What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited November 2023 #57632

    This site is completely full over the coming weekend - their last day of opening for the year, being Sunday. Since it's a lovely little site and only £25 per night for massive pitches, I'm not surprised - and the facilities are every bit as good, if not better than most CAMC sites. I wonder how they do it.

    Richard, have you thought of adding it to the Small Sites Sticky in the Home touring section? Sounds good enough to share with other folks. Glad your service went well.

    We arrived back home at lunchtime from our 8 night trip to France and back. All went smoothly but I'm glad to be home. I think my body is still travelling.We spent quite some time with my elder brother and were joined by younger brother and SiL for a celebration birthday for elder bro. Can't remember the last time we all  sat around a table to enjoy a meal and catch up.

    Will add another post with some photos of our stops en route in the UK at Warwick and Winchester.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited November 2023 #57633

    As mentioned we enjoyed stays at Warwick and Winchester.

    The first 3 are of Lord Lycester House in Warwick, a Guildhall and originally a hospital set up in the 12th.Century by Henri de Blois. It also acted as a sort of Almhouse for former soldiers who found themselves homeless or in need of care.

    The inscription and Urn are interesting as the urn was brought home from the Nile and the inscription tells you about it. Worth expanding.

    The last 2 photos are of St.Swithuns church in Winchester. The church door is adjacent to the large Georgian building and the church is upstairs spanning the arch. it's a very humble place and we liked the epitaph shown on the 5th. photo. Who could ask for anything better to be said about themselves?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited November 2023 #57634

    We visited the Cathedral in Winchester twice, once going to the ferry and again on the return. Quite a fascinating building and full of historical significance. They had an exhibition on which included a display of 4 of the Winchester bibles. There's also the burial sites of Jane Austen and of Isaac Walton, he of fishing fame, and a side chapel is devoted to fishermen (where you'll find his grave). The 2nd.photo is a wooden block sculpture used as an altar. 

    We had hoped to visit the Great Hall to view King Arthurs Round Table but the Hall had suffered a flood and was closed on the day we went to see it. The first photo is a memorial to the fallen found outside the Hall and there is an inscription on the side of the bench which simply says "A Promise Honoured". A very moving sight.

    We couldn't visit Wolsey Castle as it was also flooded but did get to the Mill run by the National Trust. Quite a sight watching the speeding River Itchen under ones feet.

    All in all we really enjoyed Winchester. Easy access from the M27 and the P&R runs regularly.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,071
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    edited November 2023 #57635

    glad you had a nice trip to see your family WN Do you have any trips away in the van planned?

    Glad you got your new car Goldie I’ve always wanted to get a Discovery but the opportunity has never really arisen. We got our current Volvo almost a year ago and got a good run through from our local garage where we bought it but I still find new things on it even now there are just so many features (too many in my opinion) our last Volvo was 13 when we traded it in and it was so much simpler 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited November 2023 #57636

    Helen such wonderful news. I am so pleased. I hope you had a celebratory drink!

    WN I am glad that your trip to see your brother went so well. Lovely photos.  I would love to see Winchester cathedral.

    heddlo I hope that your sister's operation has gone well.

    Just a quick update on OH. Things didn't quite go according to plan on Monday. Pacemaker fitted, all good, home by 5.30pm. Unfortunately he had another 'episode' about 10.00pm so I had to ring 999 again and he ended up in A&E. He had lots of tests and visits from various doctors. Pacemaker working as it should but his BP kept dropping to a worrying low - hence the 'episodes'. He  is now home after 2 nights in A&E with a reduced BP dose and very comprehensive instructions as to what and what not to do. He is now being monitored by the 'virtual ward' at home. We saw a very nice doctor who explained everything very thoroughly so I am feeling a bit happier now.

    Son and grand-daughter from NI are over here at the moment and DIL sent some photos of flooded Downpatrick (their nearest town) this morning.  It looks appalling and absolutely heartbreaking.  They are OK in Strangford as they live on a hill. The people in Strangford worry more about high spring tides. I just hope that son and GD get home safely on Sunday.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited November 2023 #57637

    Now had a chance to catch my breath as plumber was here before fixing a leak that happened in our absence. So posts were a bit rushed.

    Francis, not got anything planned caravan wise bt will hope to get away somewhere if only for a week before Christmas. Next few weeks definitely out as we have 2 funerals to attend, one of a friend and neighbour who passed away at the end of last week and OH's uncle who died on Sunday, both of them whilst we were away. I know one date for funeral is mid November but other one not yet determined. Feel for MiL as its her last sibling.

    Helen, just gone back and read your excellent news. OH had a scare some yeaars ago following a routine mammogram and we were glad they did them. Don't know why people refuse to use them, maybe they're frightened.

    Heddlo, hope all well with your sister. Comments made to Helen about testing shows just as well with Sis. 

    Millie, it's certainly worth a visit. I forgot to include a photo of one of the many carvings that can be found in the Cathedral. Expert craftsmanship.

    Sorry if I've missed others out but it's been quite hectic today.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited November 2023 #57638

    WN, glad you got home safely before the storm comes. You certainly managed to see lots on your trip away and pleased that you had a grand time with your brothers. Some super photos too. Sorry to read of your MIL's brother's passing, very depressing for her especially. Please pass on our condolences to her.

    Sorry to hear that your OH is having problems after his op, Millie, but it looks as if things are under control thankfully. Fingers crossed that things settle down for him. Hope your son and granddaughter get home safely.

    R&R, pleased to read that your van is fine after the service. We came past Kexby two days ago and the river was high then but not up to the road. Fingers crossed that the road is still open for your return.

    Very pleased to hear that you have been given the all clear, Helen.

    It has been dry for most of the day here, and we even had some sunshine. Had a dry walk, for a change, up in Stainburn Forest in the morning and a final food restock of this trip in the afternoon.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited November 2023 #57639

    Pleased to hear your news Helen, must be a good relief. Take care of yourself Millie as well as OH, do hope that he makes a speedy recovery. I haven’t read all back posts but to anyone else with health issues take care.

    We returned yesterday from a quick 3 day trip to the caravan to do all the tasks that we missed by rushing home a few weeks ago due to the site being flooded. It takes much more to winterise a static caravan than a tourer. We may go one more time this year but if we can’t manage it then it’s no real problem. All food brought home and the larder is now full with double half used packets of everything, especially pasta. We planned to stop off at a nice Garden Centre on the way home for lunch and a wander round, but we didn’t reckon on the school half term! It was packed with a long queue just to enter the restaurant, we made a hasty retreat. We stopped at Gloucester services instead, we usually just buy a pie and eat in the car but we decided to eat in and were pleasantly surprised. Pie, peas and mash and gravy for £10.50, cheaper than a lot of other places let alone a service station, we will be stopping there again as it was very tasty.

    Daughter has a hospital check up today in Dorset, she decided to book into a hotel last night due to this awful weather she decided against travelling there early this morning. She is now managing to walk with two sticks and can use the wheelchair a lot less. The surgeon has said it will all take some time because it had been left bad for so long but going in the right direction. I’m glad she didn’t go today as it’s blowing a hooly here, the local schools have shut and we seem to be getting the worst of the forecast, we hope not to have to venture out today.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited November 2023 #57640

    Good suggestion WN re the Small Sites thread - I'll do that. And thank you for all the wonderful photos - most interesting - you seem to have had a great time.

    NTH - thanks for the info re Kexby - it was like that when I came through on Monday - plus the massive tailback for the roadworks there. Wilberfoss and Pocklington are two other potential flooding areas but the A1079 should be OK. I think I made the right decision to stay here another day - just rung Ros at home and it's blowing a stink there. Hopefully, it should be a lot calmer tomorrow.

    Actually it's quite nice having a few days on my own - I can do just what I like - when I want to!!smile

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited November 2023 #57641

    FYI Richard.  Apparently the roadworks on the 1079 are finished now, cleared away yesterday.  Haven’t been there ourselves but it’s on our nearby village website news.  The weather here, a few miles inland from you, is very quiet with gentle breeze (although that may change), showers and occasional sunny intervals.

    Hope all those in Devon and Cornwall are safe and secure.  Take care everyone.

    I hope things are improving with your OH Millie.  

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited November 2023 #57642

    The storm arrived here at 7.30 this morning quickly followed by a power cut which meant no water (it's pumped). Luckily it was back on by 8.30 so we had a hearty breakfast and copious amounts of coffee in case we lose power again. Strong north westerly gusts we've had 75mph so far and heavy rain. I'm sat in the back office typing this and have just discovered the window frame leaking, the floor is soaked! Another job to add to the list. No damage on site as yet but checking the report from HO there's a few sites that have. 

    Be careful folks


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited November 2023 #57643

    Thanks heddlo - that's most useful and much appreciated.  Not windy here in Cumbria, but just started lashing down again! It looks as if the weather front is heading off towards the North Sea - so fingers crossed it should be OK for tomorrow.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited November 2023 #57644

    Thanks all for the good wishes, it was an anxious wait for the results and it was a huge relief when it was good news.

    We seem to have missed the worst of the storm today,  we've had some rain and it's been breezy but nothing like it's been in some areas.

    We went for coffee and cake at a local farm shop cafe this morning,  early birthday celebration for a friend. The farm shop had what looked like hundreds of  pumpkins leftover,  not much call for them now! 🤔

    Heard this afternoon that our neighbour is being moved from hospital to a care home tomorrow, as it seems he needs full time care now, very sad as it now looks unlikely he will return home.

    Millie best wishes to Mr MH, glad he is getting excellent care.

    Lovely photos, glad you enjoyed spending time with family Wherenext.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited November 2023 #57645

    Richard, there is a red floor warning for Kexby Bridge properties in place at the moment, but no mention of the road being impassible. Sounds that you quite enjoyed your few days of freedom!!😆 Glad to hear that all was fine with the van and have a safe tow home tomorrow.

    Gold news about you granddaughter, Debs. She certainly is a determined young lady.👍

    Like other posters I hope all members down on the South Coast are safe and well and have suffered no damage to their properties.

    It has been a miserable day here near Harrogate with virtually continuous rain until not too long ago. Just hope that it is much drier in the morning for packing up, as we head across to Settle area in the morning to the last site of this trip. Now must start sorting out our December/January one.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited November 2023 #57646

    Well storm Cairan not as bad as expected for us, torrential rain and strong winds my home hardstanding was flooded but caravan ok, no structural damage just lots of water. Dont know how you cope when you see the roof to your house take off as some have done in the channel islands. Have not ventured out as yet so not sure what our beach area will look like, we sand bagged the beach house but we normally do that anyway for the winter months.

    Today it is very calm. blue skies and sunshine must get out on my bike not been over the threashold  for 3 days yell

    couple of photies of my sisters place in Low Hutton, just outside York, she said the A64 was closed yesterday due to accident/flooding so not only had she to contend with a constant flow of mud/slurry running off the field she had hgv's and coaches speeding thru the village





  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited November 2023 #57647


    I would be interested in the CL at Settle. Next April we're going to Victoria Hall at Settle on two censecutive nights ("Decades" by Oysterband) - and are thinking of taking the caravan instead of travelling twice. I've seen two that look OK, but I'm not booking just yet.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited November 2023 #57648

    Goldie, we stayed at Brigholme Farm, Giggleswick, a few years ago. It was fine. Pitches are a little closer than normal and access needs a bit of care but ideal for Settle, 2 minutes up the road in a car.

    Trying to find a decent price for Home Insurance. Tried all the usual comparison websites plus a few direct such as NFU. Our premium this year has increased by a whopping 70% despite no claims and no change in circumstances. At the moment I'm struggling to find a significant saving anywhere. Very frustrating. I can save less than 7.5% for like for like cover and about 25% for significant reductions in cover. 

    Reading Martin Lewis I see that I can expect the same sort of increase when motor insurance due. Who said inflation was reducing from c8%?

    Otherwise, it's back to normality, food shopping, clothes washing etc. Now have date for second funeral, a week after first one.

    We were largely untroubled by Ciaran, just rained all day yesterday. Not much wind. Dare say we were lucky. Hope no-one suffered too much.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited November 2023 #57649

    Arrived safely back home from Cumbria - can't believe I did the 150 miles in not much over three hours.  And - before anyone says anything, I've just checked the tracker log and I didn't exceed the speed limits anywhere!  Don't know how I did it - but just had a clear run through - no hold ups - nothing.  No rain - just glorious sunshine all the way. What a difference a day makessmile

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,763
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    edited November 2023 #57650

    Wherenext wrote: Reading Martin Lewis I see that I can expect the same sort of increase when motor insurance due. Who said inflation was reducing from c8%?

    WN, our car insurance is due towards the end of this month - it's gone up an eye-watering 82% frown no claims, same car, no changes.  Neither of us have crossed over a "significant" threshold in age either.  According to the insurer, last year insurers paid out more in claims than they got in premiums undecided

    So we're in the same boat as you at the moment, trying other quotes etc.  Current insurer has brought it down (but not by as musch as we'd like!) by "tweaking" a few things, so we'll see.........

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited November 2023 #57651

    We found similar at our recent renewal for the cars, up about 50%, but OH shopped around and found a few less expensive quotes then rang our current insurer.    They offered a reduction on both  cars, plus we took SIL off the insurance as he has not driven one of our cars, and now we have the new car there will be no need for him to drive it either, so total saving £165.

    House renewal is end of the year, so we  still have that battle to come.  It was massively up last year, but by tweaking the cover slightly we managed to get it down a fair bit.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited November 2023 #57652

     Now on day 4 of the new car and very pleased with it.   Handover on Tuesday was excellent, lots of information on the controls and the "fancy stuff", far more of that than we had expected.  Will take a while to get to grips with it all!

    OH drove the car to DD's while I went to pick  up  Nathan from  nursery, then later drove it home.  We also got the Touareg back later that day, so back to normal now.

    DD purchased new seat protecters for us as the new car has cloth upholstery, so good to keep little feet off of it, and she took the one we had to have 2 in her car too.  The heavy child seats do tend to mark the upholstery.

    Down at DD's yesterday doing more stuff for her, a  new door for a cupboard, a d back there again today to start installing an extra socket for her for charging her Shark vacuum cleaner.  

    Will go back tomorrow  to finish it as it means going under the floor to connect it into the ring circuit, not looking forward to that!   OH has an order to pick up at Waitrose, so will follow later.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,071
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    edited November 2023 #57653

    We are away in the van just at one of our local sites so easy drive down this afternoon not windy but very cold. Had dinner from the local chippy tonight which was nice. Not much planned tonight just sit in the van and have a few drinks.

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited November 2023 #57654

    In recent years we have realised that the heating levels in our dining room and the kitchen/utility could do with improving! Don't know if its because we are getting older neither area really get warm? The kitchen is fine when we are cooking but we are not doing that all the time.  About a month ago Simon and I changed the dining room radiator for a double of the same overall size and we could use the existing fittings and that does seem to have improved things. The utility was not as straightforward as it would mean changing the pipework so I thought it better that we got a plumber in to do it. Simon had suggested a plumber which he had used and they came today to install the larger radiator. Obviously wasn't cheap, about £325 including the radiator and thermostatically controlled valve. That is about half of what BG quoted me for doing a similar job albeit on a large radiator.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited November 2023 #57655

    Hi Goldie, we are on Layhead Farm at Rathmell. It is a bit further out of Settle than that mentioned by WN, but we are pleased with it. It is H/S grael through which grass has grown, but even after all the rain the pitches are nice and solid. It is at the end of a 1/4 lane past the Catholics cottages, but well away from them and well sheltered but with views too. The road off the A65 is fine and was quiet when we drove it this lunchtime. We would certainly use it again. The holiday cottages might be an option for you if you don't choose to bring your caravan

    Hope this helps, and here is the link to it.



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited November 2023 #57656

    Pleased that you made it home without any problems, Richard. You were fortunate not having any ho!dups, as we had 3 coming from Huby to Settle, but glad we were going from East to West as, in the opposite direction, there was a 2 ml queue heading into Ilkley! It has been a fine day, and even warm at times, and had we been stopping at Lower Banks Farm OH would have done a final round of washing. Maybe it will be the same tomorrow and she can get it done then.

    Enjoy your weekend away Francis, and everyone else too, be you out in your units or at home.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited November 2023 #57657

    Ouch!   That is quite a bit, but radiators do seem to have got much more expensive recently.

    I have only had to  change one in our house, and that because it was getting a bit rusty.  However I managed to order the wrong size, 10 cm longer, so had to alter the pipework.  Did it while the new boiler was being fitted.  To avoid taking up the floor I just extended the pipe beneath the radiator, it  is not too obvious.

    DD has had me double up on several of her radiators, 5 I think, they just were not putting out sufficient heat for her liking, so went from single panel type to double panel double convector type.  I also installed a slim  vertical one in her utility room where there had not been one before, it was very cold in there.  And she has had me fit much larger towel warmer ones in all 3  bathrooms, with electric elements for summer use.

    The house is almost 100 years old, so not the warmest of houses,  but even the newish extension added by the previous owners has smaller radiators than ideal.  Can only think they were hardier than we are!

    I think we do feel the cold more as we get older, and probably also as we are more sedentary these days.  We like 21/22 degrees in the lounge for sitting, so feel it is cold in her house as they were using only  18/19.   That is fine when moving around cooking, cleaning  etc, but they do use heated throws when watching TV.  When we are looking after the boys, she does relent and turn the living room up to 21.

    We are only heating the rooms we use when we use them, so very pleased with how our "smart" TRVs are performing 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited November 2023 #57658

    Thank you- and thanks to WN. I’m not sure what we will do and will probably decide after Christmas. I rushed to book tickets (front row both nights) knowing that I can sort out travel (or not) later. We go to a lot of gigs there as it’s only 40/45 minutes from home. It’s a wonderful old theatre with amazing friendly staff and volunteers.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited November 2023 #57659

    Car insurance - we’re with NFU and when I rang to change to our new car I was amazed as it is £87 cheaper for a newer, higher spec model. I didn’t argue!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited November 2023 #57660


    A few years ago I would have changed the pipework myself but I am now of an age where crawling around on the floor is quite painful with my knees even if I use a pad to kneel on. The plumbers I used charge £70 an hour plus VAT which I suspect is par for the course here. All trades are in high demand because of all the house building going on around us. There is a YouTube channel you might be interested in called the Gosforth Handyman (not sure if I have mentioned it before?) He does some analysis of building costs and how much trades people charge. His view was that it needs to be a very minimum of £40 hour/£200 a day for it to be worthwhile. This was probably for just general building with more skilled trades charging more. Whilst the man on the ground doesn't get that, but by the time you take in other expenses and overheads of running the business like vehicles and office staff etc you can start to understand what seem like sky high prices?

    We are still running on last years temperatures of 17 overnight and then gradual rise from 18.5 in the morning to 19 mid afternoon and 19.5 during the evening. I suspect the evening temperature might need adjusting when it gets colder? Strangely in cold weather the boiler works more so a rise in temperature might not need to be more than half a degree? Energy costs are still high and with less support this year so it will be interesting to see how the winter pans out viz a viz costs?


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited November 2023 #57661


    That seems quite a result given all the reports we are hearing about massive rises in insurance costs. When I swapped cars earlier in the year I had to pay a one off fee because it was a larger and more expensive car than the one it replaced. Not sure I am looking forward to January when its up for renewal. All our insurances, car, motorhome, house follow on an almost monthly basis so it could be an expensive start to the year?
