What are you all up to
I absolutely agree that Malcolm and those that follow his life are free to post and give advice, opinions, etc....
All I suggested was that given how much there is, and how helpful folks want to be, wouldn't starting a dedicated thread be a good idea? Then, or rather when, anything that contravenes T&C guidelines comes along, the dedicated thread could be perused by CM, without this whole thread about the daily doings of others being closed down?
Makes sense to me. Malcolm continues to post as he wishes, those that wish to get involved in advising, helping, can do so without all the other posts in between. Conversely, everyone else can continue to post the odd bit of daily doings without following Malcolm's saga. Win, win, surely? What do you think Malcolm?
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A number of people post about their own personal activities. Some are of interest to me, others less so. I just skim them and read those of interest. It's not a great hardship.
I think that to have a thread solely about one person's activities would be.......wrong.
If anyhing contravenes the rules, then indivdual posts can be removed.
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I am too polite to say what I think TDA. I will say though that there appears to be those that post regularly day to day stuff but wish to deny that to others. There are many name and shame postings on this forum. I have not seen many decrying those. I will say no more on this aspect as I think that I have made my feelings plain enough.
Most of Malcolms postings have been about what he is up day to day. Some seem to consider that boring. I suggest no more boring than posters daily weather updates and shopping forays, hospital and dental visits and I see no complaints on that score nor do I have any complaints and I am happy to read folks comings and goings.
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On the fuel bills......we are with First Utility. We post our meter readings each month (or our estimate - which is usually pretty accurate, because we know how much we use) and our bill is based on that.
Don't other companies let you do that?
I find the idea of paying a fixed monthly fee, when the usage varies enormously through the year, strange. Especially when the energy companies are so bad at estimating your annual usage.....usually in order to get you to pay too much and let them bank your money for a good while.
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I am with EE for dual fuel and have exactly the same problem BB.
I have tried to explain several times that I use far less energy during the months I am away but they soon revert back to their own estimates and I too get the yoyo seasonal bills.
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I was on duty at the Cathedral this afternoon with a lovely 16 year old young man. He is from the Russian speaking part of Latvia. He has only been here for 5 years and in that time has gone from speaking no English to speaking it perfectly. He is due to start his GCSEs and plans to study Customer Relations at our Regional College. He should do well.
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It is good to hear something positive rather than all the negative comments we get re immigrants.
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I see what you mean, interesting. It says the same about Baltic Wharf and we all know that is not owned by the Club.
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As far as I am concerned there are far too many eastern europeans in some areas of the country and it causes some problems that we are not at liberty to discuss on this forum. That does not mean for one moment that there are not some fine folk amongst them and I have met many such
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We live in a city where there are many 'immigrants' and I find that many of them are hard working nice people who are a benefit to our community and economy. I shall say no more on this subject as I do not want it to become political.
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,Hoooo ray !!
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Surely it's easy enough to read one's meter before one heads off on an extended trip and then e-mail those totals to your supplier when they request it. We've done it with our previous supplier and with our current one too, so no estimate bill. We do however also pay our bill by monthly direct debit so are sometimes in credit, but it's not by a large amount.
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We are with Npower for electricity, we submit meter readings every 3 months, a bill is then raised and paid by a variable direct debit. This suits us as we can be away for 10 -12 weeks at a time. It was Npower who suggested the 3 month reading to fot in with our lifestyle.
We have LPG tank for gas which is topped up around 3 times a year, again a bill is raised and paid by variable direct debit on a given date usually the following month. We could pay both of the above on a monthly DD fixed rate but it doesn't offer any extra benefits.
We would like a water meter but they are just to expensive to install up here so will have to continue paying for way more water than we use.
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No need for sunglasses today here in East Kent !! Overcast,dull and cooler.
.Going to Minnis Bay first to drop off some I.o.W smoked and plain Garlic to a pal who runs a restaurant.Then up to the B/yd for some more ,,, work (yes i know 4 lettered word !!)
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I amend ours JVB. Domestic energy prices have just gone up and I was unable to adjust our payments this month, and looking at other tariffs produced even higher results.
I was interested to hear that the uk managed to produce a greater part of our home grown energy from solar and wind recently rather than coal. Wish we could see prices coming down.
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Apparently yesterday was the first time since the Industrial Revolution that the UK produced all of it's energy during a 24 hour period without using coal power according to the 10.00pm news.
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14 hours next week. Thursday to Sunday. Evening work from 6 p.m. So daytime will be free to pursue other activities. It will be a much smaller catchment area of just Lancing and East Worthing. Not too many hours but enough to raise a little extra income on top of my state pension.
Pizza Hut is a global enterprise and so it could offer a better future and possibly work in other areas if for any reason we needed to move from this area. However, it's not the best time to be starting a new job as I have holiday already booked from 25th May to 21st June which they don't yet know about!