What are you all up to
Malcolm I reckon my other half has a faulty thermostat. He's always hot and often in the winter hell be in a T-shirt and possibly shorts whilst I'm wrapped up feeling chilly 😂😂. But he never complains about the heat or hankers for aircon 😉
I think you must run very hot too, have you always been like it?
I don't think I've ever found our motorhome hot unless we've left blinds up on a day like today and had it shut up. Roof light open a little or more allows the heat to escape and the blinds have reflective reverse so often much cooler inside than out. Opening g opposite windows pulls the air through too. Good job the electric is all-inclusive 😀😀😀
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Oh dear Glastonbury usually brings wet weather
I remember seeing photos in the papers of people in a mud field in their wellies. I hope they get good weather this year.
. I hope your son has a good time brue.
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We are going to our Walking Group's summer BBQ today so I hope this lovely weather holds. Even though we are no longer active members because of Mr H's hip problems they are kind enough to invite us to their social events. I am looking forward to catching up with them all again.
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They might be glad of a bit of cooler weather, although I agree, wet weather is horrible. It can get oppressively hot in a tent when the sun is beating down all day! Especially now that we have lighter evenings and the sun has more time to work up its heat!
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Lovely morning here in Epinal, we had a nice cycle into town through the park next door. Took a wrong turn though in the park and exited down a very steep and windy path.
found a better way coming back
will investigate park at leisure later on.
The site was almost full last night when we got back but about half have already departed this morning. There is a lovely aire next to us also in the parkland, one of the nicer ones
it's quiet just now apart from the birdsong, there's a very vocal blackbird who's been singing for ages.
Bakers2, yes we have folding ebikes that fit on the back of the m/h we have had good use out of them and the trike on this trip.
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We've just taken the awning down ready for tomorrows trip.
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Brue I hope your son has a great time volunteering at Glastonbury. Friends daughter and SIL have done it for years even taking the kids, they live locally, our friends go down to mind the house and assist as and how they can, often drying stuff out when the family don't stay on site. They're not doing it this year.
I agree with JayEss can't beat sunny days and certainly won't be in the tents when there's something on!
Milliehull enjoy a good catch up.
Just walked to have a blood test just routine. Personally rather warm when I got back so nice fresh mint tea sitting in the garden in the shade. Certainly much cooler now in fact a bit chilly 😉. Still off to walk to Lidl for salad ingredients and a few bits shortly will rectify that.😂😂.
Forecast looking good for the weekend GREAT, here's hoping it stays for our tour.
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Out of interest once completed see if its still hot in the caravan after a bit. Then open both side windows and see if there's an improvement in conditions in the caravan. Secondly does it feel cooler in the caravan without the awning up? That'll probably need to be weighed up over night 😉 too.
Also out of interest do you ever remove the side panels of the awning to allow air flow? I've sent lots do this on sites. I wondered why before but now I think I understand.
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It's still quite cool, Bakers2. The weather seems different today. Yesterday it was very still, no breeze. Today is much breezier. You can see it in the trees. I think you're right that it's cooler without the awning but then yesterday morning was comfortable. It's when the sun goes over and shines through the front window of the awning that it gets hot. We keep both awning doors open but it's not enough to keep it cool.
It's possible to remove front as well as sides on ours but it's a lot of work and time consuming because it would be necessary to put it all back together in the evening when it gets cooler.
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Malcolm, when we had our caravan with the awning up in hot weather, we used to just unzip the panels and roll them down to the ground, not far enough that we unzipped the bottom catches, as they can be pain to rejoin if you have it pegged. Sometimes we would just unzip the panels halfway and let them fold over. If you do that it only takes a couple of minutes to re zip once it cools down. When we were in hot weather the sides and front were never up.
Much easier now with just a canopy to wind out. We are sat outside having finished lunch, it's 32c in the sun but we are in the shade of the van, if I reach up and touch the canopy it is roasting hot. This heat is then reflected back down so if you sit under it its hot, if you move to shade under a tree say it's much cooler. I would think that an awning roof would act the same, so being under it would be hot.
Bit of a breeze now and some clouds forming so we might just get that storm they keep promising
never mind it will cool things down a bit and all the washing I did this morning is already dry.
Bakers2, we could put the bikes on the trailer as there is room. However we already had the bike rack before we had the trailer made, we are fortunate in that our bike rack isn't a high one so easy to load, we had the trailer made with a slightly longer A frame so that doesn't interfere with the bikes. OH also fitted some support bars to the trailer and now we carry the loungers on there instead of inside the van, also the whirly washing line goes on.
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Just spent a very long time with OH at his hospital eye appointment. A machine had broken down but the technician did well repairing it via a phone help line. We got chatting to patients who also had diabetes to contend with (OH hasn't) so we heard about their diets etc. One man had already had a partial leg amputation. Makes you think doesn't it?
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Diabetes is a very nasty disease and needs to be treated with the utmost respect. I had an uncle who developed it and he had attempts for new artificial veins in his legs. That didnt work so lost toes, both feet, one leg at the knee, same leg at the thigh. He had really horrible stinky ulcers that were turning gangerous as they had on other parts on his 'good' leg and various eye problems. Most unpleasant for him and very hard on his wife and sole carer.
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I'm joining Oneputt by sitting in the garden 😆. I'm preparing for our trip, usual household chores to ensure we come home to a clean and tidy house and an empty washing basket, well as empty as it can be.
There seems to be more air about today and sitting in the shade after chores is a delight. The washing get is drying almost before I've finished pegging it out. That hasn't happened for years 😆.
Catching up on here but finding it slow at times and the greying out of the reply/post button not happening. Could that be a result of the maintenance?
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My late father in law had diabetes but like many didn't heed medical advice, he still ate what he wanted and had a whiskey or 2 most nights. He died in his late 60 ' but not before he last a leg and his sight. Makes you think, well it does most anyway.
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Diabetes is prevalent in my family. My grandmother was disgnosed with it in her 40s. She didn't heed advice and ended up in hospital many times which was difficult for my aunt who she lived with. It eventually killed her when she was 70. My cousin was also diagnosed in his 40s. He is now disabled and a very poorly man. The rest of my cousins and I were discussing it at my aunt's funeral recently and we are all very careful with our diets and lifestyle.
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What have I being doing today?
Well I've not been replying to posts on here -
a) We don't have a Tesco store near us, so have no interest in points gained or spent.
b) It's about 13 or 14 degrees here, so cannot sympathise with those of you who complain about the heat.
c) I'm not interested in the minutiae of everyday mundane meals.
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I am still currently doing my bit for education (and my pocket money) by marking. There’s only 50 scripts left to go but it’s getting to be pure drudgery. After doing 400 there’s nothing new and each one is now such an effort. The only thing that’s fun are the comments the candidates leave for you. Some of them are quite funny. The best ones so far:
(in a question about finding x such that…) you maths teachers are obsessed with x, it’s all you think about isn’t it? X X X ! Have you seen a therapist about your x addiction? Is there a helpline for you?
(same question) All my school life has been spent trying to find x for you, why do you keep losing it?
Dear examiner, have you having a good day? As you can see I’m not. It’s not really my fault as I didn’t want to do maths, I wanted to do Art but my parents wouldn’t let me. They said I had to do a real course. I wouldn’t have taken maths but they said they would buy me a car if I did. Well this paper will show them won’t it?
What rotten parents there are out there?
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😂 Do they get extra marks for the 'witty' comments?
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We had a lovely catch up at the Walking Group BBQ today. It appears there are quite a few non walkers now - perhaps we should change the name 😁. The group has been in existence for over 15 years and it seems that the years are catching up with quite a few of us. 😕 Although the sun went in and it got a bit breezy at one point the rain held off and the sun reappeared mid afternoon. All in all a lovely afternoon. I think we all also sorted out how to run the country as well😂.
I hope the weather has stayed good for you tammygirl and that the thunderstorm passed you by. French thunderstorms always seem to last for hours and rumble around in circles.
The forecast looks good for the next few days bakers2 so you should have a good weekend in Mundesley.