What are you all up to



  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,866
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    @Takethedogalong , I did have a look to see if the picture disc was still available but only as S/H and quite pricey too. I now wish I’d seen him live, he’s an incredible musician. If you haven’t seen it, try to watch him preforming live TB II at Edinburgh Castle in 1992, I was spellbound 🙂

    On a side note, I didn’t receive notification of your post 🤷‍♀️

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    North Norfolk is a lovely area. We have had some very nice holidays all along that coast and the gorgeous small villages just inland. Full of history as well with some nice EH, NT, HHA properties and other gardens and houses to visit. One of our favourite areas for churches as well. And then there’s all the bird and wildlife!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited December 2024 #61564

    A busy day amongst a busy week. Food shopping first thing, eerily quiet in Tesco. Then a quick coffee before tackling the leaf and moss fall in the gutters at the rear of the property. Had to clear them out by hand as well as gutters quite close to edge of roof. A bit messy. I had intended doing it just after the storm but other things got in the way. Looking at the moss on the rear tiles it looks like a full roof job when Spring comes along. I last cleared it before Covid and applied some solution which I expected to wear off before now. Still have some of it left. It's a painstaking job but I'll do it over a few days.

    Started mizzling at lunch so outside jobs had to stop. We had someone round this afternoon from the people who installed MiLs current shower 10 years ago so that took up a couple of hours and then cooking a Sausage, Fennel and Lentil soup for dinner. Warmed the insides up nicely.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    It has been a rather miserable day with low cloud and very light drizzle. We had a walk around Childswickham where we came across Atkinson House bulit 1374. We had hope to view the chuch but there was a funeral in progress. We then drove through Broadway, which was very quiet, before going to see the 12C Norman St Eadburgh's Church, opposite Broadway Court. Complete out day out with another walk on the way back to the van, parking near this impressive Gatehouse. Where is it?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @Takethedogalong hope that you had a positive response from OH's consultant. It is good to read that he is getting back to cycling fitness.

    @Wherenext please just make sure that you have the ladder firmly supported!! 😁 Rather you than me doing that job, as my limit is now cleaning out the gutters and cleaning the roof of the caravan.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    And to the right of this hotel is a suitable place to get murdered…as fans of Vera will tell you!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    That's very organised. Haven't even started to think about next summer yet @Francis - that will have tio be after Christmas, I'm afraid.- haven't even a clue which direction to go in yet... 😀


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    I always find December very taxing these days, @Wherenext. Tonight our last practice before a big concert next week. Tomorrow - last practice before Carol Service on Sunday evening... next week some 'pub carol singing too'..... One of these years I will just have a December off.... perhaps have a holiday in Spain.... 😀😀 ..... then again, probably can't see that happening... 🤣🤣🤣


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    @Cornersteady great pics we love Newcastle great city we were down there earlier this year and had a great time one of the only warm days we had this year hoping to get a visit back down there this coming year

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,832
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    That's great news @Takethedogalong and so pleasing to hear that he's getting such good care. Best wishes also to those still suffering from this bout of winter colds - quite a few people around here seem to have picked it up as well. I'm hoping that the dose we had a couple of months ago will give us some immunity.

    Stunning photos @Cornersteady - you certainly have a talent😀. We really must get up there - our granddaughter is studying Psychology at Uni there - so a good reason to head that way next year, perhaps.

    Had a bit of an annoying day today. We're due to go to Chatsworth on Thursday but when I looked at the weather forecast this morning (which I've been doing every morning for the last week or so) - all of a sudden, 50mph winds were forecast (by BBC) on Thursday and Friday - both here and in Derbyshire. Rang the CAMC call centre and managed to bring our stay forward by a day - which was great. However, checked the forecast again later in the morning - and, guess what - strong winds had mysteriously disappeared. No sign of anything untoward, all week!!! Are they just incompetent, or what?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    We were in Newcastle a couple of years ago, mainly to see the bridges and architecture and weren't disappointed. Grand photos at night @Cornersteady.

    Great news @Takethedogalong. A celebration called for.

    Another fun packed day. Shingles jab, second one this morning, then home to collect MiL to return to town for her hair appointment. Whilst waiting for her went to Pharmacy for 1 item that a prescription was sent to them on Wednesday. "We've only just received it" Rubbish but bit my tongue and went off to get some other stuff whilst they made it up. Good job I bit my tongue as they were not only giving me that 1 item but my usual 2 monthly supply, a full 8 days early! Surprised but delighted.

    @nelliethehooker - bit too late for ladder advice as I was up and down it on a regular basis yesterday. Bit awkward to get a flat surface as paving stones in rear are not flat themselves. Slightly raised as decorative in places but we managed to find some using our caravan levelling experience!🤣 Legs feeling it today though as is OH's arms from the work on the drive and her Shingles jab.

    @DSB - you'd miss the festivities and camaraderie if you had December off. Come on, admit it.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    Thank you for all the lovely comments, I must say I'm astonished at the image stabilisation on these new Canon R cameras and lenses, some of them were taken handheld at 0.3 second


    Today was a grey cold day, dark by 3:45 really. Tomorrow though promises to be sunny, so maybe a day out to see the 'world's tallest Christmas tree' at Cragside!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    @milliehull Ooohh, a Piano! There's posh for you boyo as they might say in these parts.😁 Glad you landed safely. I think you might be nice and snug for a while.

    It will be an early night for the pair of us, might have to get Mil to tuck us in. We'll try and fit a day out for us two next week or even a night.

    Hope you all have a pleasant and stress free weekend.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    Grand photos of the Toon, @Cornersteadya, and @milliehull it is looking very much like Christmas over in NI. I am glad you arrived ok and hope you have good time over there.

    @Wherenext your OH didn't let you up a ladder without proper supervision after your previous experience with it did she? Fingers crossed that you manage to get a night away next week. Sleep tight tonight so that by the morning both of you will have gotten over aches and pains, all being well.

    Very pleased to read of your OH's results and that hopefully he is well past the worst, tda. (Still having problems getting your @ to work!😕)

    @DSB you will be at a loss what to do in December should you give up all your conducting, I'm certain. Hope all the concerts go well over the next coup!e of weeks.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    Today started off dull and damp, with low cloud on the nearby hills, but slowly clear up and by the time we had arrived at our next site, near Malvern, all of 21 mls away, it was much brighter, but there has been mist on the top of Malvern Hills all day. It is still cloudy so will be no chance of seeing any of the Geminid meteor shower tonight here. The site is very quiet, just as we like it, with only about 20 Units on, some of which appear unoccupied.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,755
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    Glad all ok with your OH TTDA, Gosh already for xmas in N.I. Milliehull and yes a piano rare to see these days,

    Nelliehooker you are in my part of the world and my mum used to date the GI's there during second world war and there used o be a booklet for sale in the village shop all about Blackmore which I still refer to the sites as that name.

    All quiet here weather was lovely and sunny on Thursday and then back to fog yesterday and today and looks like we will have a wet Xmas hmm.

    Enjoy your weekend folks.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    My MIL had a piano in her best room, quite a few of the grandchildren had piano lessons. Her eldest daughter has it now, in her best room. Her daughter can play it, she had lessons. All I ever managed on a piano was “Three Blind Mice”🤭

    Beautiful morning here. We have just had 10 days worth of post delivered😡 Our lovely postie is tearing his hair out in frustration at it all. I have taken to asking for some items not to be sent via Royal Mail or Parcelforce, the service is so bad.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Crisp morning sunshine when MiL took me for a walk.😁 Unfortunately I forgot my woolly hat and regretted it. Nevertheless we had a pleasant stroll around the village with frequent stops to have a chat with someone. We had a beautiful rainbow over the house when coming home and just managed to avoid the incoming shower

    During the recent Storm Darragh we were fortunate in not losing any power yet last night we had 3 separate power cuts. I know because the landline phone makes a noise when power reconnects. Great at 3 am etc. OH not too good after the shingles jab yesterday but seems to have recovered this morning with just a sore arm.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    .....😀 I know what you mean @nelliethehooker and @Wherenext. Nice decorations @milliehull - we've got the Conservatory done out, but the lounge is very much 'work in progress... 😃


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    We keep our acoustic piano in the study, but, tbh, I tend to use the Roland digital more often as I can connect it to the laptop via midi, for use with Sibelius music software..... but that's another story... 😀

    I know exactly what you mean about the post @Takethedogalong. We seem not to have post for a few days, and then we get a lot of post all at once...


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,508
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    edited December 2024 #61586

    I always wanted a piano, but my parents never relented. So when I was married and I could buy what I wanted (within reason) - I bought one from the local furniture auction for 50p! Needless to say it's not the best quality but it's lovely piece of furniture. It's travelled a few miles - down to my daughter in Leicester, then back up here when she didn't want it. When we moved into this house after the death of my father-in-law, every thing was moved the quarter of a mile via tractor and trailer. Including the piano with someone sitting at it. It's in the sitting room with silver cups on it. I can pick out simple tunes, but that's all.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    We had winterised our caravan, turned everything off and locked it up in late October but then made a last minute decision - we’ve been umming and aaring all week - to visit it again before the winter really sets in. We had planned to go last weekend but didn’t due to predicted flood and the winds. So glad that we went! We didn’t arrive until late on Thursday, M5 was busy and a hold up near Evesham. Walked along the side of the van to see that our shed had blown over!! Fortunately it hit the decking and not the van or it would have done more damage. It was on its side, contents spread everywhere and the doors leaning in. We stood it up on Thursday and then spent Friday moving it back into place, sorting out the contents and OH mending some of the roof, then a visit to B&Q to get the last pack of steel clips to help hold it down. It’s a tin shed that we’ve had for 8 years and others before us but never had a problem before, that was some wind! I guess no one had walked behind, most have packed up and left now so the site didn’t notice it. As I said, thank goodness we went or at the first flood everything would have been washed away or damaged.

    We followed behind you Nellie, as we went to Broadway last evening, it looked beautiful, all the village lit with white lights on every shop and tree. Then on to the Snowshill Arms for a lovely meal by a roaring fire. The place was packed, lots of friendly locals. We’ve been visiting it for the last 35 years and it’s always busy, which is good for a little village pub. Today we went to the Stratford Christmas market. It was heaving, lots of coaches in the car park. Managed to get into our usual cafe for lunch though. Didn’t stay too long as I’ve still got this nasty cold and cough, just can’t shake it off. Packing up early tomorrow and back off home.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    We’ve just laughed, it’s got dark and the pretty lights attached all over the back of our shed have just come on. They are solar lights and we have had them up for about 6 years. We can’t remember where we got them but it would have been a ‘cheap shop’ as didn’t think they’d be there long. The solar plaque is pegged in the ground and they have survived numerous floods one about 4ft deep for a few days and now the shed falling on them. Still looking good.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    It's been cold out today.... visit to the MIL's to take her to the shops - at 92, she doesn't get out on her own. Arrived back and tbere was a car parked outside her house.... a chap scuttled back to the car with an apologetic look... He'd pulled over to take a 'selfie' with the Christmas lights of the house opposite..... unbelievable... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    edited December 2024 #61591

    @DEBSC We were out in the caravan right at the end of November and haven't had the chance to go up to the storeage and empty what needs taking out yet.... We do 'drain down' (etc) after every trip though. I'll try and get up to do it on Monday....
