pitches on Club Sites have become more of a problem in last 15 years or so. Many more folks caravanning nowadays, Club pitching areas, even grass ones, tend to be "set in stone" due to tight spacing, and none movable pegs! In days of yore, if things were a bit worn, you just nudged the pegs about (often done by Wardens) to rest patches, move things up a bit, etc.... what we did all last week on the all grass site we used. Doesnt seem to happen nowadays, sites too busy at certain times, not enough space between outfits. We remarked on this last time we were on Marazion visiting friends. Our memories were of lots of space, but as outfits have got so much larger, there just isn't the room any more. Club puts pitch income before user comfort, and it won't change on the grass Sites.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited September 2017 #91

    Nearly all grass on the CL sites we have visited this year, luckily no mud as I prefer grass but ONLY if weather is guaranteed undecided. Tomorrow we are going up in the world, a CL in Lincolnshire with hard standing and ideal for this time of the year.