What are you all up to
Aircon?, magical tech. Baking day with the sun heating up the vehicle-aircon every time. Keeps the windows shut, bugs out & noise levels down. Comfortable rather than irritable. Aircon rules
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Another hot day, no storms as yet
Spent a lovely morning just pottering, didn't have to head in to the office until lunchtime.
Millie and Brue hope you both enjoy your trips away.
Goldie lovely photos, hope you have a great get together.
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Hi folks , its been ages since my last post , hope you have all missed me
what am i up to today , well struggling with the heat for one , been very busy at work ,some would say too busy , helping out on another farm but at the same time traveling back and forth to my own farm to help with deliveries of equipment, by lunch time all deliveries were complete , so back to the other farm to finish off the mornings work all this put me behind by an hour and a half , had dinner ,then on we went again to do more in the line of repairs, got home at 16.15 to find installers on my farm doing an install , luckily i stopped them before the got too far into the job i had to have them move three items ,they had fixed them to the wrong position
sorted that then got in for my shower and tea (salad), had a beer and thats rare i don't really drink as some of you know , rang BT for the 50th time in 4 weeks to sort out my internet connection , now sat outside in the garden typing this , oh and my blood pressure has come down nicely 139/75. and we have gained a grandson ,our youngest son and his fiancé' have had a little boy .LOGAN STANLEY . so proud , i also have the chance of applying for a job near Newark,all in all looking ok . oh yeh i have the use of a ford ranger too for now , and we are off on our hols on 15th , Near Settle , Scotland is off this year .nice to see you all again .
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Thanks SteveL. I will bear that in mind. It looks very interesting and we are only about an hour and a half away. Might be a nice trip for the autumn.
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How lovely to hear from you golly. Many congratulations on the new grandson.
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And why not use it for cooking, heating, or whatever takes your fancy, Goldie? It's what lekky is for. Don't forget it is limited by being 10 or 16amp so can't be overused. There's no need to be protective of it.
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From me, too, Golly. Nice to see you here.
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brue. Have a lovely time in Devon. Absolutely love that part of the world. I spent all my childhood holidays there as my Dad was stationed there during the war and he and his fellow soldiers made friends with a widow in Bickleigh nr Tiverton whose sons had been sent off to war so she was trying to run the farm/smallholding on her own so the soldiers used to help her out during their down time in exchange for a good meal. She also put their wives up when they wanted to visit their husbands - my Mum loved it there as she lived in London during the blitz. We then spent all our holidays with her until she died many years later. We then spent all our holidays in a little village between Ifracombe and Come Martin when our children were young. Happy days. Have a wonderful time.
moulesy. Have a lovely reunion in Cornwall. Lovely to get the family together.
Goldie. What wonderful photos. Such happy memories. Have a great time. Nothing quite like spending time with old friends.
It's been very hot here today but no thunderstorms as yet. We will see whether we get an overnight. The garden could do with a good water. We have the fan on at the moment to keep us cool.
PS. We never buy anything that we can't afford to pay for upfront. We couldn't manage our lifestyle with debts and loans. We have always saved up for our cars and caravans. If we didn't have the money in the bank we didn't by it. Rather than have a loan we save every month. We have brought our children up the same way.
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And me too Golly. Hope you have a good time at Settle. Glad to hear that the BP's down near normal these days.
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MillieH, you do have lovely memories from your childhood, its lovely that over the years you have managed to keep in touch with so many friends and family. Sadly we have lost touch with a lot of our Army chums and the ones we do have contact with have either split up (divorced) or they have lost a partner.
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Quite an amusing moment on the drive home from work yesterday. I was driving on the A580 (East Lancashire Road) when there was a brief but heavy shower. It was quite funny to see two drivers in there convertibles with nowhere to stop and put the roof up.
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Times have changed, KjellNN. I remember the days when people had a job for life. They would leave school and stay working for the same company or organisation until they retired and then get paid a substantial enough pension when they retired. Most employees never got sacked from their job. In those days, you did not need loans or credit card borrowing because of regular income from employment.
Today employers employ people on a self-employed basis where they can hire and fire at will without giving you any notice. So you have to go through periods of time where there is no income whilst you are going through the recruitment process of getting another job. You don't start accruing pay until the date you start and if you are paid monthly in arrears, it could be 6 weeks, as it was for me, before you receive your next pay. Credit cards and loans can help tide over that period.
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Back yesterday from our 10 th trip. Grass cut, van cleaned and washed. Now ready for the next trip. No CC now as we reach peak pricing. Much better options out there.
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Actually it was 9 weeks altogether. 3 weeks before getting a start date and then another 6 weeks before the first pay. It's not a problem because nowadays credit cards are accepted everywhere and you know you're going to have the money to pay the credit card from your eventual wage.
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Sunny and hot again here on I.o.W ,slight Westerly breeze ,lovely !! Off to try and find a local brewery today near 'Yaverland' ,to the West of the Island.Tonight plan to eat at the "Kyngs Well" (yes ,It's spelt like that)in Brading ,good food and good live music.
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Lovely pictures, glad you gad a good break Fisherman.
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Have a great evening triky
If you get to the Wheatsheaf, say hello to Lynn the barmaid, apparently according to our son she still work's there.
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Well that's another week over! Got away from work on time, a first this week..
Weekend at home, just a visit to MK and a meet up with eldest son.May get to Ikea too , if I can get son to dog sit.
OH has just got home from medical for his hgv licence, moaning about the £110 charge for 5 minutes and even then doctor didn't manage to complete the form in full!
Enjoy the weekend and sunshine, and hope all those away have a fantastic time.
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Off to try and find a local brewery today near 'Yaverland' ,to the West of the Island.
You'll be very thirsty then, Triky. Yaverland is at the eastern end of Sandown Bay just west from Culver Cliff.
My day was delayed by the arrival of daughter2 with grandsons 3&4. By the time had completed our planned visit to a couple of MH emporiums we missed a couple of hours of Wimbledon so yesterdays brownie points have been confiscated.
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Mixed weather today grey and dull one minute sun out next, flipping cold wind though.
Relaxed day, hairdresser late morning now doing a shorn sheep impersonation
OH managed a few jobs on the van. Had all 3 companies out to give quotes for back porch replacement, decided on the dearest (not by much) as it was the best. We know their work as they did our from and back doors a few years ago. Their work is good as are the products, they have a good 10 year warranty and nothing is too much trouble, so new porch should be in place middle of August
Appointment at Dr's for me this afternoon, I've been having a fair bit of pain in my left foot under the heel. Turns out I've got Plantar Fasciitis
also sent for x ray on my right knee as this has been playing me up too. At least the Dr confirmed my suspicions re foot, no have to do try and get it sorted, lots of exercises.
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Now in Wales. Staying in a Premier Inn near Newport - very impressed. Not stayed in one before. Haven't been to this area since Daughter was at Uni in Cardiff many years ago. Brought back lots of memories of her and I singing along to Dire Straits. Always had to have it on in the car 😁. Happy days. A lot more traffic and hold ups than there used to be though😕 Onwards to St Davids tomorrow.
Have a good weekend everyone.
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Morning HelenandTrevor,,,yes the barmaid Lynn does still work at the Wheatsheaf,,been there 16 years now !!
Sunny and bright here with some high clouds,,Off to the Garlic Farm this morning to fulfil some orders I've been asked to get.
C.Y.,,,Just testing !! to see if anyone is paying attention !!
, "The Island Brewery "is of course just outside Shalfleet !!Anyway ,,ordered my 4 gall Polypin of "Earles R.D.A",collect it on Monday