What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,437
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    edited May 2024 #59372

    We love old French cars RK. Family have had a few Citroens down the years, Dyanes, Ami’s, more modern ones. I once had a ride in a fantastic old DS, had gone to London with a chum, and her Uncle picked us up from station in it. He was a chauffeur, his day job was driving Roger Moore and Tony Curtis around while they were filming The Persuaders. I don’t do well in Citroens, because of the suspension. Too soft for my delicate innards.😬

    Hope others are ok, enjoying some dry weather. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59373

    Good to hear all of the news from travellers out and about. Congrats on your total collected Moulesy.

    We spent a good deal of yesterday in and around the garden/s. Cleared a lot of moss off the flags before power washing them, (and me 😅). OH, on weeding duty,  complained about amount of water finding its way into the borders but couldn't be helped. Did some spraying for weeds and ants. Wish the ants would keep to the soil rather than coming into the house.

    Up early this morning as I slept well. Not a sole at McDs takeaway window as I passed just gone 8 a.m. Quite amazing. Tesco's very quiet at that time as well.

    Lovely sunny afternoon. Just got back from a walk. Hopefully those thunderstorms will stay away.

    Hope most of you are getting some decent weather.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited May 2024 #59374

    Quite similar  to DD’s experience David, she moved  in in December 2003, was 8 years dong a B.Sc then a Ph.D before starting her present job in 2011 and moving to a house with garden and parking in December 2013.

    2003 was pretty much top of the market in the West End of Glasgow, and even by 2013 prices had not recovered well enough to merit selling.  She has let the flat unfurnished,  but with integrated appliances, so those have been the problem items.  First tenant was fine, but the now ex tenants were an Italian family of 4, who were quite a bit of hassle.

      She was actually keen to give them notice, but Scottish Gov policies made it impossible for a few years plus rent increases were banned then capped. They fell well behind with rent during Covid, and she felt sorry for them so reduced the rent for 12 months, so the place has barely been breaking even.    It has all been very stressful for her and the mess they left was just the last,  totally unexpected, straw.

    Ideally she will sell, but it may not be easy now prices have slipped again and mortgages gone up.

    It will be pretty easy to rent out if she accepts a couple of students as only a 5 minute walk to the University, but that would mean putting in furniture as well as covering all the painting and repairs……..and who knows how the students may behave!!

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2024 #59375

    Woke up to another glorious sunny morning, warm enough for an alfresco breakfast,  though it clouded over by lunchtime and we had a few showers this afternoon. 

    In case I've given the impression that the only place of interest in the village is the pub, there is also a small congregational Chapel, built in 1844 by the villagers after the arrival of a new and unpopular vicar, and the original village stocks.

    And, of course, there are the views - the last one is directly outside our cottage.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2024 #59376

    Mmm... not quite sure why that came up as a quote? undecided

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited May 2024 #59377

    Been a good day here today I went out a nice 15 mile cycle this morning along a very nice route all traffic free directly from the site  After a quick lunch we took a drive to the coast to visit Seaton Carew not really much there but it was nice for a walk along the shore front lots of people out enjoying the nice weather. Took the scenic route back to the site and now cooking some chicken on the Cadac not a bad evening so we are sitting out in the awning. Not much planned tonight just watch the snooker final but with the score as it is I doubt it will be on long tonight 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited May 2024 #59378

    We're still at Conkers C&CC site.  Another lovely day, but a few spots of rain, around 5.30pm, has meant I've kept the lid on the Cadac this evening, and we've cooked and ate in the 'van.  It's gone a little cooler too, still with the occasional spot of rain.  The weather has been brilliant this weekend though, so not complaining.  Site has empied quite a lot now, but we (and most of our friends) are here until Wednesday.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited May 2024 #59379

    Good to read everyone's news and to hear that those out and about are having a good time. Your setter walk sounds a great success moulesy and the views from your cottage are wonderful. Pleased to hear that your MIL is making steady progress WN and that you and your OH are able to go out for and hour or two occasionally. She certainly sounds a plucky lady.

    We havent done anything of note this week. OH got his new glasses from Specsavers and my goodness the footfall in town has decreased since M&S closed their city centre store last week. It was very quiet. We then went to the Boots store in an out of town shopping centre for our covid jabs ( the Boots in town werent doing them for some rea⁰son) and it was busy there. Could it have anything to do with the fact that parking is free there I wonder 🤔. We have had a very pleasant weekend. I did a guided tour of the Cathedral on Saturday morning (despite the reasonably mild weather it was still  cold in there!) and the rest of the weekend we have spent in the garden either working or sitting and enjoying it which has been wonderful after all the dreadful weather during the past months. Hope everyone else has had a good weekend.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited May 2024 #59380

    Looks like a good day out, tda, Thoresby Hall is not a place we have visited, so made a note of it for a future investigation.

    I think you have the pick of the weather this weekend, Moulesy, reading others posts.

    Things seem to be progressing nicely with your MIL, WN, which is good to read. 

    Today started off a little damp and cloudy, but we were able to get packed up in the dry and had an easy drive up to our next site, the C&CC's one at Nairn. The site manager said that they had been quite busy, but not full, over the weekend, but now it is quiet with less than 20 units pitched up, just the way we like it.laughing

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited May 2024 #59381

    I would think that the parking situation has a lot to do with it Millie!

    Our nearest M&S is in the local shopping precinct, the now pedestrianised former Main Street, but it has its own car park which is not very big but is free for 2 hours, it is always stuffed, while the car parks operated by the council sit empty as they have charges.

    We also have a small retail park about a 5 minute walk from the Main Street where there is a Waitrose, an Aldi and a Home  Bargains, and plenty of parking.  Next to it is an empty site, formerly a car dealership.  M&S wanted to build a new, bigger store there but have been refused planning permission by the council as they fear it would lead to much less footfall in the   Main Street, and the decline of the shopping precinct.

    They seem oblivious to the fact that it is their decision to charge for any period of parking that has already led to the decline.  Who wants to pay £2 just to go to the cash machine at the bank?  Or the library?   Or an extra £5 to go for lunch in a local restaurant?  When they started charging the first 2 hours were free, then it was cut to 1 hour, and now they charge for it all.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited May 2024 #59382

    We landed in Wales yesterday in glorious sunshine ☀ had a really good journey, the roads were actually quiet for a bank holiday. Didn't do very much in the afternoon a quick trip into Abergavenny and a walk. Then just enjoyed being able to sit out in some warm sunshine for a change.🙂

    Pleased your setter walk went well Moulesy

    Lovely to read all the news about days out and trips, some great photos too.

    Millie our town centre m&s also closed along with lots of the shops in the shopping centre so it's a bit if a ghost town now, the large retail park near the motorway however with an M&S is always really busy,but then it's also free parking.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited May 2024 #59383

    Yes, KjellNN it cost us £4 to park when we went to fetch OH's glass which I thought very steep. I always used to catch the bus into town but they reduced the timetable during covid and now they are much less frequent and not terribly reliable so they are not doing themselves any favours.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited May 2024 #59384

    Hope you have a wonderful time in Wales Helen. The weather forecast looks good for the week ahead so you should be able to enjoy more sitting out in the sun😎


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited May 2024 #59385

    When we went to meet our Grandson at Leamington last week OH noticed a large very impressive glass topped shopping centre in the town. After lunch he wanted to look at it so we walked over, it must have cost a lot to build but most of the shops inside were empty, like a ghost town inside, such a shame. Lots of independent shops in the road outside though, we always find free parking in the back streets there as well. I would agree with Millie, once M&S have moved out most towns pretty much die. We went to Banbury recently, M&S moved out and then many others closed down not worth the visit now and we won’t go again. I miss Debenhams, I used to buy my clothes there, not so good online.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited May 2024 #59386

    We had 2 large M&S stores in Glasgow city centre, also several smaller Simply Food ones, both the ones in the suburbs near us are only food halls.

    One of the city centre stores has recently closed down, but there are also at least 4 out of town full stores in shopping centres with free parking and plenty of other shops and eating places, they are always busy, but so much nicer to visit as there is cover from the rain and plenty of parking.

    Not many buses come near where we live, a car is more or less essential for shopping.   We certainly could not stay where we are without our own transport.    20 years back we always drove into town if we needed to be there, but now the parking cost is huge so we drive to our daughter’s house then take the bus…..free these days.  That is fine if you are not buying food, or anything heavy, but not otherwise.  We rarely venture into the city centre now.

    No doubt the footfall is less when many people are now working from home, certainly many eating places have suffered, but there were a lot of them before and we always wondered how they could all make money.   The best thing the councils could do to rejuvenate the city and town centres is to make parking less expensive, even free, but to have some limits on length of stay.

    Locally, the spaces near the shops were mainly occupied by the shop owners and workers, getting a space was difficult.  Charging was introduced, but with the first 2 hours free.  Finally shoppers were able to park, it was great.

    But then the council got greedy, cut it to 1 hour free, then none.  The council car parks now sit empty, the nearby side streets are all parked up, Tesco, M&S, etc car parks are occupied by many not shopping in their stores, though they have time limits so you can get a space eventually.

    With no decent public transport, people are not going to give up using their cars, but they will go where they feel more welcome!




  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2024 #59387

    Nothing exciting happening here, but this photo was taken this morming. A few of the Bluebells in our wood.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited May 2024 #59388

    Good to read folks news.

    Goldie beautiful bluebells. I was surprised when I had another walk to a Bluebell wood that there's still a pretty good show. They were beautiful on 11 April and fading a bit on 4 May. The weather must have suited them.

    It's grey and dreary again here. The weekend was very reasonable, especially for a bank holiday! Several gardening jobs sorted. Treated grass looks great but needs cutting more often and is very lush..... There's always a downside! Borders are beautiful but forget me nots fading so delaying any weeding until its all combined as one job.

    Not much to report here, just preparing for bathroom and cloakroom refit starting Thursday 🤞. So emptying and putting only essentials back. Did a round robin trip, charity shop, out of date meds, old batteries drop offs. Plus drop off to son of bits I collected for them from our village. Just finished lunch. OH having his feet seen to.

    Uninspired to do much so will continue with knitting for 'Tiny'. Did shorten a sun dress yesterday, been hanging around for weeks - can't believe I'll get to wear it anytime soon. I find I have to shorten so much as designers seem to think we're all 8 foot tall...... I have already shortened a summer dress,both from last year. I have a pair of curtains to shortened, but requires space and effort. Baby clothes it is. Might need to pop the heating up a bit 😢.

    Milliehull I've not been into the city since M&S closed,I was there the day before it did 😢😢. It all looked very sad then. The one where we all have to go now has so little parking....... I'm grateful our nearest shopping centre has the M&S Food. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59389

    Had a bit of a fright over the weekend. We have 2 identical ISAs with the same provider, both due to mature this month. I received an email giving me notice and options but somehow Mrs. WN didn't.

    This raised alarm bells but due to it being Sunday and BH we couldn't get through as they were shut. She rang first thing this morning. For some reason they didn't have (the same) email, or in fact any email, as mine so are using Snail Mail. Phew.

    Went to B&Q this morning. They're becoming a waste of time lately and so it proved today.

    Off to AbleWorld to look at walking sticks for MiL.

    Enjoy your break Helen. 

    Must do some emails when I get back.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited May 2024 #59390

    bakers2 when that car park is busy I sometimes park in Morrisons car park and walk through. Also that car park is easier to drive out with the traffic lights when there is a lot of traffic.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited May 2024 #59391

    Good day again today out this morning and done a 15 mile cycle then this afternoon we took a drive down the coast to Whitby very busy but as usual excellent one of our favourite places to visit so we took a walk along the sea wall a bit cold but still nice and plenty of boats coming in and out of the harbour. Came back to the van and went to the pub just outside the site for a pint and a lovely meal saved us cooking. Nice day all round.

    Glad everyone else seems to be having a nice time 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited May 2024 #59392

    Arrived at Skybarn Farm CL, near Lincoln, yesterday afternoon.  First time, since about last August when we arrived anywhere without having to dry a wet, soggy towing cover! Glorious sunshine all afternoon giving me the opportunity to try out the new portable solar panel by way of reducing our electricity consumption now that meters have been installed.  Seems to be working well. Although we've brought the inflatable awning, for the first time, just made do with the Thule canopy which made setting up so simple and since the forecast predicts mostly dry weather, don't think we'll bother with the awning. Nicola has also upgraded their free Wifi and I couldn't believe it when I checked the speed, yesterday - 80Mbps download!!  No point in bothering with setting mine up - it won't match those speedssmile

    On the subject of car parking, I certainly agree that charging affects footfall because our little home seaside town of Hornsea is heaving in the summer - mainly due to there being loads of free parking.  Although the main car parks close to the sea front are 'Pay and Display', others in the centre have between one and three hours free and there is one on the sea front at the northern extremity which is free all day. There are probably only a couple of empty shops in the town and the cafes and other small businesses are thriving - which is good to see although it does mean having to put up with traffic congestion all summer!

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited May 2024 #59393

    Excellent day today weather has been wonderful so we spent a pleasant hour this morning sitting outside the van then made our way up to Newcastle. We parked just outside the city and walked in along the quayside which was really nice we then had lunch in the Wetherspoons on the quayside then had a walk through the city centre which was very lively today not like last time we were there when the place was deserted. Walked up to St James Park stadium to visit the shop then had a pint in the sun outside Shearers Bar spent a pleasant hour there watching the world go by. Now back at the van site has got a bit busier but still quiet for this time of year although I suspect it will be busier again by the weekend 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited May 2024 #59394

    Good weather for RandR and Francis.  Nice to see it spread around.

    I was in charge this morning as OH had a hair appointment in town so I accompanied or chaperoned more like the MiL on her walk to the old football field, about 440 yards from the house, slightly uphill where we rested on the barrier gate before walking back. I seemed to pass the test.🤣

    She had her weekly visit from a friend this afternoon so we escaped for a couple of hours. Drove to Flint Castle and walked westward along the coastal path for an hour before returning the same way. Lovely and warm.

    Have my 6 monthly consultation tomorrow. A lot to discuss so am glad in a way, for once, that I'm not postponing it this time.

    Hope everyone else still enjoying the weather.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,761
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    edited May 2024 #59395

    Glad folks enjoying the sunny and warm weather, just got back to cottage after a few hours at RHS Malvern Spring Show which was great plenty to look at but no buying of plants only bought 1 thing a bamboo collapsible bowl for the caravan with a owl carved on the handle, enjoyed chatting to folks about gardens and the weather but it was quite warm for Malvern and great views of the hills.

    Car nearly packed just a few things to put in the morning as we sail back tomorrow evening had a great holiday except my sciatica has been playing up put it down to uncomfortable chairs in the cottage, but easier today as moved onto a different chair.

    Have had better weather here than home makes a change.

    Enjoy your weekend folks.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited May 2024 #59397

    Been another lovely sunny day here today think we hit it lucky with this week only rained once since we arrived on Saturday. Today we went to Thornton Le Dale to visit Mathewsons classic cars we love visiting there always interesting even met and got a pic taken with Derek from Bangers and a cash such a nice man had time for everyone. Then headed in to Pickering where SWMBO went a wander round the shops. Now back at the van sitting out with a beer and some chops cooking away on the Cadac site filling up again now I suspect it will be quite busy again over the weekend.

    Nice to read everyone else’s news too

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited May 2024 #59398

    We have had 3 more fine days, with today being the warmest at around 24C, although we have had some light rain in the evening. We had a walk in Culbin Forest two days ago after getting our washing done ( and dried outside ) then yesterday we visited Cawdor Castle where, in the morning, we did one of the waymarked trails and after lunch went around the gardens and then into the Castle itself. Today we went to Brodie Castle for a guided tour before lunch and a wander around the grounds afterwards.  Some photos  of the beautiful and more unusual flowers at Cawdor and one of Brodie Castle.

    Good to read that those that are away are having a good time, and Redkite hope that you have a safe and uneventful journey home. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited May 2024 #59399

    We had to come home from our break at our caravan as dentist appointments and OH had his covid vaccine booked. The evening of arriving home he became poorly, he has chest problems so the nurse put him straight onto antibiotics as a chest infection. I then got his cold but have tried to ignore it as I wanted to put all the bedding plants in pots in the lovely weather. However last night I felt really bad, then I had a hunch, tested this morning and yes, covid. Our daughter calls it our Stratford covid as this is the second time it’s happened after a visit there. We were out and about all week so that’s probably how we got it. So we both missed our dental appointments and ironically he had to cancel his covid jab.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited May 2024 #59400

    Sorry haven't kept up to date the mobile signal in rural Monmouthshire Left a bit to be desired 😅 We had a wonderful few days exploring an area of Wales we dont know  well. The weather has been fantastic I will post a few pics when I get more time. 

    We are now back in England and the temp reached 28°C in the sunshine ☀  today.  Had another bbq tonight and an odd glass of vino 🤣

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited May 2024 #59401

    Sorry to read that you have caught the virus,  Debs. Hope you both suffer much and soon recover.

    Glad to hear that you had a good time I'm Monmouthshire, Helen.

    We had our warmest day today too with lots of sunshine, although it did cloud over on occasions. Drove to Ardersier Bay where we had a walk around the bay, along to the village, before lunch and then around Fort George in the afternoon. Photo is of the inner Gatehouse, and to the left the Black Hole Prison.