What are you all up to



  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59432

    Thanks for that Millie. I should have mentioned, when visiting a city, we generally look for a Park & Ride facility. Not sure when we might visit, but unusually we haven’t got much booked this year, so it’s looking on the cards 👍

  • Cartledge
    Cartledge Club Member Posts: 267
    edited May 2024 #59433

    So, what are we up to?

    This weekend Friday to Tuesday, is the Spring Fellowship rally of ICFR, the International Caravanning Fellowship of Rotarians on Stratford upon Avon Racecourse. We have 55 units, (and contents) enjoying wonderful company, food and entertainment for four days. So good to meet up with old friends and make new ones, with like-minded people. Come and join us, you will receive a very warm welcome. ICFR runs around 25 rallies a year, as small as 15 units to our Spring and Autumn Fellowship events which might do 60 units. Not overly organised so plenty to do on your own during the day or just chill with friends. This week we had a presentation on Shakespeare (inevitable) a rock band, and a local choir tonight.

    Rallies are organised overseas too, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and others and in Australia, NZ, South Africa too.

    Come and join us, we are just a social group of caravaners, who mostly happen to be Rotarians. No obligation, come and give us a try. Look at our ICFR Facebook pages and our website.

    Best wishes


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited May 2024 #59434

    Went to IKEA today. They seem to have changed their coffee arrangements. In the past we have just paid for coffee gone to the machine and filled up with we usually have. But now it seems you have to specify the type of coffee and you get a QR to scan at the coffee maker. Not sure why the change as seemingly you can still go back for more? 

    Another strange thing with IKEA is that a few weeks ago I was told my Family Card had been cancelled through lack of use, odd that we only used it about a month ago. I did do a new one and added it to my phone wallet. However today Margaret successfully used the old card, all very odd.


  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59435

    Arrived at Abbey Wood today. Surprisingly, the M25 was relatively light so only took around 3 hours from Bristol. Tomorrow isn’t looking great, weather wise, so not sure what the plan is, might have a look around Greenwich. We’ll visit the Tower Of London on Wednesday.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited May 2024 #59436

    IKEA..... that's very brave of you David...  🤣🤣🤣  I quite like the stuff we have bought from IKEA  but the shop does put me off.  When I go shopping, I like to go straight for what I want.  I know there are short cuts, but it always seems to take an age to get to the tills...

    On the rare occasions I go to the supermarket - Carol usually goes - I usually end up by flagging down an assistant to help me find what I want.  I did get a really funny look from an assistant last time I went.  I was in the 'toilet roll aisle' and there was a young lady filling up the shelves.  I was after toilet roll for the caravan.  She did seem taken aback when I went up to her and said.... "Oooo! You're the toilet roll expert!  Could you tell me which toilet roll has the thinnest sheets?"  🤣🤣🤣


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited May 2024 #59437

    I assume all IKEA stores are the same? There has always been two ways round, the long way and the short way depending on whether you are shopping for large items or accessories. If you can't make up your mind they are very clever by placing the cafe in between the two so you can have a coffee whilst you decide! We enjoy having a general browse although as a former shop keeper I am not sure they always use a logical way of displaying their goods. If I want a light bulb I want them all in the same place rather than looking all over the lighting department. I don't think we have ever escaped from IKEA without buying something we probably didn't need!!!


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59438

    Wonderful place to explore is Greenwich. From the Old Naval College to the museum of time to the top of Greenwich Hill for a great view of London plus good pubs and shops in Greenwich itself. Enjoy it Freddy.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited May 2024 #59439

    Talking of buying things that you don’t really need...We are both feeling a bit better and fed up with being stuck in, and now testing negative, we decided on a short trip to B&M and Homebase, both near to each other. Instructions before we went were, ‘no more plants, the garden is full.’ So no plants but, solar lights for the path, a solar Sun for a wall, and 2 solar dragonflies. I needed a new pot for a new acer and they were buy 1 get 1 half price in Homebase, bargain, so 2 new big pots. I’ve just put them all out and OH asked what I will put in the extra pot, without thinking I said, ‘oh I’ll buy more plants’. He wasn’t amused.

    One of our granddaughters passed her driving test today, our first grandchild to drive. She was so happy but then realised she had only put 500 miles per annum in her previous insurance quote, when she upped the mileage they obviously upped the price, Now not able to afford it her mood dropped like a stone. Nan & Grandad came to the rescue and helped out, which she was very appreciative of. Couldn’t believe some of the quoted prices. After some searching she has insurance with a box in the car, which we think is a good idea, she is sensible but this is, hopefully, extra peace of mind.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited May 2024 #59440

    We last did Tower of London 15 years ago, and did it via a very nice river cruise. Got in via Tesco vouchers. Really enjoyed it, and there was an extra exhibition on down from Royal Armouries Museum. One of the tower’s has some of the best “graffiti” we have ever seen. Carved into the soft walls, some of the famous prisoners from various reigns.

    Lots of rain here this morning, so our terrace is on hold, but a very nice afternoon. I have been pottering around pricking out seedlings in greenhouse, tidying up a few pots.

    OH has got us tickets to The Bike Show at the NEC in June, thanks go to WN for the tip off about the free tickets👏👍

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited May 2024 #59441

    Enjoyed a trip to Portmeirion today. Haven’t been there since I was about nine years old whilst on a caravanning holiday with my parents. It hasn’t changed much from what I remember. We were then staying on Mochras which at that time was like a CL with only a handful of vans/tents allowed.

    Yes, Portmeirion is quirky and has that certain false feeling about it but it seems to have achieved and maintained this with some degree of decorum and style.  The grounds, beaches, walks and vistas from the village, which look across Bae Tremadoc, are absolutely stunning. Specimen trees and flora have been planted and make for a pleasant stroll. We departed with ‘be seeing you’ ringing in our ears!

    We finished the day with a visit to the Glaslyn Ospreys. The sun shone and the birds put on a show for us. Recommended. Loved it.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited May 2024 #59442

    Another two fine days on the Monday coast. Yesterday we visited the Spey Bay Dolphin centre, and was fortunate to see an Osprey feeding near the mouth of the river, but no signs of the dolpins. 

    This morning we walked the coastal path from the village to Portknockie and back, before having lunch down by the shore at Sandy Creek. A second walk around the harbour followed.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited May 2024 #59443

    Dropped Mrs One in Aylsham where she travelled home by bus pass. Meanwhile I drove cross country to Rookesbury Park.had a real in a large lay-by just outside of Oxford, started to drive off and as I was joining the A34 the dash lit up like a pin ball table, car initially lacked power but eventually it perked up.  When it settled down the only light on the dash was ABS so I guess it’s a sensor.

    A lot of rain on the way down and sudden temperature drop from 22C to 14C.

    I guess Rookesbury is only half full at the moment.  As I’m travelling by myself the price was better than local CLs 

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59444

    Thanks 👍 We had a few downpours overnight, but just cloudy this morning so decided to take a chance and visit the Tower Of London. We joined a tour with one of the Beefeaters, very informative and amusing. I had no idea it was such a large area, the exhibits are something to behold, very impressive. We didn’t get to see everything as SWMBO is struggling with her hip, fingers crossed she will be ok for another toddle tomorrow, which is earmarked for a trip to Greenwich. As an aside, I’m always impressed by the transport network here, fast and efficient, oh for something similar in Bristol.  

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59445

    Yes. I had to replace both of my rear ABS sensors, as I was getting a whole range of alerts (on screen) that on the face of it, were only vaguely related. All ok now.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited May 2024 #59446

    Can highly recommend a visit to the National Slate Museum at Llanberis, if you are in area. Very interesting. Dolbadarn Castle is close by, with stunning views.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited May 2024 #59447

    Something I meant to post a while ago. If anyone is like me, with foot issues and has trouble finding nice shoes, without killer heels, suitable for weddings, special occasions etc…. then I can highly recommend this company…..


    I bought a pair of blue suede shoes, with heels, and trimmed them up a little more for a wedding in March. Wore them all day, without my custom insoles, and they were very comfy. I don’t like all the styles, but they are so different, superb quality, and the company are a dream to order from. Intend getting more, as I need. If this helps others, then that’s good👍😁 You get a hefty 20% off your first order as well.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited May 2024 #59448

    At long last got my appointment through for the x-rays on my knees. About four weeks after seeing my doctor and no appointment I decided to ring the x-ray department at MK Hospital. The young lady on the phone informed me that they had not received any request from my doctor for an x-ray!!!! Phoned the surgery, with a promise that someone would ring me back, didn't happen. On our online system we can see quite a lot of information now and whilst I could see the the doctor flagged up the request it clearly had not been actioned. Went back online the following day and I could see that the request had been sent to the hospital so someone had slipped up? Full marks to MK Hospital for dealing with it quite quickly. Had I not checked I wonder how long it would have been before someone noticed?


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59449

    Had 3 full on days, mainly of restocking plants for the garden and part of the time taken up with making space for them.

    Whilst Forget-me-Nots are colourful and plentiful they have come to their end so some Annuals and Perennials chosen and installed, under MiLs beady eye. Actually she's invaluable. Her father was head gardener at a "House" in Scotland but WWii put paid to that so she's accumulated a lot of knowledge and our go to garden nerd.laughing

    Some bathroom tiling maintenance and general shopping for food and clothes has kept all of us busy.

    Hope one and all are well, particularly DEBSC and OH.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited May 2024 #59451

    Hot, breathless 10 mile hike around the headland looking out to Ynys Enlli. (Bardsey Island)  Stunning scenery. A short part of the coastal walk was closed meaning a longer detour but well worth the effort. Thanks for the tip about the slate mines TtDA but we have done these before and agree with you, very informative., 

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59452

    Visited Greenwich today. It is indeed a lovely spot WN 👍 After a look around the market, we sat and had a drink at Gipsy Moth, a pub adjacent to the Cutty Sark, really nice with the sunshine. From there we went to the Maritime Museum. A bit disappointed TBH, but highlighted with a ‘joining in’ with a sea shanty. First and last time I’ll be singing in public 😬 I would have liked to have visited the Royal Observatory but by this time Mrs Freddy was struggling. To be fair, it looked like something of a climb up the hill. Blimey, it doesn’t seem that long ago we were walking up Scafell Pike🙁

    Tomorrow (our last day here) we’re going to the Imperial War Museum.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59453

    Hiya David. I fear that the NHS is in a sorry state. My OH has been struggling for quite some time and is pretty much in constant pain. Problems with her hip, knees and neck, possibly all connected. She’s done the physio thing and is awaiting an appointment with the skeletal dept. It might be that a hip replacement is on the cards, gawd knows how long that might take. 
    As for getting an appointment with the doctor, we have to jump through hoops to get one, it’s all done online now. I remember when home visits were the norm. We’ve also experienced issues with prescriptions getting lost in the system. All this said, I don’t blame the doctors, I can understand that they must be under tremendous pressure, too many patients, too few doctors. Incidentally, our local practice is under threat of closure, due to lack of funds. I wrote to our MP two months ago, raising my concerns. I’ve had no response.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited May 2024 #59454

    Freddy - it sound like your OH is in the same position as my wife, Carol.  So much pain, she can hardly sleep - and so many pain killers.  They won't even consider hip replacement until she has lost some weight.  She has problems with her back and knees too - and a wrist op probably sometime in the summer.  Arthritis is taking its toll on many at the moment.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,187
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    edited May 2024 #59455


    I think there was clearly a slip up by my surgery in that an instruction wasn't actioned which caused a four week delay. In fairness to MK Hospital they acted PDQ once they had the instruction. I had a hip replacement in 2010 and once the decision was made it was done within 3 months. Margaret has been told she needs a hip replacement and she is currently in quite a lot of pain. She has been sent to a private medical company by her surgery, initially we thought to have a steroid injection in her hip but when she got to the appointment she was told it was pointless and it wouldn't help and it was then she was told she needed a replacement. Interestingly this company have their own hospital in MK and she could be treated there and it might only take 5/6 weeks. But, there is always a but, as she has had bypass surgery they might not be willing to undertake the operation because they have no emergency facilities and if she has to have it done at MK Hospital it could be as long as a year. Margaret is also waiting for her second Carpal Tunnel operation which we thought would be just after Easter but that hasn't materialised as yet. I think the trouble with MK is that a large proportion of the population moved here in the late seventies/early eighties and its a bit like a reverse baby boom, we are all in our seventies and eighties now so probably putting a disproportionate strain on the Orthopedic teams!!! I hope people don't have to wait too long for their ops


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited May 2024 #59456

    Lovely morning visiting Harlech and the castle. Another reminiscent trip. Took some photos before the rains came from the tower looking up into the mountains, shopping now calls and a restful afternoon with feet up searching for wildlife spotting venues. Hoping the weather improves!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59457

    Micky, If you head down to Llanbedr, just south of Harlech and go up the Afon Artro valley it can be rewarding for seeing Grey Wagtails and Dippers in the river and Pied Flycatchers and Wood Warblers among other warblers in the woods.

    If you want a decent estuary then head to Penmaenpool as there's a disused railway line which is a walkway now. The RSPB has a hide, or used to, overlooking the estuary. Again, there should be warblers in the adjacent trees.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited May 2024 #59458

    Now there is a very special memory, Wherenext. Caught my first brownie on the Artro under the guidance of my father on a Peter Ross. Like most fish I went on to catch in my life it was lovingly returned to fight another day. Some years later on the same river, as a teenager, I caught my first sea trout, again with my father. We fished from late afternoon to almost totally darkness. This time the fish we caught became supper and beautiful they were too, cooked over a camp fire of collected drift wood. 

    Yes, we aim to visit again in the next few days. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,761
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    edited May 2024 #59459

    Now back home and catching up with chores washing and as it was dry today have made a start on the mowing and strimming as grass about 1 foot tall but taller in some areas OH did some with ride on and I did some with small petrol mower and strimmer what we have done looks a lot better but a lot more to do so will wait for another dry day as storms forecast for a few more days and now raining.

    Car needs a clean but again weather needs to improve.

    A lot of Swallows around here today lovely to hear them calling.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited May 2024 #59460

    After a pleasant showdown Strathbogie and The Howe of Alford we arrived at the C&CC's director find it nearly empty! Even after some units coming in off the road there are only 8  occupied ones on site!! At least it is nice and quiet, which suits us just fine. It has been another lovely sunny warm day, and sat outside in the early evening I, with help from my Merlin Bird app, heard the calls of at least 16 different bird species, and although none out of the ordinary, it did  include a rather vocal Tawny Owl.





  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited May 2024 #59461

    We visited the Imperial War Museum today, as planned. Made the mistake of going by bus. It’s not that far away from site, but getting there took well over two hours. Outside the museum are two 15” guns that were used on the Dreadnought class destroyers, WW1 era. They are absolutely enormous! Entry to the museum is free, although you are encouraged to make a donation. Inside, the exhibits are quite impressive, among others, I was quite taken with the cutaway Merlin engine, incredible engineering. There are lots of personal accounts and actual footage of various battles and events. Lots of poignant stuff too. If one wanted to take it all in, it would be easy to spend the best part of a whole day there, it’s really well presented. I can thoroughly recommend a visit, just take the train (underground)!