Increase size of CLs?



  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited September 2016 #242

    cyberyatch- The ostritches will allow even further decline rather than look at alternatives.Mind you perhas the anti changers dont use CLs

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited September 2016 #243

    cyberyatch- The ostritches will allow even further decline rather than look at alternatives.Mind you perhas the anti changers dont use CLs

    Of course we do, and some of us probably visit many more than you do and see which ones are taking more than the allowed number of vans.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #244

    It perhaps would be less of an issue if we still had around 5000 CLs, as in times past, rather than the current 2500 and dwindling. It would at least solve the capacity issue if not the financial viability one.

    If the cc had a push to encourage low cost (for both site owner and customer) basic CL's at least until they have a few years experience, we might get back to that position. 

     Putting in lecky, HS, and toilets cost so much for such little return it must be putting potential owners off if they think that's all needed 

  • hallagather
    hallagather Forum Participant Posts: 62
    edited September 2016 #245

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there
    is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #246


  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited September 2016 #247

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

    Well said,there are plenty of larger club sites and commercial sites and at the end of the day CL owners have the legitimate option of getting planning permission for a larger site.Leave CL's alone for those of us that have appreciated them for many years.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #248


    Clearly opinions are divided but at the end of the day, CL's will remain at 5 vans in accordance with current law for the forseeable future.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited September 2016 #249

    Well said Vulcan, totally agree with you......Cool

    (No, I'm not stalking you Fysherman....Surprised)

  • paul56
    paul56 Forum Participant Posts: 937
    edited September 2016 #250

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there
    is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

    Well said,there are plenty of larger club sites and commercial sites and at the end of the day CL owners have the legitimate option of getting planning permission for a larger site.Leave CL's alone for those of us that have appreciated them for many years.

    Wholeheartedly agree with what you've both said. Cls need to stay at 5, there are loads of bigger commercial sites out there if that floats your boat.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #251

    Well said Vulcan, totally agree with you......Cool

    (No, I'm not stalking you Fysherman....Surprised)

    No probs Brian, I know we agree on a number of things if not everything.Cool

  • Tirril
    Tirril Forum Participant Posts: 439
    edited September 2016 #252

    I like CLs for the quietness they provide rather than the large commercial options. However running a CL must be quite tying for owners having to be about everyday (unless closed). Perhaps this makes the financial return hardly worth the effort. I have been on CLs where the space even for 5 units was tight. On others there was loads of room. There could be a case for an increase where the acreage allows it. For example a range from the present 5 to say 8 or exceptionally even 10 units which would be determined by an inspector who would take into account the amount of space available. It would seem to me that matching the number to the ground would be better than just fitting 5 regardless of how little room there is. I have been on CLs where space was so tight it required a mover to site up. It would require ammendment of the local authority regulations.  

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited September 2016 #253

    I like CLs for the quietness they provide rather than the large commercial options. However running a CL must be quite tying for owners having to be about everyday (unless closed). Perhaps this makes the financial return hardly worth the effort. I have been
    on CLs where the space even for 5 units was tight. On others there was loads of room. There could be a case for an increase where the acreage allows it. For example a range from the present 5 to say 8 or exceptionally even 10 units which would be determined
    by an inspector who would take into account the amount of space available. It would seem to me that matching the number to the ground would be better than just fitting 5 regardless of how little room there is. I have been on CLs where space was so tight it
    required a mover to site up. It would require ammendment of the local authority regulations.  

    Some inspectors are now obviously turning a blind eye on  certain sites that continually have more than 5 van on, at present. What hope then when ones that may be of a suitable size to take say 8 vans cram in 10 or 12. 'Tis a vicious circle.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited September 2016 #254

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there
    is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

    Well said,there are plenty of larger club sites and commercial sites and at the end of the day CL owners have the legitimate option of getting planning permission for a larger site.Leave CL's alone for those of us that have appreciated them for many years.

    Well said Vulcan, we completely agree.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #255


  • JCB4X4
    JCB4X4 Forum Participant Posts: 466
    edited September 2016 #256

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there
    is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

    Well said,there are plenty of larger club sites and commercial sites and at the end of the day CL owners have the legitimate option of getting planning permission for a larger site.Leave CL's alone for those of us that have appreciated them for many years.

    Well said Vulcan, we completely agree.

    I could not agree more, as the act never intended that these 5 van sites be able to exist as standalone commercial enterprises.  

  • shellman
    shellman Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited September 2016 #257

    have not read all the posts on this subject but the rate at which CLs are closing vastly exceeds the new ones opening, look every month in the magazine and count. So why do they close? Would a few more pitches make more stay open by increasing the income? 
    The quantity of 5 was established many years ago when there were a lot less caravaners.  Our last few CL stays have been at places with less than 5 units so just because a CL could have say 8 pitches does not mean rows of caravans.  We the CC should do what
    we can to make sure there are enough CLs around before they close and if that means campaigning to increase picth numbers then lets get on with it. 

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited September 2016 #258

    have not read all the posts on this subject but the rate at which CLs are closing vastly exceeds the new ones opening, look every month in the magazine and count. So why do they close? Would a few more pitches make more stay open by increasing the income?  The quantity of 5 was established many years ago when there were a lot less caravaners.  Our last few CL stays have been at places with less than 5 units so just because a CL could have say 8 pitches does not mean rows of caravans.  We the CC should do what we can to make sure there are enough CLs around before they close and if that means campaigning to increase picth numbers then lets get on with it. 

    CL's close for a variety of reasons, some even closing because neighbouring CL;s have robbed them of custom by illegally accepting more than five vans.If you had read the preceding posts you would know how and why the exemption certificate works as it does, the most likely outcome of a campaign for more caravans on CL's is that the site planning exemption concession would be withdrawn altogether.

  • EmblemVilla
    EmblemVilla Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited September 2016 #259

    rant can people stop campaining to get cls to go larger we only stay on cls because of the 5 van rule much as i like caravans and caravaning i don't want to be looking out of the window at rows of caravans so all the people complaining go else where there is loads of choice if thats what you want and leave the cls alone 

    Well said,there are plenty of larger club sites and commercial sites and at the end of the day CL owners have the legitimate option of getting planning permission for a larger site.Leave CL's alone for those of us that have appreciated them for many years.

    Well said Vulcan, we completely agree.

    I could not agree more, as the act never intended that these 5 van sites be able to exist as standalone commercial enterprises.  

    That's a bit of a grand statement, how do you know that? EV

  • EmblemVilla
    EmblemVilla Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited September 2016 #260

    have not read all the posts on this subject but the rate at which CLs are closing vastly exceeds the new ones opening, look every month in the magazine and count. So why do they close? Would a few more pitches make more stay open by increasing the income?  The quantity of 5 was established many years ago when there were a lot less caravaners.  Our last few CL stays have been at places with less than 5 units so just because a CL could have say 8 pitches does not mean rows of caravans.  We the CC should do what we can to make sure there are enough CLs around before they close and if that means campaigning to increase picth numbers then lets get on with it. 

    Well said. At last someone talking sensibly. EV

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #261

    I don't think it's sensible 

    We have what we have and it's not going to change and a heck of a lot of members prefer it that way. 

  • ocsid
    ocsid Club Member Posts: 1,395
    edited September 2016 #262

    If you had read the preceding posts you would know how and why the exemption certificate works as it does, the most likely outcome of a campaign for more caravans on CL's is that the site planning exemption concession would be withdrawn altogether.

    I also agree with this conclusion that any concerted effort to change our very valuable concession would be simply to lose it. There is already a simple route to getting a greater allowance where it is justifiable, apply for the releavant planning permission. Unless there is a good reason why you should not get it it has to be granted.

    Why should we be exempt of meeting planning laws that others have to meet? I am sure that would be the view the legislators would take if we rock the boat. on this one.

  • GVD
    GVD Forum Participant Posts: 175
    edited September 2016 #263

    We regularly use CL's, and enjoy doing so. We do however look for EHU, toilet facilities etc. and are prepared to pay the fees. Still cheaper than caravan club sites. However I am rather disgrunted that one or two CL's do have over the 5 limit, and have
    the audacity to promote themselves on 5van website. I appreciate that on occassions there maybe reasons when there is an extra caravan on site (mecical), but please have the decency to adhere to the 5van rule. This said I will continue to use CL's as they are
    "up my street" and I enjoy the intimacy.  

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #264

    Report them.  They are in effect stealing from other local CL's and putting the network at risk

    (but ask why first just in case there is a valid reason)


  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited September 2016 #265

    Posts here seem to suggest more overcrowding lately.Why I wonder?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited September 2016 #266

    Perhaps there are more, discerning, caravanners looking for pitches on CLs due to the high price of club sites, and those sites with more than 5 on are just reponding to the demand.WinkSealed

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited September 2016 #267

    Agree Nellie. Also of course the nmber of Cls have fallen by 50% over the last few years or so. Can you really blame the owners to try and maximise income in the short busy periods.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #268

    They are fiddling the system and cheating other CL owners out of revenue.

    Let them close ASAP and go commercial before they put the CL network at risk.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2016 #269
    This content has been removed.
  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited September 2016 #270

    A course in business accounting at the local college before putting in all the extra goodies (technical term) might have saved a few CL owners from being in the situation that they cannot make ends meet with only 5 vans on site

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited September 2016 #271

    Perhaps there should be bands of CL sizes say 5, 10 15 & 20 then over that it has to be a commercial site.  Also to stop greedy owners trying to cram say 10 vans on a 5 van site have a minimum space requirement of X sq metres per van.  People can then make
    their own mind up if they want to visit a small or larger site or one with or without the extra facilities etc. 

    Just a thought....