What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited December 2023 #58172

    Popped on to read the news. Curates egg!

    Good to read Mr milliehull is home and op went well. Enjoy time with your son. Don't forget to rest up too!

    Great news for R&R. That drug sounds unpleasant so great that Ros is spared further doses.

    KjellNN what a blow. All syked up ready for the off. Still better safe than sorry. Hopefully a swift follow up of the ECG won't show anything serious 🤞

    Enjoyed Carol service and gathering at the neighbours on Sunday. Looked after grandson Monday evening. 

    We've both had our hair cuts ✂️ so tidy for Christmas. House cleaned today 😀. Tesco delivery, no substitutes and it seems I now have everything in 🤞. More lists made. Aiming to have my foot off the gas until Saturday 🤣. Reflexology tomorrow and I intend to enjoy it and continue the day as idly as possible.

    Hope others are getting their targets met.

    Wherenext not changed my email address at all. Can't find you in my address book 😳😳 so I can't email you.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited December 2023 #58173

    Oh dear, KjellNN.  Really sorry to hear this news.... hopefully they will have a plan, when they write to you.  Hope they sort it all soon.  All our good wishes.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited December 2023 #58174

    Milliehull - pleased to hear that all went well and that Mr mh is now back home - here's to a speedy recovery.  What rotten luck Kj - must have been so frustrating for you as well as the worry of now getting everything sorted.  Hope that's done soon.

    Well, after a fairly uneventful drive down here, we arrived at Sandringham just after 1400. Was a bit breezy, but nothing untoward.  Couldn't believe that we didn't have any rain. The roads were incredibly busy, however, so pleased we didn't leave it until Friday as per the original plan.

    I was also more than a little surprised to find there are only about 6 units on site at the moment - the place looks deserted.  According to the Warden, it will fill up a bit by Friday but they are by no means full and the top half of the site is closed off. It's pretty clear to me that pitch pricing is having a marked effect on occupancy - it's certainly different from two years ago.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58175

    R&R I had a quick trip to Ferry Meadows with son yesterday and the caravan site was only about a quarter full which surprised me. It always used to be full up at this time of year. Glad to hear of Ros's good blood test result. It must be a relief for her not to have to take those tablets anymore.

    Son goes back to N Ireland today which is sad but it has been so lovely to have him over for a few days. We had all 3 of our children in the house at one time yesterday which was great. We had a Christmas dinner with him last night. We will see him again in February hopefully as I have a 'significant' birthday wink

    Thinking of you KjellNN. It must be such a blow for you as you were all prepped and ready to go but better to be safe than sorry. Hopefully a follow up of the ECG will show a 'quick fix' and you will be back on track.

    Pleased to hear that the WNs and the nellies had a good meet up.

    Enjoy your reflexology bakers2. You sound as though you deserve it, you have been so busy.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58176

    We will see him again in February hopefully as I have a 'significant' birthday.

    I bet you are looking forward to claiming your pension eh Millie?

    Did our Christmas food shop very early this morning. Good job too as they were marking various places out in the car park to start repainting white lines and zebra crossings. Great day to pick to do that! 

    Back home, hot drink then off to give a blood sample. Home for lunch then took MiL into town to Opticians. Town is heaving. Will pick her up in about half an hour.

    Hopefully that will be it for shopping and running around until after Boxing Day.

    Enjoy your lazy day Bakers. Check your spam. You never know.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58177

    Yep, some nice memories out of a tragic situation, we were same with Dad. Mum needs help with eating now, but she gets plenty down her, and we still share a good laugh every so often.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58178

    A real let down for you K, hope it’s all sorted soon. Good to hear Mr MH is back home. 

    All the best to those I might have missed, and yes, let’s hope 2024 is going to be kinder to all of us.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2023 #58179

    Travelled down to Cornwall for our Christmas break yesterday. I had checked the motorway details just before leaving so, unfortunately, knew that the M5 was closed between Cullompton and Exeter due to a lorry overturning. We'd normally leave at about 6 so would have been there about the time it happened and been stuck for upwards of 4 hours! surprised Luckily,  for us, we'd decided to leave it till later so knew the diversion via Tiverton and Exeter which wasn't too bad apart from the little village of Bickleigh where a very narrow bridge was having to cope with diverted traffic in both directions. Added about an hour to our journey, so could have been a lot worse.

    (Apparently the lorry, which was carrying potatoes had collided with the central reservation resulting in several chips and the police giving the driver a good roasting! Sorry - I'll get me coat!)

    Food shopping completed today, out for our early Christmas dinner at our favourite local tonight and then it's all downhill to Monday I think.

    Best wishes to everyone recovering from or awaiting operations or suffering from seasonal maladies - Mrs M still waiting to hear if her hand will need operating on, but is keeping it well wrapped up until the Christmas Day washing up has been completed (doubtless she'll be able to supervise! laughing

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58180

    Have a lovely Christmas M, down by the sea! Jealous? Me? Not half🥳

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited December 2023 #58181

    Bright but a very windy shortest day here with temperature of 13C.

    Brother still in hospital.  Staff are fantastic.  Have cancelled 5 of his appointments in the hope that others will benefit.





  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58182

    Christmas greetings Mr and Mrs M. Hope you both have a lovely time. I know that bridge in Bickleigh very well. I spent many happy childhood holidays in that area on a small holding with a lovely old lady that my father had made friends with during the war. Apparently she was a widow and her sons had been conscripted into the army so the soldiers used to help her out on the smallholding and she then gave them a lovely meal in return. My Mum stayed there sometimes during the war when she could get time off to see my Dad. 

    Dropped son off at the station ready for his journey back to NI this morning. I parked in Waitrose car park as it is right next to the station platform. It was heaving!!

    Glad to hear that your brother is getting good treatment in hospital OP. I have nothing but praise for all the hospital staff while OH was in hospital earlier this week. They do a fantastic job.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited December 2023 #58183

    B2, Hope th enjoyed your reflexology today, and are now set up for a restful weekend.

    Millie, so pleased that you OH's OP went well and that he is back home now. Good to read that your son got away for home ok, although I guess you will miss his assistance now that he has gone.

    R&R, you certainly did the right thing by going to Sandringham a day earlier than originally planned. It seem that many sites are less busy than in previous years. I guess the hike in site fees will have had a lot to do with that, and members are limiting more than ever the number of nights away over the holiday period.

    Enjoy your time down in Cornwall, Moulesy, and hopefully Mrs M will soon get word about whether or not she require an operation and, if so, that they can fit it in soon into the New Year



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited December 2023 #58184

    It was a bit rough through the night due to the wind, with the van rocking so much that I got up about 4:00 and moved the car around to the windward side to give us a bit of protection. We didn't sleep too well, and I got a little damp on the first walk with Flyte this morning, just getting back before a torrential downpour. It has been blowing hard and raining on and off since then. Hope that the wind does down a bit, and it stops raining, by the morning as we move across to near Jodrell Bank to our Xmas site.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited December 2023 #58185

    I know the Bickleigh bridge well Moulesy, I used to travel to Exeter very frequently that way for work. It’s difficult enough on an ordinary day, especially when more than half way across and some numpty decides to try to come the other way. I can just imagine what it was like with the diversions. Enjoy your break in Cornwall.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2023 #58187

    Kj, sorry to hear your Op was cancelled, not what you were expecting. Hope its just a glitch and you are back on the list.

    Another dry day today, bit grey at times but now and again we get a glimpse of the sun.

    I spent an hour in the garden this morning gathering leaves that have now dried out a bit, so much easier to collect than when they are wet through. turned the soil over a bit on one of the beds to get some air back into it. Looks better and I feel better for getting outside, I hate these dark grey days, still from today we can look forward to them getting a little bit lighter.

    Gave in and brought some Christmas decorations down from the attic, not bothered with the big tree as its only us but I have put up the fibre optic one and a few other bits and pieces. 

    OH fitted a new wall bracket for the wifi antenna, he had done one temporarily, until we had decided to go with that, rather than broadband. Its more secure now which is good given the winds we get here. 

    This afternoon he painted the one wall in the kitchen that we have had plastered, looking good even with just the one coat on it. 

    Amazing how much work you can get done when the weather plays ball. smile

    All shopping done now until after the big day, I have no intention of going anywhere near them until the end of next week. It will be even crazier then due to Hogmanay.



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58188

    I know what you mean about the shops TG, we have just been out to our local Tesco.  Very  difficult to find a parking space, and the store was really busy.  Got all we needed, so that was good, probably just as well we did not wait till tomorrow morning!

    We have turkey etc ordered to  pick up tomorrow afternoon, then that will be it.  Sunday will be a "day off" other than wrapping the presents.

    I got a letter from the hospital today, not the one I am waiting for, but one asking me to come for a kidney scan on the 4th.  It was dated 15/12, so has taken a while to come.   Unfortunately it means travelling to the hospital on the far side of Glasgow, again.

    Just  finished preparing  veg for a roasted butternut and sweet potato soup, so over to OH now to do the cooking.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited December 2023 #58189

    Shopping done on Tuesday in Villefrance and in the shopping mall there was a classic Mini Cooper in racing green lovely a soft top which at the moment filled with xmas presents something a bit different with other xmas decorations around.

    No gardening here just so wet and more rain yesterday and today so inside chores and tomorrow making sausage rolls and mince pies, OH finished remains of a beef casserole that had been frozen from a few days ago so defrosted today with chips and I had a small pizza and salad for for our dinner tonight.

    Well local council have been busy for last two weeks getting the verges tidy and we have had a light trim on our conifer hedge as tractor and cutting kit went pass  also further up the road it hit a few stones gosh what a bang good job there is a small van with spares in and they left the tractor overnight in the next field seems to be a regular thing around here the weather has held up the trim hence get it done before xmas.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58190

    Hope Nellies trip went ok today. Still windy around here but not as bad as previous days. Bit wet as well.

    We had invited cousin and hubby over for Christmas but they've both come down with Covid. Tbh, we weren't quite sure if they were going to come or not but yesterdays news made sure they're confined to quarters.

    Strange day. Thought it would be relaxing but didn't turn out that way. At least OH managed to give me a haircut. Save me going all Rasta.🤣

    We, hopefully, have enough food to last through for a week so unless we need fresh fruit or veg then that's it. "French" brother phoned. During conversation I asked him if he had provisions in for himself. Yep, bought tins of Sprouts and mashed potato. He wasn't joking either. Never seen them in tins before. Must be leading a sheltered life.

    Nice photos Moulesy.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited December 2023 #58191

    We did our Christmas food shopping yesterday in Waitrose. First time in three years we haven't had it delivered. Much busier than usual as to be expected. When you do your normal shopping on the same day every week you sort of get used to the regulars. It seems that yesterday there were a lot of people who were not regulars and why are men sent out to do shopping when they have no idea what to do!!!! We have been invited out for Christmas Dinner which involves taxi's each way. Always strange when Christmas Day is on a Monday as the run up seems never ending. 

    In between times I am on my second Jigsaw of the season, this time a more traditional scene, no rush I suppose? Three more waiting after this one.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited December 2023 #58192

    David, perhaps all those "strange" men out shopping are visitors who only visit the attacks in a year to be with family members. We think that with Xmas day being in a Monday make for a shorter not an extended Christmas holiday period. Perhaps he being away each year has something to cover that.

    Moulesy, grand photos again. If I remember correctly you have posted photos from previous years. Great to see, thanks.

    Not the letter you were waiting for, Kjell, but it shows that they are keeping their eyes you!😁 Hope that the scan does not show up anything untoward.

    WN, after another windy and rainy night, but not as bad as the one before, we got all packed up in the dry and had an easy drive, with the wind behind us, over to Messuage Farm. Fortunate we were travelling from West to East, as there was a crash on one of the opposite lanes of the dual carriageway at Winsford, and there were also long queues heading into Middlewich. Set up in the dry, as have been our walks so far, although we have had the odd shower. Thankfully the wind has died down a lot so we should have peaceful night.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited December 2023 #58193

    "and why are men sent out to do shopping when they have no idea what to do!!!!"


    only joking, I have to do the big shop, dont do on line, because my OH is now not able to push the big trollies, we have a band of men at the stroke club who are in a similar situation, my OH would love to do it as she likes to shop, spent a lot less money since i took over the reigns laughing

    weather in Stubbers not been all bad, dry and windy with some sun 12c yesterday so we had a few hours down the beach house with daughter just catching up and deciding what is going to happen over Christmas, that is one conversation where i do take a back seat.

    Almost ready for Christmas now, shopping done tick in the box, presents wrapped tick in the box, only disaster is the outside clothes drier, snapped off at the base yesterday whilst the sheets were having a blow, very rusty and just snapped off in the wind, not going to be easy to fix as it is set in about a foot of concrete but that is a job for after the new year .

    Happy Christmas to everyone


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited December 2023 #58194

     Merry Christmas everyone



  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited December 2023 #58195

    Been a busy week, so just caught up with the news.

    Glad Mr MH is home and his op went well, sorry to read your op has been delayed KjellNN.

    Pleased all trips/breaks are going well, despite the wind, which has brought down another fence panel in the garden.☹️ Another job for the New Year.

    Interesting chat re dishwashers, everyone's different 🤣

    Visited the Cotswold distillery yesterday, came away with a Christmas treat to myself, 15% discount if you bought 2 bottles, well just couldn't resist.😊

    Lovely sunshine today, which makes a welcome change, have given the house a tidy round, hoovered up the inevitable pine needles. Have been invited to some friends tomorrow and will spend Christmas Day in MK with eldest son and family.

    Just a few pressies to wrap now and pick up some cream which OH forgot.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2023 #58196

    Grey, dark and wet here today. Not real rain just that mizzle stuff. 

    We got another coat of paint on the kitchen wall, looking good. 

    Bit of a tidy up and lunch then we are off out to see my sister and BIL. 

    OH busy doing admin, he's printing off our flight tickets for mid January. Problem is the HP printer isn't liking that we have got non HP ink cartridges in it and it's blocking us from printing. 😡

    Good to hear folks are ready for the big day whatever and wherever they are going to be.

    Have a happy Christmas. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited December 2023 #58197

    I'm one of those people who avoid shopping like the plague!!  The bit of Christmas shopping iI do is done late at night wherever possible... or better still, Carol does it!  🤣🤣  She tends to get my token gift for folk to open on the day to accompany my Amazon voucher, or the like, which our grown up 'children' tend to prefer.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited December 2023 #58198

    Had a few server errors over the last couple of days.

    Delighted to report that yellow thing in the sky is still there 😀. It's been ages since we've had a glimpse. Still have a strong breeze 🌬 but no rain in some form since 0700 😉. Beautiful walk across the fields, visibility great,and didn't come across any unexpected squishy bits. Neither I nor the dog were overly mucky.

    So much so I was able to pop into the local Coop for salad leaves and sandwich filling for today on the way back. That was all I needed - managed to be £40🫣. Mind you I did buy a nice frozen Cook fish pie for 4. They are one of the few who don't put cheese in or on it. I like their dishes but you have to buy them when you see as they replenish with different meals. They do deliver, but I don't need enough to warrant using it. Billericay have one of their stores, all products sold there. Whereas concessions have a more limited range. I can grab them in the Coop or Dobbies locally. I like to have in the freezer just in case. They do some wonderful desserts too. 

    I've now lifted the Christmas stuff from the freezer to defrost. It left enough room for the pie 😉..I'll cook the defrosted mincepies shortly. Be interesting to see how they turn out. Only ever frozen them cooked before. I'll prepare the veg etc tomorrow so very little to do on the day. Son, and toddler grandson, coming to help with the prep tomorrow so should be entertaining! Just 8 to cook for..... Not catered in this house for Christmas. Did have 14 but that was in the warmer weather, so doors open and it was all family. 3 of our guests are not well known to us......


    Can't decide whether to go to the Carol service in the next village in the derelict church at 3pm. Too mucky to walk across 2 of the 4 fields I'd need to use. Road has no path - verge is awful, and parking will be non existent. Actually that's almost decided me. With better planning I could have fitted in around the dog walk. Dora would enjoy it 😀. 

    Good to read everyone's news and that journey's have been reasonable. 

    Wherenext, email received and replied to. 

    Wishing everyone a happy, peaceful, stress-free Christmas 🎄 🎅. May you enjoy the time as you hoped and planned.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58200

    I’ve sent you an e-card Millie 😁

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58201

    Merry Christmas to all from Yorkshire! (Currently way to warm really to feel like Christmas🤔) Hope it’s a safe, happy one for everyone.