What are you all up to
Swimming, at the liesure club over lunch time. Lovely and quiet, pool to myself most of the time. Just watching TDF at the moment. Off for a walk to the nursing home to see my mum in a bit and will watch on the recording later. Weather in Notts warm with occasional sunny intervals, so very pleasant.
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Just been out washing the car, it was really filthy as it has not been washed since before we went away. It was bright sunshine when I started, but now clouded over.
Need to do some packing for our few days away soon. Still odds and ends left in the van, but have brought in all the clean clothes now, and OH tells me she has done about 6 loads of washing, the bedding and towels alone were 2 loads.
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I don't think the size of our fuel bill needs to be kept secret, have some of us not discussed before how much we spend on gas & electricity? Perhaps I am thinking of a different forum.
I am however very envious that Steve only spends £55 per week to cover fuel, water and council tax!
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I thought £55 was a bit low but then I worked out what we pay and it's around £60 a week, so not really that different. Council Tax by far the biggest part of that. There are also other bills that can't really be avoided that also need adding in like telephone, internet, insurances etc.
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Maybe not regarding fuel but how about the extract below? It's pretty personal but it's your choice to post such detail and it matters not a jot to me.
"Since the house was paid for before I retired, we find we can exist pretty well on about £16k per annum, including running 2 cars, the house and the caravan. Spending above that level goes on luxuries such as holidays, hobbies, presents, the (very) occasional new car, and savings for the grandchildren"
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£40 p/wk here. All Direct debits set for 12 months a time. So I know it's accurate
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True, but you'd need to live in Yorkshire-with a woodburner & no Gas
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Lots of things on here are a bit strange.
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Exactly that happened to my sister, now 79. Sold up their terraced house behind Arwenack St. in Falmouth centre and moved to a one bed flat in Benalmadena 12 years ago and spent most of their 'profit'. Her hubby had a serious illness two years ago and they wanted/needed to move back last year to be near U.K. health service, friends and family to help them. Spanish property values have crashed ever since - just look at Spanish property websites where adverts have banners splashed across individual house details; 20%, 30% and even 40% reductions.
Property prices here have been, as we all know, increasing substantially.
They are marooned in Spain.........forever probably.
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A lot of folk have dreams that turn into nightmares
. I've never been a 'grass is greener' type. It's these decisions that prove to be shortsighted sadly.
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We decided to go to the lunchtime concert in the Cathedral today. (they run on Wednesday lunchtimes throughout the summer). Today's was the Master of Music and Organist at the Cathedral playing the piano, a double bass player and a male singer. Their repertoire was jazz - it was absolutely wonderful. They obviously all knew each other well and had played together many times and looked as though they were having as good a time as we were. It was a real treat.
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That sounds lovely Millie.
It's been so hot here I haven't done things I planned to do. Going to catch up with some late housework in a minute while it's a bit cooler. OH had to order some new glasses today, after he returned I also had to go into town. We're going away soon and I'm not organised at all!
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Had a trip into town before work this morning, quick hair trim, then went into local hospice shop, found some lovely linen trousers for £2 bargain!!
It was another very busy afternoon in the office, but think I've beaten the backlog .
Been trying to organise a visit to eldest son, but he is either away or too busy.
Just waiting to hear if he can fit us in the is weekend
Millie, concert sounds lovely, and in a wonderful setting too.
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No worries, Kjell. You don't need to justify yourself to me or anyone else. I was only pointing out it's personal info on display to the world and is not something I would reveal but that's me and you're you. Some of us are more cautious than others - so be it.
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I come from a more open society than exists here in UK, TW.
In Norway, your tax return is a public document that can be viewed on line by anyone. Your income and any expenses or borrowing are there for all to see, as are the amount of your savings and the value of any investments.
A monthly fuel bill is nothing compared to all that.
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Milliehull we visited the cathedral yesterday, looked for you but no one resembling your photo on duty. Beautiful display 'Threads though Revelations'. Saw the lunchtime concert advertised but we're not jazz fans so gave it a miss. Reading your post I wonder whether we should have been enlightened 😉.
Instead we had a 'site' day and enjoyed the sun and shade 😉. fact lots of others doing similar. Very warm saw no one sitting in awnings or inside with windows closed and aircon on 😉😉. They, like us, we're sitting in the shade if the trees on site, shade offered by their van, or in some cases either of the previous plus a sun shade. There were a few, I was one for a while, sitting in the full sun 😂😆. I had a walk around both sides of the site before buying us ice cream, must burn off the calories
We're off tomorrow so I've spent this evening cleaning out. All spick and span now. All windows open and a cool breeze being pulled through. Just 19c outside now probably as cool as it'll get tonight. Summer is back 😆😆😆😆
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Following the posts on here re weekly expenditure for living in a house ours is a lot less than the £184.80 for seven nights on Southport site last week. (Sadly not as cheap as those quoting figures). And we have an asset that will probably increase rather than deprecate over time.
KjellNN you certainly do come from a very open society, I can't imagine anyone here being happy to share all that info with the rest of the country. Those in running the country for starters 😉😉
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Hope you found everything was satisfactory Oneputt?
We seriously considered changing our storage location purely to save money about £30 a month, not to be sneezed at! Would have been further from home about 45 minutes, not CASSSO gold but no change in insurance premiums. But on return from our last trip our storage location were beefing up security, when asked they advised they'd had travelling visitors and they'd hitched up a van during office hours 😲😲. There are gates to the 3 separate storage areas and this delayed them and the situation was sorted 😉😉. Now there are electronic gates 24/7 plus the original gates have been made electronic with a waiting area in between. Second set don't open until 1st set closed and relocked, then into communal areas where everyone has to report to the office and sign, then gates into your actual storage area. There was already CCTV and overnight guards. As a result we didn't move. Our motorhome isn't new but the hassle of replacement etc is worth more than the saving.
There's always someone who'd like what others have without having to work for it 😔
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I was on duty yesterday morning Bakers2 from 9 until 1.00pm. Really sorry to have missed you, it would have been lovely to meet up. Perhaps I greeted you and we didnt know 😕. If so I hope I was polite and friendly 😊. Yes isn't the display wonderful. I hope you enjoyed your visit. The concert today was more the lovely musical classics - A Foggy Day in London Town, A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square, Nature Boy etc etc. Definitely my sort of music.😊. Glad you have had a good day.
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I rather think you've missed my point Kjell. Never mind.
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Decent day today not hot like down south about 17c but lovely in the sun.
OH went off to the funeral this morning and I went into town, first time for about 3 months, did a bit of shopping in M&S.
Back home for lunch and a couple of hours gardening then out for a bike ride.
We would love to full time in the van but would not wish to rent the house out. We have often thought about buying a property in Spain/France but that is on hold now until we know what is happening.
Renting for a few months at a time is probably the way we will go.
Our Son and DIL + 2 kids sold up last year and moved to Malta to live and work, the Gkids go to a Maltese school not an English school so are learning the language.
They are making 'memories' they say, our son said he loved moving around and the experiences he had as a child (Army brat) he wanted to do something similar, before his children got much older.
Our eldest son is also in the Army and has moved around a fair bit. I don't think any of us worry about living abroad, a house to us is just somewhere we live we don't seem to feel the same about it as some do, just bricks and mortar but then I've lived in 21 different houses in my life.
Malcolm, I do understand your comments that not everyone has nice neighbours, we do but it must be awful if you don't get on with them.
Families come in all types, some are very close while others are more relaxed. Ours is very relaxed it can be many months between us seeing our children and Gkids, it doesn't mean we don't miss each other or that we don't love each other, we do. We have always been spread far and wide but we all know that if we need help the others are there. By the time we go to Malta it will be over a year since we last saw them in the flesh, it doesn't seem that as we skype all the time and chat on facebook.
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Whilst that seems very intrusive is there less public corruption, finance wise, in Norway than other European countries?