What are you all up to
Took a photo the other day of the Camellia in the garden when the sun was out. Mainly to show MiL in case they didn't last until she got out of hospital. Not often we get one that is unspoilt by frost or in such perfect condition Ttda.
Cornersteady might be the main to advise on sites in that area. Even if he doesn't know of a site he can probably advise on transport. Nothing on Search4sites? or Pub stops?
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Glad all went well Kj and you are back home.
Mixed weather today some rain and some sun but 10C and yesterday was a lovely sunny day and 15C, Had a nice local walk down the road from here not much about in bird life and it was good to have some warm sunshine, on the subject of Helebores I did have a lovely one in Somerset and it did set seed around but a lovely dark pink colour not got any here not got a lot of shade although the wild version is coming out in the local woods but not a nice smell and some places you can see hundreds of them but it does have a red rim around the flowers.
Have a good weekend folks.
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There’s a few around, but either too far from Metro stops, or not safe enough to leave MH🤔 We’ed prefer to go by train really, it’s an easy do for us, Doncaster to Newcastle is only 90 minutes, but getting back after match is not possible without a five hour wait in York🤷♀️ Pathetic public transport system. We think there might be a match day P&R from the MetroCentre, which wouldn’t be too bad, could go up in Jeep, do this then drive back home. Would have to leave pooch with my sister, but she’s always up for looking after him. Old Hartley would have worked out really well, but……best laid plans😕
I have a Corsican hellebore in my garden, bit of a thug at times, but it quakes when I get the clippers out, that doesn’t seed thankfully.
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Was the site at South Shields this one http://www.davidklyne.co.uk/sandhaven_holiday_park.html ? If so we stayed there is 2022. It is mainly a static park but they have about 20 serviced pitches. Bus stop outside takes you to the South Shields Transport Interchange where you can access the Metro. No direct access from the site to the beach but you can walk through the adjacent park to get to the beach. We thought about going back this year as we want to explore a bit more in that area but we seem to have a lot of appointments pending its finding a window of three weeks to make it worthwhile.
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Glad all went well KJ
Lovely sunny day here on site this morning but a bit chilly but there are signs of spring arriving. Not sure what the plan is today hopefully just relax. TDA we love Newcastle paid another visit there last year great city
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Glad to hear you're back home and feeling OK KJ.
Just been for a routine lung scan as part of the NHS screening program - being an ex-smoker (stopped 11 years ago
). Was so easy and convenient - a mobile CT scan unit parked in the Hornsea Freeport car park. 5 minute drive from home and in and out in about 10 minutes. Beats having to battle my way into Hull - to the Infirmary- and then all the stress and anguish of trying to find somewhere to park!
I just wish the other parts of the NHS worked as well.
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Lucky you Francis! Started raining here about 10 then morphed into sleet, now back to heavy rain.
Managed to get to town just in the light rain this morning to buy a safer rug for MiLs Zimmer for the back door, plus a few other bits that she needed. The care people dropped off a Commode for her to use at night but she pooh-pooh that idea (apologies for the pun
) as her bathroom is directly opposite her bedroom. Mind you she has to ring a bell so OH can get out of bed to be there in case. I'm sure these things will settle themselves down into a routine.
We'll have to make sure we both get some free time so that life doesn't become a chore.
Good to have her home though.
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What a differance a day makes, yesterday raining and cold, today brilliant sunshine with some warmth now in the sun. This was Lee sea front approx 1400 hrs today, these ladies made full use of the beach side sauna, 90 degs inside, and the cooling waters of the Solent my guess 5c max
"The care people dropped off a Commode for her to use at night but she pooh-pooh that idea (apologies for the punlaughing) as her bathroom is directly opposite her bedroom. Mind you she has to ring a bell so OH can get out of bed to be there in case. I'm sure these things will settle themselves down into a routine."
My OH has a commode on wheels provided by the care people when she first came out of hospital, never actually used it as a commode as such, but it fits very nicely over the toilet and was a great help, mainly because it is fairly high and my OH does not have to struggle to get down & up, , she really does not need it now but it is still in situ, and i feel she is much more stable for her nightly visits, must confess not overy keen myself but we have 1 bathroom & 1 wetroom so i use the wet room , i sometimes wheel it into the garage if we have guests.
"We'll have to make sure we both get some free time so that life doesn't become a chore"
even though there are only the 2 of us, this is a must, i take myself off on my bike and my OH is now capable of doing short walks by her self and then somedays we walk together, some days she is just very tired and sits in the chair all day, take it as it comes, summer is round the corner.
check out the wheelchair as well, we have a really nice one specially made for OH as she only needed a very small size, we still have it and still use it on the odd occasion.
p.s. you can also use the commode chair as a shower chair if you have a wet room, was very handy when my OH could not walk
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It continued to be an absolutely appalling day yesterday, weather wise but we awoke to a beautiful sunrise. So I was told to take myself off for a walk whilst Mrs.WN sorted her mother out in the shower etc. Good job she got that the right way around!
Opened the door to find a Plant in a pot and a card on the doorstep. Somebody out early with their dog. More flowers from a neighbour when I got back from a much longer (time wise) walk than planned. People can be so kind and I was stopped on numerous occasions on the walk from people asking about her health. Might have to start carrying daily bulletins around and handing them out.
Is it just me or do other folks have trouble with inanimate objects (no joking about Other Halves please) especially anything that can tie itself in knots, like cables? I also find door handles deliberately bump into me or catch my sleeve of my shirt and yank me backwards. I'm beginning to get a complex!
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"Is it just me or do other folks have trouble with inanimate objects (no joking about Other Halves please) especially anything that can tie itself in knots, like cables? I also find door handles deliberately bump into me or catch my sleeve of my shirt and yank me backwards. I'm beginning to get a complex!"
Thank goodness for that WN - I thought it was just me. Trouble is, I usually 'tell' them what I think of them
Pleased to hear MiL is back home and doing OK - and, yes, what lovely gestures by your neighbours.
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WN - Glad MIL is home and setting back in
We are not long home from a nice weekend at the Ranch AS site in Maybole it was their first weekend open of the season and we were the first tourer In through the gate on Friday. Not too busy but weather was ok sunny but cold although it did pour all night over night. Easy 40 min tow home today. Not much planned for the rest of the day just relax hopefully.
Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend
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My middle name is “Calamity”🤣
Rugs? I trip up
Doorhandles? I get snagged
Bollards? I ride into them on my bike
Mud? Magnetic! Splash down I go.
Water! I fall in.
The list is endless, ask my OH🤣🤣
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Motorhome has been in for its annual service although pick up has been delayed due to the need to replace the Air Bag ECU (expensive!) Now when the Motorhome is away it gives me the opportunity to pressure wash the paving in the back garden, providing the weather plays ball. I am almost glad the weather forecast has been wrong over the last few days as instead of the forecast which said rain it's been dry and at times sunny and not too cold. I have done most of what I set out to do but there is still a bit more which hopefully will be completed tomorrow as we collect the motorhome on Tuesday. Just got to go back out into the garden and put everything away now.
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Have just got in from taking our granddaughter to Tiverton station for her return to Plymouth. The station staff there are so very helpful and cheerful, getting and helping with the ramp for her to get onto the train. They sometimes put her in first class as it’s difficult to move everything, and everyone, to get her long wheelchair in the carriage, today was one of those days so she was pleased. They call ahead to Plymouth to have the ramp ready the other end. I have previously emailed HQ to thank them for their helpfulness. With all the roadworks around here we left an hour extra to make sure we got there on time, which we did easily. Not so coming home! Traffic lights and roadworks on the Devon Link Road. Then sadly we hit and killed a pheasant, tried very hard to miss it but no. Then we sat for 15 minutes at local roadworks traffic lights and realised they were broken (again) and stuck on red, they are controlled manually in the week due to huge delays and then they break every weekend. Too difficult to go against the red light so turn around and a big detour. As I put the key in the front door I got a text from Granddaughter - ‘home safe Nan’.So it took us the same amount of time. Nice cuppa now.
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Just checking in after a few days off. It teemed with rain here all Friday morning. I was on tour duty again and had 2 ladies from Florida in my group so I apologised profusely for our weather! It's been a bit of a mundane weekend just catching up on jobs. We did manage to get out in the garden today as we had a dry day at last. It looks a bit better after a good tidy.
Such good news that your MIL is now home WN. I expect it will mean more work for you and especially your OH in the short term but hopefully things will improve. I expect it will do your MIL the world of good to be back home. As to inanimate objects by nemisis is door handles. I constantly have bruises on my arms from where they jump out and hit me!
Good news that your operation was a success and you are already feeling the benefit KjellNN.
hadn't heard about the NHS routine lung XRay R&R. I gave up smoking some 20 years ago but would welcome a test as a dear friend of ours died of lung cancer just before Christmas. He had never been a smoker but had been a publican all his working life in the days when so many people smoked.
Glad you had such a nice relaxing weekend away Francis.
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Millie posted - "hadn't heard about the NHS routine lung XRay R&R. I gave up smoking some 20 years ago but would welcome a test as a dear friend of ours died of lung cancer just before Christmas. He had never been a smoker but had been a publican all his working life in the days when so many people smoked".
It's weird and very arbitrary in my view. I grew up in a household with a chain smoking father and an occasional smoking mother (5 a day) with a coal fire etc. My father died of lung cancer and I always thought that my childhood and brief(ish) affair with nicotine (10 years until I was 26) would consign me to the same fate but the x-rays I had when I punctured my lung 4 years ago showed no sign whatsoever. My elder brother was a smoker and then a pipe smoker until his 60s and worked in an environment with chemical extraction, an oil refinery, and when he last had his lungs checked over he was declared to have perfect lungs and respiratory system. Go figure.
I didn't know about the lung x-rays either. Are they following a referral Richard?
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Yes WN. Some people are 'lucky' and some not. It just seemed so unnfair to us that our friend got lung cancer because of his job and someone else we knew many years ago, who was also a non smoker, died from it because he was a trumpet player in a band. So pleased that your Xray was clear and also your brother's. Our GP surgery seems to be obsessed with BP readings at the moment as we are constantly being asked to send ours to them and also some friends of ours who are with the same surgery. Do they get paid everytime they record patients' blood pressur🤔😏
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Yay!!.... Booked all the sites for our summer jaunts away in the caravan (a mixture of CAMC and 'commercial' sites... from Devon to Aberdeen/ East Scotland - including Northumberland, Durham, Bridlington, Norfolk, Wiltshire, South Devon - and also a trip to visit our daughter in the Outer Hebrides (without the caravan). Just hope the car doesn't break down!!
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On your point about surgeries getting extra money to monitor things like Blood Pressure. I have heard that the NHS does have certain campaigns where they make money available to GP Practices to monitor certain conditions more fully than they would by just seeing patients now and again. No bad thing I suppose. I used to have my BP checked twice a year prior to Covid but that doesn't happen now. However I do have an annual Doppler Test which involves BP being taken so I assume that goes on my records?
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"I didn't know about the lung x-rays either. Are they following a referral Richard?"
WN - not exactly - it's an initiative by our Hospital Trust where they are inviting smokers and ex-smokers of a certain age to undergo a CT scan, having been identified by GP surgeries - if they wish. The mobile unit (two massive artic trailers) is travelling all over the Trust area. It was in Withernsea until recently and has now moved here for a while.
I think there is some funding tied up with it because it is also part of a research project - and I am guessing Hull University - as part of their link with the Trust and Hull - York Medical School. I was asked to agree to my anonymised medical data being made available to the researchers - to which I agreed, of course!
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Good to catch up on news. Especially that of KjellNN, RichardandRos, Wherenext MIL and the inspirational offspring of DEBSC. Apologies if I've missed any.
I have had an ankle/leg issue since doing something to it over 18 months ago. Physio usually gets it back on track every 6 months. All I can say is it feels odd. This time my refresh clashed with starting atorvastin, not that I twigged. Usually one maybe 2 visits sorts things. Not this time, all leg felt odd right up to the hip. A check up phone call from chemist pharmacist, whilst i was in the supermarket (great idea but not always good timing or when you've had time to gather your thoughts!)..asking follow up questions about atorvastin, especially leg pain. As I had existing issue I said no. However when I had brain space I wondered.... Upshot, I've not taken pill for a week, leg almost normal. Now need chat with GP but it will have to await our return from county Durham.
A few days away, meeting friend from Scotland exactly halfway! Lots of catching up chatter and exploring walks - Dora loving it apart from crossing sheep fields, completely new experience. Friday we drove into Barnard Castle for supplies, knew forecast was cold possible snow and there is no shops in the village. Most disconcerting to meet the gritter with snow plough attached on a, to me very, steep hill! It was a filthy day so did little apart from supplies and home. Met cars with snow whilst driving back but just heavy rain and sleet for us. Hills behind the house had a dusting. Heavy frost today but we've not had the snow 🤞
Good job my leg semi recovered, somehow we got off piste yesterday 😱. Kept to footpaths, but touched on north pennines way and tees river walk accidently 🤣.. Terrain very different to the edge of the Fens....... Underfoot similar but more boggy in places. Styles, definitely not been tackled for years along with stream hopping!! Eventually arrived back, filthy - boy I miss the dog shower, so does Dora! We'd been out 2.5 hours according to the app, and we're surprised to find we'd only covered 7.5 miles. We miss her late hubby who was the best map reader, we got complacent! good job we never attempted to bring mine! No bath in the cottage, shower doesn't cut the aches..... I seem to find the stairs easier today.
In regard to Wherenext"s question about inanimate objects - welcome to my world. I'd like to say slightly better than Takethedogalong but that may come back to bite me!
Our surgery does annual 'MOT' blood pressure, and bloods. I'm sure that's one of their incentives, these came in several years ago. A bit like the pre diabetes checks and courses. Our new surgery much more on tge ball than our last thankfully. Not sure how long it will last with all the new build going on nearby, which doesn't appear to getting schools, doctors etc among the thousands, yes thousands,of houses.
Time to resume our catch up nattering and decide on a shorter walk..... Best laid plans etc
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It’s a bit of a strange week, in a strange month here. Two birthdays, mine and Mum’s this week. It’s 40 years this month since we got the keys to our house, remember how exciting that was, and it’s (thankfully) very different nowadays, a forty year labour of love. The end of this month will be twenty years since I finished my first career, I decided to get out while the going was good and do something else, never regretted that decision.
Weather was quite nice yesterday, so had a pleasant few hours in garden. This morning is looking frosty but sunny, so might have a day out somewhere today, Southall, or possibly Newark for a change.0 -
Go to Southall Minster tda. It is absolutely beautiful. Some friends of ours are lucky enough to live opposite. There is also Southall Workhouse. There was a big article about Wenworth Woodhouse in The Sunday Times 'Home' supplement yesterday that you might find interesting.
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Our surgery seems to do something like this. We have both recently done Atrial Fibrillation tests. After we signed up we were sent a handheld ECG machine that we had to hold for 30 seconds 4 times a day for 3 weeks. Each measurement was sent back to the trial centre, in Cambridge, via a cell phone signal. We have heard that neither of us had a problem ‘at the time the tests were done, but that doesn’t mean we may not have it’. They have to cover themselves I suppose!
Glad to hear all is well with you all, mostly. Pleased to hear MIL is home again Wherenext. Hope your leg problem is getting better B2.
We are off to Macau again soon, wasn’t planning on going again yet but it seems a ‘needs must’ this time. Our son is having a back operation and after that he and wife are planning a holiday (delayed honeymoon) so we will babysitting our 5 year old Granddaughter and 15 month old Grandson - eeeekkk!!!! I hope it will be ok, I just hope no one is poorly while Mum and Dad are away.
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You are probably right about the Atorvastatin Bakers. Over 20 years ago our GP put me on them (apparently I can make cholesterol for Britain) and I had to return to her with awful leg pains and other issues. She changed them, I now take ones called Lipitor and very few problems since.
Thank you all for your kind comments about our granddaughter, yes she is inspirational and we are so proud of her. Your inspirational comments remind me of her at college. Because, with her illness, she passed out so often they said she couldn’t take or pass her exams, they weren’t particularly helpful, apart from one teacher. She suggested she take them laying on the floor, she still passed out but couldnt then fall. The exam board allowed her a little extra time. So that’s what she did, and she past with flying colours. On the leaving presentation night she was presented with a new award, an inspirational award. The college also said she wouldn’t be able to go to Uni - yes she’s had major problems but she’s in her second year. I’ve learnt that people should never try to hold kids back.
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Thank you Millie, I will take a look at that article. Some really good events going off at WW on a regular basis, we get the newsletter plus it’s somewhere very local. They were filming something last month, can’t recall what, but Kate Winslet and Hugh Grant were around.
Decided on Southall😁 We have been before, but it’s a nice run, nicer than Newark which involves too much of the A1. There’s a rare plant fair at Southall on 17th of this month, but we are up in Skipton on a railway trip.
Forty years ago yesterday, the Miners Strike started. Lots of articles and history, documentaries on TV. Very good one from three different perspectives on Channel 4.
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Great she is doing so well Debsc. When I worked in the Leisure Industry, we organised Disability sports competitions. They were always really great to work on, and it was a huge learning curve for me and all my staff. But we quickly realised it wasn’t about what “others” thought they could do, it was about what they knew they were capable of, and how if given the chance and opportunity, folks would just get on with things. We were in awe of the Paracyclists last week at the National Cycling Championships.
Enjoy Macau, if you get the time, think you are going to be busy Heddlo😁
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Bakers2 - Ros has been taking statins for some time now and has had no end of problems with cramps and pains in her legs. She's gone through a whole host of alternative medications but none of them made much difference - until our Doctor suggested what was really the last resort - and it was the last resort because, apparently, it's horrendously expensive! She's been on that for about a year and has experienced no nasty side effects whatsoever. I'll have a look later and let you know what it's called.
Well, I bit the bullet this morning and set about something I have been putting off for weeks - hiding behind the awful weather. I now have a perfectly clean and gleaming caravan roof even it did take me the best part of four hours to complete! I have to say a big 'thank you' to David (DSB) for recommending that rechargeable rotary brush on a long handle. It was absolutely brilliant and so easy to use and, together with a liberal application of Auto Glym Caravan and Motorhome cleaner cut through the grime like magic
. It's almost exactly a year since Paul from Tourershine came to work his magic on the van and it's incredible to see how filthy it has got in that period. Just goes to show just how much muck is in our atmosphere.
Just got the sides to clean and polish now - but that's the easy bit (comparatively)
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Richard - I normally wash the roof of our caravan twice a year once in the summer and once around Christmas time this seems to keep it clean enough but not the easiest task as you say. Normally give the front back and sides a clean after every few trips away this keeps it clean enough
Been a lovely sunny day here today but very cold. I took the opportunity to give the car a wash so it’s now sitting sparkling on the drive. We are still trying to decide where to go for our main summer trip in July we settle on one area then see something on the telly or read an article then change our mind so will need to get it decided soon so we can start making proper plans