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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited April 2024 #59312

    "Not here it isn’t"

    Oh, yes, it is! I have personal experience to back that up but I am not detailing it here.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59313

    we are off on our trip nearer the end of the week WN thanks for the links o shall take a look and add on to our itinerary for when we’re there always good to get recommendations

    Been a good weekend here started off on Friday morning with good news regarding 4 monthly blood tests all ok and the sun has been shining all weekend. We’ve spent it in the garden clearing out rubbish and generally doing a tidy up. Also been getting the van ready for our planned trip near the end of this week looking forward to that.

    Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59314

    I can thoroughly recommend Locomotion at Shildon francis. We always visited when in the area. Shildon was the first railway town. OH comes from Co Durham. Hope you have a wonderful time there.

    Dreadful weather here this morning. It absolutely poured with rain all morning. I thought they said 'occasional heavy showers🙄

    Although we have had some wonderful care and treatment from the NHS recently I do agree with everything that tda said. The frontline staff are amazing but the NHS needs a complete reorganisation mostly from the top down. The way it is now 'managed' is a disgrace to it's original concept. OH spent two separate periods of 2 nights of so called 'corridor care' in hospital as there were no beds available. The staff were wonderful and tried to do their very best but it was still a dreadful experience for him. I have nothing but praise for the staff and feel that their life is very stressful and difficult as they want to be able to do their best for their patients but their hands are tied.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59315

    We have thankfully not had to have any really urgent  treatment from our local NHS but anything  that I, in particular, have needed to be investigated  or operated on has been carried out at a time that has suited myself and done in a first class manner, so no complaints from this end.

    We have had more good weather over the last couple of days, with just the odd very short shower, although  it is still rather chilly out of the sun. We have done a couple of walks in the vicinity of Killin, and have never seen both club sites and the town so quiet, with the main street nearly deserted. Today's walk was by the Loch, and up to the ruins of Finlarig Castle. There is not much there in reality, but interestingly it has a Beheading Pit and a Hanging Tree. One obviously didn't want to cross the Clan Campbell!!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,438
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    edited April 2024 #59316

    I didn’t say it was failing, I merely outlined how it wasn’t being given the future proofing, funding and consistent management that it requires. That is borne out by reports and research like the article I linked to as one example. Hardly an outburst, I tried for a measured few paragraphs.

    I have nothing but praise for those who work within the NHS, and given all the difficulties, continue to care for others in many different ways. Experiences will vary up and down the UK, and according to requirements. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59317

    We have no complaints either nellie about the planned ops and in patient stays in hospital. They have all been excellent for OH recently. It is the emergency admissions and A&E where the problems lie, well in our area anyway. I have to say that our GP surgery have been excellent to both OH and I when we have needed them recently. We are very lucky. I am pleased that eurotraveller and his family have had such good treatment from the NHS but there are a number of people who are waiting a very long time for things like hip and knee operations. I do agree with tda's well put comments about the NHS needing future proofing and consistent sound management so that all areas are well cared for. I love our NHS and want it to continue and to care for everyone who needs it.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,438
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    edited April 2024 #59318

    I love our NHS and want it to continue and to care for everyone who needs it.

    Same here Millie👍

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,188
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    edited April 2024 #59319

    Our local hospital has a list of average waiting times online for various types of surgery. If you want a new knee the wait is 53 weeks and a new hip 63 weeks. As they both count as "elective" surgery they don't get the same priority as more serious surgery which is understandable. 


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited April 2024 #59320

    Not sure i agree in total with this, i have had both knees, both done within 12 weeks of seeing the consultant, but for my right knee, by the time 12 weeks was up i was on crutches/wheelchair the pain was so excrutiating and i was eating Tramodol tablets like there was no tomorrow, so having to wait 53 weeks would not have been an option i would have mortgaged the house to go private.

    what a great day sun has shone since 0530 hrs and is still shining, people out in vest tops and tee shirts, but dont get too excited it is going to rain on Wednesday coolsurprisedjust putting final items in caravan before the off on Thursday, Cornwall here we come Britstaycation

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited April 2024 #59321

    I’m getting the impression that some folk are recounting their experiences of the NHS in years gone by rather than the situation as it is now.

    Granted, the situation varies across the various trusts but, in general, I don’t think TDA is far off the mark with her comments. There is much room for improvement.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,188
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    edited April 2024 #59322


    I can only go by the official published lists. Obviously I don't know if there is room within those times to move people up the list if they are in a particularly bad situation. One of my former colleagues, when told it would be over a year before she got her knee replacement she immediately said she would pay to have it done privately. When I had my hip replaced in 2010 it was three months between first seeing the consultant and the operation. But of course when I had that done it was at the end of a period of massive investment in the NHS. In fairness perhaps I should also add that MK has grown exponentially over the years and is now about the same size as Southampton in terms of population, even more if you take the out lying areas. Add into that all the people that now need these operations came to MK as young people its a sort of reverse baby boomer syndrome? 


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited April 2024 #59323

    My own experience is that if it's deemed urgent then you'll be seen in very quick time, once it's deemed not then the waiting times might be a few months which is fair enough and no complaints there. My eye operation was a six months wait and was in effect cosmetic/corrective rather than actually medically needed although it was deemed necessary for my job. 

    But as an example I need an ultrasound scan on my lower abdomen which is not deemed to be anything serious at all but the date has come through and it's late August, I'm in no real discomfort and could easily wait. However my travel insurance renewal is due before that and I know they won't renew while waiting so I've opted to go for a private scan for £130 in May. 

    Post edit the very local Spire private hospital wanted £370!

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2024 #59324

    If your a veteran then this is somewhere you can be referred to for hip replacements etc


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,438
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    edited April 2024 #59325

    My OH’s first and second cancer surgery was carried out by a military surgeon OP. He was keeping his skills up to date working in our big local hospital, fabulous person. Staff had sort of given us the heads up he was a “right, this is where we are, this is what we are going to do” no nonsense person, and it was an approach that worked well for us. 👍

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59326

    When I worked at our local maternity unit our local hospital was an MOD hospital for a while and their staff were absolutely brilliant to work with. I was the clerical supervisor and their clerical staff were extrememly well trained. Their medical staff were also great, so nice to everyone, whatever their job, and more importantly they were lovely with the patients. We were all very sad when they left.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited April 2024 #59327

    Having read these comments I’m now sure that it is mostly down to where you live. When OH needed a big op some years ago he was sent to Somerset and his treatment and the hospital were excellent. Granddaughter, on being blue lighted into Plymouth hospital was kept overnight in the ambulance, seen by a Dr and then discharged from the same ambulance, with the paramedics still with her 13 hours later, she said they were all cold out there overnight. Paramedics and a Dr at our local hospital have said they dread having to do a stint at Plymouth, with one of them describing it as ‘like a war zone’. I believe it is rated as the worst in England. The paramedics, who regularly have to attend our granddaughter for life saving treatment are always just lovely. After over two years of this she is still waiting for a specialist, the one of the list she was on retired with no one replacing him. Although I admit it’s a complex illness. 

    Anyway the sun is out so hopefully off to enjoy it.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited April 2024 #59328

    Absolutely beautiful day here. At last! I feel I want to preserve it to revisit it when I feel the need.

    The dog and I had a wonderful walk. I've dried 2 loads of washing  and now having a sandwich lunch in the garden. Meeting a friend and her dog later, prearranged, which I'm looking forward to on several levels, catching up, exploring a new to me walk and the fabulous day.

    Actually I'm glad to have a plan because I can't settle to anything on the garden. I'm like a child in a sweet shop not knowing what to choose to do 🤔.

    It's my employment pension pay day, not a huge amount, but I'm not complaining at all. Was shocked that it was less than last month - despite a rise. Then realised I now fall deeper into the tax bracket.  They give with one and take away with the other!

    When we've needed it we've always had great care from the NHS for which I'm very grateful. But I too think it's a postcode lottery. My last routine need was for a cataract, within 3 months or so. OH has needed emergency stuff and blue lights, but I can't fault the front line operators. Listening to someone, not earwiging!, who phoned the GP in the next village wanting an appointment I was reminded of our one at the end in Essex. We had a choice, that one or the one we opted for. Boy did we jump the right way. Their philosophy is to triage call and see on the same day, and they do. Even blood tests are 24-48 hour waits. Mind you, they are building thousands, not an exaggeration -1,700 on a green field site between our village and GP surgery village.  Plus another 70 agreed in our village,on top of 70 since we moved in and at least another 20 with planning...... None have any facilities including schools....

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,438
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    edited April 2024 #59329

    Beautiful sunny day here, warm but a strong breeze. Perfect outdoor wash drying day. I have had an hour in Mum’s garden, hoping to get home and into mine soon. Had six big bales of bark delivered, along with new slabs for terrace, so fingers crossed builders can get before too long. Hope this sunshine continues, lovely to get outside.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited April 2024 #59330

    Our second day of glorious sunshine and having disposed of our greenhouse which was down the side of the house (gave it away on the basis that new owner dismantled it!), I set to, yesterday, and started to pressure wash the York stone paving slabs around the house.  They were absolutely filthy.  Managed to get about two thirds done by today but then the pressure washer blew upfrown.  Not surprised, really - had it for ages and rebuilt it a couple of times so had to buy a new one.  Car's just gone into the garage for new pads and discs (advisory at the MOT last month) - so it's going to be an expensive week!!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59331

    Bloods early on today. Despite everyone moaning in the quite full surgery about delays the nurse doing my bloods was on  time and very proficient. We had a good laugh so the day started well.

    Back home to find the ladies engaged in a game of scrabble whilst waiting for washing machine to finish. Apparently it was put down as Physio work! Anyway washing soon finished and we all decamped to a Shopping Outlet, Tweedmill near St.Asaph, as MiL had found a smidgeon of a space in her packed wardrobes, plural, for more outfits. Took the wheelchair which she pushed around rather than sitting in it. Both of them seemed quite happy. Back home to a late lunch.

    Not the best weather today, overcast and windy but yet to rain, so small Murphys (as I thought the saying was as a small boysmile)

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59332

    None have any facilities including schools....

    Nail on the head Bakers.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59333

    We are on our way up to Derbyshire for the annual Setter Rescue Sponsored Walk on Sunday. Although we're staying in a cottage (walking distance to The Packhorse at Little Longstone) next week, we decide to treat ourselves on the way up to 3 nights at a dog friendly hotel just outside of Stafford. And what a good choice we made; it's a lovely spot right alongside the Staffordshire Canal and the hotel itself has very nice grounds with a huge lake, home to a pair of nesting swans - the male is very protective and sits in the car park daring the unwary to approach!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59334

    Lovely sunny day here, too, but the wind is still cool.  Forecast not as good for the rest of the week.....  just in time for our Mayday caravan gettaway with friends, not far away - to Conkers C&CC site, just one junction up the M42.

    The good news is we took the caravan to Tourershine in Leicester for a clean and the Tourershine coating/finish.  Caravan looks lovely and Paul did a great job.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited April 2024 #59335

    Went to Broadway today, sat outside the Broadway Hotel in the sunshine with a drink, perfect. The wisteria is looking lovely there. Weather so much better, and warmer, than it has been. Some of our neighbours still haven’t had their caravans sorted after the floods, so it’s all looking a bit messy here. They are hoping for new replacement vans but insurance still being sorted. Our outside all sorted now, except for the shed, tackled part of it but may leave the rest until the really warmer weather. 

    The poor resident swans lost their nest and eggs when the river rose last month, they started again with a new nest in a different place, then it rained heavily all Saturday night, the river rose again and flooded the nest and her five eggs again, so sad. Hope that she either gives up now or has the energy to start again, it must take it out of her sitting on them for so long. Raining heavily again now.

    I must stop visiting garden centres, can’t resist the plants but not sure that I can squeeze many more in the garden.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited April 2024 #59336

    It's stayed sunny all day. So very very welcome. Breeze still cool.

    Walked this afternoon with a friend and her dog. New walks to me, direct from the house. My ankle and hip are holding up well.

    Came back and cut 2 of the 3 lawns, used to call them grassed areas but treatment has made it lush, thick and very green. Only its 2nd cut since being done. Growing really fast.

    Treated myself to a bath and am delighted to report several, or a very busy individual, bats out hunting. Like me they delight in this glorious day.

    DEBSC I'm being very restrained in garden centres for the last couple of years but my time is coming 😉. My last garden was so full, but I could always squeeze one more in 🤣. We have 2 villages with plant sales and another one for the church in May and June, so I may do better on prices 😉

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59337

    We have had 2 rather wet days in the trot, after a week of fine weather. We have not done a lot, but did manage to get a round of washing done early yesterday before the rain came, and had to dry it off in the van. Still very quiet on site with no more arriving after lunch than are leaving in the morning. Our last night here before we head on North tomorrow.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59338

    Where are you off to next Nellie?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59339

    Bogroy, at Carrbridge, and fortunate to get the last pitch when we booked.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59340

    Ah, yes, one we looked at using last year, but I think it was closed at the time.  Good to know it is up and running again.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited May 2024 #59341

    We always used to use Moreton in Marsh Club site a lot when we had a tourer, at all times of the season, it was always nearly full as we used to search for a pitch. We drove past a couple of days ago, middle of the afternoon, and were very surprised to see that it was half empty, with only one van on the popular pitches by the entrance. Was it the cool weather or have things changed that much.