Types of CLs

QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
edited July 2016 in Certificated Locations #1

They come in all sorts of guises but which do you prefer?  My preference is for rural perhaps farm sites.  I don't want toilets and showers or even electric hook up.  I like them clean and most importantly, dog poo free.  Due to my low maintenance list,
I also like them cheap.  What's your bag?


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  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited July 2016 #2

    I like electric, toilets and a shower but can live without either, I also like rural farm sites but where it lacks in dog poo its made up by sheep and any other poo especially on the entrance/exit road. One CL in north Wales had its entrance road shared with a field full of sheep, the car and caravan was lathered.

    On saying that 90% of my caravanning is on CL sites.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    edited July 2016 #3

    Must have hard standing, good size shower block, obviously electric, with enough amps to run the microwave. Hmmmm thats probably why we usually stick to CC sites. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    edited July 2016 #4

    We like all kinds of CLs, but especially farm based ones. Happy to go with a reasonable price, (£18 and under) depending upon facilities provided and location. Massive bonus if we happen to be the only ones on site!Happy

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #5

    Must have hard standing, good size shower block, obviously electric, with enough amps to run the microwave. Hmmmm thats probably why we usually stick to CC sites. 


  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited July 2016 #6

    With the money we save on not using Club Sites, we eat out, a lot.  I don't see the need for a microwave and I don't understand the need for a shower block, don't you have showers installed?

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    edited July 2016 #7

    With the money we save on not using Club Sites, we eat out, a lot.  I don't see the need for a microwave and I don't understand the need for a shower block, don't you have showers installed?

    Need the microwave because I am on holiday and don't want to do much cooking. Don't want to eat out too much. Yes we have a lovely van with all mod cons but we have never used the shower, why use all that water and then have to wipe it all down and clear
    up, when I can just go over to a hot shower, mop the floor and walk away. Each to their own. The only thing I can never understand is people on sites who say they never use the showers or toilets and than pitch really close to them.

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited July 2016 #8

    I like to eat out because I like a rest from cooking and using CLs gives me money left over to do this.  I also like a bit of wild campingCool.
    Our shower is brilliant and I much prefer staying put rather than traipsing around a site with wet hair.  Each to their own I guess.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited July 2016 #9

    Field, tap, somewhere to empty toilet, sensible price, max 5 on site and a pub within walking distance.

  • QFour
    QFour Forum Participant Posts: 442
    edited July 2016 #10

    Oh yes! Cool

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited July 2016 #11

    As we van year round. Hard standing EHU.tap and waste disposal. If site big enough for everyone not paranoid about numbers. Not interesed in WC,showers etc.Will pay  £10 for grass site, £12 for H/S and EHU.Anything higher will look at alternatives in area.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited July 2016 #12

    With the money we save on not using Club Sites, we eat out, a lot.  I don't see the need for a microwave and I don't understand the need for a shower block, don't you have showers installed?

    Need the microwave because I am on holiday and don't want to do much cooking. Don't want to eat out too much. Yes we have a lovely van with all mod cons but we have never used the shower, why use all that water and then have to wipe it all down and clear
    up, when I can just go over to a hot shower, mop the floor and walk away. Each to their own. The only thing I can never understand is people on sites who say they never use the showers or toilets and than pitch really close to them.


  • MJ730
    MJ730 Forum Participant Posts: 184
    edited July 2016 #13

    Field, tap, somewhere to empty toilet, sensible price, max 5 on site and a pub within walking distance.

    Write your comments here...+1Happy

  • wye
    wye Forum Participant Posts: 241
    edited July 2016 #14

    A nice quite meadow , water , waste diaposal .

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited July 2016 #15

    Different types of CL so we can all find what we want.

  • Athel
    Athel Forum Participant Posts: 80
    edited July 2016 #16

    Nice views, grass, lots of space, water and cdp. 

  • margaret53
    margaret53 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2016 #17

    Our choice of CL is one with electric, somewhere either on site or outside to take the dog in the morning and in the location we require.

    What we don't like is sites through farm yards where gates have to be opened, grass long enough to make hay with and 6 other vans on site when we arrive.

    Not fussed about showers and toilets, like them ensuite.

    Would consider £12 a fair price.

  • harryb
    harryb Club Member Posts: 1,536
    edited July 2016 #18

    Like: Ehu, toilets and shower a bonus but not a must have. Hard standing in winter. Nice to be within walking distance of a town/village or on a bus route to the same. More than likely under £12

    Dislike:Highly priced cl's which charge more than a top of the range commercial site. They are not cl's. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2016 #19

    Near a village, pub, walks etc.,  not bothered about facilities as long as the CL is well cared for and in a nice spot. Favourite CLs are usually by water or the coast.

  • Tirril
    Tirril Forum Participant Posts: 439
    edited July 2016 #20

    Neat and tidy with a pleasant outlook. In the better weather we don't need or want any facilities relying instead on a solar panel and Safefill cheap gas. In winter if the weather has been wet then a hard standing and possibly EHU. A big consideration is a decent bit of space between other units. We try and check out CLs from Google Earth and avoid those surrounded by farm buildings and equipment lying about.

  • Longtimecaravanner
    Longtimecaravanner Club Member Posts: 643
    edited July 2016 #21

    Electric point is a must and nice view nearly as important. Well maintained and definitely only five vans on site. Showers etc on site unnecessarily add to the price.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited July 2016 #22

    Seems general consensus is EHU, Hard Standngs, about £12 per night and good location. The club should let Cl owners know this, particularly those starting up. Perhaps there should be a quick reference in handbook for facilitiy Cls as stated here.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited July 2016 #23

    Need EHU, like H/S in the winter/spring but do not mind grass pitches for the rest of the year, provided it's cut short. Not bothered with shower or toilet but will use the latter if there's one available. Ideally there should be good walks directly from
    the site, so that we don't have to keep using the car every day. Pleasant views are a bonus and don't like having longish narrow approaches to the site. Consider a charge of about £12 as reasonable but would expect to pay upto £15 for an exceptional site.

  • Cherokee2015
    Cherokee2015 Forum Participant Posts: 392
    edited July 2016 #24

    Seems general consensus is EHU, Hard Standngs, about £12 per night and good location. The club should let Cl owners know this, particularly those starting up. Perhaps there should be a quick reference in handbook for facilitiy Cls as stated here.

    The CC seem to be recommending new CL's charge at least £15 and upwards.    Been on a few new one this year who quote that the site inspector recommended this.   

    HS not necesssary for us but can see the attraction for some. 

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited July 2016 #25

    Seems club has a hidden agends for Cls and the recommended prices. Wonder if the steep prices has reflected in less usage. When Haven offer Europitches at £9-90 per night we did not use the Cls on the Lleyn Peninsular this spring.

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited July 2016 #26

    Just paid £15 for a CL - electricity, hardstanding, immaculately kept, free wifi and the most astounding views immaginable.of loch and mountain. No. 2030 in handbook... and in the back of beyond near Oban. Stunning.

  • tigerfish
    tigerfish Forum Participant Posts: 1,362
    edited July 2016 #27

    I tend to only use CL's today as I firmly believe Club sites have priced themselves out the market.

    But you can find some really good CL's. We often use "Goose Slade Farm" about 4 miles South of Yeovil. As its name suggests it is on a Goose Farm nr Sutton Bingham Reservoir. So good for fishing and Bird Watching.

    Its not only got EHU's but Very clean Toilet facilities, - separate for Male & Female and also an excellent Farm Shop selling all sorts of fresh food, & lovely coffee in its small cafe.

    The nightly fee is about £12.50 from memory.

    Finally its fun watching the farmer round up his 1,000 plus geese every night.  At about 6.30 you can feel a sudden change in the atmosphere,- the geese go very quite and are obviously waiting for something. Suddenly the farmer appears at the edge of the field with 4 sheepdogs. A whistle blows and the dogs go about their business.  Within 10 minutes all the geese are away in their big sheds and another day is over!


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited July 2016 #28

    Stayed on gooseslade a couple of years ago.  Lovely site and can highly recommend 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited July 2016 #29

    Stayed on gooseslade a couple of years ago.  Lovely site and can highly recommend 

    Us too!!

  • 1Tracey1
    1Tracey1 Forum Participant Posts: 240
    edited July 2016 #30

    All we want is a tidy site with somewhere to walk the dog nearby - fields, woods, lanes, beach.

    We can take or leave any other facilities - showers, toilets etc.  We do like it if the grass is mown regularly.

    Pay £10-£12 for EHU or £5-£6 for non EHU.

    I have also been told that CL owners have been advised to put up their prices by the club.  Because we are so flexible with location and facilities, we do tend to look around for the cheapest sites and visit them.  If we like them then we return.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2016 #31

    This thread has shown how people choose CLs and what they prefer, the variation has been huge, the CL owners certainly seem to provide something for everyone. We had a favourite CL in Cornwall, we used it for years even though the price went up to £16 we
    just loved being there.


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