What are you all up to
I had a phone call out of the blue last Monday about my operation to remove 2 of my parathyroid glands (we all have 4) that have gone mad and are allowing too much calcium into my bloodstream. I have been waiting about 96 weeks for this operation (according to NHS Scotland) and now they want me to have it on the 21st.
Think they must have had a cancellation as notice very short, but I am keen to get it over with and I should only be kept in for 1 night, assuming all goes well.
So, from looking forward to a relaxing run up to Christmas, I now have a meeting with the surgeon on Monday at the big hospital in town, which is not far to go, then a "pre op" appointment on Tuesday at a different hospital on the other side of town, and the operation on Thursday, hopefully at the big hospital.
If it is elsewhere, OH is going to be very unhappy at having to drive all the way across Glasgow several times, the traffic is pretty heavy at the moment, and she is unfamiliar with the roads on the south side of town
Hopefully I will be home on Friday as we have the Christmas food orders to pick up on Saturday. I will not be allowed to drive for a couple of weeks, but OH is fine driving locally. Can always get DD to go with her as it is a Saturday, she is on holiday from Friday lunch time.
Meantime, we realised that we had been so distracted by all these craft fairs that we had not sent any Christmas cards, so have been trying to do that. We may have left it too late? Trying to do as many as possible via e mail, so only about 10 to send now.
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Hope it goes well Kj. Lots of things seem last minute with the NHS at the moment but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth!
Re tablet dispensers in dishwashers. You can of course throw the tablet into the dishwasher and if you have set it to a programme without a rinse it should work perfectly well. Could be a bit more difficult if you have set it to have a rinse first, or a programme with a rinse, as that could technically dissolve the tablet and wash it all away. Also from a historical perspective in years gone by we used to put power into the dispenser before tablets were a thing.
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Go with it K, you have a loving family around you that will sort things out, as you do daily for them. Hope things work out for you all.
I am wanting to “do Christmas” less and less these days. We are simply going to have a nice home cooked meal, a stroll with the pooch. We had our special week last week.
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Good luck Kj. I hope it goes well.
We have just been to our local garden centre and saw our eldest grandson (16).He is one of Santa's elves this year. He was having walk round with Santa talking to the children - bless him not his scene at all but it is a holiday job and he wants the money! We got a sort of half embarrassed smile.
I have today packed OH's overnight case ready for his admission to hospital tomorrow. We are going to have to leave home about 5.30am as his admission time is 7.00am
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So some are getting operations or at the least consultations as their Christmas presents this year. Beats socks and scarves.
Good luck and best wishes to all those under the knife or being prepped for it. I merely have a bog standard blood test tomorrow.
Wow, what a night that was. We're quite used to storms and tree noise but we were both awake for about 3 hours from about 2 a.m. due to various crashes and leaves and twigs banging on windows and fences. It's abated a bit but still Mary Poppins weather out there.
We're like you Ttda. A quiet time for the 3 of us, although I'll make an effort and spruce the meal up a bit, but we don't do the whole hog (excuse the pun) these days.
Had a long chat with "French" brother this morning. Had rather too much information about his colonoscopy thank you very much, but he's like that. A full details person.
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Its been a bit wild here today WN, started early this morning. Not had any rain just high winds.
Its just the 2 of us for Christmas this year but that was our choice.
Just having a slow day today, bit of cupboard tidying, catching up on admin etc. Managed to get 1 load of washing hung out on the covered decking, with a good blow going on it seemed a shame not to take advantage of it.
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Been catching up with things here, good luck and best wishes to all with medical matters being sorted. Enjoyed reading about various trips away and the pic's.
We walked up to the main road last night to watch the annual illuminated tractor run for our local hospice. Over 50 highly decorated tractors 🚜 lots of horns and music, quite a spectacle. Weather was dry and mild so lots of people out to watch.
Quiet day today, few inside jobs, then delivered a few Christmas Cards and called into Lidl as OH wanted a fleece type jacket and also a small fan heater.
Slow cooker is full with a beef stew, smells good, 🙂 hoping I will have plenty left to freeze.
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Hope all goes well for folks medical appointments etc.
Bet the tractors were good last night H&T.
Been to St Cirq la Popie today as they had a xmas market on and parking was free so a look around the stalls some things interesting and very well made some things not our thing but I wanted a new handbag and OH a new wallet so went into a shop we have been to before and both got what we wanted so xmas presents sorted even got discount off my handbag as one I had got with me came from the same shop a nice surprise and got a present for friends of ours and a boot scraper for home and then 2 small bottles of local aperitifs for me as OH does not drink much at all.
A quiet xmas here for us two as friends wanted us to go around to them but declined as can cook the meal for the time that suits us and a more lazy day and at them moment it looks as if it might be dry hopefully.
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Good to hear folks getting NHS late availability. Hope everything goes well and that it can be a peaceful Christmas with things sorted. We elected to have our blood tests after the festive season 😉.
Been a couple of decent days here. Dried washing on the line so smells lovely too. Still very mucky underfoot, so choices for walks limited. Got it slightly wrong this morning 😡. It was so nice I, well Dora encouraged 😉, leaving the "hard' path beyond the cow pens. We headed off round the woods to make it a circular walk. What I forgot is that one part of the field drains towards the ditch, making something similar to slip clay! Only about 4 strides but horrible, grabs your boots like quicksand.
Enjoyed the Carol service in the village church this afternoon. Santa came round on his sleigh yesterday. Off to neighbours for the evening, for Christmas get together. One set of neighbours off to greet new granddaughter in Brighton so will be missed. Beginning to feel Christmasy now.
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Well this weekend almost made up for the one we missed due to the river flooding. Off to our caravan last Thursday, after dental appointment and car being MOTD and serviced, so a bit of a rushed day. Good job car went in for a service, local garage found that the oil pipe from the gear box is leaking, he reckons another longish trip and I could have needed a new automatic gear box! They can’t fix it til the 5th so my car laid up til then, more expense and inconvenient timing as I need to be out food shopping etc. OH has reluctantly said he will take me.
Good weekend though, met up with friends in Stratford for coffee, then they invited us back for an impromptu meal, which turned into a very nice evening. On Saturday we visited a large Garden Centre and ended up buying more Christmas decs, including a Lapland Santa, which was reduced. We didn’t need him but he looks lovely. Then on to Broadway to see their Christmas lights, as always they looked really amazing, I was like a little kid again. Very busy, lots of families there, lovely atmosphere. The whole village looked so beautiful. Then on to see my cousin, her husband brought in fish n chips for us all on his way home from football, so another lovely evening in their company. Caravan winterised this morning and a good journey home.
Now I need to start cooking and freezing as we are all going to our Son’s in Watford for Christmas, daughter and her family as well. Son and family plan to move back to Devon next year so they wanted a big family Christmas in their house this year. Looks like it might be my turn next year but I don’t mind, it’s just a big roast after all. Cooking never bothers me, it’s the dishing up for so many and serving it hot that flusters me.
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Debs, that was a fortunate service for your car or it could well been an expensive experience. Glad you got away and were able to winterise your caravan. Sounds as if you had a fine weekend.
Best of luck with your relative ops, Kjell, and Mr Millie, and hope all goes well.
'Tis the time for blood tests by the looks of it, reading your posts WN and B2. Fingers crossed that they don't turn up anything worrying.
Hope all those that are having a quiet Xmas day enjoy their meals and the peace & quiet you desire.
It has been rather gloomy and cool today but thankfully no rain so far. We had a gentle walk this morning, and did manage to avoid any of the mud similar to that which B2 encountered. Daughter came round this afternoon for good chat, and delivered another bag of chocolates to keep us supplied for the rest of our trip.😁 All ready for our next move down into Cheshire in the morning.
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Still wondering about what size dishwasher to go for.... still reading all the posts for your views. Thanks for sharing... Still really busy at the moment, so not able to get on to CT quite as often.... this happens every December!! 🙂.
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My advice would be that if you have room go for the standard 600x600 footprint dishwasher. To me slimline dishwashers only make sense if you really don't have the room. Also, price wise there is no advantage buying a slimline dishwasher. Another way of looking at it is at the end of the day is how much you have to put in it. If most meals require a couple of saucepans you could struggle with a slimline model. We find an accumulation of breakfast/lunch/dinner things plus numerous cups of tea and coffee during the day soon fills the dishwasher up. If we find at the end of the day its not very full we leave it to the following morning and add the breakfast things. At least we have that option.
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I agree David, a full size one is much more flexible, especially if it does a quick wash cycle. Having used a smaller one on a couple of occasions whilst away, it was really frustrating if we wanted to put a lot in and ended up handwashing some items, which rather defeats the purpose! We did find on one occasion that the larger plates didn’t fit in well either. There are only 2 of us mostly and it’s put on about every one or two days, depending on meals and larger items (saucepans, etc.). Would never choose to have a compact one unless serious lack of space.
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We have a slimline DW, not because of lack of space, just that we don't need a standard size one. We did have a standard size when the boys were living at home but not now.
Even though it's slimline it easily takes all the dishes from a meal for 6. I have never put saucepans in the dishwasher or oven trays. Just plates, cups, glasses and cutlery. I rarely have lots of pans to wash unless I've been doing a batch cooking session. My dishwasher goes on every second day, during the day when the SP are generating. A full sized DW can use rather a lot of electric.
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Totally agree with others, the smaller ones we have used were just so frustrating, not enough room even for two persons. We ended up putting it on twice a day, which defeats any kind of trying to save.
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In Tescos' by 7.45 this morning, by self as OH only does that time when a ferry is involved.
Nice and empty with all of the manned (personned??
) tills devoid of customers.
Acting as taxi for Mrs.WN later on as she had an appointment at the Opticians. She always has eye drops inserted by them so I do the driving. Good news and not so good news. Prescription not changed so no new glasses needed but they're a tad worried by what's happening behind one eye so she'll need to go back in 12 weeks time for more tests.
Spent a good part of the afternoon sorting out some holidays for MiL. 2 cottages duly booked. One less thing to concern me. Have to think about ourselves now.
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You must have had a very slimline one.
I've just been and counted mine. I can get 23 plates and 15 bowls + glasses, cups and cutlery in my slimline DW.
I only ever put it on every 2 days unless we've had company. Can't believe folk on here having to use a full sized DW for just 2 people 😳😳
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Well, I’m one of them. Our full size D/W goes on every other day for 2 of us but when we had a slimline version it was used every day. I see no point in running a D/W yet paying to heat additional water to wash some items the hard way. Each to their own though. 🤷🏻♂️
Modern full size D/Ws can be very energy efficient and frugal with water and also seem to achieve better results than older models.
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Quite impressed with our Tesco today. We went later than usual around 3.30, not too busy, OH helped with the shopping list items, which was helpful. Lots of tills open so straight through. I forgot some pasta so went back for the one item and again straight through on an empty checkout. Commented on this to the checkout lady and she said they were trying to keep it flowing. Much better service than our local Asda where there are long queues with only ever 2 checkouts open, they direct customers to the self checkouts, which I refuse to use for lots of shopping so I won’t use the store, even though the parking is better there, friends have also said the same, so obviously they are loosing custom. Big baking day planned for tomorrow.
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Cottage rental ones were the slim lines, we have a full size one at home. We are like Tinny, it probably gets used every day and a half, depends on what we are cooking, OH can sup tea by the gallon, so we have lots of mugs. We make/cook all our food from scratch, so usually a couple of pans, or oven containers for main meal, OH likes a cooked lunch sometimes, and we both eat porridge. We don’t have a microwave, not sure if this would mean less, but my dishwasher is the one thing I won’t be without. I put all sorts in it, if it’s safe to do so.
Apparently a dishwasher poaches salmon very nicely , not sure what programme that would be though🤣😁
I’ve just re read your post TG, and realised you don’t do pans or oven wear. That’s probably why you do fine with a slimline👍 There’d be a riot in our house if we didn’t put pans and stuff in🤣 Luckily, my pans are brilliant in DW, bought to be so. I did lose the handles off my Le Crueset pans eventually🤣
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Another one for a full size DW and use it once a day, use it for everything in fact no matter how small, and if it isn't dishwasher proof it doesn't get bought or used.
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Moved on down to an East Cheshire CL this morning. Managed to get away and set up in the dry, but drove through numerous showers en route. It has stayed dry for the rest of the day and is quite warm, but it is raining at the present.
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Got some really good, if surprising news, yesterday afternoon
. Ros had been waiting for the results of her bone density scan after her fall in April - got a text from our GP to say that the results were absolutely normal, she hasn't got Osteoporosis, and she can stop taking that dreadful Alendronic acid tablet every week. I actually saw the Doctor on another matter this morning and to say he was surprised was a bit of an understatement!
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Thanks for all the good wishes, it is indeed a cancellation, hence the short notice.
I saw the surgeon yesterday for a short appointment and was made aware of the risks, mainly that my voice could be affected but should recover, and that there could be some bleeding which may look alarming but is not dangerous and will sort itself out.
Also some different info from before. I had been told it was 2 glands that were enlarged, they are normally the size of a grain of rice, but in fact it is only one gland, and it is now 20mm long! Also that it will not be a keyhole procedure as the 3 other glands need to be visually checked, so a full length incision at the front of the neck , hence the no driving for 2 weeks as I should not strain the stitches by turning my head.
Operation will be at the nearby big hospital, I have to be there by 9am on Thursday, and if all goes well I will just be in for 1 night. Now trying to get as many essential tasks completed before then as possible.
Sunny day here, which is good as I am now off across town for my pre op check, not sure what that involves, but taking some of my blood was mentioned. OH is staying home to do some washing while the panels are producing.