What are you all up to
Quietish couple of days, mainly due to the appalling weather, except for Saturday morning (or was it Friday morning?
Still trying to sort out Household Insurance renewal, Boiler service and Home Emergency renewal and Broadband renewal.
Quite pleased with Barclays. I took the ladies to M&S outlet village today. Made the mistake of catching up with them before they paid and OH handed me her goods to pay whilst she helped MiL. Well, my usual credit card failed, my backup failed and Barclaycard failed. It was, apparently the card reader that was at fault. Barclays contacted me by text and by phone to make sure it was me and I liked the way they went about it. Unfortunately the card reader was replaced and the new one worked well enough.
Nice photos Nellie.
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Thanks, WN. Hope that you manage to get all your I audience sorted out without too great extra expense. Good for the ladies that your bank was still eager to accept your (their?) monies.!
What a miserable night and day, after such a nice one yesterday. We have had rain showers all day, with only the occasional short dry spell. Out last night of this trip before we head home in the morning. Even with all the rain and the storms we have had during our 9 weeks away we have only been "confined to barracks" for 2 days.
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We were a bit luckier today Nellie. Lovely all day yesterday, and nice most of today, but it’s hammering down again tonight. We had a lovely walk around Wentworth village for some fresh air and exercise.
Like WN, I have been sorting out a few domestic things. Boiler service for Mum, and finally got a plumber to commit to fitting her a new radiator. Few jobs done back at home as well. OH has given MH a thorough clean on the outside, and I shall do inside ready for a short trip next week. Hoping we get some decent weather for it.🤞 I am storing away some nice looking cottages for December, hoping to get a full week away if we can🤩🤞🤩🤞 North Wales is looking favourite. Jeep in for its test Friday, hoping for 3/3 in terms of passes and nothing to be done.
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We visited NT Stowe Gardens today, weather was good, just a few clouds. They had a display of poppies and figures of soldiers for Remembrance Sunday, on the area between the house and lake, took a picture but it hardly does it justice. They had boards with letters written to loved ones from soldiers, very moving.
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Busy day today I am selling one of my old Mercs and have decided to put it in to a classic car auction so had to drive it over 100 miles to the auction place to drop it off and a friend came to collect me so a day out. Hoping the car sells we have put a sensible reserve on it so shall see
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Keep meaning to go to Stowe as its very near to us in MK but never quite got round to it in 44 years, maybe in the Summer? I know its also a school but just wondered if it have a cafe and gift shop?
It was featured on Look East last night as there was a bit of a competition on what Country House had the longest Facade, it lost out to a house in South Yorkshire!
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My next door neighbour has an old Mercedes. It must be considered a classic as I don't think it attracts car tax? I am not sure what model it is but it is a large saloon car. He offered it to the local College so they could used to teach young mechanics how to work on it. However they reluctantly refused as they admitted they did not have the right equipment to work on the car.
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That would be Wentworth Woodhouse DK. Not just in UK either, it has the longest facade of any private house in Europe. The restoration works and transformation of the house into a superb visitor experience is gathering pace every year. A lot of folks who have never seen it, or don’t know much about it think that the huge Stable Block as you walk down the drive is the house……..until they turn the corner😁
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That was the name which slipped my mind. There was also another house in Scotland that was part of a three way competition.
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David, would recommend a visit to Stowe Gardens, we often meet up there with our Son who also lives in MK. You can book visits to the house.
There is a very good cafe, and a small gift shop together with the usual NT second hand bookshop. It's quite a walk from the car park to the gardens but they have an electric buggy that goes from the cafe to the entrance to the gardens. The Autumn colours are lovely at the moment. We use to visit Stowe long before the NT took over, it was free back then. 😉
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After rain through the night we had a couple of showers first thing in the morning, but they stopped just when we were packing up, so that was fine. Easy drive home, just missing a heavy shower by the look of it. Van unloaded and all the washing done, plus I was able to get the car washed.
Francis, pleased to read that you had a good weekend away, and fingers crossed that you Merc sells for well above the reserve price.
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Housework and a pile of ironing for me today. The fallen leaves are building up in the garden so will need to have a day out there soon. With a woods at the end of our garden it always takes 3 or 4 days over time to clear them. Chicken casserole bubbling in the slow cooker as one of our granddaughters is arriving to stay for a couple of days.
OH has contacted BGas this afternoon, he was 249 in the queue waiting to talk to them on their chat box. He has applied twice to get their advertised Sunday half price electric. The advert is the one on tv with the 2 Olympians in. They have now said that we can’t get it as customers have to be ‘invited’ for it!! No mention of this at all in the advert, extremely misleading.
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Another damp start to the day, but it cleared up after our first walk out before breakfast. I managed to get the caravan cleaned after lunch, just hope that it is dry tomorrow so that I can Bobby Dazzle it. Have never seen the roof so filthy, you would have thought that it hadn't been cleaned in the last year, whereas I do the whole van after every trip.
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Yes, I know we're softies - and Meg is spoilt! - but yesterday was a milestone birthday for her when she reached 10. Can't believe where the time has gone since we got her. In doggy years - she's just about caught up with me and I just wish I could still dash around as she does
A wet walk on Fraisthorpe beach in the morning and then fish and chips at our favourite chippy just outside Scarborough on the A64. Only fish for Meg, though!
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A lot of years since we stayed here but liked it. We stayed on the new bit, probably much better established by now! It was a bit bleak looking.
Nice gardens next door, as are the dunes for walking. Train travel.was easy walk away, should you want to use it, regular and cheap(ish).
Southport showed signs of its faded grandeur. Morrisons, I believe, was the other side of the park.
If you want R&R I think it would be a good place.
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Thanks Bakers2. We'll look out for those things. I always like to go to different sites..... One of my 'minor aims' (but not too serious about it,) is to visit every CAMC site at least once.... 😀😀 Don't think I'll ever achieve it though as we take in a lot non-club or C&CC sites too, as well as a lot of repeats. I think Southport will be number 50.... so only about a quarter done..... 🤣🤣
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Happy birthday Meg🥳 Our old lad will be 14 in January, can’t believe it, doesn’t seem 13 years since we first took him in as a re home. He’s enjoyed a good few walks at Fraisthorpe as well😁
We will be trying out a new to us Club Site soon, Cayton Village. Meeting up with friends who are using a Glamping Cabin (they had to sell their van because of health issues). We know Scarborough well, both of us had lots of childhood holidays there. I was hoping to do a “Cav” on my bike down the seafront, but forecast isn’t good, so probably won’t bother taking bikes. Just a couple of nights. Will only be our second stay on a Club Site this year.
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Hi David
I live in Southport and yes it is a bit faded, but no worse than many other towns these days. It is nearly all flat and the main thoroughfare, Lord Street, has wide roads and very wide pavements where the shops are mainly covered with verandas so is very handy if the weather is wet and you would like a long stroll from one end of town to the other.
You are spoilt for choice for places to eat, as nearly every other building is a pub, cafe or restaurant. A very good restaurant is Auberge, just off Lord Street going towards the far end of town. It has large portions of freshly cooked food and also, Bistro Pierre, on Lord Street, in the centre of town, is very nice as well as it has a very good atmosphere.
There is a very pleasant and popular cafe in the Atkinson Arts Centre/library and you can use the toilets in there as well (down steps on the ground floor, or up in the lift, to the next floor) if you are in the town centre as they are always kept very clean.
You can catch a bus into Liverpool or Preston, from Lord Street, they run very regularly and the train journey to Liverpool is 40 minutes and I think that these days, it runs every 20 minutes.
Morrisons is just across from the site, on the way to or from the town centre, there is a Sainsburys in town, 2 Tesco Espresses and an Asda, just off the town centre, just up the street from the railway station.
Taxis are easy to find and have very reasonable rates.
Hope that helps and if you do decide to come here, have a nice time.
Regards Val
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We have been to Cayton Village a couple of times pre and post refurbishment. Ideal site for us in a motorhome as there is a regular bus service from the entrance either to Scarborough or Filey/Bridlington in other direction. There is also a nice pub in the village if you want to treat yourselves. There is a short cut into the village through a gate near the Glamping Cabins. They are building houses next to the site but it didn't cause us any inconvenience when we stayed earlier in the year. Enjoy.
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Happy birthday Meg. Lizzie was 12 in the summer... spends most of her time slseping 😀😀. She gets most of her exercize walking from the lounge to the kitchen, where the treat box is kept... 😀 She does like a little run kn tbe beach though.... Hopefully she'll get a chance if our little Southpirt trip comes off..
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We, Ok I needed, a new longer ladder so we went on to the B&Q website, and found one for £99, we then had an offer that if we spent £100 or more we would get £10 off, so we found something that a) was very cheap and b) would come in handy and we settled on a £2 roll of Sellotape. Both items were in stock in the store but even though it's only just over a mile away we noticed we also got free delivery, All went through and selected today for delivery.
So at 9.30 we received a text saying the delivery would be between ten and eleven, sure enough a large B&Q van arrived and I opened up the garage ready to store the ladder. A chap came up to the door and gave me a roll of Sellotape, I asked about the ladder and he knew nothing about it, so I went back to ring the store but another text arrived saying our delivery would be between 1 and 2pm. Ok I though perhaps from a different store?
No same chap and same van arrived at 1pm!
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Happy Birthday to Meg. Hope she enjoyed her doggie cake. When we have our visiting grand dog we like to take him to Fraisthorpe beach, he loves tearing around there. Shame the cafe closed (hope it’s a temporary thing) we enjoyed that too.
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We had something similar from Amazon, CS. Found a paint brush for about £0.75 to qualify for free delivery (MSE have a tool you can use if you get Martin Lewis' emails). Anyway main item arrived without brush, still free delivery, and brush arrived a week later. Same delivery man. Go figure.
DSB, we've managed about 110 sites, some now no longer on the club list, but as we no longer seem to be using club sites a great deal we're unlikely to see a significant increase. Good luck with your efforts. Southport will be fine for a winter break. We used to go every winter mainly for the winter birds such as Geese etc. May in fact decide to go again this year as it was mentioned the other day.
Had a few days sorting various things out. We haven't updated a lot of the furnishings for quite a while so have been looking to move things around, have the place decorated, clean carpets and curtains etc. Looks like Painter booked up until April but we're in no rush. A visit to IKEA in Warrington has been mentioned.
Had a respite yesterday as we spent a good few hours with my cousin and her hubby over a leisurely pub lunch. We had our usual good time. Lots of laughter. Must admit to being exhausted last night. Think the recent excursion to France took it out of me after we got back.
Back to raining again today. If you are planning on North Wales Ttda then bring wellies, and maybe a boat.
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🤣🤣🤣🤣. I was laughing so much I couldn't read this out to OH. Oh dear is it any wonder some of these firms get into financial difficulty!
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Thanks WN, we know Wales🤣 Hoping for snow really so we can play in the Jeep. The castles are the lure, the big ones are open, a while since we have been, particularly on Anglesey. We have never stayed or fully explored Anglesey, so looking at cottages on there.