What are you all up to



  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,691
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    edited March 2024 #58862

    Home after a last stopover in Manchester as the flight after 10 but actually early. Another great holiday and another load of memories made and another few hundred photographs as well. It is just so cold here after two weeks of just wearing shorts and a tee shirt, or polo short at night! There's also the shock of having to buy drinks.

    The only slightly annoying thing was on the flight back when the cabin crew said the prices on their 'duty free' were 20% off the marked prices and after that another 20% was being taken away as well as a 'bonus', now I'm sure most would see through that 'bonus' but then they said that means you'll be saving 40%

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited March 2024 #58863

    Nice day here today in Lancashire. Had a relaxing morning in the van then took the short trip to Leyland to visit the British Commercial Vehicle museum which was great we spent a good 2 hours walking round all the exhibits we had visited before about 17 years Ago when eldest son stayed in Chorley so was nice to go back and recommended to anyone in the area who has an interest in classic vehicles. On way back we stopped in to a pub we always visit when in the area and had a lovely meal so no need for cooking tonight. Site very busy tonight lots of vans must have arrive this afternoon. Now just sitting in van with a drink watching telly.

    Glad you had a nice holiday away CS

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited March 2024 #58864

    Busy  day today as we went to Ikea for some stuff for DD and ourselves.

    Got the main stuff first, had vouchers for £10 off £100, then went upstairs for lunch.  Very busy as on Fridays there are half price meals.  We had the meatballs as usual.   Then we did a little food shopping, including frozen meatballs, but were disappointed to find there were no packets of the cream sauce in stock.

    Back to DD's house with her stuff, and eventually home at 5pm.  Freezer now filled up after today, and a trip to M&S earlier in the week, should keep us going for several weeks.

    Off to see son and family tomorrow as it is GS's 18th birthday, then they will be coming to DD's on Sunday for Callum's 6th birthday.    Birthday cake in production at the moment.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited March 2024 #58865

    Well a dull dry day here but did have a thunderstorm last night and strong winds, but just a message from friends of ours almost the same picture as Cornersteady of air plane wing  and three other photos of Cape Verde so presume they will be there for a fortnight in a friends appartment and said they are both very tired and did not realise how tired and stressed they have been the last few months as he lost his father in January and has been sorting all the things that go with it, and they hope to be back home here by end of month.

    Glad you have got your travel arrangements sorted Kj and have a good trip to see your family.

    Have a good weekend folks.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited March 2024 #58866

    Beautiful start to the day here - typical as I was out, but indoors!

    OH is still finishing off the first cut of our grass this year. I think he's finding it tough going. It's always a half day task for him these days, but at least he's tackling it.

    I've had a productive day. WI course on get to know your sewing machine in a nearby village. In my case, reacquaint yourself 😉. Must find some time to use it, I'd forgotten how enjoyable it can be.

    Then I came home to find letterbox flowers on the doorstep, so I popped those in water according to the instructions. I hope they buck up a lot ???? Still, the thought for mothers day was there.

    After a cuppa I've made flapjacks and just put 2 fruit cakes in the oven. Son and family will expect their share 🤣. Ran out of steam so our 2 year old grandson's mince pies will have to wait until the morning. Never knew you can buy mincemeat other than Christmas. Good old Co-op. Or a 2 year old and younger I seem to remember his first Christmas at 9 months they went down well, like mincepies. If there's a cake tin in the kitchen it MUST contain mincepies! The disappointment on his face if it doesn't! Even if he likes the contents 🤣.

    Can't remember if I've said, and can't check back whilst typing! We've bitten the bullet and ordered the bathroom and cloakroom refits. Research started early February after we learnt the great guy who changed our boiler won't fit bathrooms again because of his broken wrist and elbow damage 🥲, it's touch and go on heating etc. Should 🤞be the last big job 😀. It will be lovely to have the cloakroom toilet centred under the window, not an issue I'd noticed until our daughter (on video call)  pointed it out recently 😡😡. Now I can't unsee it! And have the wash hand basin in a matching colour 🤣. Apparently, coloured suites etc are back 'in' so I'll ask them to remove carefully if they can. 

    Should all be sorted by June. So maybe they'll be time, before too long, to return to hobbies....... Not holding my breath.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited March 2024 #58867

    Went back to clearing up the kitchen and realised we've not had news from Goldie. She was always producing lots of food generally 😂

    Fingers crossed this 6 week check saw better outcomes. 🙏

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,872
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    edited March 2024 #58868

    Hope your timetable goes to plan B2.

    We've finally managed to get a quote and a provisional commitment from a painter and decorator for mid April. Have to wait and see if it materialises.

    Been dour weather here the last few days. Cloudy/rainy and cold with it with a keen wind.

    Things ticking along. Nicely? Well sort of, some of the time.smile

    No point buying flowers for OHs mother. There's plenty in the house already. I'll cook her something I hope she'll appreciate.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited March 2024 #58869

    A couple of months ago I was watching a Tony Robinson programme which included a piece about Warham Camp, an Iron Age hill fort.  We have been coming to this part of Norfolk for over 12 years and never knew about it and never realised their was a hill fort at South Creake either.  Visited both today, flew the drone and took some pictures which I will post when we get home. Picked up some Roman pottery which had been brought to the surface by moles

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited March 2024 #58870

    Good visit to son and family today, tea, coffee and lots of cake available.  Nathan came with us and had a go on  their trampoline, but it was rather cold out in the byre so he soon came back in.

    Good news on DIL's father, now moved to rehab hospital.  He is able to get around with the aid of a zimmer (following half hip replacement), in and out of bed himself, climb 4 stairs so far, and make himself tea and toast.  Will be a while yet before he is allowed home.

    Her mum was at the party and in good form, so the tablets she is taking have slowed the deterioration.

    DIL has acquired a new car, and some grey hairs, but we are not allowed to mention the latter!

    Nathan fell asleep on the way home so was still not asleep in bed at 9pm, Mummy was not amused. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited March 2024 #58871

    Heddlo, we had thought of going over the other side to visit Culross, but decided that would keep for another time.

    Good to hear you had a fine time away CS, and that both Francis and OP are enjoying their trips. Hope those with planned work at home get the jobs done to their satisfaction.

    We moved to the south  of Edinburgh yesterday to the Haven complex at Seton Sands. Not the type of sites we normally use but decided to give it a try as the touring pitches only opened that day so expected it to b e quiet, and the price was good for a fully serviced pitch, less than any ordinary CL in the area. As it turned out about half of the 40 pitches were occupied by nightfall, and more tourers arrived today. The complex is huge with perhaps 1000 static caravans and lodges (so lots of dog walking optionswink) but thankfully the touring area is at the opposite end from the entertainment and swimming pool buildings. 

    Today has been dull and rather cold with the odd spot of rain.  We had a couple of walks at Aberlady and Gullaine before getting back to watch the rugby ( well I did).

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,872
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    edited March 2024 #58872

    Day out sounds great Oneputt. We stayed local a couple of years ago and must admit didn't know about the camp either. Thanks for info.

    Trip sounds good Nellie.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited March 2024 #58873

    Thank you for thinking of us. We’re still locked down with “inconclusive” TB reactors. We’ve have had various discussions and meetings with representatives from APHA, NFU, and our vet, trying to determine the next step. Blood test or wait for another skin test (60 days after the previous one). Some of the science is beyond me.

    Meanwhile life goes on. And thinking of the future we’ve planted an orchard. Apples, pears, damsons, plums, nuts. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #58874

    Same for us as well OP. We watched the Tony Robinson programme and couldn’t believe we had actually stayed a few times no more than a few hundred metres from it! Not like us not to spot something of interest on an OS map. Our favourite bit of North Norfolk around there, Binham Priory is very interesting. Definitely the hill fort is on our list of must see when we get the chance to visit.

    Orchard sounds lovely Goldie, hope it raises the spirits at bit at this difficult time for you all.

    Hoping catch up with a few folks later today👍

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2024 #58875

    Good Morning 

    Just realised I've not checked in for a while, so have had a quick catch up, really pleased MIL is home Wherenext .

    Good to read caravan trips/ holidays have been enjoyable. 

    Orchard sounds lovely Goldie,  sorry to hear TB is still causing problems, will keep fingers crossed 🤞 for you.

    Glad you've got your travel plans started KjellNN and you enjoyed your family day.

    Bakers2 hope your refit plans go well, lots of work.

    Spent the afternoon at NT Stowe with our Grand-daughter yesterday, she managed to walk almost all the way round, mind you it took a while especially as we had to play hide and seek at every tree! 🤣🤣

    Spare time has been spent knitting or at least trying too, I do seem to have to unpick rather alot. 🤣 Found some bargain curtains to fit our large lounge window,   but they will need to be shortened so that's my next job.

    Weather rather damp this morning, so can't see us venturing very far.

    Happy Mother's Day to all Mum's. 🙂 Also belated Happy Birthday's to all celebrating 🍾 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,872
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    edited March 2024 #58876

    Good to hear from you Helen. Happy Mothers Day to all mums. Fortunately we are able to celebrate it with MiL at home.

    Really grateful to all those who delivered or sent flowers. Saved us having to buy any!laughing She doesn't like chocolates either! And we can't take her out at the moment. One of the best Mothers Day I can recall.😂 She seems happy enough to just be at home.

    Hope everyone in best of health.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited March 2024 #58877

    Decent day today had a lazy morning in the van then headed in to Southport in the afternoon not great weather it was drizzly rain but SWMBO went round the shops and I took a 2 mile each way walk along the shore front very nice walk even on the rain. Met up back in town with SWMBO and we had a quick drink in the Wetherspoons before coming back to site. Thinking about taking a walk down to the pub in the village but the rain is currently battering  off the roof so will see if it stops.

    Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,862
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    edited March 2024 #58878

    We returned from a lovely few days at the coast a couple of days ago. It was so lovely to be away as we hadn't been anywhere for months for various reasons (ill health mostly 🤒). We stayed in a lovely pub/hotel with such friendly, helpful staff and excellent food. So good to have a breath of sea air and also a visit to one of my favourite walled gardens. We were also very lucky with the weather - no rain and also some sun. I celebrated Mother's Day yesterday as our daughter was helping out at a swimming gala in Luton that our grandson was involved with today. She and our local son came to ours with their families for tea and cake. Our daughter made a cake and brought flowers and there were also more flowers from our sons. The house now looks like a florists!

    Glad to hear that MIL is enjoying being at home for Mother's Day WN. The best present she could have I'm sure. Your day out with your little granddaughter yesterday sounds lovely Helen. You certainly chose the best day for weather. Today has been dismal. Hope everyone has had a good day despite the weather.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2024 #58879

    Lovely Mother's day this year, eldest son and wife came up to see their 2 teens at QV school where they board. 

    Today was Old Victorians day (ex pupils) and parade. Both our grandchildren had parts in the parade. Eldest granddaughter was a 'guard' commander and her brother had his first parade as drum major. Very proud parents and grandparents.

    We all went out for lunch afterwards. Granddaughters boyfriend came through from the west coast to see her. Think he was pretty impressed with the school and parade. 

    Good to hear others have had a good Mother's day. 

    Weather was dull and cold but it was dry for the parade. 

    Back to work tomorrow decorating the living room. Ceiling and coving tomorrow then walls on Tuesday. Be glad to get it finished and the house back in order. We need to get on with other things only 6 weeks until we head off to Italy.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,862
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    edited March 2024 #58880

    Sounds like a lovely Mother's Day TG. Well done to your grandchildren. You must have been very proud of them.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited March 2024 #58881

    Sorry to read that you are not yet clear of TB Goldie, but the orchard sounds an interesting project. Guess you will have researched all the best varieties of fruit trees for your area.

    Good to hear that you had a nice hotel break, millie. 

    Nice to hear that so many enjoyed family time on Mother's Day.

    It was rather grey today, not as cold as the previous couple  but with the occasional short periods of rain. We visited a property we had not been to before for a guided tour of the house before lunch and a walk around the grounds afterwords. Back to the van in time to watch te Wales/France game.

    Can anyone  identify where we visited today from this photo?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,443
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    edited March 2024 #58882

    Is it Mellerstain Nellie? We visited a few years ago when we stayed in a cottage close by. Nice gardens the other side? Walk down to Lake? Not sure really🤔

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited March 2024 #58883

    Goldie I'm so sorry to read the tb part of your post. I suspected you weren't clear 😪. Let's hope it's not much longer. Glad to read you've got you eye on the future and are planting an Orchard.

    Good to read others holiday news, with or with vans.

    Nelliethehooker is that Hopetoun House?

    Sounds like others had a good Mother's Day. Mine was lovely. Tammygirl you must be very proud 👏. HelenandTrevor sounds like your granddaughter is reaching a lovely interacting age. (As a grandparents fabulous bit more trying as a parent 🤣🤣)

    Awful day, weatherwise, here yesterday and damp murky and grey today. It must improve soon? Can't garden and if it doesn't buck up I fear no bread 😱 as DIL unable to get on the fields. Winter cover still in place. I tend to walk one area, more distant from them nearer me, and even the cover crop is yellow from too much dilutions nutrients....... Very noticeable after a weeks absence.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited March 2024 #58884

    As I mentioned we have planted an orchard. Most of the trees are those listed on the photo below. Plus, we were given 4 Westmorland Damsons.  All is looking well so far (no need to water!). They are protected with bio-degradable tree guards and cages. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,838
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    edited March 2024 #58885

    "Awful day, weatherwise, here yesterday and damp murky and grey today. It must improve soon?"

    Same here today B2. I know we've had to odd sunny day (I think!), but it seems to have been like this for weeks.  It seems to be getting everyone down.  That said, I've actually managed to cut the grass this morning having had 24 hrs of no rain - and it was badly needed.  Spent more time un-bunging the lawn mower than actually cutting, thoughundecided.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited March 2024 #58886

    I reckon it is Newhailes?   We visited a few years back.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited March 2024 #58887

    Fantastic looking varieties Goldie,  hopefully they will produce plentiful fruits 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited March 2024 #58888

    Glad to read that many had a good time on Mothering Sunday.  Fingers crossed that the TB is getting a bit better Goldie - the orchard sounds a lovely idea....

    The weather here, yesterday was aweful - just getting a bit fed up with rain at the moment....  However, Saturday was quite a nice day.  We made use of our English Heritage membership with a visit down to Kenilworth Castle.  The dog enjoyed a visit to tbe cafe (as we did!!)... with it's underfloor heating...


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,872
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    edited March 2024 #58889

    The orchard sounds wonderful Goldie with plenty of variety. Are they replacing old stock or was it a fresh idea?  Good luck with it and your TB problem.

    A drier day than yesterdays wash out. So after hunter gathering food from Tesco the garden called. 2 hours late and we were finished for the day but not unfortunately finished with the garden. Still, better than nothing. 

    Physio took MiL for a stroll around the cul-de-sac with a 4 wheel stroller we acquired. They're really good.Todays young lady stayed for an extra 30 minutes, which was probably half her lunch hour.


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited March 2024 #58890

    We've had (and still have some) fruit trees, but they're not very productive and are scattered.

    Next year our family will have been at the farm for 150 years, so this is to make our mark in it's history. 

    This photo was taken in 1914 and shows a pear tree (middle left) which unfortunately fell down a few years ago. It was well established by the photo was taken, and produced what  we called "bottling pears" - no idea of the variety!.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited March 2024 #58891

    Spot on Kjell. We have not visited before, but I wonder how we have missed it having visited the area numerous times in the past. We went to Dirleton today, had a walk around the Castle before lunch and then walked round to Yellowcraig after. It looked like the wardens were getting the site ready for opening on the 15th. Spotted this Roe Deer buck, along with a couple of hinds, in one of the gardens of the houses adjacent to the footpath. He just sat there watching us, including the dog, walking past, without a care in the world. Not the clearest of shots but the best I could get considering the dull weather.