What are you all up to



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2024 #59612

    Big day tomorrow - it's the annual pilgrimage to Wembley for the rugby league Challenge Cup Final. Sadly no teams from the right/east side of the pennines in the main event this year, but Leeds are in the women's match and Sheffield play Wakefield in the later championship final. A great day's entertainment  - 3 very competitive looking matches - £15 for a seat high up in the stands and return coach travel from Wiltshire to London for under a fiver! surprised

    It'll also be a great opportunity to pay our respects to Rob Burrows - there's going to be a minute's applause 7 minutes into each game  (his playing position was number 7) to remember him.

    Weather looks decent too! smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited June 2024 #59613

    There was a tribute paid to Rob Burrows at the England game last Monday as well, standing ovation. So sad, dying so young, with a lovely young family left behind. But he certainly left an outstanding legacy.

    We have had a thoroughly enjoyable walk along the River Irwell and around the CP here at Burrs. Some great looking wild swimming spots, but you wouldn’t venture in, the river is obviously not free from pollution. Disgusting just how bad water pollution has become these last few years. It was horrendous when we were children, then a real big environmental push saw many waterways cleaned immensely. Seem to be reverting back to poor conditions again☹️🤢

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited June 2024 #59614

    Looks like an interesting triple header, Moulsey. As far as the men’s main event goes I’ll be supporting the Cheshire side. 😇 Although partisan spectators they are always good natured and friendly events, enjoy the day!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited June 2024 #59615

    Some great looking wild swimming spots, but you wouldn’t venture in, the river is obviously not free from pollution

    Mrs WN killing herself laughing. She used to walk to school and crossed over a bridge of the Irwell in Radcliffe, a few miles from Bury. Whenever it flooded, which in winter was quite often all she could see on the  river banks below were packs of rats, intermingled with the odd disused pram etc. So not a good idea for a wild swim, even though the manufacturing base has greatly reduced in that area and technically made the river less polluted.

    We've been out this afternoon viewing potential motorhomes. Might start a "Go fund me" page if anyone has some spare change down the back of the settee.laughing

    It's as well to also remember those members of the forces who both served and still serving in various places around the world, in the Middle East, Asia and Falklands to name just a few areas of conflict.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,145
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    edited June 2024 #59616

    Enjoy your day out Moulesy, it is a real bargain at that price.

    Glad you made it ok to Burrs, tda, and had a nice day out today. Hope your train ride is as interesting as it sounds.

    We had rain this morning prior to us packing up for our latest move, but did manage to get another round of washing done. Thankfully by the time we were ready for the off the rain had stopped although it was still windy. We had to take a detour due to the closure of the Avon Gorge, and then took a wrong turning which resulted us towing further than anticipated. However when we arrived on site the sun had come out and OH was able to get the washing dried outside. We are on another THS, which is on a lawned field  with open views, and tonight there are only 9 other units, mainly caravans unlike the last two we were on where they were outnumbered 2:1, plus the Rally Stewards.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited June 2024 #59617

    Safely arrived in our cottage in Grasmere for our walking week. Lovely walk around the village and there appears to be a Ford Escort rally in the center.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,065
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    edited June 2024 #59618

    We arrived here on site early afternoon while the sun was shining site quite busy but it’s now got a bit cold. Not sure what the plan is tomorrow. Been good to read everyone’s stories of relatives war times memories. We watched all the commemorations on the TV yesterday nice to see King Charles taking such a prominent role.

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited June 2024 #59619

    We did spot a shopping trolley of an unknown vintage🤣 I did a bit of reading about the Irwell, sounds ghastly at some points in history. The foam below the weir gave away the pollution at the moment. Not much in way of wildlife sadly either. Nearly 12,000 incidents of pollution last year alone☹️

    Good luck with the MH hunting👍

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2024 #59620

    Lots of activities in Stubbers this weekend to celebrate D-Day lots of air activity to be topped off at 1600 hrs today by the Red Arrows, will be on my bike down to beach to watch that although they were here on Thursday evening, unfortunately weather not great, very little sun and a strong westerly, but clouds gradually moving away and sun poking thru.

    well they say "it never rains but what it pours" OH fell over yesterday and has broken her wrist quite badly, will need operation which we hope will happen asap next week, never been great on her feet since her stroke, I have to say NHS were totally brilliant, OH fell in road approx 1400 hrs ambulance within 20 minutes, straight to Gosport war memorial hospital, straight into treatment bay, pain killers, xrays, re-alligned the bones, soft plaster cast and a remote consultation with the bone doctor all carried out by nurse practitioner, no doctors available in hospital frownhome by 1800 hrs, couldnt not fault them, fortunately, although she went straight down only a very slight bruise on chin and bruised knees, now we have a race to get her fit by the 15th July when we are due to start our trip north, heres hoping. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited June 2024 #59621

    With an excellent forecast (for the lakes that is) we didn't our usual altitude acclimation and went straight off and did Black Crag and Lingmoor. Coldish but sunny. Local amateur play in the village hall so an excellent end to the day.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited June 2024 #59622

    That’s bad news Rufs. Fingers crossed recovery goes to plan.

    We have had a great afternoon on the train.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited June 2024 #59623

    So sorry to hear of your OH's accident Rufs and really hope that she recovers in time for your trip north. Well done to the NHS on excellent service. Best wishes.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,145
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    edited June 2024 #59624

    Sorry to hear of your OH's fall and broken wrist. Hope that the hospital are swift in getting the operation done and that you both are able to get away as planned, Rufs.

    CS, fingers crossed that the weather is kind for you and you manage to get all your planned works done.

    Rather mixed weather here today, much more reminiscent of April than June. We visited Dundonald Castle this morning and were there just in time for a guided tour. After lunch we dropped into Tesco in Kilmarnock for a few bits of food and to fill up with fuel. During my afternoon walk from the site I came across Fullarton Counrty Park, which we may well explore more fully in the coming days. There are numerous fine wood carvings and especially this one caught my eye. 




  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2024 #59625

    "Sorry to hear of your OH's fall and broken wrist. Hope that the hospital are swift in getting the operation done and that you both are able to get away as planned, Rufs"

    what a brilliant service the NHS is, 2130 hrs last night telephone call from orthopedics Queen Alexander Hospital Portsmouth, if you can get your wife to hospital 0730 hrs today Sunday 9th she will be seen by bone doctor with a view to doing an operation today, as i type she is on her way to hospital with daughter who is a practice nurse, i am useless in hospitals so daughter volunteered, beautiful day in Stubbers just hope we have a great result today, tks to all for your wishes.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited June 2024 #59626

    Wow Rufus what fabulous service from the NHS. Hope it all goes to plan and she makes a good recovery 🤞 for your holiday.

    Beautiful start to the day here weatherwise, but cold wind again. Clouds seem to be gathering again. Still, we have been dry for several days on the trot.

    Village carnival yesterday was a great success. the weather was kind except for the keen wind and an attempt at drizzle. The theme was Wild West, and it was well reflected. Our grandson won best dressed child in the carnival apparently. No further info son puzzled as he didn't know he was entered 😂😂😂. His nursery were cactus 🌵, but the Brownie leader made him a horse and cowboy hat. His mum wore the cactus bib and did his scooter up as his horse, so he scooted all the way.

    Good to see photos and read news. I'm off to walk the dog whilst it's lovely. I know she didn't get much of a walk yesterday.... A good drying day, so might do the bedding but the garden calls - my kind of relaxing...

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,761
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    edited June 2024 #59627

    Sorry to hear about your OH's accident and hope she has a good result today and excellent  that she is having treatment earlier than you thought.

    Great photos Nth and the wood carving is amazing not sure if you saw my photos I put on here last week of Ripple church as I know you like churches, will put some more in the next couple of days.

    Got back from our short trip to Obterre yesterday and it got warmer as we came south and a lot of Dutch cars, caravans and motorhomes on their way and a lot going north, we did stop at Camping Montreal for Friday night and had an awful storm early yesterday 7am to 8am well the pitches were in a bad state already and will be even more and the owners said they wish folk would take care in driving on and off pitches (now where have I heard that before) but we were on a small hardstanding and no problems thankfully but did get there early.

    Glad I did two loads of washing yesterday and it dried very quickly in the sun and heat as it was 31.5C in the afternoon but cooler today and a storm on its way and looks like we may have a period of rain on and off for rest of the month what has happened to summer.


  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited June 2024 #59628

    You are correct it is a brilliant service which many people criticise, but forget that numerous people do actually receive excellent care. 

    Many of us will remember the "Doctor" films in the 50s/60s with the fictional Sir Lancelot Spratt, who treated patients with derision and as little more than ill educated specimins, as that is how many consultants and doctors really did treat patients in those days. 

    After my mother had a mastectomy in 1991, I was astonished when the Consultant from Clatterbridge actually phoned to speak to her about her treatment and of course nowadays it is no longer unusual for patients to be contacted at home.

    Best wishes for your OHs treatment. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited June 2024 #59629

    The NHS is brilliant in some ways but not so in others. At hospital level it is inconsistent which may be due to lack of staff or resources and it is certainly let down in our area by poor admin. The saving grace here is first class primary care.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,065
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    edited June 2024 #59630

    We are not long back from a nice weekend at Ayr Craigie club site had an enjoyable time weather not great but nice to be away in the van. Easy half hour tow home today got van back in it’s space on the drive. We have a lot on over the next three weekends so won’t be away again now until our main 3 week summer trip at the beginning of July. Not much planned for the rest of today 

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited June 2024 #59631

    A great day out at Wembley yesterday. 70000 in the stadium and 3 exciting games to reward them for turning up ... well for the main match anyway. But again it was disappointing how sparse the attendance was for the women's final - those girls are very skillful and it's a pity they still don't get the recognition they deserve.

    Good to see that the minute's silence before each game and the minute's applause 7 minutes in were all impeccably observed - the rugby league family truly coming together to pay tribute to Rob Burrow.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited June 2024 #59632

    Hopefully women’s rugby will benefit from the kind of TV coverage that women’s football now gets M, that is a key factor in attracting live spectators. Women’s football, particularly big finals, and International’s attract very big crowds. 

    We are back home from Burrs. Very nice three nights away, but very cold t’other side of Pennines🥶 Noticeably warmer once we came down off the M62. MH all unpacked, tidied, washing done and drying. Site had emptied a good deal by time we left at 11.59. 

    I have had an hour in garden as well, very dry. Deadheading and watering.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited June 2024 #59633

    We too have had an afternoon in the garden tda. Had to do quite a bit of watering as there has been a very drying wind this week. I also did quite a bit of cutting back and deadheading. Brought some flowers indoors to put in a vase. As we are going away at the weekend I thought we might as well enjoy them indoors and it would save too much deadheading when we get back. Glad you had a good weekend away.

    There was a great display of Jaguar cars on the Cathedral green today, both old and new. Some really lovely cars there. OH had a wonderful time browsing round them. After a lovely sunny start to the day it quickly changed to very cloudy and grey with a very chilly breeze.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,145
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    edited June 2024 #59634

    We are back home from Burrs. Very nice three nights away, but very cold t’other side of Pennines🥶 Noticeably warmer once we came down off the M62. MH all unpacked, tidied, washing done and drying. Site had emptied a good deal by time we left at 11.59. 

    You definitely made the most of your time on Burrs, tda!laughing Glad you had a good time and hope that the railway experience lived up to expectations.

    Hve a pleasant trip away, Millie, is it back to the Norfolk coast or Yorkshire?

    RK, I did see your photos, and said to OH we should definitely visit that church next time we are down that way.

    Great service from your NHS Rufs. Hope that the operation went without a hitch.

    Moulesy and Francis you both appear to have had a grand weekends.

    There weather here was mainly dry, after a wet night, and the sun was out for much of the day. Although the wind has died down somewhat it is still rather chilly. After a morning walk around Fullerton Estate to Crosbie Old Kirkyard, we had another walk on the beach at South Bay, Troon in the afternoon. At the Royal Troon Golf Club the preparation for The British Open, in July, are well under way.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited June 2024 #59635

    Since we sold the motorhome we have been trying to sort out all the gubbins we have left! Whilst I left a lot in the motorhome we still have a few bits an pieces to dispose of. Those bits we wish to sell have been split into two categories, high and low value. Thus far I have had more luck with the higher priced items which have been sold via a motorhome Facebook Group. The lower priced items have been put on Market Place. Sold a couple of bits but no joy with the majority. I think I have been realistic with the lower priced items but I can see that they may end up being given away or thrown away which will be a shame. I have not bothered with EBAY as its just not worth it with the lower priced items. I suppose no hurry to get rid of things and perhaps I should be more patient?



  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited June 2024 #59636

    "Great service from your NHS Rufs. Hope that the operation went without a hitch."

    OH & daughter at hospital 0700 hrs yesterday did not get home until 2100 hrs, daughter said it was very very busy and OH kept getting pushed to back of queue as many emergency cases to deal with, but hey ho 3hrs operation screws & plates but operation looks to have been succesful only time will tell, luckily hospital has had a refurb which includes and new M&S so good food available, also able to use blue badge, parking would have been £15. What a grim morning, dark clouds, rain and very cold yell

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited June 2024 #59637

    Rufus good news about your OH. Must have been a drag but at least there was a good result. Fingers crossed for a swift healing process. M&S in hospital was my saviour when OH in for 3 months. (Not one in our new local hospital 😪)

    We have woken to a wet morning, moisture is needed but not too much thank you, after drying winds. Welcome to our world of grey dark clouds and cold. We've had a couple of decent starts but reverted to type swiftky, generally before mid morning. 

    I did manage some gardening but top layer like concrete, moisture below, thus progress was very slow. Got about twice what I did yesterday to do on the borders. Plus some planting of cosmos.

    Have got blooms on my sweetpeas, always makes me happy. And buds on my morning glory. 😁

    We're on the 2nd broods of starlings and sparrows. Baby robins and blackbird birds probably 2nd broods. Shocked to find a squirrel on the bird feeders the other day. Not seen any in the garden since we moved so will have to find the squirrel proof feeders again and clean them up. Previous folk left their bird feeders, they're RSPB ones. I believe someone has closed their dovecote as we regularly get white and posh pigeons feeding. They are beautiful but very hungry and 10 at a time get through lots of food 😱

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited June 2024 #59638

    I didn't realise that you had sold your motorhome DavidK. I must have missed that post.  When we sold our caravan we and our DIL sold a lot of things on various Facebook selling sites and got very good prices.  We were then left with the smaller, cheaper items which we eventually put on Freecycle. The people who came to collect them were all very grateful. Mostly young, first time caravanners just starting out so it was good to help them.

    Bakers2 Our local hospital might not have an M&S food but it does have a very good restaurant/cafe upstairs that daughter and I discovered when OH was in hospital various times last year. Their fruit and veg stall just outside the main entrance is very good also. Well done to your grandson on  winning the fancy dress at your local village event. We too have lots blackbirds and very noisy and argumentative starlings on our bird feeders. We hadn't seen any starlings for quite a while so it is good to see them back. 

    It is grey, wet and chilly here this morning but daughter has just messaged me to say that our SIL who is on a school trip to Spain (as a teacher not a pupil laughing) has just messaged her to say that it is raining in Spain.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited June 2024 #59639

    I didn’t know you had sold your motorhome David, I do remember you saying that you had both been considering it.  I don’t look in here very often so often miss stuff.  When we sold our caravan, rightly or wrongly we did leave some of the smaller items in with it!  Partly because we didn’t want the hassle of getting rid!  Like you we sold the larger items quite easily.  We did have some success with Gumtree, is that similar to Market Place?  Some items did end up at the local recycling tip though.  Good luck.

    Sorry to hear about your OH Rufs.  Glad she has been helped so quickly by the NHS, do hope she heals soon although I’m sure it’s going to be a bit sore for a while.  

    Since we got back from Macau (4 weeks ago now) OH has been poorly with Bronchitis and had antibiotics, then he got 2 eye infections antibiotic cream for that!  He seems to be over the worst now but still has a cough.  I think we did have a busy 6 weeks and our immune system got a battering from the little grandchildren, who had colds and viruses we aren’t used to!!!   It was good to spend some proper time with them but we have been glad of the rest since coming home.  

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited June 2024 #59640

    I’m afraid that as we had the little ones for a couple of weeks on our own ( and needed a breather occasionally!🤣) we resorted to a bit more screen time than Mum and Dad would allow!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited June 2024 #59641

     Much as we love spending time with our 2, ages 3 and 6, they can get a bit overwhelming at times!   We have been seeing them quite a bit recently, so it was good to have a “day off” on Saturday, we stayed in bed till almost 10am.

    Today however we have been busy baking biscuits, must be at least 120 of them.   DD has volunteered to run a baking stall to raise money for the new playground equipment at Callum’s school, so has roped us in too.   Must be several years since we did any baking other than putting on the bread machine!

    The sale is on Friday afternoon, so today we have done the biscuits as they will keep OK, then on Thursday we are to be baking scones.  She has done various other biscuits and cakes.   Just hope she sells a lot of stuff, otherwise we will be eating biscuits and cakes for weeks.

     Must remember we need to get change from the bank for her on Friday morning.

    Picked up our new luggage on Sunday for our trip to Norway, hope the cases will survive the trips!