What are you all up to
Oh milliehull we ate lunch outside at Bill's before going into the cathedral about 2pm. I was going to post before to ask but didn't get the chance when on site, my data is rather low until 10th and I need it for NZ 😉. Would really have liked to meet for a natter. Both greeters were busy when I entered but I was quite happy to potter myself. I have no doubt you are always polite and friendly. Maybe when we have a bit more time to plan? we didn't this time just a flying visit. Turns out son is coming home for weekend after all. Kids don't you just love em? Mind you nice to see the dog 😆😇 and see his girlfriend. Difficult times 😢
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Thanks Tammygirl. We did have an incident in Belper on the way here, posted about it on husky dog's thread.
How true is that statement? (Relates to gaffa tape)
As we drove through Belper on Monday minding our own business heavy traffic parked cars but no issues lorries and cars passing each other. Oncoming red van unnecessary slight swerve towards us then away but enough to clash wing mirrors. HUGE noise pedestrians all turning to look, wing mirror onto the drivers door. Look in van drivers eyes - amusement, amazing the details you take in 😉. Hubby pushed the wing mirror back out, it's floppy 😢😲. Very lucky mirrors in tact. Pulled over when safe and hubby applied gaffa tape and we reached Ferry Meadows. Visit to our son nice to catch up but his degree came into play 😂😂. Sports Therapist by trade and taught strapping. Between them they removed the original gaffa tape reset it and he taped it - brilliant as he says it won't move! Such a shame we only had silver gaffa tape, probably a good target for another nice van driver.
You're so right about Skype and Facebook it certainly helps keep upto date. you most really notice the difference to when you were constantly moving?
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Red van not white
don't you just love em! we have a wider than average van so the mirrors are always our concern, we have protectors on them but some vans get very close
lost a mirror once when we caravaned going through the great glen white van man, Bang the extended mirror went he didn't stop of course
I think we both have itchy feet, I loved moving around with the Army just wished we had been luckier with our postings never got Hong Kong or Canada
had we have had skype or even mobile phones in our time it would have been great. Our DIL (married to soldier) doesn't know how lucky she is to have had sky tv, computers, mobile phones etc when they lived in Germany. We only got tv in 1976, and it was only for a couple of hours a day and it was pre recorded videos from UK. House phones we didn't get until 1981 or even bedroom carpets
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I am not sure on that point David, but I would think it likely to be the case.
Interestingly, while anyone can view your tax return, since about 3 years back the person whose return is viewed now gets a text or e mail informing them of the fact.
Previously, the figures for the top earners in each region of the country were published in the local newspaper, they have stopped doing that now.
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Another big difference is that people are happy to discuss how much they earn, it is no secret in a company who earns what.
My sister in law asked me recently how much my pension was, I told her, and she told me how much hers was. We also discussed house prices, and investments, hers not mine as I do not have any!
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Our seasonal pitch here cost us £1250 for the season from 17th March to 6th November. That works out to about £5.20 per night which includes, electricity, water etc. That's a lot cheaper than living in a house or flat.
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Yesterday morning, after my doctors appointment, we went into Worthing town centre market where we bought some vegetables. Then on to Tesco Extra to do some other shopping.
Next we went back to the caravan for a snack to eat before going out for a drive, using the Smart car. We drove along the sea front between Rustington and Littlehampton where we stopped for a while to take some photos. Brilliant sunshine all day. Then on to the sea front at Bognor Regis. Then on to Earnley where we parked in the RSPB car park before walking about a mile down to the beach. More photos and then back to the car to return to Worthing, fill up fuel at Tesco Extra pfs and then back to the caravan.
It's payday tomorrow from Pizza Hut and I already know how much I'll be getting because it is showing up in pending transactions through online banking.
It's back to work this evening, 6 to 9 so only 3 hours to do.
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How true TG, I left Sennelarger in 1974, so no TV, no interweb etc. etc. We had a great time making our own entertainment. (remember 'Come as you are' parties) etc. Cinema (AKC?) was always packed. I was lucky having a car but mostly we hoofed it everywhere. All the various barracks I served in have now closed down and one in Fallingbostel is an immigration reception centre. Great days
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I can't reveal any info on my savings because I simply don't have any. However, I do have funds available in the form of credit limits on credit cards!
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Last night was the first time for ages when it was warm enough to sit outside after milking. So we had a glass or two of wine (English Rose from Three Choirs). Our kitten ventured round the house to skip about among the weeds on the patio, watched over by his father.
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What a pity we missed each other Bakers2. Yes please let me know next time you are in the area as it would be great to meet up. Yes families .......
. I hope your son's girlfriend is coping with her bereavement. Have a good trip home.
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Lovely photos Goldie. What a pretty little kitten and a very attentive Dad. (the wine looks good as well
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We are off on our jaunt to St. David's in Wales tomorrow so really must get cracking. I did some of the packing yesterday afternoon but as we are sharing a cottage with our youngest son and family I am finding the packing difficult. We haven't had a cottage holiday for years and I am used to packing the caravan. I keep remembering things that we shall need that are still in the van.
. Oh well must get on.
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Thanks OP. I have never been to that part of Wales but our son worked there for a while on an archaeological dig many years ago so I am hoping he will show us around. But as he was a student at the time I expect his time there passed in a blur.
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I've learnt that if you keep up the payments on time, i.e. no arrears and use no more than half your credit limit, you will get an excellent credit score through the credit reference agencies that will enable you to get credit on 0 per cent interest, so that in effect, you are borrowing money for free. If you do need to borrow more money, it's best to ask the credit supplier to raise your credit limit rather than borrow more than 50 per cent of it. If you use your card up to the limit, it reduces your credit rating because it sends a message to credit providers that you're struggling to manage on your income and therefore, higher risk. If you have excellent credit rating, the credit supplier will usually raise your credit limit without question but once again, you must stay within 50 percent of what they agreed.
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Went to the cinema last night with my daughter. We try to go at least once a week. Watched Baby Driver. Wouldn’t recommend it and was surprised to see Kevin Spacey in it. Probably War for the Planet of the Apes next week.
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That seems to me a dangerous way to live! I presume you are not just making the minimum payments, as, if you have no reserves how will you be able to repay the balance when the 0% runs out.
As Taff said, I could not live like that! What if you lost your job? Or had to stop working because of ill health? Also, you cannot keep on working for ever.q
There is so much personal debt in UK these days, it is really worrying. Low interest rates and these 0% deals are not going to last for ever, so it would be best to build up a buffer. The recommended amout is 6 months income.
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They do get through quite a bit of gas, our mains element failed when we were in Scandinavia in 2014 and we had to run it on gas for about a month, it went through a 6kg bottle in 2 weeks...
Replacing the element is an easy DIY job once you wrestle the fridge out , will you be able to replace it yourself?
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Morning all ,,from the I.o.W .Sorry I've not been in touch ,,BUT,,the 'lappy' went down !!Just managed to sort round it "Bl***dy"thing !! Anyway ,,hot and sunny for the last few days,26ish.A bit of high cloud today but still dry and warm.A bit of shopping over in Cowes yesterday,the NEW floating bridge is now in service ,£2.60 for a car ,one way .Eat out at the "Lifeboat" just down the road from "Waverley" in East Cowes".Lovely location overlooking the marina.