Pitching Instructions
You don't have to have the pitch they take you to, CY. You're correct in that they don't "supervise" pitching but they frequently stay to guide you back, offer help and point out where everything is. It's the hands on friendly approach👍
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Not in my experience, on one of the ( I admit very) few times we did actually use a CCC site they just took us to a pitch, we didn't like it, and we asked for another and the particular warden didn't look too happy about that and even asked why, but then did take us to another.
That wasn't the main reason we stopped using CCC sites btw.
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Not keen personally and particularly on a 2019 visit to St Neotts C&CC. There were no more than 4 or 5 outfits in front. The car was in direct sun from a cloudless sky and temperatures in the 30s. We stood out of the car in some shade for 20 mins whilst the other outfits sited. the guide asked what I was looking for and I said something facing North. He promptly wandered over to a large map outside the office and came back to say he did not know which way north was. I said that a pitch facing away from the current sun would do
. He led us to a pitch in full sun which I declined much to his surprise and pointed to a pitch in dappled shade of two trees. "but that does not get much sunlight" he said. I replied exactly! Was I glad to get pitched up to sit in dappled shade with a brew.
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Trouble is when members also decide to move the pegs to suit themselves & their outfits. The pegs are are positioned to protect members from fire hazards & should not be moved. How you position your outfit is clearly shown on the back of a diagram of the site supplied when you book in & the peg should not be moved
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I like that approach TW and can recall several sites where there was that sort of hands on friendly attitude. Some went further and asked if we would like help in reversing, unhitching and setting up, but invariably they were site owners rather than employees. They never gave us “pitching instructions”, and none of those sites had any sort of pegs.
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It’s a much more personal approach than that of this club plus it has the benefit for the warden/site owner of knowing units are pitched in an acceptable manner.
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I’m really not bothered, Burts.
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Happens also on club sites, Mrs C got taught to reverse onto a pitch by one warden and many times been told if we needed to pitch help just ask.
While there might not be a peg there will be some system in place to ensure the correct 6m spacing (unless you're talking about abroad but then why would you be here?)
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Now Burt, sorry Arthur, you know it upsets other posters when one answers for someone else
Why should I like it or not? Have I ever said one club, or even one site/country, is better than another? No, I have always said pick whatever system, site is best for you. You're the one that keeps pushing only one way?
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As they are currently only doing contactless payments, we have found it quicker than most of our CAMC check ins. The balance of your payment is taken on the morning of arrival and you don’t even get out your vehicle. An information pack is handed over and you follow the bike. Generally we have been asked wether we would like to be close or far away from the facilities and occasionally any other requirements. Sometimes we have been shown a pitch and asked if it’s OK. In other cases shown 2 or 3 and asked to choose. I think it depends on how many they have free, as all our bookings have been HS with EHU. Our maximum wait for a guide has been 5 minutes to date. I didn’t think I would, but I quite like the system and would not object if the CAMC adopted it.
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Mmm, don’t tempt me😫
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On many CCC sites I have found it a pointless waste of time. Particularly so as I would just pick the first suitable pitch. Not as if I need to circle the entire site nor await a guide. A site plan would be useful and particularly one with a north arrow
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report me for what AG? Point it out please?
Don't bother this is just going off thread - again
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you mean except when you have reported someone and actually posted to say so as well Dave?
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There are parking areas on club sites, they are labelled new arrivals and often have room for 6 outfits on larger sites, I can't remember seeing less than room for three outfits (car and caravan) even on small sites.
Leaving an outfit parked will just cause more congestion and affect those arriving after it.
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I guess you’ll not be renewing then.
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I prefer to get the afternoon / evening sun and generally will do a little research beforehand using an online site map / google earth or maps / whatever, and will preselect a number of pitches that suit my requirements. This means i can quickly go to certain areas of the site to see if my preferred pitches are available.
Failing that my car and my phone have a compass facility so south is easily found. The Truma app also has a sun alignment tool that can be useful,
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Me too if I am on site this is why I face north as a choice. We usually are out just after 9 am when sun is on the door side. These days we are usually back sometime after 3 and, if it is particularly hot and sunny will park the car on the door side and sit on the non door side unless there is shade available. Facing North in hot sunny weather means that the Sun is directed to the windowless rear of the caravan at its highest point