What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,180
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    edited July 2024 #60212

    I assume we were still using the Met Office when Michael Fish gave his famous forecast? Is the clue not in the word forecast? As the crow flies we probably live 10/15 miles south of Silverstone and during the GP whilst it was raining there we could see sunshine out of our window. F1 teams spend a lot of money getting their weather forecasts as so much depends on track conditions but even they don't get pin point accuracy. They can see the weather but it often either slows down or moves in quite a small area. Lets be careful here, if the weather was that accurate we would have nothing to talk aboutsmile


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited July 2024 #60213

    I think we all realise that it's never going to be an exact science David but 40 years ago the computer programmes they had would not have been as sophisticated compared to those of today. I do expect a fairly accurate forecast for the next 24 hours but after that I take it all with a pinch of salt.

    I'm also prepared to give them some leeway if the weather system is fast changing.

    Quick look in as I've escaped from cooking duties for 10 minutes.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited July 2024 #60214

    Wonderful day today here weather was brilliant so we went down to Culzean Castle with sun DIL and gdaughter lovely day out we only live 40 mins away and stay at The Ranch often which is only a couple of miles from the castle but we hadn’t been for about 20 years. Lovely day with great views and a good walk around the estate grounds. Now home sitting out the back garden with dinner sizzling away on the Cadac. 

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,180
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    edited July 2024 #60215

    Just wondered if any of you have a Dobbies Card? I know their Garden Centres do vary around the country but we are lucky to have quite a good one. It costs now £15 a year but does entitle you to two free coffees every month, plus on the birthday of the card holder two cakes! There are also discounts to plant purchases and you earn points but like all loyalty schemes  you have to spend a fortune to save up any worthwhile amount! Purchased a Blue Hydrangea as I already have pink and red. They seem to grow quite well in pots so easy to move around to provide colour where you need it.  


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited July 2024 #60216

    We use a Yorkshire Weather Stone…………..

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited July 2024 #60217

    Everything seems so inconsequential  about what I've been doing today after reading the awful news of the stabbing of very young children who were enjoying a dance session in Southport.

    Words fail me. Here's hoping for the best outcome for those involved and their families.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited July 2024 #60218

    Caught these gulls having a wash and fighting over a fresh crab at Seahouses!

    Weather has really improved and very warm. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited July 2024 #60219

    They really are having a set to. I think Frank's winning.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,759
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    edited July 2024 #60220

    Totally agree WN.  We've had a lovely day out (from home), a lovely walk, beautiful views, but once home read about those stabbings in Southport. It somehow seemed our day out was an extravagance, compared to what happened there. I now read that 2 children have been killed, a number injured and a 17-year old has been arrested.

    Like you, words fail me.  Thoughts and prayers with all those affected.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited July 2024 #60221

    My thoughts exactly. I just can't comprehend what happened. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited July 2024 #60222

    We're back from our week away. We've been going to New England day since 1976, off and on. Every year for the last 25 years I think. We were lucky and got our favourite pitch - a very wide pitch at the end of a cul de sac, on its own surrounded by trees and wind bushes.

    The weather was OK. It looked better than it was (blue skies and sun, but a very cool sharp breeze). The first photo looks good, but the second is the reality.

    We didn't do much apart from sleeping in and catching up on books. The WiFi was pitiful (even the Premium), but it might have been the pitch we were on (out of the way). Phone reception on EE was just OK. But it was fine. We were there to get away.

    Back home to a deskful of paperwork and hay making.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited July 2024 #60223

    These last 2 days have been filled to the brim, just like our garden waste bins. We've spent a goodly amount of time trimming the bushes at the front and bringing them down to eye level. Unfortunately some of them are well established holly, so a lot of sawing going on. Had to make 3 trips to the recycling centre today with 3 of the old style black bins on each trip. Still more to do.

    Whilst tidying up a white panel van drew up next door and elicited no reply, unsurprisingly. Asked our advice of whereabouts of man-child who "lives" there. Turns out they were bailiffs. We had a friendly chat but I couldn't tell them where he was as I don't know. They tried the front door handle which was unlocked so they went in. Upshot is they're going to ask Environmental Agency to pay him a visit. These were hardened men but said they were shocked at the state of the living room. 

    Never a dull moment around here. Then had a man call to give us a quote for replacing the up and over garage door with one that is electrically operated.

    Phone call with younger brother and tales of woe, like we don't have enough, with older brother ringing in about an hour.

    Might have the day off tomorrow and go for a good walk.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited July 2024 #60224

    Our green garden bin gets emptied tomorrow so grass cut, some of the lilac cut down and large bush in the front garden cut back. The lilac needs much more cut off as it’s growing everywhere, so no flowers next year but it grows so fast. OH has ordered me a small chainsaw to make jobs like that easier for me. So I’ll tackle more of the lilac when it arrives. Green bin now full.  
    Had a chat with new neighbours, who’ve been here a few months, nice people, they have two grown up children at home. She said that she was sorry the dog barks, told her that we barely hear it and it doesn’t bother us, they do call her in or distract her, so no problem for us. She’s a nice dog, a collie. So we think that we are lucky with our new neighbours. The previous ones were very nice but I’d much rather have the dog than the 4 cats who used our garden as a toilet and killed the birds.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,180
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    edited July 2024 #60225

    We both find it difficult to cope with this hot weather so have not done much today, part of the luxury of being retired. Don't know how we coped with South of France or Italy as it was similar to what we have now. We treated our selves to a couple of small USB rechargeable hand held (or free standing) fans from JL/Waitrose only £12 each. Very effective. 3 speed and they seem to last quite a while between charges.



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60226

    It has been fine for the last few days, thankfully not as hot as down south, and we have been busy with getting prepared for our next trip, as well as having yet another dental appointment. However we are now away for a few days, firstly on a non-EHU site near Lancaster before going to a CL to meet up with our daughter, SIL and in particular our grandson before he heads off to the Far East for an extended holiday then hopefully a job teaching EFL in Japan. We may fit in another THS, or two, on the way back home.  

    It doesn't sounds like next door is a very nice place, WN, perhaps the EA will send in someone to clear out the house if they consider it a health hazard.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited July 2024 #60227

    Enjoy your current trip Nellie.

    Next door even worse than we thought. We'll await developments.

    We were going to have a day off finishing the front bush cut back and actually did have a walk this morning but curtailed it when the guilty conscience kicked in. We did manage to get everything done and have promised ourselves to keep on top of it from now on.(Yeah, that's going to happen🤣).

    Too bushed (pun intended) to do much else this afternoon.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,133
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    edited July 2024 #60228

    Next door even worse than we thought. We'll await developments.

    WN They didn't find a body there, did they?whatsurprised. You now need to get away for a couple of nights for a rest following your exurtions today!

    It has been very hot day here today so we only did a couple of walks from the van. Walking by the river this morning we saw 8 juvenile Goosanders swimming together. It has clouded up this evening and is now a much more pleasant and comfortable temperature.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60229

    Like other places it was very hot here yesterday. I did garden for most of the day, with short breaks indoors but I was so glad of the cool shower in the late afternoon. At one point, due to being amongst thick growth of plants, I had on socks long trousers and wellies, I’m scared of toads, other small creatures and especially coming across a snake. They are in our woods and local fields so always worried they will come into our garden. As we were out so much on our recent break away we are in at the moment and I can’t bare sitting here looking at the garden if it is untidy. We never go far during the school holidays as it’s so crammed here, and certainly avoid the ‘hot spots’ and the beach.
    Our granddaughter works on reception at one of the holiday camps and was telling us of some of her more obnoxious people staying there, some start from the moment they book in. Hard to believe how badly some people behave and how rude they can be, often with young children in tow, what has gone wrong with some people. However, she said that others can be lovely. She has certainly learned how to stick up for herself, but at just 19 it’s a hard lesson to have to learn. It does make me wonder how some people are brought up. Sadly the news of recent riots and the attacks on emergency workers confirms there is a real problem with some people.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60230

    Boy was it hot last night🥵 It’s been 28-29c for last few days, but huge downpour this morning, and it’s much nicer now.

    I don’t mind Toads DEBSC, but I might jump at a snake. We have loads of frogs, I like them around the garden, they have been having a right old croak last couple of nights.
    Your grand daughter has my sympathy, it’s a tough job is front of house. I used to keep an eye on some of our pool receptions if I was in the building at busy times, couldn’t believe some of the verbal abuse aimed at staff. They used to remain calm and polite. I did have to sort a few really bad customers out though. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60231

    Mil and Mrs.WN going around the close this morning, slowly but going nevertheless so I've agreed to stay in for a parcel that's due. I'll have a stroll after lunch.

    Managed the Tesco run early this morning. Really surprises me how much the traffic drops off in "rush hour" when school holidays are on. Hardly had to stop this morning.

    We once found a Grass Snake skin that had been sloughed on our back garden a couple of years ago. Quite fascinating. They do tend to keep away if they see you. Believe it or not but they're more frightened of you than you are of them (although some people might say that's impossible!😂)

    I agree with you DEBSC about how split peoples attitudes to their fellow humans are with regard to respect. Doesn't seem to be class orientated either. Parenting skills seem to have slipped somewhat.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60232

    Oh believe me WN I am more frightened of them, a real phobia I’m afraid. You are right about lack of respect and rudeness not being class orientated. I worked as a Trading Standards officer for 25 years and dealt each day with numerous people. There were some minor rogues who were always polite and could be quite pleasant to deal with but some people who you really weren’t expecting to be nasty could be really unpleasant. Sadly some feel entitled and think they can get through life by trying to bully others. I really think that the entitled feeling ones is down to the way they were brought up. We soon learnt to deal with all sorts, start off by being nice but I could certainly stand my ground if I had to. I didn’t want to retire but when we were issued with stab vests I realised that the job, and sadly, a section of the public had changed from when I started.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited August 2024 #60233

    We arrived home on Monday after a super 10 days away.  Even the M3/M25 behaved for us.

    Unless we take the children away for a couple of days our next planned trip commences 1st September

    All washing done and garden tidied up.  Had our first lot of this seasons runner beans for supper, they were gorgeous.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60234

    We picked up our new (to us) car at the weekend.  The process seemed more complicated than I remembered from when we picked up the Mitsubishi 4 years. A different dealership and the car salesman liked the sound of his own voice. Luckily son and DIL were with us and DIL was having none of his sales talk and he eventually realised it! I had to insure the new car at the dealers on my phone but I managed it. I drove it in the evening when we went over to son and DIL's for a BBQ (about 15 miles) Lovely to drive but I need to get used to the clutch as it was a bit like 'kangaroo petrol'. I have only ever driven by little elderly Clio for a number of years so it is a bit of a learning curve. We had our 16 year old grandson for part of the day on Sunday as his parents were at the Latitude Festival (he wanted his evening meal and a lift to swimming!) and he had a play with all the gagets and managed to connect my mobile phone up to the car in case I want to listen to spotify in the car undecided. He also manadged to leave his swimming gear in the boot of the car and I got a frantic message on Tuesday afternoon to ask had we got it! Very intelligent boy but completley disorganised.

    I agree with the attitude of some of the general public. I worked on the frontline in the ante natal clinic of our local marternity unit for many years. It was usually the relatives that were the worst. I think it is even worse now. Everyone seemed to think they were entitled to everything and that they shouldn't have to do anthing for themselves. They got very angry when the consultant didn't have a clinic at exactly the day and time they wanted.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,864
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    edited August 2024 #60235

    Everyone seemed to think they were entitled

    We blame L'Oreal and their strapline "Because you're worth it..." It's been downhill ever since.smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,428
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    edited August 2024 #60236

    Any kind of visit to a hospital, be it A&E, or even simply visiting someone on a Ward is an eye opener. How can folks be so ignorant and horrible around others that are trying to help them, or are so poorly. When my OH was in Northern General, and in the ICU, one of the best things about going there was the level of security and strict protocols for visitors. 

    There are some very nasty individuals in places of influence as well, not doing anything but wind up those who are easily led into bad behaviour. ☹️

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited August 2024 #60237

    Glad that you got your new car Millie, I’m sure that you will get used to it. I really wouldn’t know how to drive a manual car now with the gear changing. I recently changed my car, the owner of the garage, who I first dealt with was lovely but I then had to see the other guy working there, he sounds just like the chap you saw, really irritating with all the sales speak. OH came out laughing saying,’well he just met his match’, so a bit like your DIL. At work we used to run law seminars for businesses, my boss always gave me the ones for car salespeople and estate agents, after running these for years and with around 80 delegates at a time I got used to their sales chat and how to move on with the seminars. Your grandson sounds just like mine with his forgetfulness.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,929
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    edited August 2024 #60238

    .... I wished it was a little warmer here!  We're now at Stonehaven, but have driven to Aberdeen today.  Apart from some shopping, we went on to the beach - for a fairly short time!!,  It got a bit breezy, but managed to stay on for about an hour before a drive to the nearest Costa!  😀😀


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited August 2024 #60239

    Phew!!! 28 degs today at the beach house, Cowes week so we have spent every afternoon down there hoping to see some sailing, but alas no wind, until today after lunch when a breeze did get up and the fleet came sailing out. Fireworks night tomorrow but not been many fireworks during the week due to the lack of wind, it will probably rain tomorrow just to spoil the fireworks.

    Done lots of swimming this week, Solent has been very pleasant and crystal clear, long may it continue, probably until the next storm when Southern water will find another excuse to dump stuff into the Solent, fortunatly  for us most of the dummping is well towards the east of us so we dont seem to have many problems

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,852
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    edited August 2024 #60240

    Yes the car salesman we dealt with certainly met his match with our DIL DEBSC.. She deals with complaints proceedures at work dealing with insurance companies who wont pay out so takes no nonsense. Apparently they call her the rottweiler at work! My manager used to say that the crosser I was with people I dealt with at work the more I smiled - the fixed smile 😁.

    It is extremely hot here today. We are forecast thunderstorms later but no sign yet. It was cloudy first thing and we had spits and spots of rain but nothing useful. The garden could do with a downpour and so could we to clear the air.

    Hope MIL coped with her walk this morning WN and that her ribs are a little less sore.

    Enjoy your latest trip nellie. How long are you away for this time?

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited August 2024 #60241

    At last a cooler day today after the heatwave with it being very hot  upto 41.3C on Tuesday so did some garden pruning this morning looks a lot better and moved two big plants in pots from being by the front door and now nearer the bedroom window as they were growing well and kept hitting them when we went pass and OH has built  a small wooden frame to prop one of my plants up and kept it off the path by the lounge window.

    Hopefully it will stay cooler for a few days more as I would like to get a few more chores done outside.

    Glad to hear your MIL is improving WN.

    Our friend who has cancer is back home now a 6 hour operation and they have removed her Spleen as well as the lady parts as she calls it and has had a short walk outside the house but still gets very tired quickly and said it will be a longish recovery after the major surgery.

    Keep cool folks and send us some rain ha ha.