Steamer Quay Upgrade



  • Unknown
    edited December 2023 #122
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  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited December 2023 #123

    I’ve been visiting Totnes since before I can remember. I lived not too far away and had friends and relatives who lived there and I visited on a regular basis. Therefore, I am very familiar with the uses of Steamer Quay Road and Longmarsh car park. It’s not been necessary for me to stay overnight in order to witness the happenings there and I have no need or desire to embellish the occurrences of other stayers or boy racers. I’m very happy if no or few users of Longmarsh have been bothered by such events but, believe me, it happens. 


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited December 2023 #124

    "You're right, I'd happily use the council Aire at a tenner over SQ at £50-60?..."

    So there's the solution for you and WTG then, YT. You're happy and those who choose to use the site will presumably be equally happy with their choice. The club will have spent a considerable sum refurbishing SQ and that has to be recouped surely?

    What amount would you be prepared to pay if you could choose to opt out of your unwanted facilities by the way?

  • Unknown
    edited December 2023 #125
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited December 2023 #126

    I think the Club (and Portmeirion) know exactly what they are doing and they probably have the evidence to support their approach to SQ, and as I mentioned the site in Worthing had that been possible would have been the same. So it seems that similar sites will be developed in the same way in the future? I have no problem with that. I think the Club recognise that our hobby is no longer done of a make do and mend basis financially and they have probably identified that an increasing number of members are investing, what some of us might think of, as vast sums in caravans and towcars and motorhomes and probably come to the conclusion they they will also be prepared to pay a premium price for a pitch? The odd thing about this discussion is that the few that are not in favour are probably unlikely to use the site even if it had regular hard standing pitches because they consider them too expensive! 


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited December 2023 #127

    If the club developed SQ like a standard site with a mixture of standard hardstanding and service pitches, we would only be looking at a £4.90 saving. Not I suspect enough for YT and others to consider it over nearby alternatives. I can’t but think all the arguments rather pointless. EHU, or not, and or metering may be in the mix in the future but are not the norm yet.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited January 2024 #130

    It is such a shame that the club cannot embrace the model adopted by Camping Car-Parks which includes sites designated Camping de Mon-Village, where caravans and tents are also permitted during the summer. The majority of these locations cost less than £15 per night, including electric and are invariably located within walking distance of a local town or attraction.

    They are very good and we have used  them on numerous occasions along with the their MH only ones. However, the Mon village are generally ex municipals and there still seems to be some tie in with the local community, as in  grass cutting, facilities cleaning etc. I suspect in comparison, that at SQ, the local council will be screwing as much as possible out of the CAMC for continuing the lease.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited January 2024 #131

    Great post JimE, 36,332 members of CAMpRA would most likely agree with you.


  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Forum Participant Posts: 6,916
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    edited January 2024 #132

    Despite the criticism I have no doubt the Club  knows its customer base vey well    - for the most part elderly, risk averse, security conscious, wanting coded  barriers and a warden on site 24 hours a day, well off, wanting home comforts and easy living , a dog walk close by, neatness and tidiness,  willing to do as they are told and accept the order and  rules and regulations the Club imposes .

    The new site is not catering for young folk with surf boards on a VW, nor those who drive overnight to Devon and would like to come on site at 8 am., nor for families with children - there will be absolutely no provision for them. But for typical Club members Steamer Quay will suit them perfectly. 

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,587
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    edited January 2024 #133

    We have used a significant number of the CCP mon-village site both in high and low seasons. 

    It is true that they are generally ex-municipals and partly maintained by the local authority.

    That is understandable as they continue to be owned by the authority with CCP acting as the sales/management/booking organisation paying the authority a share of the proceeds and for their maintenance work. 

    I think the big difference between how CCP and the French local authorities’ relationship is that it is collaborative for the financial benefit of the area, whereas in the UK it is less so and perhaps even adversarial, usually to the detriment of both parties, the users and the local economy.    

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited January 2024 #134

    I sort of echo ET’s thoughts. I expect to see more fully loaded pitches, less choice on pitch type and essentially more expensive average nightly fees this year. We have stayed on a few of the Club’s newer site offerings lately, where refurbs have definitely gone down the route of less grass, less greenery overall, less having to do some of the traditional “camping” type chores, such as emptying a wastemaster or filling a water carrier, and the new facility blocks (such as at Clumber) are very nice, but it all comes at a cost to users. You either roll with it, or you don’t.

    When the Club is charging pitch users more than it charges glamping pod users (albeit at quiet times), it has it’s captive market absolutely spot on, and knows that provide a few specifics and you can literally charge whatever you like. And extract a Membership fee on top of it!

    I’d add that our Club Site usage has been for either a specific event, or to stay alongside friends, and Club Sites are no longer our first choice outside of these parameters. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited January 2024 #135

    I’d add another worrying trend as well. Yes the Club is offering discounts, but they are tending to have minimum night clauses attached to them, such as the 10% recently promoted. Book four nights, or you don’t get it. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited January 2024 #137

    The Club aren’t doing anything wrong, just marketing to their strengths, probably re writing strategic reviews, coping strategies for being in what is now a very big, highly competitive selling environment. Evolving like any any other business would do to survive.

    In my time it’s gone from something that offered a slightly unwelcoming front to two very young tourers with a less than conventional outfit, to not being at all welcoming to tent campers (we ditched our Membership), to a friendlier, cheap chain of decent priced sites covering UK, (we rejoined) to feeling it needed to make sure everyone knew you could use it with four wheels (name change), to trying to push the “family” holiday aspect (no idea how this was taken up), to embracing more types of holiday accommodation (pods, cabins, Airstreams, yurts, etc…..) and now it’s concentrating on its current core market of affluent (in the main) tour but without the chores or any possible unknown elements of risk or surprise demograph. 

    The Club has a large percentage of users who like to stay put on a site, no matter what outfit they are in, more than other site providers. Hence it’s upgrade of Steamer Quay, all the ease of touring, and located close to a walkable nice place. Another YRP or Baltic Wharf, which have long been very popular, and easy for the kind of MH owners who leave their outfits on-site. 

    Simplified potted history I grant you, but it has had to change to keep going. It will win or lose customers every time it evolves one way or another. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited January 2024 #138

    makes you wonder why those folk in their very expensive German vans head across the channel rather than spend (another) small fortune on club site fees.

    Not really, it’s probably because it’s what they want to do. Similarly we took our, not quite so expensive, MH over there and spent £16 a night. In the same year we toured here, utilising quite a few CAMC sites and spent £35 a night. We did both because it’s what we wanted to do. We use both clubs sites in the UK because we like them and enjoy touring here as much as over there. We intend to do the same this year.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited January 2024 #139

    I don’t think the price of an outfit is that relevant. We own an elderly MH, and a very elderly caravan, purely because camping to us is a cheap way of staying in and exploring an area. We went down the buy it, run it yourself route to avoid some of the (to us) irritating pitfalls that come with newer outfits. Plus we have been doing it for decades, and our pension lump sums haven’t gone on one aspect of our retirement as it’s not what we wanted. I simply don’t believe I would enjoy myself any the more if I was in a brand new, £200k outfit. 

    All we want is a value for money stopover in a place we have chosen to visit that gives us all our current needs, not too many aspects provided so that the price we have to pay is subsidising other users, is legal, safe and reasonably attractive. We are not the Club’s demograph and accept it.

    As regards Totnes specifically, it’s a lovely, different little place, with some interesting places to visit, attractive shops. We have only done it as day visitors, as part of a long holiday up on Dartmoor. We like to get out and about beyond our immediate holidaying location, so I doubt SQ would attract us away from this kind of visiting. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited January 2024 #140

    +1 Steve, so very simple yet so very true. 

    It's their outfit and there is no correct manner in which to use it, if they want to 'recreate' and use their MH as a caravan then that's it. Equally use all the freedom as you see fit. Spend as one sees fit. There is no reason that one should take a touring holiday here or there based on anything other than one's personal wishes.

    There does appear to be this myth that any outfit has to be used in one particular way in a certain type of site and otherwise sadly it's a reason to mock and use labels.

    No one is forced to use any site, club or not. Not forced to pay the membership fee either. But as membership is at an all time high and at the last count there are more MHs than caravans so the club must be doing something exceedingly well to attract them. And no it's not a case of most of them to use CLs, club sites are quite full of motorhomes and often get to 90% on SPs.

    Again so very simple, it's because they want to. No other reason is required.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited January 2024 #141

    I will reserve judgement as to whether I used SQ not. I expect the price in the low season to be of the order of £30p.n. based on similar pitching at Dornafield or Ramslade. Both are not very competitive compared to where I normally stay. I think I am unlikely to use it at those prices given that if I wanted to visit Totnes for the day, Longmarsh car parking is always an option for day time parking and I would not have to wait to get on site until 1p.m. either.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited January 2024 #142

    Between 1987 and 2016 (29 years) we had many lovely holidays in Europe. I don't think the cheapness of sites was ever taken into account as a reason to cross the Channel. Certainly when we were at work, so time for holidays was limited, despite a fairly generous holiday entitlement, the cost of crossings and insurance tended to cancel out any advantage that cheaper sites may have had. Obviously a bit different in retirement when you are able to spend more time away.  In the early days I don't think sites in Europe were that much different, especially if booked through the Club and before the various discount schemes emerged. This was of course before the Euro when exchange values could vary a lot.  We went abroad to experience the countries we were visiting and we travelled far and wide to most parts of France, extensively in Germany almost right across to the Polish border, extensively in Austria and quite a bit of Italy. What sites did we like best, it was those near to towns and cities where we could hop on a bus or a train to explore, we did this even when we had a car and caravan. This is still our MO in the UK. We like sites where we can use local transport to get into nearby towns and cities which brings us back neatly to Steam Quay and its like. It seems to me a ideal location to explore that area and an easy walk into the town on those days you might not want to travel further afield. So, if Steamer Quay is £10 a night more than some site, even of equal quality, out in the countryside where travel is more restricted is £70 a week going to cause me nightmares, of course not, its not even a reasonable meal out for two in a decent restaurant!


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited January 2024 #143

    So, if Steamer Quay is £10 a night more than some site, even of equal quality, out in the countryside where travel is more restricted is £70 a week going to cause me nightmares, of course not, its not even a reasonable meal out for two in a decent restaurant!

    It wouldn't give me nightmares either David. I am more concerned about paying for services I do not need and the future direction of the Club. To many £70 is a lot, it would easily pay for 3 more nights on the site I use or a meal in their on site restaurant.



  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,587
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    edited January 2024 #144

    So, if Steamer Quay is £10 a night more than some site, even of equal quality, out in the countryside where travel is more restricted is £70 a week going to cause me nightmares, of course not, its not even a reasonable meal out for two in a decent restaurant!

    Paying £10 per day for something that I don't need or want is not something I would do any more than I would put a £10 note through a shredder each day.  This year we hope to be away for around 160 days and that equates to £1600 wasted or a good few decent meals out or a host of other things.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,399
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    edited January 2024 #145

    However, the other side of the coin is paying £10 more a day for something we do want. Which would  be the case for us if we get around to visiting the revamped SQ. Everyone is different LLM, it’s only a waste if you don’t enjoy it.

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,587
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    edited January 2024 #147

    If you want it fine.  

  • LLM
    LLM Forum Participant Posts: 1,587
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    edited January 2024 #148

    Nicely put WTG.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited January 2024 #149

    I'm a great fan of SP but of course not all club sites have them and so I don't use those sites.

    Do I feel the club isn't catering for my needs then?

    Of course not. But if I did, well the answer is obvious.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited January 2024 #151

    As far as Steamer Quay is concerned much of this discussion is a bit academic as the decision has been made. If the occupancy rates meet what the Club expects then the decision will proved to be right. That is does not mean that some might be disappointed that the site is over spec'd for their needs. As someone mentioned upthread we have no idea of what the lease costs are for this site and perhaps having all serviced pitches was the only way to make it viable from a cost perspective? Perhaps this style of site is the blue print for others that might come in the future? 
