What are you all up to
When I tried to book yesterday the receptionist mentioned something about booking on line, so I tried it. Easy peasy I had the whole practice to choose from and all the appointments for today. So I clicked on a new doctor whose name I didn't recognise and got the first appointment of the day.
Got a big box of some pencillin derivative, downside is ( there's always a downside) common side effects are diarhoea and nausea. Hey ho.
ps why can't the CAMC website be as easy to use?
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Still in Holland, tomorrow we head into Germany.
One night at Delft, site very busy, we had been given a serviced pitch, which was nice, but it was right in a corner past 4 other outfits, very difficult access, would be impossible without a mover. 180 degree turn required to exit, too little space to reverse in either.
Yesterday we moved to a site near the German border, very difficult to find, supposed to be be well signed but someone must have stolen the signs.
Pitch is good, near facilities but finding the way to it was a challenge as reception sent us the wrong way , their suggested route was far too narrow for vehicles!
Out today to find fuel, a cash machine and some shopping. Had lunch in Ikea in Eindhoven and now using their wifi, which is very fast.
Weather mixed, sunny but quite cold here, heavy showers back at the campsite.
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By the look of the weather forecast you seem to be heading into the cold weather, but you are used to that
How about putting your travels into a story in the Story Section, ideally with some photos. It would be fascinating especially as not many people travel that far afield.
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You have to look at it in the context that not that many people undertake paid work once they have retired, some do but not the majority. If anyone is struggling to survive on just a state pension alone than pension credit is a further safety net. Like with most things in life you have to play be the rules which I accept make things more difficult for someone in your position. But the help is there if needed.
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Well, the caravan service engineer came this morning. Thankfully, no extra work for him to do this time.
All done now, including the damp check (everything within limits
) and just in time, because it started to rain / sleet soon after he went.
Caravan moved back into its parking place and ready for the next outing in less than 2 weeks.
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Good to read trips going well, and hope those about to set off have a great time.
Weather has turned very cold, although not much rain. Been busy at work, but boss away from tomorrow.
Millie: I remember trips out with the boys, who complained it would be boring, but then thoroughly enjoyed themselves, although they often wouldn't admit to it, if asked.
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Thanks Millie & tda.
Bright but cold start to the day. All loaded up and away for 10:30 as it was starting to cloud up. Dry but windy drive up the M6 over Shap, with virtually no snow on the Lakeland Fells, but a powdering on the Howgills, arriving at Moss Thorn CL at noon, just as it started to hail. Heavy hail, sleet and rain showers on the wind during the afternoon and can still see the odd one moving down the Pennines, to the East, towards High Cross, but missing us. Dark clouds all round now but tomorrow's forecast is for a drier day, so we'll get out walking from the site, hopefully. Site has now improved it's H/S since the last time we visited.
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Sounds like a good start to your trip nth. The weather is set to improve as well.
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Helen: 7 year old grand-daughter said she loved it, especially dressing up as a bronze age woman but although 9 year old grandson oviously found it interesting and asked the volunteers there lots of questions said 'it was alright' when I asked later if he had enjoyed it.
However when he got home I gather he told his Mum and Dad he thought it was cool. Don't you just love them.
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How's thing with you? Has the new van arrived yet? Have you any trips planned?
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Lovely sunny day again here, bitter cold wind but no snow or rain as forecast, we often don't get the weather forecast as the hills protect us.
No work done outside today as the wind is freezing cold. Sewing machine on the go again today, making bags for the skid mats and other bits of kit that go into the van. OH bought some new rubber mats for the cab (to fit over the carpets) they are now cut to shaped and in place.
Bit of cooking also done and now in freezer, Bolognese and Chilli, tomorrow I will make a Curry and Lasagne and freeze them to take with us for our first few days traveling.
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You may remember that a duck came along the river near us, with four ducklings a week or so ago. The next day she had lost one. The next day another was missing. But the two remaining ducklings stuck together like glue.
However, we noticed that their mother is not a very good mum (we saw her last year and she was the same then - we put it down to inexperience, but it seems not to be the case - she's just a poor mum). She often left them behind, but they stuck together and tried to chase after her.
On the warm sunny day the other day, the two of them were trying to snuggle under her for a nap on our lawn, but she would have none of it.
The next day there was only one left. Poor little chap had lost his remaining brother / sister. And he was swimming about on the water alone, cheeping for his mother. She sat on the banking (which was too steep for him to climb) and ignored him.
We haven't seen them for a couple of days now, but we're not expecting to see the little feller again.
Nature eh! What a git it can be at times.
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Bright and sunny here in East Kent ,but very strong Northerly breeze and showers threatened for later.Boat lifting today,so might get wet !! Lit the wood fired Pizza oven yesterday and left it to gently 'burn in/cure overnight.Shall give it a bit more heat today though,maybe toast my sandwich ??
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Yesterday afternoon, we drove using the Smart car, to the car park at Highdown Gardens. Then we walked around the gardens for some time. It was much quieter there than last week but a little too chilly to sit for long on any of the benches there. We noticed one or two roses budding in the Rose Garden there.
After that we walked up the National Trust Highdown Hill to the top with its magnificent views of the coast line and the Isle of Wight. Incidentally, although there's a sign there saying National Trust, I couldn't find it listed in the NT handbook, I wonder why?
Following that, we went on to the WWT in Arundel. Plenty of ducklings and goslings there. One of the geese there had nine goslings when we visited a week ago but this time we only saw five from the same one.
This morning, it was quite overcast when we first got up but now the sun has come out once again.
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Yes but did you see Highdown Hill listed in any of the leaflets? It's a pity if it isn't listed because its worth a visit to anyone who happens to be in this area.
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They take some finding Malcolm!
This type of thing
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Bright and sunny day here so far but bitterly cold wind. It was a lovely sunny morning but we got a downpour of rain and hail in the afternoon. Come on spring - buck up. I want to be able to enjoy the lighter evenings instead of sitting indoors by the fire.
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Early start for us on our drive down to Cornwall this morning. Decided not to cover the car windscreen last night, assuming the weather forecast of frost might have been an exaggeration. What a bad decision that was! So out with the scraper when I finally found it! Still, well worth it, because it's a glorious day down here, clear blue skies but a very cold wind coming in off the Atlantic.
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Really pleased they enjoyed the day. It's great when children enjoy a day out and hopefully learn something new too.
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New van delayed at factory, delivery now end of May, no trips planned until June, using time at home to catch up with DIY and gardening jobs, but not as much fun as caravan trips!
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Bright and breezy today, three loads of washing drying outside, hope showers hold off.
Lots of jobs done this morning, even the ironing!
Off to work shortly.
Have a great time in Cornwall Moulesy, hope weather warms up for you.
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Feeling relaxed now.
I've collated all the information for the accountant and taken it down to him, so he can complete the annual farm accounts and prepare our tax returns.
It may be a paperless society but there was an awful lot of paperwork.
(Sorry to mention work and tax).
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It does seem unusual to get frost this late in the year. After all, it's not long before the last month of Spring!