What are you all up to
I think it was actually the other David (DSB) who made the recommendation. It was this one.
I bought one last year and used it for the van roof for the first time, a couple of weeks ago and was most impressed with it. It's also good for cleaning the showers in the house.
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Interesting article in the mornings press, now busily looking at properties in MK.
cracking day again but had to stay at home waiting for an electrician, 1 of our ceiling lights in the shower room is not working, changed the bulb but it looks like the cable from the transformer has burnt out, but not a major problem, or so i thought, we have Corgi insurance, so electrician dutifully arrived 1030 ish only to announce that as the 12v transformer is in the loft he could not do the repair as not allowed into loft space unless it is boarded, which ours isnt, and why should it be we dont need it, further he claimed that transformer not covered on insurance, nothing wrong with transformer it is just the cable from the transformer that has attached the bulb holder, now waiting for local guy to call but on closer inspection i could probably have done the repair myself
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It won't be long before they're fixing pensioners with a dating service with AI robots, maybe on something called "Robbie" (for those with long memories and have seen Forbidden Planet)
Escaped this morning. The pair of us skiddadled to Chester, but only for a dental check-up.
A kind neighbour sat in for us with MiL, who didn't like the idea off being baby sat. Tough. It was nice to break the current monotony.
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I was 'stood up' on Saturday. I was on tour duty at the Cathedral and the 2 people that were booked on the tour didn't turn up! Very annoying. I stayed for an hour and chatted to some of the visitors wandering about and answered a few questions so my time wasn't entirely wasted. Yesterday teemed with rain until about 2.00pm when the sun came out but it was too wet to do anything in the garden unfortunately. Today the weather has been good (by recent standards) as it has been dry with some sunny intervals so OH has been busy in the garden all day and it looks a lot better. I expect he will be inspecting the inside of his eyelids on the sofa all evening!
I have caught up on a lot of jobs that needed doing in the house and also sorting out some paperwork which has been waving at me for a week or two.
I am glad you managed to get out WN even if it was just to the dentists. They say a change is as good as a rest! I hope MIL is improving and that she has no after effects from her fall in the night which must have given you all a bit of a fright.
Lovely photos nellie such a lovely part of the world.
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Love Northumberland Nellie, especially around Bamburgh and Craster.
We have had a weird and frustrating day today with our Doctors’ Surgery. OH has an annoying mild eye infection and has tried, for over a week, some over the counter drops recommended by our chemist, which haven’t worked. We contacted the Surgery today, they advised he had to contact the Community Eye Care service in Whitby (about 40 miles from us!). He had a chat with someone there who said ‘GPs don’t do eyes any more’, and requested a picture of the problem eye and both eyes together. He will now be contacted by them on Wednesday morning to discuss the problem and it seems they will then liaise with our GP to get a prescription. Nothing like adding layers of complication!
When he had a similar problem a couple of years ago, the Doctor requested a picture and then prescribed some antibiotic drops, job done, all gone in a couple of days.
This seems ridiculous to me, perhaps it’s just our surgery but honestly what an unbelievable waste of time and duplication of effort.
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I think they call it 'progress' heddlo 🤔
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Good to catch up on others news. Nothing seems to be simple these days, heddlo, although I seem to have been fortunate with our doctors and hospital as far as appointments are concerned. Both send out text messages for confirmation and reminders of appointments. Hope your OH's infection soon clears up.
Pleased to hear that you managed a bit of an away day, WN. They say a change is as good as a rest, even if it was to the dentist!! A shame that your party didn't show millie, but at least your day, and talent, wasn't wasted!
We are now on our last site of this trip, Spittal Farm at Kendal. It was an easy drive here, if for us a long, and the weather was fine until about an hour ago.
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We are back home after a great weekend. Just a couple of nights (we really, really enjoyed the free one🤣), but we packed plenty in. Decided to brave the A1 roadworks Sat morning, wasn’t too bad, and we could head to Skipton our favourite way via Otley and Ilkley. Spent a good few hours wandering round Skipton, actually clocked up a three mile walk, which surprised us. On the BA Club Site, only two pitches left, very busy. Everyone desperate to get back out like us. Luckily, we got a very good pitch, close to entrance, so hound didn’t have to potter far for his walks. Nice meal in MH Sat night. Lots of rain overnight, but we were snug and dry. Next morning a bit damp, but we were on Embsay and BA Railway for breakfast, that was yummy. Great little railway, nice friendly and interesting volunteers. Still very wet underfoot, but not raining, in fact sun came out in the afternoon. We had another stroll around Skipton, spent a good hour or so in Castle, then back to site for a scone. Lovely sat out. OH went for a stroll down to Strid and back, while I stayed with pooch. I did a bit of a walk later. Woke up with raging toothache at 6am, probably due to cold. Thought I was going to be in agony rest of day, but doubled up on pain relief, a warm drink, and although a bit tender, managed rest of day. We came home yesterday via East Riddlesden Hall, fully open and a very interesting place. Nice break all round. Back on Mum duty today, haircut pending.
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Tiny gains WN, enjoy every moment you get, even if only for a dentist appointment.
Nellie, we have spent many happy hours down the years on Cocklawburn Beach. Always find it rather special, as it’s so interesting with the rock pools and dunes. Somewhere to see lovely little hermit crabs usually, although sadly they do seem to get more elusive. We can usually get the MH as far down as possible over the sand dunes, and enjoy swimming down there.
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vbfg - just a tip, while I remember. The telescopic handle is a bit strange to operate in that you would think that by twisting it, it would lock and stay in place. It doesn't - which can be a bit frustrating. What you have to do is pull it out very hard and it will lock in place. Took me a while to work that out!
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Like Ttda we returned yesterday afternoon from a lovely weekend away not too far from home. Spent some time wandering round the RSPB Middleton Lakes reserve, and also just sitting watching the birds and wildlife.
Lovely to see the photos and to see people are getting out and about.
The weather hasn't been too bad, OH managed to give the grass a cut and all my washing dried outside for a change.
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It’s been rather nice here. I got home early today, and had a good three hours in garden, in a T shirt as well. First cut of grass, rather late but it’s been too wet to do. Should be a lot better now.
We are having our Shingles jab tomorrow. And apparently one for Pneumonia.
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Good to hear that your weekend went well, tda. (and yours too Helen). Hope that your toothache has gone and that neither of you have any adverse reactions to the injections.
After rain through the night today has been fine. We had a drive into The Lakes this morning and had a riverside walk before heading to a place we have not visited for a long while. After lunch, following a strole through the ground floor of the house, we had a second walk through the woodlands down to the lake. Here are a couple of views from the grounds and one of the building itself. Who can identify where we were today?
Last night of this trip and home by lunchtime tomorrow. Lots of washing to get done, clothes etc, the caravan and car, and I have a couple of non-urgent hospital appointments over the next few days, including one on 8:30 on Sunday morning!
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nth - got to be Windermere and Wray Castle (I think!). Thought I recognised the hotel as one we used to stay in before we got Meg, but now I don't think it is (can't remember the name, though!!)
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OP, I can remember staying at something like an Army Cadet Camp in the early 1970’s with school, think it might have been at either High or Low Wray, can’t recall which. It had a big mess building that we used as a kitchen/eatery, we stuck our very old fashioned tents all around it. There was a tree top style rope assault course as well. We ended up all sleeping in the mess building ‘cos the weather was so bad and tents were flooded. Does it ring a bell with you at all? We were helping NT for a week doing tasks around Windermere, and climbing a couple of peaks. Helvellyn and Old Man of Coniston. Skiddaw got rained off🥶
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Remember it well, it was Camp Windermere based at Low Wray Farm, which was a National Trust property. The Camp was started by the Dewsbury Adventure Club back in the late 1940’s. The club was formed by a mill owner to ensure workers children were able to get into the countryside. Club members used to help on the Farm in return for free camping. Eventually the camp had an affiliation with the Sea Cadet Corps which was sponsored by the Navy. I was commissioned into the RN and worked there for 2 years the executive officer/instructor. BTW my favourite pub was The Outgate which sold Hartleys
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Wow, thank you so much for this OP, I had long wondered about its history. As I say, we were a school group, in the early 1970s, and it just seemed a bit “military” to us, with the mess kitchen, the assault course. Our PE teachers were very clued up about stuff like this, pre dates Crowden and Scout Dike centres I think. We had a very wet, but fabulous week. Far too young for the pub though🤣 All girls, three teachers and Henry the terrier! Dewsbury isn’t too far away from here👍
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Wow!!! i applied for a place there in 1963, but unfortunately the fees were to high and Blackburn BC , where i lived, would not give me a grant so i ended up at the poor mans location "Northern Counties Radio School" in Preston. The council would not fund my bus pass and M&D could not afford it, so i cycled every day 20 miles round trip, hail snow or blow along the A59, until my Dad was given a pay rise and the council stopped my grant, at which point i jumped ship and joined the Royal Navy, but happy days I was already doing morse code at 18 wpm when i joined the RN and had some good radio tech knowledge, so I had a very big advantage ,
beautiful day, should be out doing some gardening , but off to get my ears syringed, not been able to hear properly now for almost 2 weeks & of course getting this done on the NHS now is a no no, local pharmacy do not do it, so having to pay at a private clinic, that is this years additional pension money already spent
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It is definitely Wray Castle, as confirmed by OP. The hotel is The Low Wood, R&R, and Heddlo it is only the ground floor that is open, has no furniture in it but at the moment has a small exhibition of photos by Beatrice Potter's farther and others. The castle has association with Hardwicke Rawnsley, who was vicar at the church, and so it is most appropriate that it is a NT property. There are good walks around the grounds and along by the lake. Parking is quite restrictive so anyone wanting to visit should get there early.
Thanks for all the great info, OP, tda and Rufs.
After yet more rain in the night and a damp start to the day thankfully it brightened up and after lunch the sun came out. We had an easy drive home, apart for a couple delays due to roadworks. Van all cleared out and OH was able to get 5 rounds of washing done, and most of it dried outside.
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"The hotel is The Low Wood, R&R" - thanks for that nth. Just had a look on Google Maps and it was the Beech Hill Hotel we stayed at quite a few times - with stunning views over the Lake. Was our 'special treat' once a year but then when we got Meg, we couldn't go as it's not (or wasn't) dog friendly. Wouldn't change things, though
Been busy getting the van ready for our next trip away over Easter - to our favourite CS near Malton - been a bit touch and go as to whether we'd be able to go because it's all on grass and Andrew (the owner) gets a bit twitchy about his grass being damaged. Understandable, really, considering the orchard is, in effect, his back garden. Anyway, he says it drying out nicely but the forecast between now and then isn't looking too clever - fingers crossed!
For the first time ever, I'm struggling to get gas for the Safefills - my usual garage has been out of it for ages and another one near Driffield has plenty of gas but has a problem with its pump. Looks like I might have to battle my way into Hull which is a bit annoying and rather defeats the object of getting cheap gas!
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...there are various makes of rotary brushes on Amazon, and as far as I can tell, they all do basically the same job... the handle system may well be slightly different if you look at a different make. ??
Apologies, I'm still playing catch up in reading posts this week. It's been quite busy here. Carol mum (now in her 90's and who lives around 25 miles away) now requires more visits... she still lives on her own and often needs taking places! Then, I'm tryng to get to grips with the garden as well as preparing for our visitors - our daughter, son-in-law and 2-yr old..... they're here for 12 days from the Outer Hebrides.....
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.......and so the chaos continues.... had a call from our daughter who is travelling to us. They're just somewhere between Glasgow and Carlisle..... and the car has broken down.... Electric Power Stearing Pump. Fortunately they are in two vehicles (they are bringing their old Campervan down for the person they have sold it to!!). So now they are travelling down in the Camper and the car is being recovered to Tamworth. I have been ringing around to see if anyone can repair the vehicle next week..... eventually found someone.
....so...! We will have fit in getting Wayne to Manchester airport tomorrow (he's off to work in Switzerland) and Ruth to Manchester next Wednesday for a course she is doing - working this around what we've got on already....
This reminds me of last August, when we visited the Outer Hebrides and broke down and had to be recovered back to Polesworth!
.....you just couldn't make this up!!! 🤣🤣🤣
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Doublejabbed yesterday, both of us. Me a bit of an ache, but in truth I was aching a bit before jabs. First time for me in our new extended surgery, very impressed. We had a lovely doctor who headed (in fact owned) the practice for decades. He very sadly suddenly passed away, but we found out yesterday that his son is now coming back to be part of the great team of docs. The son briefly looked after Dad when he was in hospital, and while he was still training, so it’s good to know he wants to come and practice locally.
Few things to finish off for Wedding which is on Easter Sunday. OH is actually going to choose a shirt today, so progress on the male front is happening😁
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Not boring in your household David. Good luck.
Haven't had a chance to say that it was good to see you had a super weekend away Ttda.
Nothing much happening except frustration. Pharmacy making a right old mess of prescriptions. OH has to go to GP surgery tonight at 5pm to sort it out. She's not a happy bunny. We're going to change pharmacy once its all sorted.
I've been summoned by GPs as well but not for another 3 weeks so nothing to panic about. It's probably a review of my meds.
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Pharmacies seem to be in a bit of a mess generally WN. Ours is next door to our surgery, and is usually very good, but lately they seem overwhelmed trying to get hold of certain drugs. Last three months I have been given only half a prescription for Mum, and she’s only on three items, two of which are eyedrops. But lots of other folks I notice while waiting are going away with only half of what they need. My SIL spends hours trying to get stroke medicines for her OH from various pharmacies. I’m sure there’s a reason why, but what it is, who knows🤷♀️
Just lost 20 minutes of my life to “Jasper” at O2, however have halved my massive £7 a month bill for my mobile, so it’s a result I suppose. Hopefully it will stop the pester phone calls as well.
Successful retail trip with OH. That’s his shopping trips on hold now until the next wedding. Haven’t the heart to tell him it’s next year. He likes a good decade between forced clothes buying expeditions🤣
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The difficulties with drug supplies are pretty general, TDA. More than one doctor has told me it’s since we left the EU that some medicines have been in short supply and some have vanished altogether from these shores.
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tooHaven’t looked in for a while as things have been hectic and stressful. Couple of weeks ago poorly granddaughter was having a ‘better spell’ so she went to stay with a friend up north for a short break. On travelling home she was suddenly taken very ill at Birmingham station and rushed into hospital. The family, including us, were making very quick plans to get her home on her sudden discharge, when her friends lovely family stepped in and helped out enormously.
We had made plans to take a break and check our caravan and open it up for the season, on arrival it hammered down and the river had sudden flood warning, our son who was due to visit us for a few days cancelled due to this and we packed, just in case. The river rose very high but didn’t flood. Then I became unwell with a heavy cold, bad throat and cough. Not the break we had planned, we returned home 4 days early. On the bright side we did manage to get to the RSC and use our tickets to see Midsummer Nights Dream, it was excellent. Luckily our caravan is ok. A lot of cleaning up needed outside but we will get there. Sadly not so for two of our neighbours, their vans are wrecked and those are just the ones we know about, some others there didn’t look too good.
Feeling much better now I’m home and today I had a good full day gardening, put in lots of new plants, now just need to keep the slugs off them.
Talking of pharmacys, our granddaughter has very serious anyphalactic shock problems and regularly needs to use life saving epi-pens, she said that yesterday she had to visit 5 chemists to get any as they say they don’t stock them anymore, I find that appalling and very scary.