Bladon Chains - another lost site?



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited December 2020 #62

    😂 In another life, a good few years ago, I was Area Manager for Watersports Centres at both RVCP and Thrybergh Country Park, so I know both places well. Good to hear Council are on the ball still with customer care! Agree, Rotherham Valley is excellent for a one base family activity holiday, all those watersports, fishing, walking, cycling, (not sure if craft centre is still there?) Close to Crystal Peaks as well for Cinema and retail therapy if required. 

    So many folks underestimate South York’s, such a lot to see and do👍

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited December 2020 #63

    the acknowledgement of the considerable benefits it has brought to both Blenheim Palace and the local community.

    Which will include being able to show in the planning application that a caravan site has run there for many years with little in the way of problems.  And, of course, these "lodges" are just caravans that don't go touring.

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited December 2020 #64

    TDA has mentioned some of the things to do and see in the South Pennine district,to which I could add:Wentworth and Wentworth Woodhouse,Elsecar Heritage Centre,the TPT from Wharnclife Crags to Dunford Bridge,Wortley  Top Forge,Cannon Hall CP and Farm(C5 Friday on the Farm)and Yorkshire Sculpture Park and then you may head westwards  to Holmfirth and "Summer Wine" territory.This is not an exhaustive list...

    The M1 is very close to this area as it leads drivers between  Sheffield and Leeds.A site in the area would make a convenient North /South stop-over.

    Of course there is some industry but it is adjacent to stunning scenery- that is what the North is like.Perhaps the CMC should look look at the potential for in this "undiscovered" area?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited December 2020 #65

    Quite right Ttda.

    But, this is a recurring theme and the club has done nothing to address the blind spots, at least in those areas seriously deprived of a club site. Essex has zero sites, Suffolk just 1, right on its most northern point. These are counties and regions that deserve better. 

    Here in North Wales there is not a single club site or affiliate within 15 miles of the coast for the stretch between Queensferry and Nefyn, over 80 miles of fine tourist rich prospects. It's been that way since the owners kicked the club off the site at Caernarfon decades ago.

    Yes South Yorkshire is missing a site but the club is more than well represented in the county with 15 of them. The club needs to address those areas missing sites first before adding yet another Yorkshire site. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2020 #66

    I'm all for finding a site in a new area too. smile

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited December 2020 #67

    I don't join in with those who want Club sites to fill gaps near their home. The Club has eight sites of its own here in Cornwall, but after living here for 40 years I confess I have only stayed at two of them - there are so many other sites to choose from, and so many other places to visit. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited December 2020 #68

    Ken, Wentworth Woodhouse, the village, all the monuments, the industrial heritage, etc.... have the potential for World Heritage recognition. It already has an iconic cycling heritage, superb (and at times scary) walking country, as bleak and challenging as lots of other places, if not as high. 

    Yorkshire does have quite a few Sites, but again they are lumped close together. Primarily along East Coast, and in Dales/ North York’s. Our closest Sites aren’t in Yorkshire but in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

    Lots of gaps, getting worse as a Sites are lost☹️




  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited December 2020 #69

    You misunderstand the point I was making. I do not necessarily want sites in North Wales so that I can go rather that others may enjoy it in the same way I would like a club site in Essex to visit or somewhere near Southwold or Woodbridge in Suffolk. Anyway neither Essex or Suffolk can be described as near my home.

    If there was a site on the North Wales coast I might very well stay there if it gave me access to my hobbies, say near Conwy. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited December 2020 #70

    Yes, have to agree, North Wales is another huge gap. We always use CLs or private sites. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited December 2020 #71

    The point about Bladon Chains is that the Club know they have a customer base that likes to use the site. I would suggest people, in the main,  use the site because of its proximity to Blenheim/Oxford. I am not sure people visit the site because it's the best one on the network! So if the club can't replace it with similar nearby it will lose a slice of that cohort of customers. 

    Of course it would be nice to have more sites in under represented parts of the Country and I am sure the Club keep this under review all the time. However I would guess that the creation of green field sites will become more difficult as times go by. Didn't the Club try and build a site in Essex a few years ago but lost the planning appeal? The best way forward is probably the acquisition of existing campsites like they did with Bingham Grange and Cayton Village. Perhaps when things get back to normal and Club finances are more certain they will once again may buy the odd site here and there. The problem is likely to be that as we fill the bucket at the top we lose water (sites) at the other end as the owners of the lease decide that they can more profitably use the land as is the case with Bladon Chains.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited December 2020 #73

    I think the best bet for the kind of thing you describe kenexton are "UK Aires"


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,756
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    edited December 2020 #74

    We usually visit  North Wales every year as we have friends just outside Ruthin.  There is, or was, a CL there, we tried it once, but access was poor and the site not that great, so we now use a good CL much further away, so a lot of driving to and fro while we are there.

    LMP Club site at Chirk is even further, so I would agree there are many gaps in the network.

    Scotland is also poorly served.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited December 2020 #75

    I think it might help to get away from the term “Aires”, and think of something similar but British. 

    The Club could take a radical departure from its two usual models, (buy a plot, build a largish Site, or acquire a previous Site and Club Clone it) and look at smaller Sites, say up to 20-25 pitches with fewer services beyond ehu, water and waste, and limit stays to a maximum of 4,5,6 (?) nights, encompassing Smart payments, a local based site supervisor to check daily, (not be resident on Site) and allow both MHs, caravans and trailer tents to use. Something like this, in partnership with local landowners (Farmers, Councils, Private🤷‍♀️) on a lease basis, dotted in the gaps could allow folks to tour properly, in whatever outfit they prefer, spending a few nights to explore local interest before moving on. Limit the nights, limit the facilities, try to keep it staff free but secure and it’s a different model for those who don’t want or need a full Club Site experience and can tour happily without a deal of human interaction. Putting back into local areas as well if leased. Half way house between Club Site and CL, something different. Needs a good deal more thought and reality check, but an idea. And don’t of course, overprice it. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2020 #76

    And call then CL+? it of course would need HMG and LA to both be involved ,and very good security to stop those who do not think any rules apply to themundecided

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2020 #77

    Gone are the days when both  major clubs would open a site that if not a real going concern (payed its way) it could be subsidised by the money making sites,

    There now has to be a good business case ,for investment in such places ,unless  the as most are cash strapped  LAs are were to "chip in" with some money 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited December 2020 #78

    Back to the idea that perhaps the Blenheim Estate could have a 24/48 hour motorhome parking spot. There is a potential ideal spot for such parking. It is just behind the parking payment kiosks as you enter the Palace grounds on the right. It already seems to have a hardstanding base and perhaps is used for employee/trade parking? It would take a lot to provide basic facilities? 

    On another aspect of the planning change. I wonder if members should object to the change on the basis that it removes the only option for touring caravan and motorhomes to visit the Palace without the need to use vehicles. Having to stay further away could impact locally by a) people thinking twice about visiting Blenheim from further away. A potential loss of visitors that is unlikely to be recovered by the people staying in the static accommodation? and B) force people to travel further by vehicle creating more pollution?


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited December 2020 #79

     I think it might help to get away from the term “Aires”, and think of something similar but British. 

    I think most motorhome owners who have travelled France understand what you mean when you refer to an "Aire". Inventing another name might only serve to misunderstandings although I prefer the perhaps not so snappy name of "Motorhome Stopover" Either way when talking to potential providers a fair bit of explanation/education is required. Scotland seems to have grasped the idea with both hands, albeit with the involvement of a fair amount of red tape.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited December 2020 #80

    On another aspect of the planning change. I wonder if members should object to the change on the basis that it removes the only option for touring caravan and motorhomes to visit the Palace without the need to use vehicles. Having to stay further away could impact locally by a) people thinking twice about visiting Blenheim from further away. A potential loss of visitors that is unlikely to be recovered by the people staying in the static accommodation? and B) force people to travel further by vehicle creating more pollution?

    I think it is a lost cause David. The Estate could not have taken the decision lightly to terminate a long asociation with the Club and having made up their mind I suspect there is no going back. Even if the planning for the lodges fails the lease will now always be under threat and the site will never be improved.

    I'm optimistic there will be alternatives.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2020 #81
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  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,588
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    edited December 2020 #82

    Sostas, Stellplatz and Aires trip off the tongue.  Can we not come up with something less cumbersome than Motorhome Stopovers?  Welsh even if it's pronounceable.  I like Camping-Car Parks, easily shortened to C-CP's or CCP's.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2020 #83

    There would be a lot more positive responses from organisations and LAs in this country if they were to make a"Leisure Vehicle Stopover" rather than just for one type which would possibly encourage more visitors and make it more economically viable,than just as a cheap"dump/fill station" that it seems posts on here wantsurprised

    LVS for shortwink

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2020 #84

    Blenheim Palace is around 6th on the list of the most popular stately homes visted by tourists, it must have had a huge loss of income this year from uk visitors and the coach loads of foreign tourists. I don't know what income the lodges will provide for the estate and whether the lodge visitors will boost income on the estate and locally. It's not exactly a beautiful or quiet spot on that road junction. 

    Peedee, I think you'll need to write to the Vanburgh Estate with your ideas about an aire for motorhomes!

    But caravan owners are going to miss out and so is the club if an alternative can't be found, losing Baltic Wharf at the same time will leave a big hole in CAMC income. Tough times for all.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2020 #85
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited December 2020 #86

    Peedee, I think you'll need to write to the Vanburgh Estate with your ideas about an aire for motorhomes!

    I'll give it some thought. wink


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited December 2020 #87

    No problem with what others want to call a stop for a MH. But I was thinking beyond MH’s with my suggestion, and beyond catering for those who primarily go overseas. (Many of whom, let’s face it, will shove off abroad as soon as they can, because it their first choice)

    “Tour Stop” would suit my idea better, it is more inclusive of outfits, would be instantly recognisable for what it is (short stop for touring) and yes, would need planning permission, but hey....we are moving into a new era of planning, Club ought to have enough clout to swing a few of these up and down country, small, leased, implemented on a budget, and all about short stays, minimal services, lower priced option. Working in partnership with local services/landowners.

    Security would be the main issue. Local scumbags and those travelling without paying...... But that could apply to any sort of space really.

    Blenheim Palace and Estate is a World Heritage Site. It doesn’t surprise me they don’t want a field of white boxes cluttering up the landscape views any more. Hence some of the emphasis on how the proposed new lodges might look. And of course the income.

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,588
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    edited December 2020 #88

    Allowing only fully self contained vehicles on to these parks would for the most part prevent use by the travelling community as they seem to use caravan in the main.  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2020 #89

    Not now they do not undecided going by the problems at Cromer last year?

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,588
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    edited December 2020 #90

    I did say for the most part.  Are you suggesting that they now use more MCs than towed vans?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2020 #91

    It is getting that way,  there were 9 on some ground at Stevenage this year, and Cromers may well have been the same ones the previos yearundecided when they "pitch up" it seems M/caravans are also amongst them these days

    There are two camps officially  around here and they both have M/Cs on them