What are you all up to
Baddesley Clinton is on our list to visit. Are the gardens nice Ian? Seen some photos and they look lovely. Did you go back to Hidcote?
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Yes, the gardens are good, but those at nearby Packwood House are better - they have some fabulous borders, a whole field of topiary, wild flower meadows and a lake (which they are currently doing some restoration work on). Oh, and a very nice kitchen garden too.
We called at Hidcot on the way to Stratford yesterday. Been many times, but always something new. It was very busy with coach parties. It's likely that we'll go again while in the area.
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Here's are the photos for you TDA.
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Loved the gardens at Packwood. Based a herbaceous border on one of theirs various hues of purples including grasses. Sadly some plants didn't like my soil 😢 and the area I could do it in was much curtailed compared to theirs.
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Ian, we visited both Baddesley Clinton and Packwood house a couple of years ago when staying in the area. We loved both of them.
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We returned from our eventful but enjoyable 8 days at Seacroft yesterday. The cabaret continued..... while fetching our 2 cats from the cattery our little female cat (the real Millie) took fright and decided she absolutely wasn't going in her cat basket and ended up scratching me. She caught a vein so blood everywhere. They ran and got the first aid kit and bound me up. Luckily it soon stopped but I decided to go and see the nurse practioner at our GP surgery as it looked a bit of a mess. Anti-tetanus jab given and antibiotics prescribed.
Bakers2 I do hope you feel better soon. It sounds miserable. A friend of mine had acupuncture when she had a similar problem. She said it helped.
Tammygirl, your trip sounds wonderful. So pleased you are having a good time.
Brue, your latest trip sounds good as well. How long will you have the extra dog for?
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After our afternoon cup of tea, we went into Worthing town centre to do some shopping.
Next we drove along the Worthing sea front towards Goring and then on towards Ferring where we found a space to park the Smart car and visit the sea front. Lovely cool breeze coming in from the sea. In the whole day, this was the coolest place to be.
After sitting for a while by the sea, we drove to the car park at Highdown Gardens. The rose garden was particularly worth seeing with lots of varieties of roses blooming. It was after 5 p.m. when we got there and the Garden closes at 6 p.m. So we couldn't stay too long. Finally, we returned to our caravan for our evening meal.
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Another lovely sunny morning here in Worthing and we had cereal to start with for our breakfast and now we have sausages, bacon, tomatoes and eggs cooking.
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Milliehull sounds like a holiday to remember laugh and refer back to eventually when you have some distance between then 😉. I think you were very sensible to get your arm checked before it developed. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I have used acupuncture in the past, not for labyrinthitis, but I have regular reflexology and she mentioned I was the third person she'd heard of with it 😲. Naturally since seeing the doctor it has improved 😉 but I have the pills in case, we are off on a bit of a tour on Saturday so thought it was safest! And to quote many it's free so why not? 😉😉😉😉
Tammygirl sounds like a great tour, we too may need the sunshade if we were away in the motorhome as 27 forecast. Hmmmm lovely. Taking my mum to visit her sister worse fractured her pelvis this afternoon, she'll probably say it's not warm is it? I think her age and warning don't help.
Right got bit of ironing to do, want to keep on top of it, before we go and we have a full choice of clothes (neither my husband or I have a surplus of clothing 😉😂). Plus few more chores I want sorted before it gets too hot, hot afternoons are for cool drinks in the shade with good company 😆 but not today. A decent journey to the rehab to see my aunt and back though today.
Enjoy your day folks.
Malcolm you certainly don't skimp on your meals 😉
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Thanks for the good wishes folks. Although swollen my arms looks a bit better today - not so angry. Apparently you can get something called 'cat scratch fever' which in all the years of having cats I had never heard of. It can be nasty so be warned folks if you get scratched. Although we had a few 'incidents' to keep us busy while away we had a really good time. The weekend was especially good when the family came to join us with their tent. It was decided to 'divide and rule' the grandchildren on the second night as they either giggled or argued most of the night in such close proximity in the tent so grand-daughter stayed with us in the caravan.
I hope you have a good trip Bakers2. Where are you off to? I might have missed it as the Wi-Fi didn't always behave itself while we were away so I didn't always read through all the posts.
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Hopefully, it will keep me going until lunch!
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Lovely sunny June morning here on the Kent coast,only a slight breeze.Three boat/crane lifts today,all' going in'.Practice with my Bass player tonight ,prior to our first 'gig' on Saturday night .A country music evening in our local bar .
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Sounds like a fun evening, triky auto!
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Milliehull glad to hear your arm looks better. Having had cats for 30 years not something I'd heard of. But I seen how cats react to scratches and bites from other cats so not really surprised.
We are off to Mundesley to meet son and his partner, she won weekend in a cottage in a raffle at the tennis club, so asked if we'd like to join with motorhome for a decent catch up 😆. From there to Lincoln, then Southport for Liverpool explore and more then Lytham St Anne's to visit uncle who's has really settled into his residential home. With no time off to book at work no long offs either we needed something to galvanise us and be back for do sitting for friends.
Ironing done off into the garden for some gentle deadheading. I've moved the few plants we now have in the conservatory to their summer quarters outside. Conservatory looks very bare. And these days these only 6. Sentimental reasons for those. It's impossible to have plants in pots tubs or hanging baskets if you're not around to water them. Hard choice really as many trips as possible and extended time in NZ with daughter and granddaughters 😂.
Tricky hope your gig goes well. Enjoy.
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I've just fetched the van out of storage ready for our trip to Ross Park next week. A couple of little jobs to be done before we go. The heater front case has been reattached now, but I suspect what happens is that one of the dogs knocks against it when we're getting ready for walks - the top and bottom have adrift and the base then drops. So I'm going to make a little plinth for below the base to hopefully avoid it happening again. Otherwise all looks good and the weather is set fair by the looks of things.
Millie - hope your arm heals up - nasty things, cats! (Oops, meant nasty things cat scratches!
Bakers - we stayed in a little cottage at Mundesley some years ago - it's a lovely little place; I seem to remember there's a museum close to the beach, possibly in an old lighthouse although it's a long time ago now, memory's a bit hazy. But I do seem to remember there's a fabulous long shingle beach there. Have a great time!
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We're shopping at Tesco Extra this morning after which we're having home made fish and chips for lunch back at the caravan. The sun hasn't come into the awning yet so I sat out in the relaxer for a while before shopping. By later in the afternoon, the sun comes directly through the awning window so that it gets too hot to sit in there.
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About to have lunch, a nice crab from the fish man who called to day. Then down to the nursing home to take my mum for her hair appointment. They will visit, but is nicer for her to get out for a bit. As it is such a lovely day we will probably borrow a wheel chair to push her there, rather than use the car. OH stops with her while she is sorted, while I nip across to the Library. Otherwise it gets a bit crowded.
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We've just finished shopping at Tesco where we spent just over £33 of which I paid £16 in clubcard vouchers and the balance using my Tesco credit card which is also a club card and gets me an extra point for every £4 of spending. That means a total of 41 points made up of 33 points plus 8 extra points.
When I use the same card elsewhere, I get 1 point for every £8 spend. Two nights on a CMC site can cost £48 which earns me an extra 6 club card points.
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Glad to here your arm is a little better today millieh.
Well the forecast thunderstorm for overnight and this morning didn't happen, although I believe it did in other parts of France.
We are now all set up on site in Epinal, sun still shining 30c in the van but I'm sat outside in the shade where it's a cool 25c
Quick cycle out this afternoon to get our bearings then plan what to visit in the coming days. Epinal is on the Moselle so we should get some cycling in, no doubt we will go and watch the river boats going up and down at some point.
Only a smallish site this one and prominently Dutch, seems ages ago since we had that. The last 2 or 3 sites it's been mostly French folk for neighbours. Observation, the Dutch are very loud
Even when just 2 of them are sat chatting outside their van, you can here them a couple of pitches away, why?
Bakers, hope you have a lovely time away and you get to use your canopy
Malcolm , for someone who has diabetes you do seem to eat rather a lot of unhealthy food
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As you know, we'll be leaving for Cirencester Park CMC site on Friday for two nights. Amount to pay £45.60, that will be another 6 points for me. A tank of fuel for the Shogun at a cost of £88 earns me 88 points plus 22 bonus points, a total of 110 points. Looks like I'm going to accumulate a lot of points this weekend on top of 1550 points accumulated since the beginning of May!
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My excuse, Tammygirl, is that I'm on holiday so time to indulge. I'll probably burn it all up once I get back to work and have to climb several flights of stairs delivering pizzas to apartment blocks of flats!
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My point was that as a diabetic surely you shouldn't be eating it at all
I have family and friends who are diabetics and they can't eat what you do.
Holidays are times for treats agreed but do not throw caution to the wind, the last thing you need is to be ill again.