A request

Is it possible for members to discuss threads in a friendly way ,rather than the argumentative way that a lot of threads seem to be going at the moment , there seem to be quite a few topics that seem to end up closed because of the play ground fighting,yes
we all have differing views, and that's fine and nothing wrong with a bit of friendly banter thrown in ,but just lately CT seems to have come a school play ground ,
Just saying
Hi huskydog, never happen mate. If the Club has requested this in their guidelines and we have been reminded of it many many times I don't think your request will do any good. Nice thought though. Have a good weekend, Alex.
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Let's hope so HD,
It has got very argumentative and must put people off posting, me included.
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Is it possible for members to discuss threads in a friendly way ,rather than the argumentative way that a lot of threads seem to be going at the moment , there seem to be quite a few topics that seem to end up closed because of the play ground fighting
,yes we all have differing views, and that's fine and nothing wrong with a bit of friendly banter thrown in ,but just lately CT seems to have come a school play ground ,
Just saying
Write your comments here... That's life , I'm afraid love it or hate it , the CC as a vast mix of members whom have a wide & variable look at life in general needless to say their life standards clash sometimes
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I agree compass362. Not just differing views, but also differing ways of going about things, interacting with people, communicating. Tolerance, patience, a bit of tact and diplomacy. I'm sure most people exercise these things, just not everyone and as Esther
used to say.......!0 -
I agree completely HD, it's easy to disagree without the animosity. It's the will to debate rather than needle or attack. The will needs to be there. I support your OP 100%, for what it's worth. If things get heated we can all walk away from the thread
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I also agree. There is far too much sniping by people who stalk others around the board merely to make snide comments.
Debate is good, arguments for the sake of it lead to unpleasantness.
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I agree with the OP. Everybody should be able to honestly put forward their opinion without the usual personal remarks or insults by ---- OOPS we are no longer allowed to use collective names so I won't. .
I also agree about the school playground analogy. But I don't find that surprising --- Considering !!
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HD - an excellent OP.
CT is overwhelmingly a pleasant forum with positive views and a good source of information, particularly for newcomers to the hobby.
Threads sometimes get heated because of ill considered or unclear posting. The relatively rare examples of deliberately antagonistic posting seem to get removed fairly quickly.
It's incumbent on all members to respect the views of others and not attempt to stir up ill feeling where none exists.
Well done for opening this thread!
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I quite agree HD. People should have respect for others point of view and agree to disagree. There should be no room for personal comments, not just here but throughout society.
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There is a significant difference though between, respecting the right of others to have a different point of view and respecting that point of view!
Whilst people should respect the former, they are under no obligation to respect the latter!
And that is a very important right in itself!
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Altough I agree with the OP, I wonder how many new members on CT think that these comments reflect the overall membership and think that when they are on a site it is not very friendly.
I must admit that after being at the receiving end of some comments I wonder if, because my photo is on here I might get some comments when on a site! I hope not.
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There is a significant difference though between, respecting the right of others to have a different point of view and respecting that point of view!
Whilst people should respect the former, they are under no obligation to respect the latter!
And that is a very important right in itself!
Yes, CJ, I agree. Perhaps I should more accurately have said "... respect the rights of others to express their views", so long as they're within the bounds of common decency, of course.
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Agree with HD's opening post. A couple of threads last night descended way below playground childishness into gutter comments and foul language, and were quite rightly stamped on by the mods. Absolutely no need for such behaviour, and even if you don't agree
with someone else's methods or suggestions, this is not the place to parade such nastiness.0 -
Can't argue with that HD, also agree with 'a road to Damascus' with you.
The actual road to Damascus....just saying!
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I agree with the OP. Everybody should be able to honestly put forward their opinion without the usual personal remarks or insults by ----
OOPS we are no longer allowed to use collective names so I won't. ..
I also agree about the school playground analogy. But I don't find that surprising --- Considering !!
K, I am reporting your post. But I am going to be quite open and honest about doing it, and let you read the reason why. You are actively trying to create unpleasantness and divisions amongst what you consider to be " groups" of posters. Not only in this
instance, but quite openly on a good few other threads. The vast majority of individual posters on here may not agree all the time about everything, but on the whole, most of us rub along together, sharing the odd quip, chuckling at the odd bit of humour.
But your talk of groups, cliques, them and us, hidden behind a rather transparent ( you think) mask of affability is wearing thin, and is starting to say a great deal about you, and your agenda. I want to show you respect, because I I know you have a deal
of knowledge and help to share, but this relentless drive to sow the seeds of discord are not fair, and on the whole not welcome. You are as entitled to your opinion as anyone, but you are not entitled to manipulate discussions to create unpleasantness or
throw in little hooks, hoping that someone will bite. Perhaps I have taken your bait, I don't know, but I honestly and openly hope that this will give pause for thought. I apologise for doing this in this method if it upsets anyone else, that is not my intention.I shall now press the report button, showing your post, and my thoughts on it, and hope that HQ will understand.
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Agree with all of the above. Everyone has a point of view and there will never be total agreement but in a grown up debate between mature adults should be on a polite and civil basis. Regrettably there are some who hide behind the anominity of social media.
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I agree with the OP. Everybody should be able to honestly put forward their opinion without the usual personal remarks or insults by ---- OOPS we are no longer allowed to use collective names so I won't. .
I also agree about the school playground analogy. But I don't find that surprising --- Considering !!
K, I am reporting your post. But I am going to be quite open and honest about doing it, and let you read the reason why. You are actively trying to create unpleasantness and divisions amongst what you consider to be " groups" of posters. Not only in this instance, but quite openly on a good few other threads. The vast majority of individual posters on here may not agree all the time about everything, but on the whole, most of us rub along together, sharing the odd quip, chuckling at the odd bit of humour. But your talk of groups, cliques, them and us, hidden behind a rather transparent ( you think) mask of affability is wearing thin, and is starting to say a great deal about you, and your agenda. I want to show you respect, because I I know you have a deal of knowledge and help to share, but this relentless drive to sow the seeds of discord are not fair, and on the whole not welcome. You are as entitled to your opinion as anyone, but you are not entitled to manipulate discussions to create unpleasantness or throw in little hooks, hoping that someone will bite. Perhaps I have taken your bait, I don't know, but I honestly and openly hope that this will give pause for thought. I apologise for doing this in this method if it upsets anyone else, that is not my intention.
I shall now press the report button, showing your post, and my thoughts on it, and hope that HQ will understand.
Write your comments here...You are quite within your rights to report any posts which contravene the CC T@C's
However it is you who have used the forbidden words in your post Your writing quote " groups, cliques, them and us, " most definitely goes against the instructions of the forum manager. You should therefore be obliged to report your own post.
It will be noticed that I complied completely with the forum managers instructions and quite rightly refrained from using any collective nouns to describe anyone. .
My post was "tongue in cheek" containing a bit of humour - most reasonable posters will recognise this.
Obviously humour is something some people like and others abhorr.
I suspect there is more behind your vitriolic post than the few words of my post which are perfectly innocent and compliant with the current T&C's and if this is the case, your post is a clear case of Trolling.
Forums are for exchange of ideas and information, please don't make this one a place for vitriol and insults.
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K, TDA's post is a good one. She has put Her case forward & shown you the respect of informing you of Her actions. Your follow up post shows She did the right thing.
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Oh dear, i'm going to put my head on the block ,and saw K's post as tongue in cheek........i'll go and stand in the corner
HD, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Heads on blocks don't come into it
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Thank you Rocky. I didn't post lightly, and despite not agreeing with what quoted post, I tried to remain respectful and honest. I have no wish to continue posting in this thread now I have said what I felt needed saying without any hidden agenda, deceitful
smileys or twisting of words.0 -
.....I go get some lunch and look what happens!