What are you all up to



    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited February 2024 #58742

    A trip into town today we finally purchased a new suite, we had chosen the one we wanted but couldn’t decide on the colour, last day of sale so make our mind up time. We went for the pale cream that OH liked, I already have cream throws that will probably get used, especially when the family (and their dogs) come, never had a pale suite before.     It’s been raining all day again today, at least no hosepipe ban again this year as the reservoirs are all full. Not surprised when the local weather reporter said that Devon has had 3 and a half times the normal rainfall so far for February.                            

    So glad that bomb didn’t go off in Plymouth, a job well done by all concerned in removing it but a lot of disruption to 10,000 residents. I remember Dad taking us to Plymouth when I was young and there was still so much just flattened ground in the city centre long after the war. Must have been a shock to the householder when they found it, it was very large. It’s been all over our local news for days.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,467
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    edited February 2024 #58743

    Unexploded bombs in Plymouth were a regular occurrence at one time, especially in that area near the Naval Dockyard. I think they’ve made such a fuss about this one because it’s a pretty rare event these days.

    I can remember the City Centre being rebuilt back in the 1950s after the devastation of the blitz.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,839
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    edited February 2024 #58744

    Well, our week at York Beechwood Grange comes to an end tomorrow but we are leaving today - just sick and fed up with the weather.  As Ros said, yesterday - it's been constant 'hosepipe' weather. Indeed, it doesn't seem to have really stopped since we were away in November. Everywhere around the site other than the roads and hardstandings is totally waterlogged and the dog walk is out of action because of it. Still, it's been a change of surroundings and we had a nice pub lunch with our friends in Old Malton on Wednesday.

    Ironically today and tomorrow are forecast to be dry - but we will see!!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58745

    After yesterday's hail I expected frost. Its still thick and sparkly in the sun at 0730. Beautiful.

    Richard andros I understand completely where you're coming from. Maybe today will be OK? But it won't sort the wet ground issue. Safe travelling if you move on. 

    Nelliethehooker my day might have sounded busy but it was an easy one. Dropped off the dog journeyed to Huntingdon. OH to barbers, haberdashery a few door down,then into the library where OH joined me before we returned to collect dog on our way home. Very civilised.

    Today reflexology, she's fitted me in I wasn't expecting it, after having to cancel because of flu.

    Hopefully it'll stay nice and I need to do nothing more than please myself 🤣🤣

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,446
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    edited February 2024 #58746

    I too was following the bomb story. Glad everything went off (pardon the pun) safely for all concerned. We haven’t been to Plymouth for ages, never really explored properly either, but Torpoint Ferry was for years our chosen route into Cornwall. So interesting down there in the 1980’s, when it was home to lots of RN vessels. There was always something sinister about the submarines. We had a Jane’s guide to the ships, enjoyed looking them up.

    Glorious morning here, full on blazing sunshine, but a heavy frost overnight. Glad I protected one or two things last night in garden. Hoping to get Mums garden ready for return of her gardeners in March. I have to put labels on things telling them not to dig/pull up, not to use strimmer round base of some stuff as it strips bark off and they die. They are nice, but there’s a world of difference between a “gardener” and some one who only does grounds maintenance. 

    I love a good rummage around a proper haberdashery Bakers. Sis and I have been doing a bit of sewing of all kinds lately. She is embroidering/making stuff for her Etsy Shop, and also making me a very unusual bag to go with a wedding outfit. Meanwhile, I have been hand sewing lace onto a quite plain dress, and my next task is to make an already lovely silk hat that little bit more special. We never stop here, even OH is busy. He’s renovating wings, dashboard and windscreen on MG. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,467
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    edited February 2024 #58747

    TDA, when I was growing up, the Torpoint ferry was the usual way for most people to cross with a vehicle. The Tamar Bridge opened in 1961 and changed everything. Yes, those were the days when our Navy had a real fleet and the ships and subs could be seen moored in the Tamar and alongside the Dockyard wall.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,446
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    edited February 2024 #58748

    We haven’t managed to get into the Citadel yet, but we enjoyed the Hoe, and the old Lighthouse. A very long time ago though, possibly late 80’s.😁

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited February 2024 #58749

    A very wet and cold day here just about 4C brr so inside chores today although most done yesterday, OH still scanning old photos one more batch to do.

    Bakers2 yes I did read re your plants but only thought about answering recently once I had looked them up and noticed they are a banned plant to sell in UK because they are so invasive.

    Weather looking very mixed for the next few days heyho it is still February, gardening will wait until drier and warmer.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,467
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    edited February 2024 #58750

    I don’t think I could manage the stairs in Smeaton’s Tower these days but did it several times in my long ago youth🙂. The Royal Citadel, too, and their Music of the Night events were spectacular.👏

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited February 2024 #58751

    "Yes, those were the days when our Navy had a real fleet and the ships and subs could be seen moored in the Tamar and alongside the Dockyard wall."

    Although i was what was commonly known as a Guzz rating, in 10 years of service i never had a Plymouth based ship, but i can remember when ships in Pompey dockyard were tied up alongside sometimes 3 deep as there were so many, Chatham was the same, today if you see 1 you are lucky and then they are normally covered in scalfolding being repaired, similarly at HMS Dolphin there was always a couple of subs to be seen. Was reading only yesterday that it took nearly 7 years to refit HMS Vanguard almost as long as it took to build it.

    mixed day today, sunshine and showers, i did cut the grass yesterday, 3rd time this year, grass was ok but the ground was very soggy but it looks ok not much scraping of the mower, in fact, the whole garden looks rather spendid, we have lots of bulbs in bloom, particularly hyacinths, i used to grow them for indoors as i love the smelll and then i planted them in the garden when they had gone over.

    Dont want the sun to shine too much today and then i wont feel so guilty glued to the box watching rugby, come on England 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,446
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    edited February 2024 #58752

    I actually bought a three cornered leek a long time ago, mainly as they reminded me of the ones we always saw in Cornish hedge rows. It’s still in the shady bit of my garden, but hasn’t spread at all. Sounds like I have been very lucky.🤞

    Finished my dress, midnight blue velvet. I like Winter Weddings, scope for jewel colours, rather than more muted Summer colours. On to the hat next……

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2024 #58753

    I've been in the Citadel many times, OH was stationed there from December 1972 to May 1974.  The wives used to go up to the Hoe to see the ships, as they used to anchor in the sound, the night before entering the docks on return from a long exercise.

    We lived in Granby, so not far from the dockyard. Loved driving past there on the top deck of a bus, you could see which ships were in. The young girls new them all 😆

    We used to use the Torpoint ferry to go down to Cornwall much preferred that to the bridge.

    We used to go to Tregantle beach at the weekends. Bit of a climb down and you had to watch the tides or you could get cut off. Oh happy days. 

    It's been another nice day here after a very cold and frosty night. Good frost on cars and grass first thing but once the sun came out it was lovely. Managed another 2 hours in the front garden. 

    Must look up the 3 covered leek thing it has me intrigued.

    Rugby on now so work has to stop, could be fun I'm English OH Scottish 😅


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,874
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    edited February 2024 #58754

    Had a lovely morning walking along the edge of the marshes by the River Dee. We were up early, both of us having a poor night's sleep. The sun on your back, precious little wind, birdsong in the air including some Skylarks. Magic.

    Back home for lunch then off visiting. We think MiL will be home some time next week. Called in at Marks to top up the freezer with her favourite food.

    Your day at the Cathedral sounded sounded interesting Millie.

    Hope the day went well Ttda.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited February 2024 #58755

    Today I managed to speak very briefly to our granddaughter who is at uni in Plymouth, she said it was like covid lockdown in the City yesterday so quiet near the route. She said she had to go to Lidl’s before and people were stocking up with bread and tins she said, ‘I don’t get it Nan, either you get blown up or you’re fine, why do people need to stock up’. She made me laugh at her logic. She is coming home later next week to collect a new, specially measured, wheelchair from our local hospital, so it will be nice to see her.

    I recently painted the wooden surround on our fireplace, before that I painted our Welsh dresser pale blue, with new handles as well it really gave it a new lease of life, today I painted a mahogany corner unit cream, it was rather fiddly so I’ve only managed half of it but looking good so far. That’s three items we thought of replacing but now keeping all three, so it was worth doing.

    This flipping rugby isn’t going our way!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited February 2024 #58756

    A bright sunny day after some rain before we got up. Did a bit of cleaning inside the caravan but really a lazy sort of day for me, with only 4 dog walks so far. Enjoyed watching the Ireland/Wales game but not so the Calcutta Cup game!frown

    Good to read that you both had a fine morning out walking, WN, and fingers crossed that your MIL is allowed home next week.

    It sounds as if there have been many members busy both in their gardens and on projects indoors. Well done one and all.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,862
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    edited February 2024 #58757

    Frost first thing here but lovely and bright so we went to have a walk round the park in the sunshine followed by a coffee. It was lovely - sunshine, no wind. Such a wonderful change after all that rain. It inspired us to then visit the local garden centre where I bought some wild primroses which I planted in an old galvanised small bath that I had cleared out a few weeks ago. A nice long chat to my cousin who lives in Poole this afternoon while OH watched the England/Scotland match. We won't talk about the result. Grand-daughter in Ireland will be well pleased though!

    Glad you had a 'lazy' day nellie. Four dog walks sounds quite busy to me!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58758

    Weather sounds similar to us, here in North Warks.  Been off visiting family tiday, but managed to book a few days away in the caravan.. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,874
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    edited February 2024 #58759

    We had some Chicken Pakoras the other night with a salad for dinner. Unfortunately the smell lingered for days and days. Nothing we tried seemed to work. Air fresheners, windows opened or left on vent, extractor fan left on for a while. Today we managed it. Yep, we've replaced with the smell of a Strong French runny cheese.😱😂 Oh well as least it doesn't smell musty.

    Had a walk around the local lanes this morning in freezing fog. It's finally disappeared to be replaced by a cloudy day. 

    Enjoy the rest of your day folks.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited February 2024 #58760

    A very wet and windy day here yuck 11mm of rain so far and more to come, did managed to get out to my compost bin when rain was not so heavy.

    WN I have used lavender or other incense burning sticks and that usually helps to get rid of strong smells.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,691
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    edited February 2024 #58761

    Excellent weather (well for us north European visitors but normal for residents) continues with 28C+ with a very warm wind that is certainly needed. Just eating, drinking, sleeping, and working on my tan. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,874
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    edited February 2024 #58762

    Made the most of some good weather and being free from hospital visiting until this evening we decided to have a walk along the Wirral Way into West Kirkby. It was good to see the new flood defences they've put in last year and the improved walkway along one side of the marine lake.

    Called in to have a look at the Sandstone Church at Caldy village. Lovely little church but with its own organ. 

    Had lunch out so we weren't rushed for evening visit. MiL still perky. We're expecting some equipment later this week to facilitate her discharge.

    Quite tired after a full day so about to have an early night.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited February 2024 #58763

    Another fine dry day thankfully, although we didn't do anything exciting! JA bit of shopping and a walk in the town's park this morning before a quick visit for OH to see the dentist and to rearrange an appointment. This afternoon I completed a few small cleaning jobs on the car between walks. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited February 2024 #58764

    Looks like I am all set for my op on Thursday.  Met with surgeon yesterday, I am second on the list, so should be back in my room by 13.00.  She has booked me for an overnight stay and there will be a blood test on Friday morning to check all is OK, so I should hopefully be allowed home in the afternoon.

    Miserable weather this morning, yesterday was very sunny, but also very cold. 

    More progress in upstairs bathroom with finishing touches, cupboards now taken into use, so just the blind and the toilet roll holder to put up.  Have to find the brackets for the blind  first though.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,446
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    edited February 2024 #58765

    Getting closer to coming home WN😁 That’s good news. Won’t be long before you are off again I am guessing Nellie👍

    Good afternoon and evening at the Cycling, once we got there. Woodhead was closed as we set off😱, so we detoured via Holmfirth. Traffic bad as it usually is, but we enjoyed spectacular drive across Saddleworth Moor. Then itwas the outskirts of Manchester and the horrendous traffic there. It’s 35 miles from home to Velodrome. It took us two and a quarter hours😡 No signage for parking, so that was a magic roundabout until we could get back to Etihad. Short walk to velo allowed us to stuff down a sandwich, then it was bag searched for illicit food, and check bottles were empty. Inside of course you had a marvellous choice of chips, burger, or a pulled pork roll (£9🤷‍♀️) so much as I feared, corporate catering greed. Water was from glass jugs lined up. Excellent racing though, and a good crowd. 

    We are off to see Bill Bailey tonight, should be fun😁

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,446
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    edited February 2024 #58766

    Best wishes for Thursday K, hope you are sorted, in and out quickly👍

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,839
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    edited February 2024 #58767

    And from us KJ - Just get in and out as quickly as you cansmile

    Spent most of yesterday and today cleaning the inside of the van after getting back from York,  It desperately needs the roof cleaning and the whole of it polishing but the weather here hasn't allowed that to be done.  Hopefully there may be a weather 'window' towards the end of next week and I can get it smartened up again.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited February 2024 #58768

    Same from us Kj and all goes well.

    Shopping yesterday in Villefranche as OH needed plumbing bits a very wet day, but better today and some glimpses of sun so a few chores outside and OH doing his plumbing whilst weather dry.

    Had message off a local friend as they had been to UK to see grandson who is nearly 5 months old and she felt unwell whilst there and ended up in A&E when they got back to find she has gall bladder issues and will have to have it removed sometime also she has to go back early next month to see consultant as she also has problems with her kidneys so not good news and now off work as she does part time home help work 4 days a week and not sure when she will be able to go back to work.

    Enjoy Bill Bailey Ttda.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,153
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    edited February 2024 #58769

    Not such a pleasant morning here but fortunately the rain passed through and we had a dryish afternoon and evening. Lasting Power of Attorney forms partially signed up and now forwarded to our daughter {our attorney} and son for there signatures. It will no doubt take a week or two before we get them back for our final signatures and then a good few more weeks before the process is completed, hopefully. Received a text from the hospital with letter containing the date of my MRI Scan, towards the end of next month, which fits nicely in with our plans, although I do have to be there for 8:20 on a Sunday morning!!

    Fingers crossed that your operation goes without a hitch and you are back home the following morning, Kjell.

    Tda, glad to hear that you had a good day at the cycling, and hope you have an enjoyable evening at the Bill Bailey performance. You might be right in thinking that we could be planning a trip away, and I will update you later.

    RK, sorry to hear of you friends condition and hope that she soon can have her operation and is able to get back to work.

    Hold the weather improves enough for you to get your caravan cleaned, R&R, I was fortunate when we got home from our last trip that we had a couple of decent days which enable me to get the van and car cleaned

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited February 2024 #58770

    Good luck Kj 👍

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58771

    All the best for Thursday KjellNN. 
