Loosing More CLs, why?



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited June 2017 #152

    Well said EV. Just keep plugging your site at every opportunity. Why not add a web page, or at least your e-mail address to each of your posts. Should you decide to advertise in UKCampsite  you can then ask visitors to post their reviews there.

  • ihatew0rk
    ihatew0rk Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited June 2017 #153

    As a new member returning to caravanning we i tend to use cl's twice a month as don't like the idea of large sites for 2 nights at a time.

    My experience so far, why would you not put photos of your site online? I certainly wouldn't book anywhere that either doesn't have photos or a website.

    I emailed a mixture of 3 cl's and 1 small site attached to a pub, guess which 1 replied and guess where we went for the wekend?

    My advice would be, build a basic website with online booking and take payment online, cancellations no longer a problem. At least reply to emails, it's common sense and courtesy.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2017 #154

    Like TDA and NTH, I also lost in excess of Thirty (30) reviews due to the incompetence of the IT dept, as a consequence, I no longer post reviews on this forum as I don't appreciate the flippant attitude displayed by the club towards their CL network.

    Instead, I post reviews elsewhere, where my opinions are appreciated.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2017 #155

    Easy to build a simple free website. Here is a free one that I built lomg ago when running a singles group for 12 years or so. We would drop some local fliers with the web addy if we wanted a few more members. We are now just a group of friends as I am away a lot wink.

    Very basic but people were able to contact me via it. The link for contact is no longer current.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited June 2017 #156

    Surely this refusal to post reviews on the Club's website is a bit self defeating? I would have thought that if you all have the interests of maintaining the survival of CL's really at heart you need to swallow any pride involved or get rid of any anger at the Club and get those reviews posted so that members looking to use CL's, perhaps for the first time, have something to make a judgement from. Some of you say that you post reviews elsewhere, which is fine, but unless you tell us where you post them what use is that to those members that don't look beyond the Club's website. I can understand that there is annoyance about older reviews being Deleted User. There may be a logical explanation to this, although it would have been good to know the reasoning. Maybe there is the opportunity to have some or all of those reviews restored but with current progress on things of equal or greater importance that could be a long way off. I would have thought it was in everyone's interest to post reviews here regardless of what has happened in the past. Let's start rebuilding the database. Am I being unreasonable?


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2017 #157

    I agree entirely with you David. I am much more likely to leave a review on here for CLs than other sites. We've been on two in recent weeks - both had 2 or 3 others when we were staying. I keep checking if anyone has reviewed them since, but nothing there! Why?

    BTW, I also make a point of emailing the owners after our stay to thank them. Do others do that too? 

  • N1805
    N1805 Forum Participant Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2017 #158

    David - Not unreasonable at all but a positive forward thinking approach.  

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited June 2017 #159

    I agree too, David, I leave reviews for the CL'S we visit,  it can't help the CL if people don't leave reviews on the website as it's probably the first place people including me look.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited June 2017 #160

    Having lost over 50% of the the reviews that I've done I feel that we who do regularly post reviews are not appreciated by the CC's HO, so I post a lot less frequently than I did. I certainly won't post a review of a club site any more and stick to the CLs that I feel are either worth the effort because they are either very good and deserve the plug, or very poor, IMO, so warning other CL users.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #161

    I agree with David to a certain extent. In fact I put another review on a favourite CL where mine and others had been lost. However it could well be out of date and if I'd done fifty reviews for other CLs it would be an impractical task.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited June 2017 #162

    Yes I email to say thank you.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2017 #163

    Sorry, I forgot to say that I post my reviews on the same platforms as TDAembarassed

    David...I have tried to post three reviews of my past recent visits to CLs, ONE was accepted by this apology for a website (Mouse Cottage) That's not a good success rate (33%) don't you agree? The CC isn't interested in the CL's anymore, or so it seems, what has more priority than making good the damage done to the CL network? Surely not the petty moans by a few CTers?

    Yes Moulesy, I too have the good manners to Email the CL's I have visited, to say thanks among other things......cool

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2017 #164

    A very interesting thread. I am always interested in a thread that discusses the lack of, or closures, of CLs. Some very interesting comments from members showing the complete diversity of the membership and how they view the great CL network which has been a mainstay of the caravan world for as long as caravans have been invented- my sincere thanks to all those hard working CL owners who have contributed to this wonderful hobby of ours over the years - I have certainly benefited- so why are CLs closing in numbers which is a little disturbing??

    CLs have always closed and opened and will continue to do so and for many different reasons, but I wonder how much the modern worlds view of 'money' is affecting their presence. A CL owner who wants to open an impressive site these days is looking at a great deal of investment . Hard standings, EHUs and water to each pitch, showers toilets etc would be a pretty penny. Now, ever since I hitched up for the first time and headed nervously for the east coast, I have understood that the CL is not about making huge sums of dosh!! It was to be regarded as a great privilege to be able to go to these sites at a very reasonable cost and as long as the CL owner didn't lose money, that was to be regarded as a success. I had four kids so I am ever thankful to the CL network for giving me affordable holidays which I have to say were fabulous, but, as I've always said, it's how you approach it, not what's available! Something has changed though- even over the last 25yrs. The expectations of caravanners, as has been pointed out,  has increased where EHU is now regarded as the absolute basic requirement - and as caravan manufacturers make ever more electricity hungry vans I can well understand that viewpoint - and if a shower block and toilets can be found even better- but one has to pay for these facilities and that's where the rub comes. Going back to the CL owner opening an impressive CL, he will want to recoup that cost as soon as possible but do CL users really want to pay the price that is wanted and possibly needed? I would argue that they would have a reluctance to. The price worked out after all the expense may well be approaching a commercial or even, God forbid, club site prices!! A case in point - A site that was new in the last sites book was advertising at £26 a night- this latest book I see it's in at £15 - is this because they couldn't get anyone to stay there? I would think so. I for one would not even have considered it but then I wouldn't consider it at £15 the reason for which I will explain later.

    So we have an impasse. The CL owner wants to make money and wants to charge top dollar but unless he offers something special for that folks will go elsewhere and if he does offer something special with Hard Standings fully serviced pitches with showers toilets and wifi perhaps and a plethora of other facilities, he may well price himself out of the CL market. So he can either settle for making a 'bit' of money or not bother- and this may well be one of the reasons for closures or worse, very few new CLs coming on stream.

    However, take the guy who has a spare bit of land who wants to do something with it , make a bit of dosh, but doesn't want any massive expense. It's in a nice area with some views. He certainly doesn't want to start digging it up to put cables in it and water pipes but he does want to use it for something and a CL is an almost perfect solution. Better £2 -3 grand a year and the land being used rather than it gathering weeds! He can do this at relatively little cost. This is where modern technology comes in. All he needs to supply is access to a waste system and a tap. ' A tap in a muddy field' is I believe how one member described it and how that was no longer acceptable. Well, to me it's the only thing that is acceptable! I don't need to be pampered by the CL owner, all I need is a pitch, water and waste disposal as I have bought everything else with me including electricity! My Solar Panel supples all the electricity I need and through my inverter I can use my microwave, toaster, blender and my 240v vacuum. My self fill Safefill cylinder will supply all the gas I need to drive the fridge and supply hot water and heating and at 25% of Calor cylinder gas! - I have a shower and a toilet on board which I have already paid for so why would I want to use someone else's? I am as comfortable as I ever was with an orange cable stuck in the side of my van and yes, I've been there- EHU and a very expensive Calor cylinder or two in the front locker because that was how it was - the status quo- well no longer. Having spoken to many CL owners over the past 3 yrs - since I decided I didn't want to be held captive by someone else's facilities- I detect a small but very noticeable change in the wind where it's the 'tap in the middle of a muddy field' sites that are in a far better position for making money than the more sophisticated sites. (As someone very correctly pointed out- there are only 5 vans allowed at any one time) The fees for these gems are always very reasonable being between £4 and £10 a night . So, although the reasons for less CLs are many and complicated, it's a certainty that as things develop on the technology side,and caravanners can, if they make the effort, become more and more self sufficient, EHU sites will become less favoured. Of course there will always be the folks who refuse to look any further than their hitchlock and will always be able and willing to pay top dollar for top sites and that is how it's always been but the little guy who has less resources and even the wealthier guy who has plenty, and could afford the 'not a blade of grass out of place' sites but, who has taken the trouble to research what is out there will always be happy to support the more basic CLs. He is saving oodles and the CL owner is making a few bob- a win win and a CL that will remain open! And as far as a review is concerned, I have found some total gems since being non EHU. One of which is booked up for 2 years in advance- how many EHU sites can equal that?? 

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited June 2017 #165

    It is strange is it not, that notwithstanding the increasing luxury of vans, that there appears to be an increasing reluctance to visit the more 'basic' of CLs. Years ago, caravans often didn't have loos and relied on toilet tents and most certainly didn't have showers. Yet if you visit Club sites with all the facilities, there is a predominance of more top of the range vans with all the facilities built in. Despite the Club's marketing spin about "pioneering" etc it seems that the adventurous spirit is lacking in the current membership.

  • N1805
    N1805 Forum Participant Posts: 1,092
    edited June 2017 #166

    Interesting post Merve.   I personally choose a pitch provider according to where I wish to visit at that moment in time when touring.  In this country I can manage with a few days of basic facilities.  I guess to stay on sites in the UK with only a tap & waste disposal facilities leisure vehicle owners themselves have to make the monetary investment rather than the CL owner if they wish to stay any length of time. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited June 2017 #167

    I suppose that 20 years ago I was happy without EHU. Just plug into car for 12 volt. Battery on board in case car went off with family members in 'van. After fitting mains electric which was used to power fridge, some spotlights, kettle and a fan heater when needed I used it but not exclusively. Now with the provision of the mod cons within a caravan being such a large cost element I do want to make full use and for me that means EHU. Not bothered about toilets, washrooms, laundry, dishwashing etc.

    I don't use CLs at present but if I were to I certainly would not quibble at up to £15 a night with EHU on good ground. Many posts that I read seem to consider that expensive for a CL of this type

  • Boff
    Boff Forum Participant Posts: 1,742
    edited June 2017 #168

    I fully agree with you CY.  I have on another thread challenged the club leadership to demonstrate that the values are anything more than empty spin.  The response so far has been tumble weed, not supprise  there.  

    Lets introduce another marketing buzz phrase.  Thought leadership.  That's the process by which the club uses its influence and reputation to shape people's perception of what is possible.  Unfortunetely it takes both thought and leadership, so I expect more tumble weed. 

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited June 2017 #169

    I disagree the club are not interested.  Since the rebrand all area/site reviews have included both club sites and CL's in the area, obviously they cannot cover all sites in an area but they are promoting them alongside club sites.

  • MichaelT
    MichaelT Forum Participant Posts: 1,874
    edited June 2017 #170

    Yawn, sorry Merve your constant going on about self sufficiency is starting to bore.  I understand you only want a tap in a muddy field and a drain cover to lift off to dump black waste and that is fine.  Others may want more, not necessarily showers or toilets but for a MH maybe a hard standing, some want EHU (maybe most).  Youn rightly say your van has everything in it and so does everyone elses and a lot prefer to use EHU rather than gas to power things and do not want an inverter etc. fitted.

    For us and many others the main thing is the area we are visiting, we then look for a site from there, we look at value for the site of what its offering not just choose the cheapest because I have SP & Gaslow.  We have been on a CL with EHU but chose to camp on the opposite side of the field in the sun so paid for EHU but did not use it.  We do not consider this paying top dollar but the going rate for a service that we are happy to pay.

    Younger people are used to more facilities so maybe the CL's are trying to cater to them?  But they do not have to have showers etc.  We have been to many sites with a toilet but not so many with showers.

    As for a CL owner getting 3k a year from a tap only I find that hard to believe, even at £10 a night with 300 nights its only 3k less the expenses of water, grass cutting, insurance, bookings etc.

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2017 #171

    Micheal T - I was careful to say that we are a diverse lot . I like everyone else who uses CL s am interested in why they are closing or at least reducing in numbers for many reasons. I still think that the emphasis is more on profit these days and not the benevolence there once was. I'm sorry if I bored you but I simply offered a possible explanation for the demise of CL numbers. Of course people will pay for what they consider 'worth it' and long may they do so. 

  • Spriddler
    Spriddler Forum Participant Posts: 646
    edited June 2017 #172

    I'm an avid fan of CLs.

    As far as I can see, the CAMC is a commercially driven business, not a 'Club' so they probably see little marketing sense in tempting people away from their own money-making sites.

    I'd be interested to know if the Club receives any income from CLs (as opposed to the Club's own sites).

    Do CL owners have to pay a fee to be listed? If they do, the support they get on the website is nothing less than disgraceful.

    Are CL owners allowed to operate independently? I.e. promote their site (up to 5 units) and take bookings from non members? They should be, as it seems very one-sided to be restricted by an agreement that provides little or nothing in return. If they are not allowed to promote themselves outside the CAMC I foresee more and more closing down.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited June 2017 #173

    Can't see what you are trying to say MT, who mentioned area reviews? I presume that you're referring to that monthly advertiser that the club call  a magazine?

    Looks like we must agree to disagree then.....Cheers, thanks for your input.....cool

  • Merve
    Merve Forum Participant Posts: 2,333
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    edited June 2017 #174

    I guess we can put it down to one sentence in the end- Use it or Lose it! 

  • dmiller555
    dmiller555 Forum Participant Posts: 717
    edited June 2017 #175

    Could members emphasis on "cheap" be part of the problem?

  • Supertractorman
    Supertractorman Forum Participant Posts: 79
    edited June 2017 #176

    We as CL Owners cannot accept anyone other than Club members ( There are other organisations that register CL/CS type 5 van sites that accept non members of any type ) so therefore our only real point of advertising is the Club magazine which as I pointed out in an earlier thread may well be once in 50 to 80 years !.  New CL's also have to be Club members as well, we are in our own right in order to use our caravan.   As we are in Scotland then we don't have the numbers of vanners around us as with some of the major towns / cities in England and it would be great to have a larger audience we could attract out of season.

    David    www.perthshirecl.co.uk


  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited June 2017 #177

    Its mostly a cash business, so membership of the club comes low on Cls accepting units. Never yet turned away or very rarely if ever asked for my membership cad.

  • Johnny57
    Johnny57 Club Member Posts: 370
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    edited June 2017 #178

    I would like to thank Merve for a great post and for acknowledging with thanks “all those hard working CL owners”.

    As an “Off Grid “ CL which has been going for 4 years and is possibly one of what Merve  describes as “the guy who has a spare bit of land who wants to do something with it”, I would like to confirm that the £2-3000 per year is not correct for me, I charge £6.75-9.50 a night depending on the number of nights spent on site - last year it was £900!. We are not near the coast or any other large attraction so it may make a difference. I do have a website and promote the site elsewhere other than just on the CAMC listing, which although we don’t pay a fee for the CAMC listing I have to be a member to have a link to our website and I do insure the site through them. I cannot edit the listing details directly on the CAMC site it all has to be done by them.

    I set the site up as a friend who was a CC member at the time said it would be a good use for the area of land (he is still a friend!). I enjoy the location and only really do it so others may also. I certainly do not do it for the money or sorting out the waste bins for recycling - more the satisfaction of hearing how members have enjoyed their stay and will return. The reason in the end for picking the Caravan Club at the time was the number of members and CLs in the club although I am not so sure now I would again, as there are other clubs out there that offer free membership and are more flexible e.g. do not restrict the site to just members

    I have provided a solar panel unit to encourage the members that are reluctant to uncouple the orange lead to try out off grid. This has to my knowledge converted at least 2 members to solar and freedom to go anywhere!

    The description being used by some of an off grid CL as “a tap in the middle of a muddy field” does nothing to help support an off grid site!, it maybe not be their cup of tea but may prevent someone perhaps thinking of giving it a go. My site is certainly not that as it is well mown and maintained.

    I agree the answer to not loosing CLs has to be “Use it or lose it”

    John Clifton
    NEWTON GROVE, Barford Road, South Newington, BANBURY, OX15 4LN
    Caravan & Motorhome Club Site Directory 2017/18 no: 1273 (p440) CMC Listing
    E: newton.grove@btconnect.com
    P: 07722 918265:
    W: newtongrove.co.uk
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewtonGroveCL

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,926
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    edited June 2017 #180

    Ted, it's churlish to disagree with you because you are trying so hard, and you have written passionately at such length.  

    But most CLs are not jewels in anybody's crown. There are certainly some, where the owners have worked hard and deserve credit, but many of that sort of owners have continued on forward,  and have invested, diversified, developed, enlarged, and expanded. They now have fully fledged, grown up campsites, open to all. 

    But there are an awful lot of  CLs  which remain as just a bit of spare land, or a fenced off corner of a field,  where caravanners can come if they want to, but little is done to make the site attractive or attract wider business. No landscaping, no flowers or shrubs, no facilities, no personal welcome, no sort of customer service. There are some Club members who accept that sort of solitude and say that's all they want, but most people these days want more. 

    it would pay you to go across the channel and meet some British expats who have set up small campsites in France and see the things they have done and the way they genuinely act as hospitable hosts for their visitors. 

    I appreciate how hard you yourself are trying and wish you well in your own venture, but I'm afraid I regard the idea of  "5 only, members only" as an idea way past its sell-by date. 

    Regards to you.