What are you all up to
Just had my new glasses through @Goldie146, following my recent eye test. In spite of the optician telling me my prescription had changed, I honestly can't tell much difference between these and my last precription!!!
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It’s been beautiful blue skies here for days now but heavy frosts each morning. Typical, as Im desperate to get out in this fine weather to do some gardening. I love gardening best of all in spring. I have managed to get out there to have a look at what’s coming up but I started to poke about and OH swiftly called me in. OH encouraged me to order some books yesterday as he thinks that might take my mind off my garden. Our planned trip out to the shops has been postponed until tomorrow now. I overheard OH on the phone to our Son, it seems they all thought before the op that I’d be trying to run before I could walk (not literally)It makes me feel old when our kids are lecturing me. I won’t lie though I’m enjoying being brought a cuppa in bed in the mornings. Im managing most things indoors now but I just need to get properly out and this lovely weather is just so encouraging. Maybe next week, so I think that you can all be prepared and assured that it will be raining next week.
I make lists for what I need to take to the caravan as I have found in the past that I buy items, ie toilet rolls or soap for home thinking we’ve run out only to then find we already have them and remember it’s at the caravan that we have run out. So now I have a special caravan list.
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@vbfg You need to delete the draft to get rid of an unposted comment.
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@DEBSC .... I keep one spare of all consumables in a seperate/ descrete cupboard. Then.... If we empty the current washing up liquid bottle and take the new one out of the 'spares' cupboard, I just add washing up liquid to my Alexa shopping list (and add for caravan) so the spare is replaced within a few days That way, we never run out. 🙂🙂
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@DEBSC good go read things are progressing in the way of healing. It's a shame your 'outing' has been postponed, but only 24 hours. I too love spring gardening - I'm about to go out and do something. However which shall I choose? I'm like a kid in a sweet shop 🫣. Might paint a fence. Do you have somewhere sheltered in the sun? Book reading, snooze etc but in open air.
We too have been blessed to beautiful days after a heavy frost. This morning sun was working well, temperature up 2c in an hour. -2c to 0c. Currently 8c and virtually no breeze.
We ventured to Ferry Meadows early afternoon yesterday. What we saw, between hoards and hoards, was lovely but we didn't stay long. Silly me! Of course the rest of the world would be thinking along the same lines.. Did manage an offlead run for the dog.
So took ourselves to the Blue Diamond Garden Centre. Got myself new wellies. Not an easy task,this was our 4th attempt. From garden centres to country stores. Including silly price ones. Ended up with a good fit, foot, ankle, calf 😃. Bank balance very pleased, change from £20. Sizing is soooo odd, I wear a 5.5, ended up with 8's, my starting to split ones are a 4..
Enjoy your day folks
Best wishes to those poorly, coping with poorly and those awaiting dates - including us.
MMust garden
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@DSB I vowed never to do another spreadsheet the day I finished work🤣 So far I have honoured the vow. Came close to doing one for OH around info for all our vehicles, but it was obvious he wouldn’t use it much so I ditched it. Closest I get nowadays is a planting plan for garden, but that’s kids stuff using stubbies and a piece of paper. Seriously though, should anything get stolen you have a good record. We had a couple of expensive cycles stolen from home, and I had all receipts and listed extras on bikes that we had added/changed, so it was simple getting insurance claim.
SILs both doing ok, thanks to those who asked. Cousin who lost her Mum last week is coming to see us today, so that will be nice.
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Hi TDA: My elecric bike's charging connector fell off and I have, as yet been unable to get another so last summer I left my intelligence at home and very stupidly bought a Brompton. It never occurred to me that it was far more likely to be stolen than my far cheaper bike, so I have hardly used it, even though I bought an expensive lock to use on it. It does not inspire me with confidence to know that you and your OH had your bikes stolen from home. Perhaps there needs to be automatic prison sentences for anyone caught riding a stolen bike!
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Tap on the 'My drafts' if a number is shown and it will take you to them. Then delete.
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@vbfg ours were stolen a very long time ago to be honest, from our garage, some passing tea leaf will have clocked them. We got fully paid out, including damage to garage. All our expensive bikes are insured, we didn’t bother with the cheaper ones (OH works on the principal of enough bikes is what you have plus 1, so we have a few🤣🤣) If it’s insured, just take photos keep receipts and use if, at least it will be easy to fold up and take into house I should think. We have some nasty booby traps now in garage😈
@DEBSC good to hear you are doing a few things, and yes this nice weather is a bit misleading. It’s lovely in the sunshine, but bitter cold when it goes down, so look after yourself. Could you perhaps get some seeds going indoors, a cool room to at least keep an eye on a few bits that will be cheerful later on, or maybe some Autumn bulbs such as Nerine?
@Bakers2 sounds a nice day, we like Ferry Meadows. It’s been all garden, garden here for me. The word “obsessed” was muttered in my hearing the other day, which is a bit rich coming from a man with seven cycles, is at Elite level on Rouvy, and threw a strop because our subscription to TNT sports is delayed a day!🤣🤣🤣 He’s had to come outside and help me😁
Mum is 96 this week🥳
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Click on your avatar picture (top right) that drops down a box. Click on Drafts, that brings up your list of draft posts. Choose the one you want to delete, and press the x This should work. 🤞
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I'm another spreadsheet nerd. Mainly for farm stuff - though I also use one for the details of gigs we have booked.
And then for serious stuff I use Crystal Reports to interrogate and analyse the data. When I left (paid) work 15 years ago, I bought a copy of the software as I thought it would be useful. And it helps to exercise my brain.
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Tried to post a comment but it didn’t materialise, then found that I’d been signed out, don’t know why that keeps happening.
TTDA glad to hear SILs are ok. Hope that you have a good chat with your cousin, hopefully some happy memories.
Enjoy the gardening Bakers I know what you mean by ‘kid in a sweet shop’. We did have a nice rocking bench in the garden but in autumn our granddaughter and her boyfriend sat on it and it collapsed, rusted we think. We will replace it now spring is here. Our garden is shady with the woods so a bit cold to just sit, and OH doesn’t trust me out there not to pick up a trowel 😁
DSB our garage acts as our extra supply store so we rarely run out at home but it’s a different story at the caravan without a ‘caravan list’.
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"I think I'd better stop there before the men in white coats come to take me away..."
Sounds like a good plan @DSB - and I thought I was a bit OTT (or at least Ros thinks I am) - for keeping a spreadsheet of sites visited / cost / mileage etc.
It's very satisfying, though - isn't it????🙄
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I do like a good spreadsheet, but only have a few these days. One for my turned items recording site, wood type, and number (I number them all on the base), and another one listing what is taken to craft fairs to sell, and the price.
For finances I have one to list the accounts we have, rough amount in them, and whether they have an “expiry date”. Good to be able know that we have not forgotten about an account! And one to follow what is in our using account each month, what is going to happen in the month, whether there is a surplus to remove, or whether it will need a top up .
We do have a paper list somewhere of what should be in the caravan, but mainly we use the list OH has in her head when it comes to packing for a trip. Life is easier now that we have put some shelves in the spare bedroom and turned it into an equipment storage area…..no need to search all the other rooms. Caravan has been emptied to go for service next week, so the room is pretty full at the moment. Once the usual stuff is returned to the van before our first trip out, it will only be the awning, chairs, tables etc to store each time as they travel in the car.
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Thanks for the advice regarding deleting drafts, TW and TDA. Computers and mobile phones are very useful when you know how to work them which often I don't, or have simply forgotten what to do.
Spring is here at last, so hopefully it may cheer us all up a bit. We have just received a phone call cancelling an appointment for my son at the Royal Hospital in Liverpool, which was for today, but which I actually cancelled in December and asked them to rearrange it. It appears that the NHS really are on the ball at the moment!!!
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Lunchbreak. Yes kid in a sweetshop in the garden. Spent an hour with the weed burner, not part of my initial plan! Discovered some 3 cornered leek 😱 in a front bed. So gave that a good heat! That lead to ivy and bramble spotted trying to get into the nearby hedge. Decided as the burner was warm, I'd hit the wild geum hard too. There's so much as our garden has lacked TLC prior to our arrival. All this in the front - not where I was planning to work 🤣.
Went behind the garage, thought I'd removed all pots with contents, but I missed one with bulbs. Moved that out. I think they're daffodils 😀. Sadly all the spare pots haven't neatened themselves! Might do that next as I don't want to do much more as I noticed ladybirds moving from the heat, so I won't weed or deadhead further as the nights are still cold and they need all the help they can get.
OH made a start on the fence, progress is slow! But he's trying.… he needs some of @Wherenext's MIL get up and go 😉
Lists - paper ones for daily tasks, generally one offend 3 to replace it 🤣. Jobs that need doing but I'm likely to forget. One indoor one outdoor. Just the one spreadsheet, similar to @KjellNN for accounts. Started when passbooks started to become a thing of the past. Don't want an account forgotten by us or not known about after our demise! We have so much 🤣🤣
Right must restart, it's hard after a rest! I'm suffering badly at the moment with plantar fasctilis.
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Seeing the sun shining has prompted me to make some bookings. We’re doing a 3 week tour centred around Scotland, our first stop being Windermere. I thought I’d tag on a couple of short stays on the way, so we are firstly staying at Hollins Green (CL) , Middlewich, (Cheshire)for a couple of nights so that we can visit Biddulph Grange Gardens, then it’s on to a commercial site in Pocklington (North Yorks) for 3 nights so that we can visit Burnby Hall gardens. From there we’ll make our way across to Windermere (I still need to work out a route for that).
Yesterday we made a start on clearing out one of the garden borders. Over the last couple of years we’ve spent quite a bit on it putting in plants, but the bottom line is we just don’t like it. I think it’s just too muddled with no proper theme? We’ve decided to put in some feature grasses alongside some Rudbeckias (already in place) and some Heleniums, I suppose you’d call it prairie style.@Bakers2 , plantar fasciitis, I suffered with that a few years ago, very painful. Lasted for about 6 months, but I still get the odd twinge. You have my sympathy.
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@vbfg I thought the whole idea of a Brompton was to carry them with rather than leaving them? My son has a Brompton and he rides to the station to it and when he gets off the train in London he cycles to the office, I assume he stands it next to his desk, a bit like W1A? Mind you he is not using it at the moment as he is in training as he wants to walk part or all of the Camino (he has done it before), so when he gets to Euston he walks the five miles to the office.
On the subject of Spreadsheets. I have used spreadsheets for years, especially for keeping track of the miles, places and costs of touring with a separate one for fuel. I don't think my finances are complicated enough to warrant a spreadsheet as I can just check my bank account online. I always print off CC statements which are kept for a couple of years. I use Excel now but years ago used Lotus 123.
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I'm just a bit OCD, I think @richardandros .
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Just back from a lovely afternoon up at Rievaulx Abbey.... Correction: when I say 'just back', I mean the nearest Costa to York Beechwood Grange. Had a lovely afternoon.. very larve.. the place is a bit like a maze. Has a little cafe too.. 😉😉
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On the subject of spreadsheets/ lists etc. @DavidKlyne . Mine are on the phone/ tablet and laptop.... they all synchronize automatically with each other via Google Drive, so they are always up to date. For finance I use some old software I bought for about £10 years ago, which enables me to do a montly budget/expenditure in categories.... therefore I always know how much money I have left which is assigned each month to 'Holidays'.... etc Still works better than anything I have seen which is more up to date..🙂
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@DSB Great photos we have been there a very long time ago.
OH has used spreadsheets when doing our tax return here in France and easy to do euro/pound conversions as well I used to them a few years ago when working in a office and not done them for a long time now but do lists on paper.
More rubbish to the skip OH decided to have a clear out next his big wooden shed gosh how many awning poles do we need ha ha nearly all gone to skip plus other things some I though could go oh no he said heyho.
Many thanks for the comments and likes for the Red Squirrel photo sorry the window cill but the birds can be a bit messy. More gardening for me tomorrow on some small beds to do.
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@DEBSC . When my cousin had a serious operation last spring her husband took her for her first outing to the cafe in their local park where they sat and had a coffee and 'people watched' for about half an hour. Nothing strenuous or too demanding. She said it really perked her up.
@DSB such lovely photos of Rievaulx Abbey, one of my favourite places. Such a lovely atmosphere there. The cafe is a new addition since our last visit.
More weeding today and washing, making the most of the good weather. OH cut half our grass today. The grass at the bottom of the garden is waiting for another day.OH is now examining the inside of his eyelids 🤣
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The cafe seems quite good @milliehull . The warm sausage roll I had was lovely, although I found the hot chocolate a bit on the weak side. I did come away with one of these, from the shop, which I'll be sampling in a few moments.... 🤣🤣
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Not long been back from MK Hospital where Margaret had her pressure test, makes her sound like an old boiler! I was invited in to see what was happening although in truth I could only guess what was going on. It all seemed very comprehensive and at the end of it she had some good news, no reason for the hip operation not to go ahead. Like an MOT there were a couple of advisories, not an issue at the moment but might require a bit more investigation in the future. Had she not seen the Cardiologist she would have been none the wiser. The advisories will be communicated back to her GP and I suppose it will be up to Margaret to follow those up at some point. Fingers crossed now that the operation can be carried out sooner than later.