What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited March 2024 #59012

    I did mention that the garage was a bit of a mess the other day so it's had a complete empty, except for the stuff on shelves, and a thorough sweep out.

    It's all the fault of you lot banging on about cleaning caravans as the peer pressure of having a dirty caravan was getting to me.embarassed wink I wanted to find the attachable part of the  roof cleaner as I've got the extendable pole (in the garage). So the garage was turned upside down and lo and behold, we still can't find the blasted thing.yell Good news is the garage is now clean and tidy. It's amazing how many awning bags we still have even though the awnings have long gone.

    Fine day here although one of our neighbours was saying that he got quite wet on his bike ride to Cheshire this morning.

    Good to read that a few people are out and about.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited March 2024 #59013

    Going off to Hampshire in the van next Thursday.  As well as spending time with son and family we will be attending sister in laws 75 birthday bash which will be fancy dress themed on cartoon characters when young.  I’ve got my costume completely sorted and Mrs One is putting the finishing touches to hers 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59014

    Good solid four hours in the garden, nice as the wind died down and the sun stayed out. Looking a lot better now. Good long shower required though, aching a bit. OH has had a good day, decided against an AC Cobra, as couldn’t shoehorn the dog in. He’ll come back with all sorts that he needed hopefully.

    Your extension pole will turn up at some point WN, Sod’s law😁

    Party sounds good Oneputt. Fancy dress is always fun. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited March 2024 #59015

    Sorry we forced you in to clearing out the garage WN hehe 

    We managed the BBQ tonight glorious sunshine so got it out the garage grabbed a beer and cooked the steaks on it sitting on our deck in the sun first time this year hoping for many more. not much else done since we got back earlier.

    Enjoy your trip away OP


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited March 2024 #59016

    Dennis the Menace and Minnie the Minx??laughing Enjoy it.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited March 2024 #59017

    I was due to have my MRI Scan at 8:20 this morning but things didn't quite go to plan!! Because, in the dim and distant past, I had tiny metal fragments removed from my eyes while working in the shipyard they would not allow me to have the scan until I had the ok that there were no longer any metal particles in the eye socket. They were worried that the scan, which is magnetic, might move anything which could damage my optical nerve, so I was sent for an x-ray. Being Sunday the radiologist wasn't until late so I was sent home and have to return tomorrow morning to see about getting the scan then if the x-ray is clear.
    More disappointing news as well, as we are waiting for a builder to do some work on the sides of our dormers, but the forecast is for wet weather all next week so he phoned to postpone the work until, hopefully, next week. I had move our van next door, as they are away for 10 days, so that it didn't get damaged but will now have to move it back again now and then take it elsewhere when the work starts. These things do come to try us!! yell


    Good to read that other have been busy in gardens and garages. Hope your extension turns up soon, WN. It has been dry here all day but not as sunny as some have had, certainly not warm enough to sit outside like you, Francis. Enjoy your fancy dress party, OP.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited March 2024 #59018

    Thanks DavidK and richardandros.  I'll try and look them up.  Leicester isn't too far away from us...


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,838
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    edited March 2024 #59019
  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59020

    😱good job they checked Nellie. Hope things go well and get sorted for you, so you can get out and about again. We are back to showers here today, glad I got a lot of gardening done yesterday.

    Counting down to wedding next Sunday now, we will take MH I think, so pooch can come with us, lots of room for him. Otherwise he gets a day with Mum and sister, who will spoil him to bits. Not too far away, some bijoux hotel near Huddersfield, so quite a nice drive, we won’t be going up motorway.

    OH came back with some good things from NEC. Autoglym stuff, some new tools, and a brand new tonneau cover for MG at a great price.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited March 2024 #59021

    Hope matters now sorted for Nellie.

    Enjoy the wedding Ttda. Have you finished with making your attire?

    "Baby-sitting" this morning as OH had to have a retake of one of her eye tests that she had a while ago. They seem satisfied at the moment.

    She called in to buy a birthday card for one of MiLs friends as Mil not quite up to making one at the moment. There was an elderly lady sitting on her "Walker" looking distressed. Everyone in shop ignoring her so OH asked if she needed help. She couldn't get the courage to walk back to her car in the car park about 200 yards away so OH walked with her and put her walker in the car for her. Only takes a moment to imagine one of your own relatives or friends in that position in order to offer a helping hand. 

    Visited the tip (see garage clearance yesterday) before visiting the madhouse that was Tesco's. School hols here.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59022

    Bless your OH WN, that’s just like me. I think if you are with very elderly, vulnerable folks a lot, you develop a sixth sense that something might not be right, and an offer of help if required is good, can make a huge difference if someone is anxious. 👏👏

    Just completed my outfit this morning. Only OH to sort out now. He has a lovely tweed suit, just got to decide on a tie, he has pick of my Dad’s wonderful collection. I might make the hound a bow tie…….in tweed. Can’t go wrong really, Tweed, feathers and a Labrador🤣

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited March 2024 #59023

    As it turned out we did have rain, heavy at times, for much of the day, so the decision by the builder to postpone the work was fully justified. Just have to hope that next week is better, as forecast.
    I eventually had my MRI scan, although after reporting at the x-ray reception on time I had about an hour's wait, as the receptionist sent me to the wrong waiting area!! However it was eventually sorted out and scan completed, so I just have to wait for the results now.

    Good work by your OH, WN, and well done on completing the outfit tda, hope you and your OH have a good time next weekend. The caravan looks very smart Richard.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited March 2024 #59024

    A better day weather wise today, dull but warmer and no rain yet. We both had an appointment  this morning at the dentist to have a filling done. 

    Where is everyone else? Has everyone had problems with the dreaded "service error" just ask have had this evening?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59025

    Yes it’s bad Nellie, service errors all over last couple of days.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited March 2024 #59026

    Yep, server errors to blame. I lost patience with it yesterday and tuned out. Think I made 1 post.

    Miserable day today, something I think is widespread by the sound of the forecast. OH finally getting her hair done after 3 postponements in recent weeks so I'm in charge, sort of. Physio here with MiL. Another one this afternoon. 

    Have to look at our energy bill and see if its worthwhile moving. We were placed with Scottish Power a few years ago when Yorkshire Energy went kaputt and have virtually been a "prisoner" since as no other supplier was taking new customers on. Not exactly falling over themselves now. I'll use the tools that Martin Lewis has on his website to see if it's worthwhile.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59027

    Not too bad here this morning WN, but we did get a lot of rain late last night. I am having a pottering day today, hoping to persuade OH to help me in garden, fixing a few jewellery repairs, bit of indoors tidying up. If it stays dry, might cut lawns. I keep seeing the odd rat around still. Seriously tempted to borrow BILs air rifle. I don’t like killing things, but where there is a rat, there will be more rats.
    Tiny tragedy at Mum’s yesterday, found a beautiful little Goldcrest dead on her terrace. No injuries, so not a cat, possibly flown into window, poor little thing. It was given a respectful send off. I do have a regular gardening chum, a lovely male Blackbird (known as Pretty Birdy), he is getting very tame, comes so close I sometimes have to shoo him away from patch I am weeding. Sings gloriously, has a mate who constantly chides him for not being with her. She’s quite tame as well. Little things like this raise the spirits.😁

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited March 2024 #59028

    Looks good richardandros.  Do you know of they use a jet wash?  One of things that always concerns me about cleaning companies is that some of them tend to be 'jet wash happy'.  I hear stories that this can sometimes lead to water ingress if they blow away the sealant or force water to where water isn't meant to go!!  After saying that, I get the impression that they are a professional and experienced company, who know the pitfalls... 🙂  I really must take a look at their website....

    Thanks, again, fir the recommendation.



  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,838
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    edited March 2024 #59029

    David - yes he does - but it's a low pressure one.  Paul is well aware of the dangers of using a high-pressure jet on caravans.  As I said, he's been in the business for 30 years and he really does know what he's talking about. He's also well aware of not directing a jet of water underneath the roof lights because none of them are sealed like windows.  (I found that out myself a couple of years ago!) Just give him a ring and have a chat and mention your concerns - he'll be more than happy to talk through how he goes about cleaning your van.

    What impressed me particularly - was that having said he would be with us at 0900, he actually turned up at 0810 and bearing in mind the distance he had travelled, that was an excellent first impression.  He got stuck in straightway and worked, non-stop for five hours.

    The gantry that he uses - and it's all padded around the uprights to protect your van, cost him over £3000 and is on wheels - very impressive (unlike the £79 Aldi version I have!!)

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,838
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    edited March 2024 #59030

    We've had an eventful few days what with one thing and another.  First, I got the results of my lung scan.  No mention of my lungs - so presumably nothing of concern there - but the CT scan did reveal calcification of my coronary artery. That was a bit of a shock so booked a telephone consultation with one of our Doctors.  He was trying to put me on statins but since for the last 30 years my cholesterol 'score' has been around 2 - I couldn't understand why.  I agreed I would think about it and talk it over with my 'own' GP when we get back. In the meantime, a quick check with "Dr Google' reveals that 90% of men and 70% of women over 70 have such calcification.  Why didn't he tell me that?

    Following day KCOM (formerly Kingston Communications) came to install full fibre broadband at home. They are offering a deal of £19.99 per month for two years which was enough to persuade me to move from EE. Quick poke around the duct in the front garden revealed that it was full of cement!  Announced that they couldn't do it without digging up the whole drive but I got the distinct impression that they just couldn't be bothered to try and clear the duct. Then had a few hours of panic in case we were left without any broadband at all - but, so far, that doesn't seem to have happened.

    So now we are all set up on our favourite CS near Malton where we intend relaxing and leaving all that other aggravation behind for a while

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited March 2024 #59031

    It's not much better today either, tda. Such a shame about the Goldcrest, but your Blackbird is a fine looking bird.

    Hope your own doctor gives you the reassurance you seek, Richard. Enjoy your stay at Malton.

    Your OH will be pleased to have eventually had her hair cut, I guess, WN, Hope that Your MIL is responding well to her physiotherapy.

    We too had rain over night but thankfully it stopped not long after we set off for our pre-breakfast walk. It stayed fine for most of the day with just the odd short shower this afternoon. I was able to get our Power of Attorney forms sent off today, after their journey around the North of England for the required signatures. Just have to hope that they meet with the approval of the powers that be.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59032

    Not much gardening done, as we had two bouts of rain, but we took our garden bin bags to tip, called for some plants for a few containers, and I dodged the rain and tidied out the greenhouse. Can get some seeds sown now, but still got a lot of tender plants in there, don’t trust we won’t get another frost yet.

    We signed up to Discovery Channel last month, only around £6.00 a month, no contract, it’s a rolling monthly thing. Most of stuff available on Beeb, ITV holds no interest for us, so we are now watching all the fabulous cycling races from around the World, really enjoying all the wonderful scenery as well as the races. Currently watching Tour of Catalonia, we did Strade Bianchi last week, and Milan- San Remo. Roll on the Belgian cobbles🚴🚴‍♂️

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited March 2024 #59033


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited March 2024 #59034


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,190
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    edited March 2024 #59035


    Edit, it seems the previous page is stuck. So I have added a series of Test posts to move the thread onto the next page. Fingers crossed it works!!!!!


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited March 2024 #59036

    Thank you David I wondered what had happened.

    Can I wish everybody a good Easter weekend even if the weather not good usual Bank holiday, we have storms forecast for the weekend and off to friends for lunch on Sunday as they have just returned from UK as they have had a trying time over winter what with illness and the death of our friend's father this January and a lot to sort out.

    A lot of motorhomes about today the most I have seen since last October.

    A quick trip to Villefranche to order some more glasses for me 1 pair not enough cheaper ones this time and a bit of shopping and quite folk buying ready for the weekend and seems folk were buying a lot of toilet rolls heyho.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited March 2024 #59037

    A long and frustrating tow down to Hampshire on Thursday.  The number of broken down cars on the A34 was incredible.  We left Norfolk in bright sunshine and little wind, that quickly changed around Bedford, heavy rain and wind blowing.  Couldn’t believe how strong the wind was when we got to Rookesbury.  Met up with the family and had an Indian meal. Tonight is the fancy dress party, really looking forward to it 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #59038

    Have a good time OP, let us know what some of the outfits were like. Last themed party I went to was a 1940’s do for a 90 year old at Wentworth Woodhouse. Absolutely fabulous.

    Final prep for wedding we are off to tomorrow, looking forward to this. Always nice to see scattered family members, and location is lovely.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited March 2024 #59039

    Not good, but look at you now, i have just cycled into Lee on the Solent and it it gorgeous, 14 degrees wall to wall sunshine, so Rookesbury must be very very nice, i often walk in 100 acre wood, although it has gottern very busy of late, we are having a family get together today, just contemplating whether i should dash into the village to get something for a bbq, very nice sat in the garden out of the wind, top tanning weather laughing

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,871
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    edited March 2024 #59040

    Well this is a surprise. Thanks DK. I remember doing something similar a while back on another thread but with so many server errors around just thought it was that reason.

    Another big surprise. I've taken the last 2 days, mostly mornings, to clean the caravan, even part of the roof that I could safely reach. green algae everywhere, including on me at the end.smile Still haven't found the cleaning brush that attaches to the pole.

    All we got to do now is find some time to get away.

    Happy Easter everyone. Enjoy your days away/out for those that have engagements.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,861
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    edited March 2024 #59041

    Thanks for sorting this out david K.

    We are in N. Ireland with the family for Easter. It has been nearly a year since we have been able to get over here with OH's ill health so it is great to be back. The weather is surprisingly good so we have managed some lovely walks in the mild sunshine. I attach a few photos. We also had a very nice meal out with the family last night.

    I hope you enjoy your fancy dress party OP and you enjoy your wedding tda.

    Happy Easter everyone.